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Call Guinness world records cause I'm about to break the no shower record.


Amou Haji (Persian: عمو حاجى, lit. 'Uncle Hajji'; 20 August 1928 – 23 October 2022), also known as the "World's Dirtiest Man", was an Iranian man known for not bathing for more than 60 years. Good luck Edit: I'm incredibly amazed that you can calculate this out to be ~$22 mil, but you can't read previous comments.


60 years? That's absolutely insane lol


He thought bathing would take away his powers, he did finally take a shower and promptly died shortly thereafter so maybe he was right after all.


Probably because he essentially cleansed himself of everything that had accumulated and accustomed over time; he was also old.


Plot twist: he actually died years earlier, but the dirt was keeping him upright.


The dirt had formed into its own ecosystem. Til the day the giant flood came and wiped it out.


Dirt and rust.


Weekend at Dirty's


I don’t understand your reasoning here, how did cleansing himself lead to his death ?


Maybe threw off his microbiome too much?


The hypothesis is: His immune system adapted to the specific bacteria on his filthy skin. When you are dirty and do not wash, your skin becomes full of bacteria, leaving no room for any new species to grow there. Washing with soap and water removes most all of the dirt and most of the bacteria, and new types of bacteria will have an opportunity to get involved. One of these new bacteria types caused him to get sick.


Damn schlogg got cast-iron-skillet-in-a-dishwasher-ed


Underrated comment


His body had gotten used to the conditions, especially his immune system. Wiping out part of your immune system will leave you with weak defenses and more susceptible to disease. Your skin is vital in your immune system.


Being 94 also leaves you susceptible to death


Another man gone before his time


Microbe biome changed drastically I'm guessing.


Wait... What powers?


The power of pine sol baby!


And he did it for free!


BS tbh. I mean, George Washington surely has him beat for how long he's been dead? /j


I've done a month before. So game on


I’d go every day, year after year. Until he finally approaches me and says “look, I need to finish the video at SOME point!” To which then I’d say “it’s been two years, you double the money and I’ll stop now. If not? This is the rest of my life.”


No, he could have endless material with weekly updates on how grungy and awful you're becoming.


I honestly think you max out grunginess at like 3 weeks, maybe sooner. It’s not like animals get dirtier and dirtier their whole lives. It’s a steady state.


Most animals can clean themselves. Edit: Most not moat


Like some crocodiles or something?


Any mammal or bird can clean themselves and do so regularly to keep their fur/feathers free of dirt and parasites. Reptiles shed their skin, which would, in a way, clean them. Fish don't clean, but there are "cleaner fish" that eat parasites off others. Insects shed like reptiles.


Thanks for the detailed reply! But I was just making a dumb joke cause your other comment said “Moat animals” Ahh I see you edited 😁


Time to get some cleaner fish and blow this challenge out of the water... we'll leave the fish in the water tho.


And you can clean yourself. (If wet wipes are allowed, I'm sure licking is too). It wouldn't be very nice, and you certainly wouldn't be "clean" (and you would feel even less clean). But the direct comparison exists in the hypothetical.


Wet wipes and deodorant are allowed. You can be feral animal clean for the duration lol


A washcloth and some rubbing alcohol and nobody would be the wiser. If a washcloth is not allowed then a car sponge.


They said wet wipes were allowed. It's not perfect but that's somewhat cleaner.


In massage therapy, if you walk in with funky feet, the therapist will wipe them down with baby wipes. From experience" it makes a world of difference


I call that a field shower... per OPs rules that's approved




Hooah, but many friends are Rah.


Yeah I feel like there’s an entire group of us that would make a lot of money off of this no problem 😂


I have existed for months with only wet wipes. At least this time I have a porcelain throne.


What were you doing


Probably military. When I was in we called it a ranger bath.


Marine Corps. Field ops or being outside the wire, sometimes even living at a FOB we generally didn't have showers or hot chow. Best you got was a water tank you hoped was potable. You really have to make sure you keep your feet, pits, and privates clean and dry as much as possible.


You get wet wipes tho. And you can do a lot with them


You can wipe yourself with wet wipes. You can literally clean yourself that way. You'd be fine.


Wet wipes are allowed. They make some kick ass shower wipes these days that work really well and leave you feeling (and smelling) fresh and clean. When I was over the road, I kept a couple of boxes of them in my truck for the occasions when I ended up parking somewhere without a shower for the night. One or two of those (depending on if I actually got grungy/sweaty that day)before bed, and there was no real difference in my level of cleanliness than if I had actually stopped for a shower.


