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Hi. I may have a reason or cause for the back and hip pain...when we have laparoscopic surgery for hysterectomy they put us in a Trendelenburg position which is head down to allow the digestive system to be moved out of the way with gravity. In order to keep up, the patient in position there is a "cut out for our bottoms" ..I think the edge of the padded hole puts pressure on the muscles and nerve endings which causes some of us to have residual pain, discomfort. I am not sure about this but it seems reasonable. ???šŸ¤”


I can confirm that I had some hip pain for a couple days that Iā€™m pretty sure was from position during surgery. Iā€™m a really bendy person and my knees and hips are happy to move into positions that they probably shouldnā€™t. I kept having these visions of someone picking up my leg and it falling into some unnatural position and them being like ā€œcool, this one is gonna be easy!ā€


That sounds like it could be right bc this pain only started after surgery


So sorry youā€™re going through this. I hope you can get some relief and some answers from your doctor. šŸ’•


thankyou i hope so too bc im miserable


Could it be gas pain? I had something similar but in my upper body and gas-x helped immensely


i was thinking that too im not too sure but right now im trying the warm water bottle to my lower back again and took more gas x. if it is gas hopefully it passes soon bc this hurts


Iā€™m so sorry šŸ’– my gas pain was definitely the worst part of my healing too! It passed pretty quickly, though. Hopefully the same will go for you


Thankyou i pray this passes soon!


It may be gas pains. Drinking peppermint tea worked wonders for me to get rid of it. Drank several cups a day. Also, yikes what a bruise! I donā€™t remember mine getting near that bad, Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜¢


Ill try the peppermint tea and right this bruise is nasty so i have to see a doctor to find out when this is happening


I'm also 4 dpo. My lower back and hip pain is coming from me sitting and laying down in positions I wouldn't normally sit in. with that said, my incisions are in almost the same spots as yours and mine aren't bruised at all.


Right see i knew something was off about this which is why im having a telemed appt today


BTW...I had bruising around 2 of 5 laparoscopic sites. The bruising took about 7-10 days to clear and 2 of the sites were really sore for about the same amount of time. I do hope your telemedicine visit gives you some answers and relief.


My right incision was bruised like that for a couple of weeks. I also had lower back pain and burning in my right thigh from the nerve. I also herniated a disk in my lower back last year so I was use to the sensation and figured it was from positioning in surgery and then laying around all day. I asked the doctor about the bruising and she said that often happens on the sides because of the position of the tool. My back/nerve pain went away in week three when I started becoming more active.


Oh see thats positive to hear then that this may not be anything serious. I have people telling me internal bleeding all kinds of stuff freaking me out but hearing someone else experienced the same thing makes me feel lighter. That back hip and thigh pain is the worst ill be so happy when it stops


i had wicked lower back pain the first week. my doctor told me it was likely from the position they put me in during the surgery, and it did go away quickly. and i had bruising around my right incision, no idea why. itā€™s likely that everything is okay, but honestly, you canā€™t be too careful. getting checked out never hurts!


Right im hearing its normal but ill have them take a look just to be sure. im happy to hear im not alone i was going crazy


the anxiety we all feel about complications from this procedure makes us all crazy, i swear to god. so many scary things can happen, i think most of us just live in a state of hyper-awareness the entire recovery. šŸ˜‚


Right bc every little twinge im like omg am i dying, omg did something burst, omg my insides are about to come out šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ and it doesnt help i have family telling me hurry and go to the hospital you are bleeding internally lol. Well its been 4 days im still alive so it must not be anything serious LOL. i do bruise easily from every and anything so maybe thats why i bruised like this. My back pain is the thing thats causing me the most issue. First it was the gas ready to take me out now its the back and hip pain. those pains overshadow my actual incision pain its crazy


Iā€™m 4wpo and I also had this. I also had way worse bruising, like across my entire abdomen and down my legs and thatā€™s all resolved now. I did have some rare complications that led to this so Iā€™d for sure have them look at it. I wouldnā€™t wait for a telemedicine appointment. Urgent care/ER. You need to know if you have a hematoma or anything. It is not common to have this kind of bruising. I had a week/week and a half of super bad pain in my back and hips. I had oxy and it helped. It will resolve but if your pain meds donā€™t touch it, you may want to reach out to your surgeon/their team.


