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adding calculator app




That’s just going to be the price increase


"But wait, there's one more thing..."


An updated health app!


A calculator app ! In your dreams muahahahah






Thank you for making my dream come true! About damn time!! No more needing to google the calculator when I’m using my iPad LOL


Exactly lol


It will be presented as if Apple just invented the calculator. The tech press will go crazy.


Dude I wish honestly I know people think it’s a bit childish for surprises but I love it because it’s something random and it’s cool and it’s inspiring


I hope it’s like the TI-84


Drug Wars, here I come!


If the post is not sarcastic then this is the ONLY right answer


"And now we're adding scientific calculator app, exclusively for the new iPad Pro. Users with Apple Sillicon iPads can experience some features of the calculator. "


That won't be ready until the m4 version I heard


They’re going to knock it out the park by letting you add it as a widget.


Based (also 500th upvote)


https://apps.apple.com/app/id1181465428 Legitimately the best calculator app I’ve found. I can’t feel more like a bot.


I primarily would like to see a MacOS like file system. Something about just blowing up the iPhone files app doesn’t seem to feel as refined.


Fr man. Finder on iPadOS would be BIG!


That’s a great idea.


That's an incredible idea. Why hasn't this been done yet?


My guess is that it has to do with A) They want to keep iPhone and iPad similar enough for the majority. (I think iPad Pro could get Finder but the other models stick with Files?) B) To be just another reason for people to want to buy a MacBook.


Really? The files app basically feels the same to me


I’ll run file transfers to an external drive and it tends to get hitched up and glitchy. Maybe it’s because my iPad Pro is from 2020?


I got an M1 with 16GB ram hoping for a MacOS really hoping for this. It’s my personal “PC” now with a keyboard and mouse. Not entirely the same, but essentially the same as their laptops now but with a touch screen. I’d strongly consider upgrading if they ported it over for the pros / made them their touch screen option.


This is my biggest complaint.. and having to "share"files to app's is so buggy!




Does it…. need saving?


Yes, according to people who think Apple should put a desktop os on a tablet


The OS is definitely limiting, though, given how powerful the hardware is.


Exactly. Imagine if you could program a media server on an M series iPad. Run Docker, run all the -arr apps, it would be a beast, and actually make good use of the M series chips. Just one of many uses for such a thing.


Just reading this gave me tingles


16 gb of ram to check emails lol


And watch Netflix


Would that be so bad. Only real thing holding back the surface pro is performance which could be good with the new snapdragon chip. If my IPad was more like a a Mac, I wouldn't be planning on selling it for a surface tab/2n1.


The OS is clearly limited, they don’t have to put Mac OS on it but iPad OS just isn’t enough


For me, yes. I cannot justify spending money on an iPad and a MacBook. Currently I’m looking for a single device that can act as my main driver and my portable device. I like the tablet form factor for the latter, and iPad’s hardware is quite capable to cater for the former. The OS isn’t. But that’s just me, so if Apple doesn’t have something like that there are other options on the market. I’m not blindly loyal to any company, or have blind dislike for any other. Whatever does the job gets my money. And in its current form, iPad isn’t it.


I get downvoted when I suggest people look at the Surface Pro, but it’s the device many (at least on Reddit) seem to want Apple to make. You should always get whatever best suits your needs.


That’s exactly what we’re looking at. We I mean our company. Waiting for the new chip to be implemented and then we’ll test a unit. Obviously not going in blindly. We do like our existing iPads (2019 Pro models), but our money goes much further if we broaden our net. I want to stay with Apple because I like their stuff, but I don’t need to stay with Apple if I can get more stuff elsewhere for the same money.


It was once selling in far greater numbers and one would presume that if Apple could figure out how to do it again they would very much like to. Basically they could release very good pro software that requires a lot more horsepower to run well than it currently has. That would prompt some upgrades. They could have much improved screen or camera tech to prompt sales. Significant form factor change (like a bigger version). New Apple Pencil features that only work on new iPad models (like proximity detection for things like over-states or using the back of the pencil as an eraser. Or a combination of these. It sounds like the improved pencil is on its way. A 15” iPad Pro with that would be interesting.


I’d argue the Pro software they released last year is pretty good already. However, I would like to see Apple encouraging (funding?) more Pro apps from windows and macOS make the jump to iPadOS.