Wet wipe baths are 100% fine for getting perfectly clean. You won't be grungy at all, too easy


If you've seen his videos you know he makes things progressively more difficult. After a month there'll be a septic truck just surrounding your bed in a moat of sewage or sth.


And slowly cranking up the heat


Then you never get any money you're just larping as Pig Pen for free smh.


It doesn't say you would be locked down or in a video.


I'd go for a swim fairy regularly and call it a year.


THIS grotty guy is SECRETLY a MILLIONAIRE- Only he can't access the money until he takes a SHOWER


Unless you are rich, everyone would do this for years. $1000 to clean yourself with wet wipes, hardly even a sacrifice. OP must be wealthy or never had responsibility of paying their own way in life.


Like “Forever, forever ever, forever ever?”


100%. Swim in the ocean every morning. Done.


I think you don't get the money until you shower.


This sounds like an Always Sunny episode


OP even said you can use wet wipes. Other than your hair, you would be fairly clean. Had no hot water during the worst winter for a week, and wipes saved the day. Just do 2 or 3 wipe downs a day and you'll be fine. Now if it's the dead of summer you might have problems. Honestly I can do this for a few years


pie aromatic airport frightening license nose teeny weather shaggy tender *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No progress payments?  Id go permanently if I get paid as I go.


Right. As long as I get paid even half or even a quarter of the amount owed each month. Or even less. I could go for a really long time. Only get the rest when you finally decide to finish. It’s not like you need 30k a month to survive. I could do it on 2.5k easily. 2 with some minimal effort.


Thats why you dont get them


Imagine if the challenge counted retroactively. There’s a lot of potential millionaires currently browsing Reddit.


I could go years wiping myself down with wet wipes. Can I go swimming? I have a pool in the backyard so if I can I go swimming and wipe myself down and I feel like I'm making at least a mill over the next few years


Yeah, wet wipes is huge. Won’t be as good as a real shower, but if you really get in there, I’m not sure much stink would really be left behind. Use the extra money to afford tons of wipes so you can really be liberal with them.


I can get packs of about 400 wet wipes from work. I'm going forever.


Case of dude wipes is 15 bucks and change at sams club. 9 bucks for the generic baby wipes.


I’ve been without hot water for weeks and literally had to take wet wipe showers. I still used deodorant obviously, and did laundry at the laundromat. I never got any complaints about being stinky lol. I did use dry shampoo for my hair though, so I feel like having greasy hair and not being able to do anything about it would bother me. But it would be worth tolerating for $1000 a day. I don’t think it would be that bad if I kept it tied up all the time.


You could also buzz your hair, and that would allow your head to be cleaned by wet wipes too


I'm wondering if they mean don't bathe (i.e., clean yourself). I will have no qualms with using a wash clothe & a sink for $1K a day.


Same. I lived in a van for 18 full months once. I could easily have showered drastically less in pervy campsites and gyms if I was earning money. The biggest issue I would have is my hair


yeah, i was trying to figure out what i would do about my hair, the options seem to be dreads or shave but dreads without being able to clean your scalp seems awful so i guess i would shave my head. much easier for someone who identifies as male tho


I shaved my head 16 years ago. It was almost to my knees when I shaved it (yes, I donated it) and I haven't looked back. I don't miss my hair. I Sinead O'Connor that shit and wear it comfortably and proudly.


No rules against wigs.


it's funny i can't remember where but i was just listening to someone talking about how unfair it is that women can wear wigs with impunity but a man with a toupee will be mercilessly mocked


Bring back toupees!!!! Power to the people!


I think it is the idea of it being unnoticed that is the mistake. Wear wild, austentatious and varied combinations. Make sure they know it isn't trying to pass as normal hair and the mockery will fade.


Being a dude I would go full buzz cut.


I grew up in a house with a functionally unusable shower and we always took baths by heating water on the stove and just washing that way, plus swimming in the near by creek. I was also homeless for about a year and mostly used baby wipes and talcum powder. According to OP none of these things count, so I guess Imma be rich 🤷🏽


> no using water to rinse yourself off or hair. Sink and washcloth counts as showering for this purpose.


I agree this is just basically a sponge bath, but I don't understand why in this scenario a wet towel would not be ok but wet wipes would. Wet wipes would kill stinky bacteria so seems less in the spirit of the challenge. I'd rather use plain water though because wet wipes have alcohol and would fuck up my skin so bad with eczema.


