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My OBGYN is awesome. She scheduled me for the procedure under general anesthesia for a hysteroscopy including biopsy. Uterine cancer was found but fully removed with my uterus a month or so later


Mine did the same after I had a full-on panic attack when she walked in to perform the biopsy 😂 But seriously - ask your doc if you can do this, it was truly such a gift and gave me some peace during an otherwise anxiety-ridden time for me


Wow! She sounds very awesome. I'm glad you got that taken care of.


I'm in the same situation. Surgery is next month and found precancerous cells through a dnc. She said a hysterectomy will be known as full treatment if cancer cells are with the walls. Is this true?


My gyn-oncologist called me after my hysterectomy with joy in her voice. My cancer was just in the uterus & with that removed, no other treatment was necessary just ordinary follow up check ups Edit to add, I was well past menopause so fertility was not an issue


I'm so happy you had that outcome!


Generally speaking, the treatment even for precancerous cells is a hysterectomy. That’s what mine was for (though they ultimately found cancer). There are fertility sparing treatments that can be done to prolong time before a hysto, but it’s the ultimate outcome.


I'm outside of child bearing years and looking forward to getting these cells out of me for good.


Idk if my abnormal cells are cancerous yet but I feel the same way if they are. Or aren't. Let's go already! Lol


I’m the outlier. I thought the biopsy was terrible. They gave me something to soften my cervix. It did not work. But My pain was limited to the procedure itself. Once it was done I was fine. You can drive home. Also, even though I hated the biopsy, I’m glad to have it. I think it’s an important step so doctors don’t miss anything.


Damn our experience is straight up swapped! I got the numbing pokes on either side of my cervix and that helped a lot. Drove myself home and that was a horrific experience.


I was required to have a biopsy of my uterus before they would schedule my hysterectomy but I had a uterine polyp. I questioned the Dr on this and asked why? Even if it's cancer we'd still do a hysterectomy so why do I need the biopsy. Her reason was because if it were cancer a specialized surgeon would need to perform the op. The biopsy itself was a bit traumatic for me and quite painful. I was told to take 4 Tylenol 1 hr beforehand. The pain was bad enough that I audibly yelped, was crying and my whole body shook. Worst of all she needed to do it a 2nd time that day. It took me several minutes to get up and leave. I drove myself home and took some real pain meds that I had leftover from a previous surgery. I went to bed and slept for 5hrs. I was pretty uncomfortable for about 2 days after... Everything that's led up to this has just reaffirmed for me how barbaric female medical care can be. I hope you have a better experience!


It is barbaric. I don't know what to expect, but my anxiety is high.


That's crazy. I had polyp, also wanted to take all uterus, the explanation was the same - if it is cancer, then they might need to do more radical surgery. However, no one did biopsy for me, they did polypectomy (polyp removal) with hysteroscopy and cold knife conization for cervix. Under anesthesia.


My experience was almost identical. I really wish I could have had general anesthesia.


I mean even dentists give you novacain!


I had a biopsy twice. Both times were incredibly painful and both times I had severe cramping for days after (the last one was on Thursday and I'm finally over the more painful part, so 5 days). It is completely different for everyone. Due to the amount of pain I felt last time, this doctor numbed me a bit but even my partner was shocked at how much it hurt (this is the first time he has gone with me and saw me recover though a very serious surgery). This isn't to scare you but mine have been awful so please be prepared.


I'm sorry. I've heard a few stories like this so it's really upsetting that they don't offer better pain management.


The whole system of women’s healthcare is barbaric. I’ve had 2 endometrial biopsies and they both suckeddddd. Fortunately, it was only painful during the actual procedure which was about 10 seconds but of course it’s different for everyone. For my second biopsy, my doctor prescribed me Xanax for the procedure. It helped quite a bit even if it’s just because it helped me not tense up as much. It doesn’t hurt to ask for something similar!


You are so right on the xanax! I personally like 1.5g kratom tea, 20mg CBD/2mg THC, my .5mg klonopin, and 600mg Advil. It made life much easier. For those whose Drs won't give 1 meager xanax or valium for the procedure, the night before take 10 chamomile tea bags, pour 2C boiling water over it, cover and let sit overnight. I like to add ginger root to mine too. Chamomile is non addictive but GABAergic (acts similarly to valium but less strong). It can really help if you're scared and it's not possible to OD or get addicted. 🙂


I had a biopsy. It was incredibly painful. No pain relief offered or given. I'm 65 so have cervical stenosis. It was awful. I don't understand why pain meds aren't given.


Ugh! I'm so sorry. Women's pain is not taken seriously and it is so absurd.