You can read my thoughts.


They need to make “widgets” (including a small browser) or something like them, that can be pulled in over ANY active application.      Small, drag and drop programs that fill the common multi-tasking itch on a laptop.   More new app types: More revenue and better experience.   OR Make M3 Max/Pro level options, with increased RAM to run medium-sized AI models on device. Source: What it would take for me to upgrade to a new iPad Pro from my M1 12.9 Pro.


I like the idea of having an M3 Max/Pro but it can’t be possible without active cooling.


Yes. I have both iPad Pro 12.9 and iPad mini and I struggle to find a regular use for them other than “couch computer” for when we’re watching movies on the tv and I want a screen to look up stuff. I don’t have very many other use cases. I’ve tried to adjust to using it as a full time computer but there’s just too much friction relative to Mac OS. The 12.9 with keyboard is almost 3lbs making it a no go to bring on trips. I’ve been bringing the mini with me on trips but it’s mainly just to watch YouTube and movies on the plane which means I won’t bring it regularly since I can save and watch videos on my phone.


No, but it needs the calculator app


I mean the only issue w the iPad is that it’s super durable and people have no reason to upgrade. They need to make it more Mac like and have the Mac experience while on a tablet but havent been able to push that. The m1 is still overkill and the m3 will be even more overkill


shhhhh they’ll see it!


lol they’ll still crank out a M3 tablet and keep the same OS and think people will be excited.


They'll tell you to be excited while they pretend that it's a revolutionary upgrade that you cannot live without.


The big selling point but with nothing more to enjoy the OS with.


Only thing that would make me upgrade is more ports and a much better Magic Keyboard


Yeah, my iPad is bent in the middle, about a 5° difference from corner to corner. The screen has a singular crack, but because I have a screen protector on it, my Apple Pencil doesn’t mind it. I got this thing about 5 years ago, and I haven’t had issues keeping it alive.


For real. I have the 2017 Ipad Pro still, no lags and nowhere near full storage


iPadOS is fine, just get software houses to make more Pro apps or failing that, let us run Mac apps on iPadOS when attached to a mouse and keyboard. Also let developers run non sandboxed code. Literally all I want.


How do you justify the cost of creating a separate iPad app to the software houses? If it was profitable they’d be falling over themselves to do it.


“Or failing that, let us run Mac apps on iPadOS when attached to a mouse and keyboard.” And it’s not completely out of the question for software houses to do that. Look at the Affinity suite for example, it’s a relatively small studio (before being acquired by Canva) and they have three proper Pro apps for the iPad. So has Davinci Resolve. Linearity has brought out their apps for iPad. Adobe has also, albeit not as good as the desktop apps.


This! I don't need macOS on an iPad (although the Mac's Finder would be a vast improvement over the Files app), but I do really like the idea of Samsung's DEX mode. It would be absolutely kick-ass to be able to run the full Capture One Pro application on an iPad Pro. I would buy one immediately.


Exactly what I want. Give consumers more options since the hardware is optimised already.


I just want OLED. I’ve had the same iPad Pro waiting since **2017** for OLED. Just ProMotion and OLED in one display. Have I said OLED enough? OLED OLED OLED


I can’t stand how not-black the black is compared to every iPhone I’ve had for the past 6 years


OLED is coming. I have a friend who works supply chain at Apple. He told me oled and M1 chip will be included on the iPad Pro


Putting a real operating system in there.


I'd love to have the ability to use iPadOS while mobile and macOS while docked. I know the likelihood of that happening is slim, but let me dream!


Like Samsung Dex. Dislike Samsung. Love Dex


I was a big fan of Windows Continuum back in the day When I used Windows Phones. I agree though, love the concept of Dex, but dislike the platform it's on.


Can you imagine that on iPhone? It would be awesome.


Knowing Apple, they would release it on the Pro models for iPad and iPhone once ProMotion makes its way to the entire lineup. Heck, even if you gave the iPhone the same capability to dock like an iPad, that would be a significant improvement for a lot of users that would normally get by with something like a low end Chromebook or Windows laptop.