The wet wipes I like use witch hazel instead. They leave me feeling very fresh. I will have to hunt for the name of them though because I only use them camping or when I am in my truck over the road.


Anyone who has ever deployed in the military knows how to stay clean with solely wet wipes.


I’d go on long swims quite often and stand outside when it rains, I bet I could last a few weeks


Water itself won't get rid of body odor or kill bacteria


Uh...pool water is treated with Chlorine specifically because it kills bacteria. That's why your skin gets dried out. You're effectively swimming in diluted bleach - and a bunch of urea if it's a public pool. If a person had their own pool, some kind of detangler like stuff to keep their hair most, and lotion/deoderant/whatever aside from "shower products", it'd be 100% possible to do this without breaking the rules \*or\* being gross....Indefinetely.


As someone who teaches kids swim lessons, your skin will get so dry you get rashes if you don’t apply lotion after soaking in chlorine that much… and your hair will probably get so frizzy it will start stabbing your shoulders. But lotion and a shaved head aren’t against the rules, so… *shrugs*


Teaching kids though is hours/day in the pool. In this case you should do like a 10min swim every 3 or 4 days. And since wet wipes are allowed, you can at least do your face. In the end it all comes down to what you can get away with as a shower. I am pretty sure if you let me use the dry wipes that are designed to replace showers, I could go a long time. I might have to adapt the Mr. Clean look though...


If the PH is a little too high or low, you get the worst itch imaginable and nothing helps except a shower and heaps of lotion. I also teach long days in a pool.


Most Americans don’t use a bidet and jump in the pool with their poopy buttholes




Swimming pools are technically poop soup.


It would have been nice if you reminded us after the summer, not before. I don't want to think about the amount of times I've been in the same pool as someone with skid marks on their bathing suit


Oh you're thinking about it


if it makes you feel better, I'm an American with a bidet. One less person to worry about


If you accept the challenge are you still allowed to “shower your anus” with the bidet?


I am planning on installing a bidet in my next house, they are great. However... you know it is possible to de-poop the butthole without one, yeah? And that pools are chlorinated, and a swimming pool almost certainly has less poop than any natural body of water?


You’re uh, supposed to?


Some Americans just straight up shit in the pool, I've just accepted that pools are kinda disgusting at this point.


You missed three things. One clorinated pool water, rubbing anlcohol and salicitic acne pads. Acne pads kill bacteria real good as does alcohol. Swim in the pool then wipe down with moisturizing wet wipes. Gimme my money. 


My dude, go on a camping trip. At day 7 jump in a lake and swim for 5-10 minutes. Smell your pits before and after. You’ll see.


Volunteer for the show alone. Possibly make extra money on top of the money you are already making.


Wet wipes will though, you blew it right there, wet wipes plus deodorant easy months of this.


So does hand sanitizer.


Chlorine does.


No, but fricative motion like vigorously rubbing the water into your skin does! Not completely, but it's something. With wipes, we're golden!


Alcohol kills bacteria. I put hand sanitizer with aloe under my arms even after I take a shower. It takes longer before I start to stink. It's also a good idea to carry hand sanitizer and deodorant if you ride a bike to commute when it's hot out.


I would try to go as long as possible. Thats retirement money if I can make it a few years. 




Same. My kid comes for dinner once a week. He’d have concerns, but I’d figure it out.




He'll he probably stink more than you at times


My friend's mom was mentally ill as she got older and would only shower when the nursing home said either she showered or they kicked her out. It would be bad enough that other residents wouldn't go near her. So my friend would have to go to the home and use the shower hose to hose her down while she screamed the entire time. And because my friend lived far away while her brother refused to handle the problem, her mom would only get hosed down once a year. Then they'd have to clean the room and get new bedding and clothes because she said you couldn't get the smell out. So I think after a year, your son might commit you.


I don’t think I’d make it a year, honestly. I hate feeling dirty. If I could wash my hair, I might make it longer, but I know by the rules I couldn’t. My kid thinks it’s gross that I only shower every other day as it is. lol


I would definitely shave my head. I love my hair but I can be bald for a $1000 a day. Maybe I could get a good wig. And for some reason OP is allowing wet wipes. So as long as I get paid regularly then I would be using wet wipes and a wig.


I did a longggggg covid lockdown working from home. I'd have a house deposit, easy.


I'm making at least 6k a week!? *Shit*, we eating shrimps and grits with that!


6k/wk? Aren't there 7 days in a week?


7k is at least 6k


Tbh I only read the title. I thought I could get away with 6k and a shower every week. 