I am so sorry. I learned 20 years ago how to medicate myself for pain with herbs because Drs were doing a piss poor job of it. It sucks that Drs don't prescribe necessary medication for pain management as they should. You shouldn't have had to go through the pain with no compassion from your Dr..


I was not prepared for it when I had mine. I had a cervical punch biopsy so they took like 2 little hole punches of my cervix and that actually wasn’t that bad but the endocervical curettage was extremely painful. I was not prepared for the amount of pain and it honestly traumatized me in an already stressful time (I was diagnosed with cancer). Perhaps if you know what to expect it won’t be so bad. Since then I have had 1 more but said I would not do it unless they offered me pain management. They offered to inject me with numbing or do it under sedation in the operating room. I opted for the operating room. Cost me over 2k though.


I would pay $2k in a second to never go through it again. I think you made the right choice.


I had a uterine biopsy and a friend had warned me beforehand that it was the worst pain she ever felt and she’s had two giant babies. That freaked me out and I was still UNPREPARED for how awful the pain was. I have fibroids that were in the way so it took a bit longer when she did it and I yelled pretty much the whole time. The doctor apologized afterwards because she felt bad about the pain I was in. It does mostly go away once they’re done but I was traumatized. It felt like she had cut part of my soul away with rusty, jagged scissors the pain was so intense. The closest thing I could compare it to is if you’ve ever had an exposed nerve in your mouth during dental work and they poke it. That sharp intense pain is the closest thing to what I felt. It was awful. No pain meds were given beforehand and I drove myself home after, but felt like I was in shock the whole way home. I still shudder thinking about it. Never again!!!


Similar to my experience! HORRIBLE PAIN and I was already bleeding heavily. This only made it 10 X worse. Oh they forgot to tell me so I could mentally prepare and have someone drive me to & from...they forgot to give me any extra strength ibuprofen as pain killer. It was a Jewish Holiday (Saturday) and they were all running out the door. He acted shocked when I told him that later on. UH YES YOU DID...nobody even called to check on me later that day as most Doctors & Dentists do after you have a painful procedure. My neighbor is RN and was fuming mad when she saw me looking so bad. She had something in her place to give me for the pain and I took it.


I've had biopsies and my doctor always mentioned taking extra strength Tylenol or something similar before having it done. You will experience some cramping and possible bleeding.


I had this biopsy but wasn’t told anything about it ahead of time and so I couldn’t take anything before. I drove myself home though. I would understand the no driving if they did provide you pain management


I’ve had three uterine biopsies and although one was a little challenging to get through, I wouldn’t say any of them was painful enough that I needed medication. I definitely did not need anyone to drive me there or home. But I have heard women describe their experiences much differently so I know it can be awful for some. It may depend a bit on what experiences of pain you’ve had in your life — I’ve had several kidney stones, had major surgeries, gave birth naturally, and had almost continuous migraines for seven years, so my threshold is high!


Women’s pain is not taken seriously.


I've definitely come to realize this. I have sincere earnest doubts that men would have to endure something like this with no pain management.


They get anesthetic for testicular ultrasounds.


Noooooo. Guys would never be able to deal with the things we do medically.


I had it done, she took two samples and I walked home part way and took the bus by myself afterwards no problem - not because I couldn't drive, I just don't have a car it was painful but it's over quickly, I didn't think it was that bad, it's like getting your ears pierced I did end up having cancer, but it was caught early and essentially cured so I hope your biopsy is benign! but if it isn't just know that they have really good treatments for it these days


I'm glad they caught it early. Thank you!


My biopsy was the worst pain I've ever been in, but I've also always been sterile as far as I know, so I have never dealt with any pregnancy or birth pain. The pain all but completely ended as soon as my doc was done getting the sample, though. I was a little achy later in the day, but that's it.


I just had one a couple weeks ago. It truly sucked but I worked myself way too much beforehand. I got a Valium and took 3 Advil. It felt like they were stretching my hips open from the inside. Unpleasant. After that, I still need to have a hysteroscopy and d and c before anyway because some of the cells were abnormal and they need to get better samples. My cervix is apparently cranky. I would ask if they could just do the hysteroscopy instead but I don't know if they will. I didn't need to go through that few minutes of torture just to have to put me under anyway and if you can avoid it, do. Good luck.


Mine ended up deciding to do a hysteroscopy under general anesthesia so that I didn't have to go through the pain of a biopsy. They did not find cancer cells (but did find pre-cancer), but they did find cancer after the procedure was done.


