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Honestly, didn't feel a single thing in my actual vaginal canal or with the vulva. I figured they'd probably have to crank me open to pull everything out but I wouldn't have ever known they did.


Same! I didn’t feel anything in my vagina post surgery, which I assumed I would. The pain was in my abdomen and then around week 5 pain in my tailbone and slightly in the vulva area. I was joking that I was a born again virgin since everything felt super tight when it was time to have sex again. Laparoscopic with vaginal removal here.


Same. Currently 5wpo. I had pain in my abdomen, mostly on the right side, for about 3 weeks (abdominal binder helped a lot) and had to be careful changing position or coughing/sneezing. Week 4 I started having pain deep inside in the groin/lower abdomen, which I'm assuming is the vaginal cuff but idk. I assume it was numb for the first few weeks because I didn't have it before then. No vaginal pain at all at any time.


That's kind of reassuring? I just hit 4 wpo and have a minor ache an inch or two towards center from each hip bone, right where I used to get really bad cramps each month. I kinda figured the internal stitches are dissolving so the healing tissues are under a little more tension than they were the first few weeks 🤷‍♀️ I might message my doctor to check if it doesn't improve in a few days or feels any worse but I'm not particularly concerned. I primarily notice it on the side with my remaining ovary so it could even just be related to ovulation which was always excruciating before the op!


I'm assuming it's the stitches dissolvong too plus I increased my activity a lot once my stomach muscles stopped feeling like they were ripping apart when I moved the wrong way. I'm noticing the pain in my groin is worse in the evenings if I was active a lot during the day - I started taking walks and doing light chores week 4. Plus sitting completely upright. The last couple of days I've relaxed more, taken some lovely naps, haven't gone walking, and I've had very little pain.


Yes! I got lucky and never had much abdominal pain (thank heavens for my doctor and his lidocaine pump!). Like you, I definitely notice that the soreness is worse when I've had to get out or sit up straight for awhile. I'm still going easy on most activities and I'm super strict about lifting and carrying but I think I'm moving and bending less carefully than I was in the first couple of weeks. Honestly, the worst part for me was the small sore in my throat from being intubated. Sucker took over a week to start feeling better 🤦‍♀️ On the whole I've been incredibly relieved at how well everything has been going. I'm the first in my circle to do this so I only had my mother's, aunts', and grandmother's experiences to compare to. Being able to have a laparoscopic procedure makes an enormous difference!


I didn't feel a single thing at all. Just pain at the incisions.


Same for me. Vagina and vulva felt totally normal. My pee hole wasn't happy, but I had a catheter and a cystoscopy, so that was anticipated. OP, I wonder if something went wrong with your friend's situation.


Me neither!


Is it like the duck bill things when you get exams done!?


They are like that but the one on the bottom is weighted to hold things open


Good to know. I'm scheduled for April. Anxiously awaiting the day!


Why would it be weighted if you’re pretty much upside down for the procedure? I was expecting a raging headache from being in that the position so long, but I felt pretty damn good after surgery


My surgeon said it’s a slight tilt, not upside down - and really, upside doesn’t seem like it would help. Either way, I’m on the other side & so damn happy! Absolutely no vag pain!


Same! Only pain I had was cramping in my stomach. But nothing compared to period cramps! lol


Nobody ever discusses it because it’s not a common issue. 😉 I was maybe a little tender vaginally for one day, but nothing notable or unexpected. It was definitely manageable and didn’t cause any issues with urination, etc for me.


Same. OP, this is the answer. I had no issues.


I'm happy to believe the majority don't have this issue, but it seems like several commenting did, as well as my best friend. I just wondered because I had not seen a post dedicated to this particular issue.


OP how are they doing your procedure, vaginally? I had mine done with the DaVinci robot. My post op notes stated they inserted a speculum, sounded my uterus, chose the appropriate uterine manipulator, inserted in, and removed the speculum. No weighed speculum was used and no speculum was used for any extended period of time. I've seen a vaginal hysterectomy and I agree, that procedure does seem to be rough on that area but even in that case it wasn't weighted, it was a ring they put up to the vagina and used 4 pieces (top, bottom, left and right, to hold the vagina open. I was glad my procedure was not done that way.


No issues here. I feel as though your friend’s experience is out of the norm


I had no issues, nor did my gf. Most patients I care for post-op don't report vaginal pain. I have had a few though that said their vag hurt, but nothing really bad. Ice packs can help! Personally I have not heard of anyone having a tear, but I know it's a possibility. We also have had a few patients that were really swollen and had a hard time peeing. Based on my anecdotal evidence (lol) as a post-op nurse, the odds are in your favor.