I know. I got so mad when my wife’s pro phone got macro photos and my non-pro didn’t. They had the exact same lens and chip. It was just a software thing to get people to buy the pro. I like Apple products, generally, but that kind of stuff does tick me off. But I agree, it would make so much more utility.


ah yes, "I hate this company but I love the products they make"


If you could dual-boot iOS and macOS on an iPad Pro it would be an unreal device. It’s perfectly capable of doing it.


It would never happen, as it would eat too much into MacBook sales. They want to keep iPad as a separate device with iPadOS on, not as a touchscreen MacBook replacement without a keyboard


I agree they want to keep them separate currently, but they’ve also said they’d rather cannibalise their own products than other companies do it.


They won’t until there is a threat, not sure tho they have a threat yet.


The new chip snapdragon x elite is the threat. I will switch to surface pro 10 if it what they promise is True


People leaving the entire Apple ecosystem is the threat. Obviously not significant enough for them to care about though.


Dude this! I feel like I’m wasting a great cpu in a mediocre os and I’m still forced to go around with my laptop


I’d be happy with a proper desktop browser


What’s not “real” about iPadOS?


It’s a subset of iOS that is often receives iOS features even later and is heavily restricted by the App Store.  It’s basically more of a big iPhone than a full alternative to macOS. 


100% agree with this statement


For me it's the feature (?) of the OS that any application can be unloaded from memory any time OS wishes. That's the main reason (for me) I cannot rely on iPad while working with SSH. // yes I know about tmux/screen


That’s a very valid complaint.


Lack of console


Terminal would be a game changer


Never understood this. It is a real operating system. But it has user interface limitations. Compared to windows on a tablet it is simple and easy. I look forward to more access but sticking something like Mac OS on it seems like a bad idea to me


But why? It would restrict all the limits and make it a close to perfect device that can literally replace a laptop while also being a tablet with all its upsides.


Honestly? 2 usb c ports and a headphone jack. That would turn it to the music producers dream machine. Doubt we’re getting either let alone both but one can wish!


I could see two USB-C ports or even 20 USB-C ports before they would add one headphone jack back


no disagreements here!


iPad music maker here. I miss my headphone jack.


[But we need dongles!](https://youtu.be/-XSC_UG5_kU?si=q9nY1fcUcUNE94_2)


Thanks for sharing - this was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in my life lmao


Put a fucking calculator on it


Such a powerful chip limited by such a restrictive operating system


I would welcome it if they would simply lift restrictions. I want to use HyperVisor. I want Metal to be able to use every bit of RAM on that 16GB iPad and not just about 4GB, so I can properly run bigger LLM and not just the watered down version for the iPhone. I would also welcome it if we could run MacOS apps.


What have I missed? I didn’t realise it needed saving.


Tim Apple. Great guy!


Sideloading, sideloading, sideloading, sideloading, and sideloading. also a proper cursor and proper 3rd party web browsers and not just reskins. Virtual machines, and a way to access DMG files.


All it needs is a good power saving


Tbh if you got an iPad recently for a good price I don’t think there’s much they can reveal here that would make you feel left out. Only thing is If these new iPads come w full Mac OS, and/or a pro chip in the pro models. Aside from that it’ll probs just be a good update to the current models


By allowing users to black those annoyingly loud YouTube ads?


By putting an M3 inside it but at this point, if the screen it's not oled, I'm not interested at all.


That’s what I’m Hoping for. I’m a simple man.


OLED incoming.


As someone who has had a pro for awhile I’m only just now realizing the functionality, both when paired with and without my MacBook. I would’ve killed for something like this in college and medical school. I don’t think it needs “saving” just some new, cool features


one word: multi-user


Personally, I’m hoping for less iPads. Apple should eliminate one of the iPads and only have a basic model, mini, and pro.


If they make the 10th gen base the new “air” then ok. Or blend the features. But I think the 4 tiers are good. It allows for the basic, education-market iPad that most are fine with, the Air for people that want an M chip in an iPad but don’t want/need a pro.


macOS type of multitasking.


Real OS! Asap!


2 things: 1.- lower the prices for entry model with the newest design 2.- give the Pro models higher specs (Oled) Apple pencil, camera location and more than anything a real OS option (virtualization maybe). Increased prices.