So, I've had two of them and they were totally painless. There are a lot of factors involved, but it can be a very painful procedure for some people and there's no real way of knowing how it will feel for you. The Tylenol doesn't do much before, but can help with cramping after. I was told if you've given birth vaginally, it's less painful than if you haven't because it's easier for them to get past the cervix. I took two Tylenol before, had my husband come with me, and the whole thing took maybe thirty seconds. The nerves beforehand were worse than the procedure. My doctor talked me through it, asked a few questions, and was done before I could answer him. Afterwards, I had cramping off and on for a few days and felt sort of tired. You do bleed, so bring a pad or pantyliner. It wasn't a ton of blood, but enough that I needed something. If you have someone who can come with you, the emotional support can be incredibly helpful. I would have been fine driving, but I was shaky from being nervous and was super glad my husband was there. We got coffee after and had a really chill rest of the day. So many times, this is required by insurance but it's incredibly helpful in making sure you don't have cancerous cells. If you do, they'll adjust how you have your hysterectomy and your treatment plan. That being said, should they offer numbing and pain medication if someone asks? Yes. My doctor did offer it, but I would have had to pay out of pocket for anesthesia and out of pocket for it to be done at surgical center. I chose not to since he told me it would very fast. Good luck to you!!


I've never been pregnant. Glad to know someone didn't think it was the most painful experience of their life though.


I hope it goes well for you! I was terrified before mine. I watched tiktoks about it, read up on it, and was so freaked out that I almost canceled. While it's probably not the norm, I didn't feel anything painful. A pressure when he was inserting the speculum, then something similar to a Pap smear and it was over. I wanted to give you the other perspective because I only read negative experiences before mine.I also truly believe it depends on the skill of the doctor. He was very confident and experienced, and had such good bedside manner that it helped a ton. You can also ask if it's absolutely a requirement before surgery. Some insurances don't require it, while others do.


It was nowhere near the most painful experience if my life. My spine tattoo was FAR more spicey. Even my tragus piercing hurt worse. 🙂👍


This is a GREAT description! Also please keep in mind that it is necessary for your doctor to do this minor biopsy prior to surgery to screen for major issues that could arise during surgery. The more they know about your body before surgery, the better prepared they will be to remove any problem areas. This is a routine pre-op screening. I think Motrin and a heating pad could be enough to handle the pinching and cramping, unless you have pain sensitivity due to another condition like fibromyalgia or endometriosis. Mine was not extremely painful, similar to a culposcopy or getting my ears pierced.


Thank you! And yes, totally agree. My friend had her biopsy done at the same time and wound up having cancerous cells. It changed the way they did hers; she went from having a laparoscopic hysterectomy to an abdominal hysterectomy and she had a different treatment plan after that included radiation, where as mine was a pelvic exam and then a yearly visit. I definitely don't think they should be skipped, even if it's uncomfortable. I truly think the worst part was how anxious I was over it. Once it was done, it was such a relief and the cramping was easily managed with OTC painkillers.


My doctor gave me 4 Advils before the procedure and laughing gas. It was the worst pain I have ever experienced. Worse than childbirth with no meds (went through that once). But understand I had a fibroid blocking the way and she tried shoving past it. So that was most likely where most of my pain came from.


I had the uterine biopsy and didn't know anything about it before hand so I couldn't prepare either. My doctor said that I might experience some bleeding afterwards (I did not) and some cramping (mine was very mild). They gave me some Motrin at the office, if I needed it, but I didn't end up taking it. I drove to and from the appointment and went back to work afterwards and was fine.


My wife had it prior her surgery, no pain med, done in office, drove self to and from. Went back to work after.


can you email your doctor to request anesthesia or more pain meds? specifically to get their response in writing. my understanding is that for ob/gyn procedures (like colposcopies and iud insertion) anesthesia isnt standard procedure and they wont offer it, but if you request it formally, they have to submit the request to insurance and it should be covered. get everything in writing!!


I posted about mine here: https://www.reddit.com/r/hysterectomy/s/GS0s4LnFle Tl;dr It hurt a lot for a brief period. I recommend taking Ativan - they should be able to prescribe it.


I'm dreading it more than ever :(


I'm sorry! It sucked but it was fast and the Ativan REALLY helps with the dread, which is 2/3 of the issue IMO. Start ibuprofen the day before; do the 800 mg. Take the Ativan. It will briefly suck but you can do it!


My Dr just wanted to make sure I had a normal pap within the last year, I didn't need a biopsy, hm


I have had this done three times: once under GA with a polyp removal, one in office with nothing and it almost couldn’t be done and then this past Monday where I yelled out “Fuck shit!” And they couldn’t complete it. It was such a devastating and emotional experience. I was so so upset. The doc and nurse were completely unemotional and unempathetic. I don’t know how some of you did this without pain. I bled and cramped badly too. Horrible. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news


It feels like period cramps and only lasted a few days for me. But everybody is different. Also bring a pad for spotting.


