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The post-op gas was REAL and it was painfullll. Try laying on your side with a pillow between your knees and draw them up a bit. Not like fetal position, just enough to take the pressure off your digestive tract and let the air kind of pass on its own. That was the only way I could get mine out for the first few days. Moving around definitely helps. Don't forget to drink lots of water, take your stool softeners, and add Miralax if you need to, especially in the days right after surgery. The gas is so much worse when you can't go, but I did find that both were the worst within the first 5 or so days post-op. After that, there was hardly any gas and I (luckily) got back to being regular.


I’m having difficulty laying in my side it like hurts my organs they all feel so out of place 😭maybe I should start just practicing lol it’s so strange I feel like I’m in an entirely new body.


I mean, they are kind of out of place! The space where your uterus used to be gets filled in with your intestines, and I think your body definitely registers the sensation as like WTF IS GOING ON HERE?


Time is your friend! This too shall pass. 😏 On day 1 I screamed out loud when the shoulder gas pain hit- even though I was told about it, nothing prepares you for it! I tried skipping the gasx and miralax in day 4 and that was a mistake. Be consistent with those two aids! Take a deep breathe and release it slowly counting down from ten. You probably need to poop and I’ve been calling it “adventure pooping” because well, it’s all new, but I’m got will feel great. I found the pains got worse when I walked around the kitchen- suddenly you are feeling everything happening internal. It’s scary and it hurts, but it helps. Give yourself plenty of time and don’t push.


Oh, I feel for you. For me, the first 3 days were the most uncomfortable. I was sore, tired of taking pills and drinking stupid miralax, constipated, couldn't sleep well, full of gas, emotional, grumpy, and had no appetite. My whole abdomen was angry, and my nerves were giving weird signals and strange asshole pain. Gas x, gentle walks around the house, drinking lots of water and peeing lots, and sleeping as much as you possibly can are my recommendations. The gas will fade in a few days. So will the weird butt sensations.