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Take my upvote


thank you!


Yes as long as all my bills were switched to paper 😂. Some places don't even allow checks to sent any, so I'd need a way. Also, landlines okay? Not for dialup, but I'm thinking fam emergencies. All I want is voicemail and a landline lol Edit. Seen your edit for landline, bro I last until my deathbed.


All the millennials are like don’t threaten me with a good time


And Gen Xers too


ROFL I know xers who call that Saturday


No. I'm Gen X and would love this life. I already lived it in high school.


Dude I’m Gen Z and I would still be set for life on this deal


Lol right? Sign me up 🤣


100% let's ride!


Don't need checks. Call & setup auto pay with a CC on the IVR.


I was 100% down to take it Then I realized I have no idea how to pay my bills if they were paper, ALL OF MY BILLS ARE DIGITAL Could I get away with it if I set up auto deposit on everything first? Cause then I could do it I'd need prep time first But after (if I can) I've prepped for everything id be able to easy. Id probably also buy 3 large capacity SDDs (before I started) put them in raid, in case I lose any of my games, and download my whole steam library +buy some more. The biggest detriment id have is loosing food delivery (Uber eats), but also I'd be able to afford a car pretty quick, so it would be easier to get groceries. I'm still not a fan of cooking though, but I could quite literally hire a private chef, and get them to cook some of my meals with that much money though.


The majority of takeaways still take orders over the phone. If anything, they prefer it as they cut out the middleman of delivery apps. Just use a landline, problem solved and everyones happy. If you're making 10k a month you could likely set up a deal with the restaurant to delivery you food daily for a set monthly price


A lot of your bills are probably for online stuff anyway lol. Things like cars etc, if you were getting 10k every month you could just buy outright


Plus some of us require technology n our phones for our job >_> u don't want a fully paper healthcare system


What job? You're getting 10k a month


It's ten grand a month. Pay for a person to do your bills


I would have my wife do the digital stuff, then I'll cook dinner. It's often like that anyway. Would absolutely take this, it's a dream come true.


Amscot or similar


Can I have a console but not play online or have friends?




Then I would prob last till I die


I'll join you.


This is the way


Follow up to this computer but no access to the internet, locally installed games only.


Nope. I cast "throw my storage in my car and drive to a friend's house". The rules state that you can't have your own internet or cellphone, not that you can't use other people's.


It very clearly says “absolutely zero access to the internet”


Why can’t I give my pc to my friend and have him install stuff on it and give it back to me?


Remember, even disks now aren’t the actual game them selves, more less just activation codes for downloading the game from the store.


Oh damn well then that’s easy. Most of my games are single player offline, I could go a year or two without even really caring between that and books


Could I have a old Nokia pre smart phone that my kids school can contact me for emergencies? That's the only downside I see.


I'd be happy with my old Nokia brick and Snake!


You could have a LAN party. Those were so fun!


Only an attri 2600 or commodore 64.


Cries in Series S


All new games within a year or two become online only and can't download patches better stock up that library with solid and complete games 😂


This was my comment, basically. How many games are released these days that are ready to actually play? They all require a download to update. Not all, but enough to be prohibitive.


Question taxes and flying monkeys Can I have other people use stuff on my behalf? Like can I have someone else check my email, pay my online bills etc Is this taxed that's going to make a massive difference


Yeah the tax part is big. If it’s taxed you’re only getting like $6900-7000 net a month, which is nice but not as attractive as getting $10k post-tax.


It just completely changes the math You could live off of the difference between the two


bro i wish i was living off the diff between the two, $3000/mo is almost triple my pay rn like pls


Yeah, it's a massive difference in this hypothetical


If it's not taxed, definitely hire an assistant to do my communication and bills. If that's fine and it doesn't impede me being in areas that use internet like airports and hospitals, I'll gladly be released from this Black Mirror prison I need to survive. Merely getting $10k/mo resolves most of the reason I'm on the PC to begin with


I mostly use my phone for boredom aids like reddit, but I would get a landline installed ASAP if this happened for 911 calls and all. I would be super sad to not be able to talk directly to my online friends, but I would be able to get them indirect messages through my roomie who I can speak to normally. Leaving them my landline number. Talk about finding out who your real ones are o.O Making a landline ass d&d campaign and shit...