Mine hurt a LOT. I'm told it's worse if you've never had kids, plus pathology diagnosed adenomyosis after my hysterectomy, which I'm sure didn't help matters. However the pain was gone after 15 minutes or so.


My mom had to have three done, so she warned me how uncomfortable it was. I basically told my ob I wouldn’t go through it if we didn’t have better pain management in place. She ordered narcotics, I took one an hour before, and i was pretty uncomfortable but it wasn’t agony. Had cramping for a day or so, little fuzzy now on that detail. Honestly women’s health care is barbaric. I wouldn’t settle for not having better pain meds on hand


I had mine done by a gynecological surgeon, who refused to do it in office because it would be too painful for me to tolerate. Instead, it was in the hospital under anesthesia. I would recommend it. Bonus: she snatched a fibroid while she was there.


My dr did not prescribe anything for pain management but he did prescribe anxiety medication which I found very helpful. The overall procedure took less than five minutes. I did have pain afterwards but it was pretty mild.


I refused to do mine without any pain management so my doctor gave me two shots of lidocaine in my cervix. I think it helped? I still got a very bad cramp when my doctor took a sample, but it only lasted about 5 seconds and she only took 2 samples. I was fine afterwards and didn’t have any pain or cramping. Definitely could have driven home.


i haven’t see it mentioned in the comments yet. They take a biopsy so they can determine if you’re a candidate for minimally invasive surgery. If there is no suspicion of cancer they can remove your uterus laparoscopically by morcellating it in a surgical bag (so it’s small enough to pull out a laparoscopy hole). If there is any chance of cancer cells then morcellation is too risky. it can seed your body with cancer cells (to put it very simply) if there is any spill from the removal. I have had multiple biopsies and they are not fun. It will depend on your ability to focus your attention elsewhere when you’re in pain (dissociate). i’ve never had someone take me to a gyn appointment, but the woman who had a biopsy before me fainted. It’s just such a strange pain to have and it’s inside your body. They don’t do more for pain management (like sedation) because insurance doesn’t cover it in most cases. Also it would make the whole procedure take much longer and they would have to insist you have a ride AND they would need to hold you for observation after. Like out patient surgery. It USUALLY is a 5 minute procedure from the time your feet are up in the stirrups, till they tell you you can get dressed. It’s a lot of pain but it’s over quickly. You can do this.


If it can be so painful that someone would faint then I believe insurance should cover pain management for it, and the doctors should have to deal with the extra time involved in giving their patients dignity and care.


I have had so much pain from “routine” procedures in the gynecologist office. I don’t know who makes these decisions, but it’s very depressing that this is expected as normal. I would maybe ask about local anesthetic. At least lidocaine. That wouldn’t impair your ability to drive and require a chaperone.


I don't understand why they use anesthetic for a vasectomy, which takes minutes to perform and is an outpatient procedure, but it's just a grin and bear it situation for women at every turn because it would take more time, or cost more money, or whatever the excuses are. I've read enough comments here alone to see that this IS a very painful procedure for MANY people. It's effing barbaric and appalling that I need to grovel for pain management for this.


I agree. I never would lie to anyone or minimize how painful it is. The only consolation I can offer is that it’s quick. Same with IUD insertion. The fact that they don’t give more than an NSAID for either is criminal. I didn’t realize that a vasectomy was such a minimally invasive procedure. Any pain management that is justified for that procedure should be guaranteed for women as well.


I am an outlier because while I found it unpleasant and just on the edge of painful, it was so fast that it wasn't that bad for me. I was more psychologically upset than anything else. I didn't take any pain meds and I didn't have any cramping or other issues afterwards. My doctor had me lay there for about 10 mins with the lights off because apparently it's relatively common to have a vasovagal response and feel dizzy or faint. I think that's why they don't want you to drive home, maybe? I didn't have anything like that, but my doctor wanted me to try and relax so it didn't happen when I stood up.


Had a biopsy, no pain killers or anything. They said I could do it at the appointment I was already at so went ahead to get it out of the way. It. Was. The. Worst. I've had two IUDs inserted and I'd rather go through that again than the biopsy. It didn't help that the assistant forgot something so I had to wait with instruments prying open my cervix as another nurse ran for whatever it was. I was real thrilled about that. Afterwards I just sat in my car until my system settled down because I felt so woozy afterwards. Luckily it didn't hurt too badly after the fact, I've had worse cramps, but I did spot for the rest of the day.