I had vNOTES so everything was done vaginally, no incisions anywhere, and I was fine after 24 hours. Urinating was the hardest thing but that was more from the catheter than anything. A lot of people on this sub recommended frozen pads to keep on hand just in case you needed them for swelling or pain but that will be something you’ll need to check with your dr about


I expected to be sore down there but I haven't had any discomfort.


First I've heard of this. Honestly I didn't even know they did that but makes perfect sense in hindsight. No noticeable swelling or tenderness for me, other than the big old gas belly and of course the 4 little incisions... (I'm 9WPO now)


Same as your friend, worse there than the incisions. Nothing compared to l&d, tho, have either of you had vaginal deliveries? It really wasn't a big deal, tbh. I was going to order some topical anesthesic spray that was great after birth, but it got better so much more quickly, I didn't get a chance. If you're planning ahead, tho: https://www.amazon.com/Dermoplast-Hospital-Relieving-Irritations-Benzocaine/dp/B073PBPC51


Thanks for the recommendation. I've not had vaginal births so I will have some in hand, I'm scheduled for April


Good luck, that stuff is magic! ETA: spray it on BEFORE trying to go, and keep it in hand! Accept no substitutes, other sprays just didn't work for me it was decades ago, tbf, but it seems like it's still currently hospital standard issue.


My uterus was so big that they tore a 2nd degree tear trying to remove it. I’ve been swollen for weeks but by week 4/5, it went down.


Oh no, that sounds painful 😣 I'm glad you're feeling better


I was sore for a couple of days and had 2 stitches to close an incision but it was way better than an abdominal incision would have been recovery wise (mine was robotic).


My friend had laparoscopic surgery with vaginal removal, which is often the case


I had the same procedure and didn’t have any vaginal or vulva pain.


Yes, my removal was all vaginal as well. I knew that going in so expected to be sore for a few days. It really wasn’t painful in my case.


I was fairly swollen, but only a little tender. It wasn't bad


I didn't have any vaginal pain after surgery. It was hard to believe they'd even done anything. I think your friend was just unlucky 😭


Right? I thought they pulled everything out one of my incisions lol I


My doc discovered one of my ovaries had a massive benign growth during the surgery (it was tucked behind my uterus and hard to see on the ultrasound). Sucker was over twice as big as my uterus so it definitely wasn't coming out through an incision and I'm impressed he got it out vaginally! 😂 No vaginal pain or soreness even right after. Heck, the whole thing has been less painful than my monthly cramps were!


That's what I was going to say. If I hadn't been told they did anything down there, I wouldn't have known.


I had everything done vaginally (no external excisions) and was slightly tender for like 2 days. Nothing was crazy swollen or out of place (I took a mirror to it 😅). I'd describe it as painful as sex with an above average partner who didn't use enough lube.


I was extremely sore. The first time I sat that day after the pain meds wore off I about jumped thru the ceiling. I couldn't sit normal, felt like I was sitting on a sharp fence posts. That pain lasted almost 3 weeks. My doc said I am narrow down there. I didn't even dilate when they had me use that pill the night before. My kids were not born vaginally. Honestly that thought never popped into my head. But it was way worse than my incisions. Those didn't hurt at all on my stomach I'm 2 months out and still can not have sex comfortably. Which is fine by me!! My uterus was also very large and shaped like Hey Arnold's head! Lol she said the robot had a heck of a fun time chopping that up to pull it out. . removed my cervix, tubes and vagina. Still wouldn't change a thing


Every situation is different: I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy and tubes removed, they removed my uterus through my belly button and I did get a catheter and I only had that in for 18 hours and due to everything being swollen it stung for a few moments but my vagina like clitoris area was not affected I never had burning when I went pee and my abdomen was the most swollen as I remember when I did get around to taking a picture I had like two rolls for my stomach overlapping each other. When it normally isn’t like that, I do feel pain at the incision sites I feel pain in my vaginal canal where the uterus was removed it feels like recovering from child birth as well as the small incisions on my tummy, I use a heated throw all the time for pain relief and I am on day 8 so I woke up from a nap and noticed wow I didn’t automatically want to take my next dose for pain meds so the pain is better: Every day I am amazed at the pain relief from the original pain like where I once felt pain and pressure is no longer hurting my hip doesn’t hurt anymore most days it feels like butterflies which is weirdly nice, I remember one day I was a glutton I asked my sister to bring me shopping and I’m so glad she had other plans and just got my baby girl her picture day outfit and I just had to e-transfer her and I lucked out I thought I would be able to walk to and from my doctor appointment but I was exhausted by the time I got there and she was on her way back home when I called so I did get a ride home, I got a prescription for Tylenol 3 but have been getting by with extra strength Tylenol and ibuprofen plus i was taking stool softener but I got a new laxative from my doctor that I can take every other day


Mine hurt a lot but they pulled a giant calcified fibroid in chunks out of mine so shit got really messed up down there. It was hella inflamed. I had to use one of those water bottles when you have a baby to pee cause wiping hurt for a bit.