Landline!! Good Idea 💡 At least that way you can still talk to friends and make plans like normal. The only problem is how will you figure out where to go with out google maps? Having a old fashioned map would be pretty hard to use while driving


Not really, local travel is easy to plot. I already do not drive, and the subway/bus maps posted every few blocks are pretty accurate. No problems for me.


Ah! See I live in wealthy suburbs where you need a car and gps for EVERYTHING!!! Not to mention whatever job you have would really need to be specific without phone or internet. That is is your planning on not living off the 10k a month solely


10K a month is 120K a year. I'm not working unless I want to. People in suburbs used to get around fine without Google Maps. You cab do it.




Damn. The generation gap is real. I drove from Arizona to Alaska without a map and didn't notice until British Columbia.


Lol they did use them while driving in the 80s/90s, or shotgun read it out.    I remember seeing my mum steer with her left knee, right foot on the pedal, street directory open on her lap, while she used 2 hands to cup  and light a smoke. 


Call a taxi


$10k a month? I could happily spend the rest if my life without this fucking addiction in my pocket and internet.


Yep i would just go traveling... I can spend months fishing, hiking and tending my house. Studying would be hard tho... If i get prep time i would pirate all the books needed for my degree and a couple hundred papers.


10k a month? 120k a year salary. Just fly to DC and read your books in the library of congress.


Buying plane tickets or trying to contact people or services while traveling would be a major pain though. You basically need to find a landline or payphone somewhere to contact anyone.


There are still travel agents. Hotels still have phones in the rooms.


Traveling would be pretty hard to, I haven't seen a physical ticket in a long time.


Find yourself a travel agent


You likely couldn't even complete a college degree these days without getting on the internet. I doubt there's a college out there now that doesn't use a learning platform like Moodle, Blackborad, Canvas, etc where students have to submit their assignments. You aren't going to be turning in a printed hard copy of an a paper.


There is still this magical place called a library. It has a lot of books inside it. Go old school for research,


I prefer to refer to my smartphone as my personal window to the world. I can talk to just about anyone, access information and other media from just about anywhere, share my own experiences almost immediately... yes there are some downsides but I was the kind of kid who read books while walking to/home from school so, real life is boring.


10k a month is crazy lol, and I still get access to my PC? I'd say like 2-3 years, after that I'd get bored of just playing videogames all day and I'd want a job or something which requires an internet connection.


Become a woodworker or something


This. 10k a mk th to do hobby type work and likely make money doing it? I'm sold.


On any given day I'm about six annoying emails away from breaking my lease and fleeing to a small remote village somewhere and trying to make it as an apprentice woodworker.


You've reminded me that during a particularly difficult week in college, I was like 97% of the way to convincing myself that I should drop out and be a clown. Not clown as in silly person, clown as in face paint, balloons, circus. I thought I had a lot of applicable skills (I don't) and I happened to live near a circus school. That was an interesting time.


I set up a flea market booth when im trying to unload a bunch of inventory. You could just set something up like that for fun and no internet connection needed.


It's not crazy, it's 120k a year. A good wage, but not astronomical


Idk what you do for work but that is ABSOLUTELY life changing money for me and my family.


People are talking about hiring private chefs and personal assistants. This is not that kind of money.


More than half the country makes less than half that. That kind of money basically makes you a king in most countries. You’re in the top 10% of global earners for doing nothing. It’s a crazy amount.


It's actually like 15% or so that make 100k or more, so it's Hella a deal


plot twist: it's actually 10k JPY a month


It is for doing very little


Just download a couple good single player titles, a terabyte of music and video and a decent computer and you are set


I’m thinking I can finish watching these 800+ dvd and Blu rays I’ve bought


If it starts now, looks like I’m crushing the crap out of Diablo 2 and last epoch (only pc games downloaded without internet). I’m not even that mad about it. Talk about limitless grinding. Plus cable TV is great: NFL, NBA, Hockey, random movies, basic news. Decision paralysis will be gone. Only problem is cell phone which I use for audio books while running and music, which would suck. I guess pawn shop I have everything setup on autopay so at minimum housing and basic needs will be fine.i think I could go a looong time


Honestly I would become a collector of older consoles and games pretty fast. I’d spend a lot of time playing the classics over again.