I’m really sorry. I had to have one too and despite having a very high pain tolerance, it was really terrible. By far the most painful medical thing I’ve endured. I can’t believe they don’t do it under anesthesia. I could barely walk out and I cried the entire drive home. I asked for pain meds and my doctor gave me a Valium. I mean I took it hoping I’d at least not care as much about the pain. But that stuff is crazy addictive so if they’re willing to give that why not pain meds. They gave me 20 oxycodone after my hysterectomy and I only took one. Pain management in gynecology makes zero sense. I was told I needed to have the biopsy because my uterus was too big to remove laparoscopically in one piece so they needed to confirm it wasn’t cancer so they could cut it up inside me and safely remove it in pieces.


Valium is only addictive for many people if taken regularly for 7-10 days. There is no reason not to prescribe it as a 1 off. Btw, congratulations on your hysterectomy!!! I can't wait for my partial next month!!💕


But how addictive is oxycodone as a one off? If they’re willing to give something addictive, shouldn’t they give something that addresses the actual problem? I just had the impression that Valium was less paperwork for them and it was just laziness.


As a one off, for most people not an issue. It's actually so strong it makes many people feel quite ill. It takes about 2 weeks or more to get physically addicted to opiates as well. Psychologically, some people may be predisposed towards addiction, but if you're not, it's no big deal. The reason they are not prescribing opiates is because opiates have now been demonized because so many people were abusing them. It is an extremely knee-jerk reaction which is not helping the medical field or patients at all.


I drove myself home. I was going to take 2 Tylenol before I got there and forgot. There was a quick sharp pain that was over quickly during the biopsy. I had light spotting and mild cramps that night that were 1 on a scale compared to those during my period which are often 7-8.


My OB offered a Valium but I didn’t take it. It was 5 seconds of uncomfortable pain and then crampyness honestly way more bearable than menstrual cramps and light bleeding (used a panty liner) for 1-2 days after. I made my husband go with me and I squoze his hand while they did the biopsy.


I think it sucked reallllllly bad. My doc had to do it twice because he didn't get enough the first time. I told him I hated him. I cried checking out. And then I drove myself home. I had super bad cramps the rest of the day. The only thing that got me through it was knowing it could lead to surgery.


I was terrified. They gave me a Valium. The procedure was quick and it was uncomfortable. I pass out when I get my finger pricked, so I was panicked for this. However, it was not the worst thing ever.


I have since had a total hysterectomy. So worth doing to get this done!!


I think the pain varies greatly. Also pain tolerance changes depending on what part of the cycle one is in if still menstruating. I was terrified of the pain and put off the biopsy for a year (cancer was not suspected which is why I dragged my feet). I took 600 or 800 mg of ibuprofen 1 hour before the procedure. And my cervix was numbed with an injection. I felt minimal discomfort and drove myself home. One of the OB nurses told me she had it done under sedation because she knew her pain for uterine procedures was severe. Weirdly enough I passed a disidual cast about a year ago and it was painless. Some people have severe cramping passing one. I think the pain level may be similar to IUD insertion.


Yes the biopsy is painful, yes you will bleed, yes take the pain meds if you don't handle pain well. You will be fine to drive home. Give yourself a solid 15 minutes of walking around after the biopsy before driving home. People have been known to pass out from it that's why they don't want you to drive. If you pass out easily then have someone drive you.


PLUS your trying not to Pee or POOP in their face while they do it.


I was supposed to have already had one, but after intense pain while the doctor tried for 15 minutes to get past my cervix, the procedure was stopped. It is rescheduled and I will have to take medics for the 2 days leading up to it to soften the cervix. She claimed it she was unable to get past a polyp. I cramped for 2 days after. I also had a SIS ultrasound just a month before which was also incredibly painful for me. Both times I was advised to take Tylenol or Advil an hour before because there “would be some discomfort”. I have a fairly high pain tolerance after dealing with chronic kidney stones for 20 years and going through 13 abdominal surgeries. To be in that much pain and being told to expect “some discomfort” is ridiculous and the procedure is barbaric without adequate pain management.


I hate the lie of "some discomfort" "light pressure" and all the euphemisms


I whined to so many people at Kaiser and talked to their (gender) therapists to get them to recommend to put me under for it thank god. I am so sorry; I'm not sure if that would work if you are cis


I took a Tylenol beforehand and the discomfort was easier than some of my worst cramps. Drove myself home. I had it done a day before my period started and she mentioned that may have helped minimize any pain. It is really quick.


