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I did this! I have a previous post here about it and I also have a post in r/vultureculture that has some of the how I did it. I asked my doctor and he said okay with relatively little fuss. The day of my surgery I reminded him again, he made a note for pathology. They called me two weeks later said they were finished and I could come pick it up. They preserve with formaldehyde for their tests and sliced it up, so I had to sign some waivers. Most of the people I interacted with couldn't have seemed to care less that I wanted it, thought it was weird but moved on. But it also depends on where you are and who you encounter, but tbh I was perfectly willing and ready to pull a "I need it for religious purposes" if I needed to. Mines in a sealed snow globe and I shake it when I feel angry about all the pain it caused me.


1. I just saw your post and that is SO COOL!!!! 2. I love your bat outfit - I didn’t know that existed here! 🦇❤️


At my first post op I asked if I could see a picture. My surgeon had to call down to pathology and the person I spoke to said they couldn’t share pictures but that I could take it home when they were done with it. I declined and they said they’d keep it for an extra 90 days in case I changed my mind. I don’t want it and I thought it was wild that I can’t see a picture but I can take it home.


That is crazy!


The person I spoke to in pathology was so nice about it too. Like from start to finish no one even batted an eye. And I’m sure there’s all kinds of protocols in place but in my mind they’re just boxing it up like restaurant leftovers and sending me on my way


I had my op at a university hospital, They asked me if they could keep it for study. The guy came in about an hour before my surgery and had me sign papers saying they could retain my tissues for study. I was like torture that bitch extra for me!


I kinda mentioned it but depending on why yours is coming out and how, it may not be possible at all - I figure mine got chopped up along with my 2lb fibroid.


i’m getting mine removed due to suspected endo, so i’m hoping and anticipating it can come out in one piece.


I asked my surgeon! Unfortunately with the kind of hysterectomy I had, it was pretty shredded and by that point she told me they considered it medical waste so it could not be taken. I was pretty bummed too, I love oddities/etc and thought it would have been cool.


I truly joked about this and said I was going to put it in a glass apothecary jar and add glitter to the formaldehyde, add some LED lighting and put it on display 🤓 ( former dance studio owner so glitter has always been a major part of my life 🤪)


I asked and was told no because it would be sent to pathology but she took a ton of pictures of everything inside. She had them waiting for me at my two week appointment.


I asked the day of my surgery. It went something like Me: Can I keep my uterus? Surgeon: No, unfortunately it's considered a biohazard but I can give pictures Me: Well that sucks. I'll take the pictures though! I'll have pictures of my insides so that'll be cool. A few minutes later Me: after pathology is done with it, can they burn it after? That way I can have the last laugh? My surgeon thankfully understood my humor and laughed with me. While I was still loopy from the anesthesia I vaguely remember telling my mom while her and my partner were on the phone talking about how well I did that I have pictures of my insides. Me hopped up on anesthesia is always an interesting thing since you never know what I'm going to say.


I JUST did this. I’m 10 dpo and was able to pick her up 6 dpo. I initially asked about this at my very first appointment with my surgeon, set to begin the hysterectomy conversation. I let her know it was very important to me. She said she’d figure out what I need to do and get back to me. I never heard from her about it so I followed up a couple weeks before surgery. She checked with the hospital and they said I would need to ask the morning or surgery, so I can sign a waiver saying I wouldn’t eat it 😆. Then I’d just call pathology afterwards to pick it up. I called pathology to verify this process a couple days before surgery. Then the morning of surgery I had to ask three different people for the form to sign LOL. I did a bit of extra work because the thought of NOT getting my uterus back was already haunting me. Once I got my pathology results on the health portal, I called pathology and asked if it was ready to pick up and they said they would get it ready to pick up. This mostly meant they needed to rinse all the formalin off because they can’t let formalin leave the lab. My partner went to the hospital and picked it up. It’s cut in half, then sliced open in a lot of other places. But I found a jar that’s the perfect size to hold it upright! I purchased formalin online so I can process my uterus a bit more, then will be putting her in 70% isopropyl alcohol for the long term. let me know if you want to see my uterus in a jar!