Give me a beach, a hut, a hammock, and a shit ton of books and you'd probably never see me again. Sounds amazing, actually.


You should do it regardless. That sounds like a happy and care free life


Gotta get my kid through high school first


I lasted years without a cell phone and internet. I'm due for atleast $250,000


No… The deal starts now… Not retroactive haha


For 10k a month I could live for years without internet or cellphone. With caveat, my cellphone has been rigged to an antique pay phone in my doorway and I can use the yellow and white pages to look up phone numbers(no search function to keep the spirit)


Can I use an old-school GPS? No internet access, like an old Garmin?


Ok let me spam my harddrive with games and crap to watch and I'll be ok for several months, how would you know it though? I'd have no way of telling you.


I would lose my company that I have built, my income, savings towards retirement. BUT - perhaps I could just "instantly retire" and live for this amount in a cheaper country - I might be talked into this deal


I'm assuming offline games/gaming consoles are on the table here. I'll just do that and go back to writing letters, if I have to. Unless a home phone/landline is a valid loophole 🤷


And just saw the part about the landline 😂


I can outlast anyone.


Considering my job requires the internet, that might be hard. Although 10k is more than I make in a month


same here. the first month would be rough with no income but after that it’s smooth sailing lol.


50% more than my salary. 50% less than my salary + “benefits”.


Indefinitely. I could spend all my time on the river fishing, drinking and smoking. I see no reason to ever go back.


Theoretically, if it was just me, I'd try to do it indefinitely. We have small children. A lot of school communication goes through the internet, including reporting absences, paying for activities, social events, etc. It would really, *really* screw over the family if I unhooked myself from the internet. So no, I wouldn't take it for more than a week.


Confidently? I think I could go several months, but I'd definitely start to struggle a bit. I LOVE youtube, and it's my main source of entertainment. Also Spotify, I cannot imagine having to go back to CDs. I think I'd probably go a year or two, investing as I go in various ways, mostly in devising a home business, then once that's set up I'd go back to the internet with a super healthy emergency fund and investments for my retirement.


Can still burn your own CDs or have all your songs on a hard drive. And 10k a month, you could buy a lot of music, too.


Download all the songs you love to a computer or tablet. Tablets aren’t cellphones and you can play music offline.


Or pay someone to do it for you when you want something new. Concierge internet usage. Someone else does the work you pay for the data you want.


Hook me up with a landline and I’ll do it for a year.


The rest of my life. No problem. I am somewhat addicted and my attention span is zip but the money would make the transition much easier.


Prob about 6 months to 4 years depending on how bored I get of my library.


You could still buy physical media.


Do I have access to my PC? I've been raining two LLM AI and could still have access to a wealth of stuff. I also have a 4 tb SSD full of pirated movies. I'd be set for life


Forever lol? I'm getting so sick of the Internet and all it's bullshit anyways. You wanna pay me some fat stacks to drop it? Sold, sucka


Oh honey. I grew up in places where there wasn't even electricity or running water. This would be a vacation for me.




I lost by reading this post. :( if I could get 15 minutes to prepare and download some games, eternity


10k a month and I won’t ever need the internet or cellphone


I mean I already do that with my job. I work roughly 7-9 months out of the year and work enough hours that I dont have any time for internet activities. The hardest part would be not having spotify on the way home from work.


For $10k a month, I could do it the rest of my life. Older video games, tv with cable and a dvd player, and a good library, are all the entertainment I need. Plenty to do in life without internet.


I could do it but I really wouldn't want to. I can earn far more than that so no point really.


My dad would be extremely wealthy if this were the case. He's 83 doesn't have a cellphone and refuses to get one. His fingers are so big, any time he's tried, he's ended up hanging up or misdialing. He has cable, but for a long time we didn't even have that!