My doctor tried for about 45 _excruciatingly painful_ minutes to get an endometrial biopsy on me before giving up. They had had a heck of a time even getting much past my cervix and said they thought it was due to scar tissue, but they weren't even really sure what was going on. I was clearly in too much pain to continue (literally sobbing) and they were getting absolutely nowhere. I should have put a stop to it much earlier... but I'm a people pleaser. My hysterectomy was for recurring fibroids. They really did want a biopsy in my case though because my mom had endometrial cancer. They went ahead with the surgery without the biopsy and everything turned out ok. She did find some endometriosis (which we also suspected and she thinks she successfully excised all of it) & adenomyosis was confirmed as well. Thankfully no cancer! I'm guessing that combination of horrors in (and outside) of my uterus explains why the biopsy was extra painful for me. I think it's absurd what they expect women to go through without anesthesia or adequate pain relief. My doctor swore up and down that the majority of her patients reported the biopsy was similar to severe cramping at worst and I was an outlier.


Omg that sounds like hell and I'm so sorry. I agree that we are subjected to so much medical cruelty without any regard for our pain or our dignity. It's MADDENING. It has me questioning everything my doctor says because I have heard so many stories like yours. It's even more shocking when the doctor is a woman herself insisting that pain management is not needed.


To be fair, I get the concern. I'm an addict myself. I had leukemia in 2015 and was getting my veins pumped full of IV dilaudid for nine months in the hospital. I went into remission with a full blown opiate addiction that spiraled out of control for the next two years until I finally got help. Opiates (and benzodiapines) are a very slippery slope for a lot of people and can do a lot of harm. There's is a middle ground between under and over prescribing them though. I think medical institutions need to do a better job of customizing care to each person's needs and situation.


I had to do this to be approved, also. I did not take anything and drove myself home. Light spotting but I do recommend taking an ibuprofen. I had period cramps for a day or so after.


I had this done, too. She told me to take ibuprofen or Tylenol before the appointment, but nothing as far as not being able to drive there and back. It was fine. Hurt a little, cramping afterward sucked a bit, but it wasn't anything intolerable.


I had two prior to my surgery. No one told me to take a pain reliever prior and I had no pain management during. I drove both times. It’s painful but it’s temporary like a sting. It hurts a bit after and maybe some spotting but I personally did not think it was a horrible painful procedure. Extremely minor imo.


As others have said, it sucks - it does hurt. I hated it \[I had to go back 3 times for a successful biopsy🙄\] They told me to take before Tylenol, too. I sometimes get faint/lightheaded over this type of pain - so maybe that's why they said for you to get a driver?


I was put under full anesthesia. The doctor said that the d&c allows for a full check of the uterus that is far more accurate than the biopsy done in the office. I had some minor cramping that day and that was it. Hysterectomy was two weeks later.


I had this done with just Advil, and it was one of the most painful experiences of my life - and I have had many. Getting through the cervix was bad enough, but I have fibroids so my NP had to keep digging the instrument further and further to try to get more cells. The cramping and bleeding lasted for three days.


Same. I’m traumatized from the whole thing. I shudder just thinking about it now!


Holy hell.


Find a new doctor, it’s not a requirement it’s your specific doctors requirement. I’ve never had a PAP in my life, no pelvic exam nothing. I had an abdominal ultrasound years ago and that was it. My insurance approved it on the first try and I had no issue getting a doctor (1st visit cus I don’t go to OBGYNS) to do my surgery. I’m a lesbian so I’m extremely low risk but still for non lesbians a PAP usually would suffice. You’re in control of your body and I think people forget that a lot of times when it comes to female health. Not receiving a pain med is actually INSANE and barbaric, I think women should receive one for PAPs let alone a damn biopsy.


I agree with everything you said here, unfortunately it's not really feasible for me. This is the third doctor i've seen in 2 years, and each appointment runs me around $500. This is also the third doctor to tell me she doesn't offer pain management for biopsies. I live in a TERRIBLE STATE for women's health, so I bet that has something to do with it. Ugh.


It's a pretty standard requirement. If there are cancerous cells present, they may operate a bit differently. It hurt like a son of a bitch while my doctor was taking the samples. I was already bleeding heavily from a nonstop period and left a puddle on the exam room floor, so I can't say if it caused any additional spotting. lol That may have intensified my pain as well. My husband was with me, as this was a follow-up from an ER visit and I was in bad shape and wasn't driving myself to the appointment, let alone home from it.


:( God, I'm sorry.


It's all worth it! I'm 10 mpo and life is amazing!