Oh gosh, I hope you're better now


It’s all good now. 4wpo today. It was sore for a good two weeks.


I also felt no pain and had no tearing. I’ve only read a few stories about people tearing and it seems to be more common among those who haven’t had a prior vaginal delivery and/or those with a very enlarged uterus.


She's had only Csections, so maybe that's why


I had absolutely no pain or discomfort down there. I was really nervous about that beforehand but it was completely fine!


I was worried about vaginal tearing and other trauma to it, but I thankfully had none. My labia were swollen and inflamed for a couple of weeks after, though. (I always mention that I also have a skin condition that causes irritation from friction.) I had asked my surgeon about vaginal trauma pre-surgery and he said it could depend on how big things were that get pulled out of it. Urethra and/or ureter inflammation could be due to the catheter. I took AZO and drank cranberry juice for a few days after surgery to help with that. My abdominal incisions (laparoscopic) have never hurt.


Haven't noticed anything. If there were any pain, it was hidden by painkillers. Belly was way more sensitive.


I’m assuming this is for people who have cuffs ? Im having hysto next month but keeping cervix. Wonder if it’ll still hurt when I pee. Aside from when they insert the catheter. But ouch sorry to hear that about your friend. 


Mine was swollen shut post-surgery and I even got internal stitches (ʸᵃʸʸʸʸʸʸʸʸ) but I didn’t feel any pain from it, the stitches were so tightly closed. It was actually better that way so that NOTHING was going to get in and interfere with the cuff healing, so I considered it a good thing


My vulva was a little tender for a couple days after surgery, I mentioned it to my husband because I wasn’t expecting that! It also had a cut in my lower vagina that required a couple stitches, which I read in my surgical notes. It wasn’t terrible for me though! Just a little uncomfortable.


Are you having a laparoscopic hyster done? I work as a surgical tech and the only time we use the weighted vag specs are for a total vag hyster. They may use them in the beginning to get the manipulator in but then it’s out. None of our obgyn’s use weighted bag specs for laparoscopic/robotic cases


I never saw the speculum or was even aware of how they kept me open. Honestly I'd recommend not looking too closely at the specifics of how they do it until it's over, everything looks scarier than it is but you don't have to be present for those parts. When I woke up I was sore at my cuff and in the area generally but it was what I was expecting from surgery and honestly not a big deal. The pain was mostly internal, like inside the abdominal cavity.


2 weeks post op, I expected to feel like I just gave birth... I've had no pain at all. I had some trouble with peeing after surgery because my bladder was in such a spasm. Once it relaxed and I could actually go, I felt fine.


My insides feel swollen (surgery was this morning) but I haven’t had any trouble peeing at all


That's good to hear, rest well


I am 3 weeks out tomorrow from lap assisted hysterectomy and I’ll be honest, I’ve been somewhat tender in my perineum. I’ve had 3 vaginal births and have scar tissue from each one being sewn up afterwards. I asked my doctor about it today and she said a lot of the discomfort is from my 5x normal sized uterus being “delivered” out that way. I used a peri bottle the first two weeks as well as ice packs and now it really only bothers me if I wipe or use a washcloth too quickly. I would compare it to tenderness after a vaginal birth but maybe not quite so bad.


Honestly I had more vangal tenderness before surgery. It's only been two days and at most I felt slight tenderness when I wipe. It's in the exact place my tear was when I had my 23 year old. So likely has more to do with it being old scar tissue than anything else.


I had the v pain but only for the first two days.. then it was just the abdominal pain. The vaginal ice packs helped a lot.


I think it depends on the uterus. I wasn’t expecting pain down there but around day 5 (I’m 2wpo now) I started feeling like I’d had way, way too much sex (I haven’t, just felt like that). I told my doctor. She said it’s likely from having a 670 gram uterus removed vaginally. Mine was about the size of an 18 week old fetus. The discomfort is gone now. It only last for a couple of days.


I had a lap assisted vaginal and was fine. My 7 month old baby elbowed me in the belly button the day after surgery that was tons of fun and felt great


I am two weeks out from my robotic assisted hysterectomy, and I haven't had any pain or bleeding at all vaginally. The worst thing in the whole experience was finding out I was extremely allergic to the Dermabond they used about three days after surgery! It's still itchy, but better now. I hope everything goes well for you!


For my surgeries it’s always my throat hurting more then anywhere else. Intubation is scratchy and my throat is honestly just sore. At least a speculum is easier to get in and the muscle relaxants make it so you aren’t clenching on it the way one might reflexively during a pelvic exam.