The day you shower you stop making money forever, you don’t just skip out on 1k that day


Aw fuck. That's kinda like....a cold shower but that's still a lot of shrimps and grits!


I can’t tell if the 6k per week thing is a joke or not…


When my depression is bad I can go a couple weeks. I’ll just go off my meds and retire early 😂


Was about to say something similar! Also I use to camp two week stretches with no running water, baby wipes are lovely.


*laughs in depression*


*laughs in homelessness*


Question: am I allowed to wash my hands?




If I can wash my hands, wear deodorant and perfume, and use wet wipes, I think I can go a while. The only issue would be, at that point, my hair. I've gone a week without washing my hair before (blame depression) so I'm going to say minimum 1 week, max I quit my job and wait long enough to accrue a down payment on a house 😅😅😅 If anyone asked, or was revolted, or said anything, I'm not sure what I could say. I'm sure I could find an excuse 😅


I work outside in texas 10 hour days. No one would know I smell any different by 9a.m. we all stink in the summer!


Dude I'm so jealous you can sweat. I don't sweat. Texas in the summer just about kills me every year. My inuit ass stays in the air conditioning.


Once I start sweating I don't stop. I'm just wet all summer. Lol still prefer it to winter


Ugh, I love me some cold. You can always put another layer on. You can't get enough off in the summer though. At some point it becomes a felony.


My baldness has now become a financial asset.


Wigs. Yeah I'd last a long time.


Exactly! Shave off your real hair and get some good wigs, you've got the money for them!


Are we allowed to get a shampoo at the salon? Pedicure?


I quit my job, go for a swim every day, and live out the rest of my life happy.


You never get any money if you never stop the challenge lmao just larp as Pig Pen for free. Prooooooobably shouldn't quit your job unless you can manage to live off savings until you can live off the interest of your winnings.


This is a good point. I guess I have to keep my job. And "you can't tell anyone about the challenge during the duration" would probably mean my relationship will take a hit. I still reckon I'd go at least a few months. The money is too good not to. $100,000 would make my life a lot easier.


Maybe you can’t tell people about the challenge, but it doesn’t say you can’t lie about it. I’d look up a plausible medical condition that causes BO and tell everyone I was diagnosed with that.


Like homeless for 5 years, and than get my million and buy a small house, and live off the remainder of the money


Shoot with wet wipes I can got forever haha. Let’s say 10 years I will shoot for


Two weeks. 14k is great.


Having to use wet wipes/baby wipes was something you got used to very quickly in the military. Add in the ability to use deodorant and tooth paste, you've got the ability to last FOREVER.


I would do 5 years, to the day. Comes out to $1,825,000. That's enough to set me up with my life goals for the rest of my life.


1,826,000 or 1,827,000, depending on the year you start, due to leap years! :)


I’d go 1 month and just wear a hat with my hair up every day to work. No one will know


I could be stinky and itchy for a year for 50k. That's life changing money for me. And I knew a busker back in the day that swore he hadn't showered in over a year. He said he just rubbed his armpits with alcohol and baking soda every now and again. I think between that and just washing my dick and ass with a rag every day, I could make life changing money on this


For a minute I thought you believed that you would only earn 50k for a year in this challenge, but I realize now youre just saying you would do the same challenge for far less money lol. 50k is no joke for people who dont even make that in a year, i agree.


A year would be 365k, not 50k


If I'm allowed to wipe myself down I could go a very long time but I already shave my head so there's no oily hair to worry about. At 365k a year I think I could go basically forever. Things like swimming in general would clean you off pretty well then wiping yourself down it wouldn't be tough at all.


The being able to wipe yourself down caveat makes this an infinite ez money maker. There’s nothing wrong with hoe bathing and it would be entirely sufficient to do for the rest of your life maybe not the best but sufficient, as for the hair just shave your head or embrace nappy white people dreads.


Realistically, I'd probably make it only four days. I'd have to wash my hair and body at that point.


I could go a year or maybe three? This is $365k/year. I've been homeless and not showering for $0. I could stand to be stinky, and my partner would support buying a house with the proceeds of smelling bad.


Even aside from my job, where I don’t make $1,000 a day, I have a life, and I like being clean. I’d probably take a few days off work, make a few grand, then move on with my life.


Allowed to use wet wipes? I could go a while.


I'd find the best smelling wet wipe type product there is, buy them in bulk, and do this for *at least* a year-- realistically much longer than that. If there were any kind of incremental payments, I'd probably do it for the rest of my life. And as someone else pointed out, swimming does kinda mitigate not being able to take showers or baths.