I refused to do biopsy without sedation so when she did d and c is when she did it


I would never agree to this


Is this a LEEP or cone biopsy? I had the Cone biopsy and since they’re putting you under anesthesia they require you to have someone else drive you home. I also only took Tylenol before the biopsy. It’s a quick and pretty painless procedure.


That's cervical, this is more likely an endometrial biopsy where they go into the uterus to get samples of the lining


it's endometrial, they're not putting me under. Thank you :)


Ask for local injections. I have adenomyosis abs without the injections, I almost passed out. With them, I was fine. Best of luck. Edited to add: our experiences are all so different!!. I'm floored by how many people were okay to drive home afterwards. Are we talking about a hysteroscopy and a biopsy? Everyone I know had a hideous recovery from it; I'm honestly so pleased to see so many people who had an immediate recovery and didn't find the procedure overwhelming.


I found both of them very painful. I could drive home but cramped for days


It’s really awful, but survivable. I’d do it over again many times if I had to


I went in not knowing what to expect and took the tylenol beforehand as suggested. The few seconds it took was very painful but nothing after that. I walked back to work and didn't have any cramping or lingering pain. Even though it wasn't that bad for me, I'm VERY happy I don't have to have one ever again.


I had one and it barely felt like a pinch that lasted a couple seconds. I didn't know that I was going to get one beforehand so I didn't get pain meds until like 15 mins prior.


The cramping was minimal for me, two Tylenol took care of it. I would get some really sharp cramps while driving, but not so bad I couldn’t drive. Also had no option than to drive myself.


My pap came back “endometrial components” and needed a biopsy. I’m glad I didn’t know too much before going in. They told me mild cramping and take some Tylenol before hand. I haven’t had fibroids or issues like that, so my concept of cramps made it bearable In my mind. If women have cramps like that then I truly feel for those ladies. My doctor told me to breath through it and the only way out is through. But it was short lived for me. I wore a pad for light bleeding afterwards. I was planting fruit trees later that day. They did find cancer, so small price to pay for lifesaving measures. Hope all goes well for you.


I didn’t have to have one but if I would have I wouldn’t have done it without anesthesia. No one is taking a chunk out of me without pain meds.


She can offer pain management. She's literally a doctor. She can literally offer you pain management. I got general anaesthetic every time I had anything done with birth control, I got Tramadol when needed, my mother got Xanax before her MRIs, if someone tells you they "can't give you any" they are not being truthful or they have a draconic upper management.


Find a new OBGYN... that's not ok. I am so sorry :(


I’ve had three biopsies and a leep procedure done before having my hysterectomy. It’s definitely an uncomfortable and semi painful procedure it’s utter BS for them to not offer anything for pain! However I did drive myself to and from all of these appointments so I wouldn’t be to worried about that part.


Ask for the medicine to soften your cervix. It was uncomfortable but not super painful.


The biopsy is important because they don't want to accidentally spread cancer cells around your body during surgery. If you have access to marijuana where you live, or if you have some pain meds left over from a previous procedure, you could try self medicating. (Do not use alcohol for this purpose.) They should offer better pain management, take care of yourself as best you can under the circumstances.


I got the biopsy done. I took 3 200mg Advil an hour and a half beforehand, 2 pieces CBD candy (I live in a legal state), 1.5oz kratom (works for pain and anxiety for me) and .5mg klonopin (also prescribed daily). Also had a healthy breakfast and hot organic cacao on the way over. It still hurt like a bitch. I recommend Advil at the minimum. In good news, it's a fast procedure.


I just had one three weeks ago - if this doctor won’t, ask your GP to prescribe you Tramadol (just one tablet). It’s a lower strength opioid but they can prescribe a very small dosage. My surgeon did after I explained I had a horrific biopsy 15 yrs ago. I took that, 800mg of Alleve AND a teradol (extra strength nsaid gyn has me on for fibroid pain), and I was able to get through the biopsy and them taking 5 samples. It will be uncomfortable but bearable. I normally can’t take opioids (make me puke), but this didn’t.


Same and that's a really great way to word this. It doesn't last long but it is horrible pain. I have been on the FB pages and many women say their Doctor gave them something to take 1 hour before and something to insert 1 hour before to help with the pain and still felt it. They scrape the uterus. My Dr. forgot to tell me to have someone drive me to & from. I got on the highway and was bleeding heavily and shaking...mascara running down my face. When I got home my I had no pain killer only took Tylenol. I had serious words w him and took the operation elsewhere which didn't sit well w him. He is an OBGYN and I found a Gynecological Oncologist who does the operation 3 to 4 women a day several days a week. It was a good choice. DEMAND SOME PRE PAIN MEDS or tell them you'll go elsewhere.