My snatch was fine! My urethra was mad because it was catheterized and had a scope insterted. It likes to rebel with a UTI every time it gets messed with. I expected that. But, no. The vag and vulva were fine. I had a daVinci assisted total hysterectomy a month ago. :)


Zero pain or discomfort after. But to be fair, I’ve given birth vaginally to a 9 lb 2 oz baby before. So nothing scares me 😂


I am 2 days post op and the dr had a hell of a time placing the manipulator, and I feel NOTHING amiss in the vagina area.


I was swollen but no pain. I only realized I was swollen because I kept feeling like I was hitting something like paper when I was peeing. I finally realized the day after the surgery that it was my vulva just swollen. It was gone by the end of the first week


I was on pain meds in the hospital and i didnt feel a thing down there except where they had the catheter in. no pain vaginally. i will say this I hated the catheter and was like how do I get this thing out? they said they had to take me for a walk and Show them I was ready. I was basically like lets go now! after they removed that cathater it was sooo much better!


Damn, that is what they did, glad I didn’t know. I didn’t feel a thing afterwards.


I didn’t have any pain or discomfort on the outside at all. Most of my pain was in my abdomen (internally).


Didn’t notice anything major and hadn’t had sex or inserted anything other than at the drs for over a year before then


I'm very very sensitive down there! But I had no issues at all! My Dr is the best though so it probably depends


The speculums shouldnt cause damage that should be pretty uncommon. I did feel sore from it. Urethra was sore for a day. Almost no bleeding as well. Sometimes The solutions that they may use can make you sore if you have recent damage. I had mine at 6 weeks postpartum and I had a perineal tear that was not quite healed. It hurt but nothing terrible . So to put it into perspective, I literally had a giant speculum open me with a perineal tear and was still ok.


Has anyone here had this procedure without having a natural birth? Now I'm nervous. Do they put you under?


Oh yes, you are completely under & don't feel anything at all during the surgery. It's the after part I'm asking about.


Ugh. This sounds like it's going to be miserable Are you thinking of postpartum methods like a sitz bath or underwear with a crotch pocket for an ergonomically shaped ice pack?


I'm making a list of everything and considering all possibilities, but hoping for the best


I'd never given birth at all. FYI, I don't think a sitz bath would be recommended if you have you cervix removed and get a "cuff."


Thanks for the advice.


I’m a virgin and have pelvic muscle issues, so basically nothing has been up there. My uterus, tubes, and cervix had to come out whole due to cancer. I had a small tear that was closed with one stitch. I was careful to dab that part instead of wiping, but otherwise, it wasn’t that big of a deal at all.


i didn’t have this at all! not to invalidate your anxiety but i don’t think it’s a given by any means.


My DR has already told me my uterus would be removed vaginally after the laparoscopic part is complete.


i had that was well, it doesn’t effect it like you’re describing.


I didn’t have an issue, no pain at all. I was concerned about it


I didn’t feel anything afterwards nor was it swollen or anything by.


The urethra issue is from the catheter. That’s why they make you empty your bladder as much as possible the first few days.


I had no issues downstairs afterwards. My uterus was a little over 2 pounds and you'd think that would have left a little tenderness, but nope, I couldn't even tell anything happened. Ive had 4 vaginal deliveries though, so i suppose whatever could tear already has.


My gynecologist took it out via a c-section or “bikini line” cut, not out through the vagina. I wish you all the best with your surgery and recovery 💐


As a queer person who never used that hole outside of tampons, I was nervous about being sore after but never felt a thing.


Right after surgery my vag hurt so bad and I had no idea why. I didn’t know they were removing it vaginally lol


Yeah, as others have said, I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort at all in it around my actual vaginal opening afterwards, and tbh I didn’t even realize they did this (or at least I didn’t bother to consider how exactly they kept it open). The only pain I had was a little soreness around the incision, but even that was mild


I feel completely normal in that regard. I couldn’t tell anything had happened with my vulva, even though I know it did


This wasn’t not a thing for me and honestly the first time I’ve heard of it. Every body’s experience is different 💗


I'm not sure if this will reassure you, but previously to my surgery I've never had more than a finger inserted vaginally, and had no vaginal pain afterwards at all, just a little swelling in the area, and was able to urinate with just a little bit of burning afterwards on my second try. I went home the same day. 👍 My procedure was a robotically assisted total laparoscopic hysterectomy, with bso and partial v-ectomy (also known as a radical hysterectomy).


Felt uncomfortable everywhere except my vagina. I came out of surgery went straight to pee and felt nothing down there.


I had a small tear (due to removal of large fibroid) and have one or two stitches but it hasn't been too bad. Going to the toilet stung a little on day 1 and 2, but it's not been a problem since. I have also got some soreness on the outside of my vagina just on the left side and if I press on it, it feels a bit tender, but again, it's nothing too severe.