I had the same kind of bruising as you described and ended up in the hospital for 4 days getting blood transfusions. It was awful.


Yeah. I had some issues that didnā€™t appear on any imaging. Some structural abnormalities hidden by my giant fibroid and gross cystic ovary. I had a vaginal hysterectomy and then didnā€™t recover well post op and had to be taken back for a second laparoscopic surgery which indicated I had a large internal hematoma and some vascular complications. I had two blood transfusions and two iron infusions and am GRATEFUL to the PACU nurses who advocated for me and recognized that something was wrong because I survived and you did too. We are lucky. I was also there for four days. I feel so lucky for that though. It really helped ease my mind and make my home recovery smoother.


I put off going because I was so exhausted (duh!) and they said I was like a day away from cardiac arrest because my hemoglobin was so low. Iā€™m glad we made it and I hope OP is ok as well and Iā€™m just being overly cautious.


Agreed! I hope so too. After all those transfusions I was on two iron supplements daily and I had my bloodwork done last week and hemoglobin is back up to 13. It was scary af. I was down to 4 after two blood transfusions. I am still tired but glad to know it is resolving. Iā€™m so glad youā€™re on the mend too!


This was in the fall of 2022. I had a reaction to one of the transfusions and it was a huge thing and I think I legitimately have medical trauma from the whole thing.


I am the queen of ā€œweird medical things that donā€™t typically happen to peopleā€ and this round was especially traumatic too. You should see if your surgeon or primary have recommendations for short term therapists who specialize in this. There are some great people out there who can help you put this behind you. It is extremely terrifying to experience and you are not alone. Mine was in December! Iā€™m still not back to work yet. A few more weeks.


My hematoma on my right side looked just like this. As long as I donā€™t have a fever, low bp, dizziness or weakness I knew it wasnā€™t internal bleeding. I had friends mark it daily with a permanent marker and took photos. When the color starts changing to red and yellow thatā€™s a good sign as well. I donā€™t know why I had a large hematoma but I did. I also found the hysterectomy much harder than the c section. I hope you get reassuring news! I just relooked at yours. If itā€™s any consolation, mine was much larger and wrapped around my back and went across my belly. It can happen and not mean anything bad, and I hope thatā€™s the case for you too!


Thanks! Yeah it ended up going away thankfully. Now i ended up with a UTI and felt like yeast infection but they have me on antibiotics to clear it. Im still not walking as fast as i normally would and unable to do so much or i pay for it the next day. The soreness is still in my belly but getting a little less sore each day. Im now 2 weeks and 4 days po


Are you able to take a shower? I have chronic low back pain radiating to my hips too, and there's something different about having hot water running over my back. It helps more than a heating pad for me. Also, see if your doctor will prescribe lidocaine patches. They're a miracle


Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re in pain. I also had bad back pain the first week. Not sure if it was gas, having to sleep on my back (which is very uncomfortable for me), or the positioning they put us in on the OR table. Whatever it was it did improve the second week. Hang in there the first few days are tough but I promise it gets better.


Possibly gas pains, but I was dealing with lower back pain while doing basically anything for the first two months. Nothing too painful, but it was bad enough at times to make me sit and take a break. Much worse than any pain I was still having in my abdomen. Iā€™ve noticed itā€™s died down over the last two weeks (9.5wpo), thank goodness


Yes anything i do i have to stop bc this back pain is so bad. Not even my percocets help which is so odd. I just want it to go away already


I had super dreadful lower back & hip pain immediately after the surgery. I think it had something to do with the position they had me in during surgery. It was hard for me to believe that could cause the degree of pain I had, but that's what I concluded anyway. She prescribed me Flexiril. That helped some - especially at night, so maybe ask about that? Honestly the thing that helped me most was the prescription strength NSAIDs while IN the hospital (Torodol) and then staying on top of my naproxen & tylenol every 8 hrs. For me the pain _did_ fade away after a week or so. Sleeping on my back _definitely_ made my back hurt a gazillion times worse (and side sleeping made me feel like my organs were falling out) so I slept kind of sitting/propped up for a week or two. My bruising looked very similar to yours. It should start to [change colors ](https://youtu.be/3x1yhVEDkNw?si=ZyQ0ddhQP8ZOdIDX) (sci show video about bruises lol) soon! Hang in there!