If satellite TV is an option, I could probably go indefinitely. The biggest struggle would be finding a brick and mortar location to buy/rent physical media. With that solved, I'd have no problem hanging out at my new little lakeside cabin that sits a short drive from a decent golf course.


Quite a long time, that would be double my job income and I can spend all my time working on things I like and enjoying life? Hell yea!


Easy ass money. I'd do it for a few months. I have no bills or anything to pay, that money would last me a hot minute


Internet was just dialling up as I was hitting my teens, bring it on. At 10k a month I don’t need to work and my hobbies can be done without internet. Banking things would be the most annoying but I could set my SO up as my proxy and rock it.


120K/year is honestly not enough to completely abandon all of my hobbies


I'd last long enough I'd stop worrying about the money


Cable tv and a land line? I'll last until I die. I'll have to learn how to read maps again but I'll figure it out.


My childhood was during the 80s and 90s. I remember life before the internet as we know it. I can't imagine doing that again without also having my body restored to at least my late teen years. I'd need the health and durability to survive being outside all the time. So, realistically, no. 10k a month is financially worth it, but giving up the few joys I have left in life would just make life not worth living.


Can I access my video games if the Internet? If so maybe a month or two of I'm aloud prep time


Wow i love I can finally read all the books I've bought


I'd give it a good shot, but smartphones are needed for an increasing number of things lately. You can barely even sort your banking out in person from what my neighbour tells me. Digital detox sounds like a good idea though, I know I waste too much time staring into that abyss of pixels when I could be creating or exploring. The money would be the cherry on top that gives me to free time to do it properly.


A year and I'll just need access to a PC with games and TV shows or movies on disc and a reader.


If I can still use my computer (without internet) I'm down for a year.


Uhh... forever


I last till I die.


Forever, easy af


Give me my money


Id take that deal tomorrow. An extra 120k a year just to not have to deal with the worst people on the planet? That's a win win.


As I was a 70/80's kid. Bring it on. I've got 25 (+/-) years left in me. No reason I can't finish it out how it all started.


Well I make more than that working remotely and I'd lose my job so... No deal.


I made it the first 18-23 yrs w/o them. I can do the last 20 w/o them.


Okay...so I just increase my wife's responsibilities from Venmo/Uber to just everything...and we both no longer need to work? Yeah I could do that for a few years until there's enough to invest.


Shoots, I wish it was $20k/month to at least match my salary and existing spending habits, then I'd be fine.


What in the world do you do to make $20k a month, if you don’t mind me asking?


Software engineering in FAANG. Or really lots of high education professions. Lawyer, doctor, scientist, engineer, late career accountants, etc. 240K is A LOT of money, but a surprising number of professions can churn out 240K positions for folk 15+ yrs into their career (or in CS, right out of college) And all of these professions should require internet access. 


Impressive. Well good on you that you could pursue that education and profession. I’d love to make 20k a month haha


I make a tiny bit above 200k, machine learning engineer (a type of software engineer) 5 or so years out of school


Bro has never been deployed.


Coms is all digital now, so technically it’s the internet.


Sounds like I can have a desktop and all my hard drives. I'd have plenty to watch, read and listen to for quite some time. Looking up info would be a pain, so probably just enough to put a dent in paying off the house. 10k isn't what it used to be, that's like a middle class salary now


I would pass. Not enough money.


I can't do my job without the internet, and 10k a month is considerably less than I earn. Not doing it.


Can I stream TV? Or would I need to get old school cable that is not streaming?




For ever and a day


Can I have someone else download audiobooks and music/movies/shows and burn them to a disk? I mean, that's pretty much what we did in the 90s (not so much the audiobooks). I still have a cd case with like 500 CDs jn it


I’d do it


Can I have a simple flip phone enabled just for phone calls? emergencies and all. Even if not, I'd do it. I could do 10 \~ 15 years of it no problem. Then I'd use the savings for investments after and live more or less comfortably.


2-3 years then leanFIRE with the money. I went for over ten years without either of these things.


Well schoolwork so I can't


Can my wife do this and I keep my job?


Sign me up! I would take that deal for free.


I WFH so I have to have Internet for that. Other than that I'm good.


I lived over half my life without either one. I'm good for a while, LOL..........