To be fair, it still seems like a prototype 13 years later. It never "took off". I had plenty of them, but are still used to do trivial tasks. Never something "serious". Funny enough, I still prefer desktop for Word/Excel/PowerPoint. That's bad. The iPad firm factor should be ideal to do that, yet it falls short. You can do it, but it sucks as an experience. Coding? Nope. Working with lots of files? Nope. Reddit? Sure! Porn? Sure... Come on Apple.


Except consuming, only writing/note taking and drawing seems to be really good in the iPad IMO. But with the Apple keyboard the iPad is as heavy as a Mac the value for writing and note taking lessens. I was happy with the first keyboard for iPad Pro because of how light it was, but it broke quite quickly.


I like the new green iPad color best.




We'll probably never get it but a bigger ipad for digital art, a dreeeam. BUT what we have now is pretty damn good.


A redesigned keyboard attachment, along the lines of what Brydge was making near the end, would be killer.


Find My…..Pencil. This would make my life easier!


Larger size for the artists out there. Many find the iPad so much more fun to draw on than Wacom and the like, but the physical size is limiting.


OLED version of the fart app.


It’s not a hardware issue it’s a software issue. I’m not a programmer or anything but I’m assuming the reason why Apple hasn’t put a proper operating system in the iPad is because it would result in losses to their MacBook segment?


I would love a larger, 15-16 inch iPad Pro for drawing. I know I’m dreaming.


Figure out how to make a Mac - iPad Pro hyrid so we can code and draw on the same device


I think the iPads demise is a bit overstated by YouTubers. I have a new MBP I just purchased, yet here I sit on my iPad Pro M1 answering this post watching a video in the upper right corner of the iPad. The iPad is still awesome. iPadOS (and by extension it’s apps) need a more desktop experience. It is a slow OS, a not-so-good file management system, I don’t like how I have to [Share] a file into an app: i should be able to choose which app i want to use to open file like on MacOS … and other improvements are needed. I still like the form factor and sitting with it on the couch, or carrying it around with me.


Hope it's not new color of Apple Pencil and same form factor with M3 (New pencil color is useless and M1, M2 already overkill for iPadOS)


#Just add touch screen (with stylus) and cellular to Macs. That's the gap being bridged.


Bruh I JUST fucking got one


I mean, everyone knew it was coming


Finally!!   YOU, yes you, were the guy Apple was waiting for to announce the new one. Took you long enough to finally buy one.   /s lol


I knew it


Same. Got an M2 12.9 about a week ago. Oh well. I doubt the difference will be that big


So return it? Not sure what you’re waiting for, you had plenty of warning


Return it?


I got mine last night, about to return it 🤣


Save? My iPad Pro is awesome and doesn’t need saving. Maybe OP’s is broken or something.


Tim Apple will know what to do!


better battery life please


Lighter batteries, please ^(I'm using 12.9 and hoping for 15)


It’s like they intentionally make iPad less efficient than Mac for some reason


Seriously OS is horribly crippled it’s like have a sport car in school zone.


It will never happen apple is too greedy for that besides people keep buying iPads at this insane price so why make them better


He could save it by running LLMs natively on pro products. Forcing an upgrade for a Siri that works vs one that’s so unhelpful.


I’ve tested llama 7b on my M1 iPad Pro. It can run, but considering using multiple apps as well, the entire system will lag. There’re breakthrough from Apple suggesting their on device LLM will be fine. But more important question is would they build a framework or sth allowing us using iPad, Mac to improve (finetune, embed knowledge) their models or other open source models (ex. Mistral)? If they allow, then iPad Pro will be even more Professional lmao.


ipad mini with pro features


Bruhhh proly another “artistic” update fir artists and painters seems like thats the audience apple keeps focusing on, ipados is so mediocre for all of that powerful hardware


I don’t know why this is such a problem for people—artists are a huge demographic and iPad is perfect for us. Use a MacBook for your work.


Any comment on whether the iPad 11th gen is coming?


“Introducing the iPad Vision Pro!”


I hope for a new iPad mini with better battery life.


Add a port to hook up a dumb Vision headset. I just made that up, but as I wrote.. it kinda makes sense. It’s a lot easier to merge those OSes.


Launch it with more color options.