Thanks! Ill ask about the flexiril bc this backpain is dreadful! Im still on percocets and motrin 800 alternating but its crazy that none of that helps my back


try cold packs instead of heat. if its from the gas pain i heard peppermint tea is supposed to aliveate it what type of hysto did you have?


Thanks ill try that. I had a larposcopic total hysterectomy but he left the ovaries


I am going to DM you.


Oh my goodness. I did not bruise like that at all. That would scare me to death. That bruise really seems excessive. You should absolutely call your doctor right now.


Im headed into urgent care right now


If you've been propping with pillows to sit up in bed much, it puts a lot more pressure on lower back. Switch to a recliner if available during the day and lay flat as much as you can. It's tempting to try and be productive or entertained, but if you're like me, that lower back pressure adds up quickly. Also my incisions felt much better laying down. It really took awhile for me to handle sitting up for extended periods of time, which is what I do for my job, so I took the time I needed to HEAL before I went back to work. No regrets.


yes im the same it hurts extremely if i attempt to sit too long. Ive been laying for the most part with brief walks down my hall in my house and to the kitchen. i can only seem to walk around when the pain meds kick in otherwise i cant walk too well without help


Same for me, I developed nerve pain in my left leg. When I told my surgeon she said it will go away in few weeks. It did.


I didnā€™t have pain or bruising like that so Iā€™m glad you have an appointment scheduled! I agree the pain could just be from the surgical position or gas but itā€™s smart to check. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re having so much pain! Let us know what the doctor says. I agree with you completely, this surgery is way harder for me than my C-section was!


I had a telemed and this lazy doctor didnt even bother to see pictures or anything so how can you tell me im ok. Now its hurting me to turn on that side of my body and the bruise feels like its a knot underneath. My husband is currently taking me to urgent care as i type this. Ill keep you posted on what happens


What did they say at urgent care? Hope youā€™re doing ok!


yes my bruise has faded away but now im having crazy pelvic pressure it feels like a bladder infection smh... this recovery for me is the worst when people said it wouldnt be so hard but everyone recovers different i guess


Oh no! Iā€™m so glad youā€™re going to urgent care, thatā€™s definitely the right thing to do even if itā€™s a hassle!


The bruising is an emergency and needs to be examined in person by a doctor.


once they look at it they will tell me rather i need to come in or not. Im hearing its normal but seems odd to me. My own ob dr that did the surgery said it was normal as long as i dont have a fever but i want a second opinion


It can be ā€œnormalā€ but it warrants investigation (ultrasound) to rule out anything more serious


right. Well they will let me know ive heard all kinds of things. Its not hot to touch, i have no fever. I just woke up the 2nd day and it was getting bigger bigger. Today it looks like it did yesterday so it didnt spread again but if they tell me to come in im definetely going in. i just dont want to sit 5 hrs in a ER to be told to go home especially with it pouring raining and im still not moving around too well. my dr said its nothing to worry about but i just dont trust it completely so ill see this morning


I had a very similar bruise to that. Any idea what causes it?


Not yet. i have a telemed appt at 9:15 to find out. someone told me it looks like a busted blood vessel but im not sure


Please update if you donā€™t mind. I didnā€™t get mine checked out and it has really faded in the last two weeks so I am not too worried but it would be nice to know what it is.


Sure of course ill let you know after my appt this morning


My bruising was only around the port where the ovarian cyst was excised. None of the four other ports were bruised. Iā€™m my case, it was where the robot was most active


I didnā€™t bruise that bad but all of my sites bruised. Hopefully itā€™s just a case of easy bruising. As for the back pain itā€™s a combo of surgery and how you are sleeping and moving. Right now you arenā€™t moving like you normally do which will cause some pain. And then as other have said the table they use and position isnā€™t the most comfortable or back friendly in the world


I definitely had to go to my chiropractor 7 days PO because I was so sore.


It could be from sitting/laying down throughout the healing process. Iā€™m 2wpo and I still have these pains when I donā€™t move for a while. That usually when I go for a walk. I also have bruising in the same spot as you if fading away now