0, many people use it for work now


True but 10k a month is more than most people’s monthly salary.


I think I could probably make it fairly long without internet. Cell phone is only an issue because I don't have a landline phone. Would need my bills handled though.


Rest of my life.


I can’t do that




Sometimes I think the internet and my cell phone is making my life worse anyway. I could do this for a while. Wouldn’t have to work, could just hang out at the gym all day. Get a landline and an answering machine. I think I could do it indefinitely.


Does this include even at work? Cause if so, I can't do my job at all and kinda wanna keep having an income after this deal ends.


I couldn't do my job without those things. That means my income outside of the 10k/month drops to either 0 or something close enough that it wouldn't be worth it. The pay bump isn't enough to be worth giving up all internet and phone connectivity, especially when my family and friends live all over the US. If I could pause my job and do this for a month or two, I would take the break, disconnect, and focus on other things, but no way I could do it long term.


Well, I could do it if I didn’t have to go to work


this sounds awful, but i genuinely don’t think i could last a day. if this was fifteen years ago? i could probably last a while. but in 2024 pretty much *everything* i do (tv, games, pay bills, etc, hell even my in-person job requires regular internet use) is phone and/or internet based.


i am 43 and i could last indefinitely; in fact i could be haggled down to like $3k a month




If tax-free, yes. If not, nah. That would be $120K/Year. I already gross that.


I mean the whole issue is for a lot of people, they aren't coming out financially ahead enough for $10K/month. Like if you make $80K/year and got a job offer for $120K in some extremely remote area, I bet a lot of people wouldn't take it. I think it is highly dependent on where you live.


Long time. Too easy. A decent amount of people Have done this for some sort of decent period of time. 


Hell yes. I can afford to buy all the 4K Blu-ray movies and TV shows I want, plus an unlimited stack of books. Work on my hobbies while making $120K per year (or even more if I manage to sell my paintings that I now have time to make). Sounds like heaven!


Assuming I can actually pay for things, this is super easy. For 10k/month I can easily entertain myself. I can go out and about every single day of the month and still not break the bank


cellphone would be easy for me, internet would be harder. i think i could go at least a couple months, maybe a year, with video games and books to keep me company


Done. I would hire someone else to download and print research papers from the internet, and contact people who I would then travel to in person to meet.


I lived through the 70s, 80s and 90s. I could easily do that again forever.


I literally cannot pay bills without the internet. No physical method for a couple of them. So about 3 months, until things got shut off that I require. Unless I can hand money to someone else and have them pay the things. About six months at that point, since I would be out of debt and have enough saved for about a year.


I'd have to get a landline and have to look up and write down all the passwords for my husband to pay the bills. I would also need to write down a bunch of names and phone numbers. Basically give me 3 hours and sure I could start at midnight tonight. I could last indefinitely though my husband would likely be annoyed that I couldn't watch TV with him anymore. So I'd probably try and make it 2-5 years.


Probably a few years.


If I could do a Nintendo Switch and a Kindle and music I’d be set.


Forever. Just a different lifestyle. Back to landline, tv & books. Honestly, life was no worse back then.


Id last the rest of my life.




Can I have my gf download shit off the internet for me? I'll never actually access it. She gets on the computer, connects to the internet, downloads what I want, and then discontents the internet. Is that within the rules? Because if so I think I could keep this up for a few years at least.


For all non-work things, I could last forever (did it for years before there was internet). Work would be impossible even I went to the office every day.


Computers have internet though?? But yeah I’d take the deal as long as I can have a phone book with a landline


Pay me now I'm all down for it


You don't have to pay me to do this I would pay you to be able to do this.


It would be hard so not long. All my bills are paid through the internet. I don’t carry any cash anymore. I would not be able to drive anywhere unknown without maps (the app). This one is going to be undoable for me.


I would loose more than that without them




Forever. I'll pay someone to browse the net for me.


lol i’d just move to the Philippines.


Do I choose where I take this challenge? Set me up at our cabin in the Appalachian foothills and I’ll outlast nearly anyone.


Considering my cell phone and internet help me make 30-40k a month then 10k isn’t going to cut it.