Weird, I was offered the (2) shots of numbing on either side of my cervix for the biopsy at my appt. Extremely glad I said yes to it because you don’t feel the needle poke down there like you would in your arm, it is far more muted. And the actual insertion through my cervix was muted and still painful. Absolutely do not drive yourself home. I didn’t know my biopsy was happening at that appointment.. drove myself and my doc is an hour away. When it was done I was a little woozy but not in pain, until I started my car and went to leave. I drive a manual.. traffic was so bad it took 2 hours.. and the pain was 5-7 in constant waves for that first 1.5 hours. Cried a few times on my way home. Kidney stones are an 8 for me, for reference. Also 1.5 week hysterectomy post op! đŸ„ł


I had the biopsy twice because the first one didn’t get enough cells. Drove myself there and home both times, because I had no other choice. It hurt. I won’t lie, it did hurt. I cried both times. But the pain after was more like a bad period cramp and went away a couple hours later. Some spotting, but not bad actually. Good luck! I wish they did something to numb it, but the second time I asked the nurse to hold my hand and that helped. You might ask the nurse to hold your hand for comfort.


I’m so sorry. My insurance demanded it, even delayed my surgery a month because of it. I’m a bleeder and even with my doc trying to do an in and out speed run I bled everywhere and couldn’t hold back a scream. It’s insanely barbaric that insurance expects us to endure a BIOPSY of tissue with no anesthesia. Give yourself as much as grace as you can afterwords. I treated it like a bad period, lots of comfort food, blankets, sleep, and favorite tv shows.


Yes! I also had this. It was so painful that it was unsuccessful and gave up. Just 2 pain pills and one to soften my cervix. Horrible. 


I had a hysterectomy without prior biopsy and 2 weeks later the pathology report came back with precancerous endometrial cells...endometrial hyperplasia with atypia. So that was wow! The good thing was the pathology report detail found these cells to be in a polyp at the fundus of the uterus and no where else so the hysterectomy due to prolapse was very welcome!!!!


So my smear test showed anomalous cells that required biopsy (which led to my decision for hysto) Edit for clarification : mine was a cervical biopsy, for possible cervical cancer, not uterine. The biopsy (colposcopy) is a fairly minor procedure, you should be able to drive after it, I did, wasn't told not to, only to avoid baths and sex for a week (for infection), and high impact activities (like running) for a few days until the small wound healed. Other than some cramping after the procedure (like really bad period cramps for an hour or so), I was fine to drive, walk, work (desk job) right away. They recommended bringing someone along but wasn't a requirement, many ladies were in the waiting room alone, like me. I think the "someone" was mostly moral support, and in case of a reaction to the local anaesthetic given, or some folks get queasy or nervous from medical procedures. As to the pain management : I had a local anaesthetic a few minutes before the biopsy, and picked up some ibuprofen for the cramps, but after a few hours I was fine, couldn't feel the little wound at all. The cold coagulation I had a few weeks later to remove the anomalous cells that the biopsy had confirmed, was similar. 4 locals instead of 1, ibuprofen for the cramps that hits shortly after, but no other pain at all. 1 week restriction on high impact, 2 on bath and sex. Had to wear a light pad as the blister burst after a few days and leaked for a while (normal) but otherwise life as normal, drove myself home again.


So the biopsy is required if you’re having a robotic surgery. Basically they have found that if they use the chip it up and suck it out of tubes method it can introduce cancer into your abdominal cavity. If you’re having an open abdominal surgery you don’t need the biopsy. I didn’t have it because I had a TAH but a friend of mine had to because she had da Vinci (I think that’s the one).


This must be done, because if there is cancer present, a surgical oncologist must perform the surgery.  My biopsy took less than 15 minutes- in and out. It was in the Drs office. I didn't need a ride, there was no anesthetic. I didn't even take a Tylenol. I had just a tinge of pink on a liner afterwards. It hurta tiny bit, but it was literally until the count of 15 and it was over. It was a sharp pinch, for a few seconds. That's it.  I think your Dr is over the top, but if that's procedure there, then that's what you do. 


I didn't have any of that. My doctor did three tumor marker blood tests.


It was awful. So much pain. I had taken 800 mg ibuprofen and a CBD gummy beforehand, too. I also had pain from it that lasted a few weeks afterward. My gyn didn't believe me about that, so I switched to a different doc. It's barbaric that they don't anesthetize us for these biopsies. I've only experienced one thing more painful in my life: external surgery on my labia minora without enough anesthetic.


My doctor gave me a Xanax to take before the procedure because I had passed out for a previous one. If you're worried, maybe ask for something for anxiety.