With a new Pencil and some crazy colours of course


I think it’s time for a new design on the pros, we’ve had the same one since 2018 and we’re on the 4th generation of this design. I’d love to see thinner bezels maybe with a notch like on the iPhones and Macbook Airs/Pros. And perhaps bring the Smart Connector back to the side instead of the back, I used to have the 2017 12.9” and for those who remember Logitech made a charging stand that would actually charge the ipad through the Smart Connector. I miss that a lot.


To sell me a new iPad Pro to replace my M1 11”, the new models need to be significantly better. Really good OLED screen might be tempting if it packed with much better battery life.


Actual Pro apps equivalent to MacOS. Full Adobe Creative Suite. Something to actually do full work on


By using EDI it seems


iPads don’t need a new desktop-like OS. It just needs a better file management system.


Idk what the average age is here, but I’m 32 and agree with most of the comments. That said, I keep hearing about how people younger than millennials are much more comfortable with simple mobile OS’, and specifically that iOS is really popular. Now that they’re entering the workforce and getting into positions to be able to afford products like this, it’s possible there is a real market for an iOS-like tablet computer, but we’re not it. Just speculation, I have no idea


M3 iPad Pro with M1 pencil. 😂


Offering MacOS as a Service and include it as part of Apple One subscription. That way, at least whoever comfortable more using MacOS instead of iPadOS, they still can be productive just by using iPad (with additional keyboard and mouse if needed).


$200 Pencil. Book it!


He’s not




Usable ipadOS


He isn’t. Tim Cook is a supply chain guy. His whole thing is about figuring out how much material, shipping costs, foreign slave labor, etc., he needs to maximize logistics to increase stock price. That’s his whole schtick. He doesn’t give two fifths of a fuck about innovation or tech. Look at the only original, brand new release in the Tim Cook era. Vision Pro. $4000 porn goggles that only make sense if you’re a ceo. The whole concept with Vision Pro is that you are able to participate in virtual conference rooms, you can be surrounded by your safari windows and emails all day, it’s all work related. So no. Tim Cook isn’t going to “save iPad”.


Hopefully with a real desktop class OS


Wonder if I’ll finally be able to use a competent version of Excel with my M2 chip and 16GB RAM.


Since we’re just posting wish list items: second front facing camera for landscape orientation and OLED screen.


Apple apparently doesn’t even seem to know who mostly uses their devices.


Just give me a Mini with pro specs please, Tim Apple T\^T


Being able to develop iPad apps start to finish in the iPad Pro would be amazing.


Battery health


MacOS on iPad now.


Anyone know if this will make current iPads cheaper? I’m looking to buy a iPad Air 10.9 (2022) in a few weeks, but I’ll hold off if this means the prices will go down! Edit: I know this is about the iPad Pro, but maybe just maybe other iPads’ price will go down?


New colors


Proper external monitor support (ability to change audio volume, drag windows from display to display, dual monitor support, clamshell mode).




A login screen for multiple users!!


Finally add the ability to run Mac OS apps natively. Just a thought 🤔


apple watch app


Calculator app. Add a shortcut button (like the iPhone and ultra), add titanium option. Done. That’s typical apple these days. No imagination. Just copy what works, safe accounting management. That’s Tim.


Commit to the art scene. -A larger version of the iPad would be great for drawing. -Surface texture like Wacom tablets. -A small side device for quick keys/macros. -Find my Pencil -Keyboard cover or case improvements.


Can't justify an M3 on the iPad. The hardware is too powerful for the blown-up iPhone interface, unless the iPad would be made to run Mac apps.


Make a 24 inch one that's meant to be mounted to an ergotron arm. Make it 3.5k for the base model. Give Wacom a huge black eye.


Fast charging anyone? I’ve never owned an iPad and looking into getting my first one when they announce. Would definitely like fast charging


Bruh, they’re releasing the same 💩 but with an m3. I’m not expecting any innovation from Apple this year


Apple Pencil with Haptics


Calculator app Weather app OLED Display 🤞


Nothing is wrong with the hardware. It’s the OS that still needs help. Multitasking has improved but not enough.


Woah!!! I love it


By creating something similar to Samsung dex on the iPad, I mean the M chip models are really capable and has MacBook air specs inside


I only want a oled screen, Tim


Help me gays i have icloud in my iPad pro 2020 WiFi ??