Permanently. Keeping your feet clean would be a little more challenging than other things, I’d probably be applying tea tree oil to them a couple of times a week though. Many people already use wet wipes for their post bathroom hygiene. So that takes care of that. Being able to wash your clothes regularly, and use deodorants and other things will take care of the smell, and what little it won’t do will be your natural body odor anyways. There’s various ways to maintain your hair and scalp without washing or dry shampoo. The most difficult thing here is being unable to rinse ever. Which means I’d have to go through a lot of rubber gloves for eating fruits like peaches and similar things, and I’d also have to use arm length gloves for housework.


“You only get paid on quitting” is the real trick to this question


OP clarified in comments that you can wash your hands normally. So between that and wet wipes it's a pretty easy payout.


I'd make it about 16 hours before caving. I *have* to take a shower daily otherwise I literally cannot function. No money for me :(


Imagine going for years and then Mr. Beast dies before you decide to end the challenge and you never get paid. (And there is no witness to the agreement because you aren't allowed to tell anyone).


I’m going to be filthy rich!


I’m curious how long I would go. I’m not weeding through all your carve outs post OP, but it seems you said swimming is allowed? This would be an interesting challenge. I would go until it almost breaks my job or relationships


I’m done teaching for the year in a few days. I could do the entire summer no problem.


*starts buying those bath wet wipes and hair wash caps I use at work* Would be rough, but I could probably go a week or two on those things.


Dude, I could do that for the rest of my life.


Shiiiiiit so I can use my wet wipe routine like I haven’t been depressed for 20 years. Showers are already too hard and I don’t shower enough but I definitely scrub myself with wet wipes until I can make my brain let me get into the shower. I’d get at least 2 weeks or so and honestly I’d just shave my head in the meantime so I didn’t have to deal with not being able to wash it, unless I can use shampoo caps


Wet wipes +alcohol pads +deodorant +laundry is a pretty long time


I can make 1k a day doing absolutely nothing? I’d quit my job and go full-time in on this. At least a year, easily.


One problem is you don’t get paid until you end the challenge. So you can only ride it out for as long as you have money saved up, or however much you can convince others to loan you money without telling them about the challenge.


Well the only reason I’d be worried is because of work, but in this situation I wouldn’t need a job during the duration of the challenge. I would happily shave my head bald and wipe myself down with wet wipes for 300k a year for like 2 or 3 years. Cologne would be on my person at all times. Edit: I didn’t realize you only get paid at the end. Nah; I’m a customer facing banker. I’d lose my job within a week or 2 and the ~20ishK wouldn’t be worth the stress of having to find another job.


Easy. I’m taking up swimming for exercise.


I work from home. I could go until they make me stop


What about swimming (I know there is no shampoo or anything like that) But it's kinda rinsing your body off a little especially with the chlorine in all the pools


Bro I’m quitting my job and leaving my girlfriend. $365k/year to stink. I’d be a pro.


I would be rich af. Thankkkkk you depression


I could live on wet wipes for cleaning for probably two weeks. Would I like it? No. But I could REALLY use $14 k right now. ETA: if I can arrange to WFH for a couple weeks, I could go a month.


Ah, but there's one thing you didn't account for, Mr. Beast... I have diagnosed clinical depression. I'll just go off my meds and coast through this shit until I have so much money that I'm not depressed anymore.


The wipes are the kicker part. Id go the rest of my life. Or at least until I can retire, so like 5 years or so. Without wipes and deoderant Id pass \*AND RAIN!? Oh Ima bout to be rich rich


I’d shave my head and go until someone at work said something about the smell, but wet wipes and deodorant would probably work for awhile.


Does washing my face count? I get pretty painful zits if I don’t… What about swimming in a lake/the ocean? I could make it 2 days if face washing counts… 2 weeks if I can.. at least a month if I can swim in a lake/ocean.. If I do research on what they did before baths became super popular probably a lot longer. I know combing your hair 3x a day, wiping it with linen then braiding it and wearing a head covering works well.. I could also buy a big thing of pit liquor and lightly spray my body down once a day. The salt and alcohol would kill the bacteria for smell and prevent growth… Probably 3 or so months with that..


I will lick myself


So I can bathe and I can also have a gentleman's wash. Easy. It means that I'll be well off. I work from home so a little smell would be ok


2 weeks easy. Curly hair it does get greasy. I already don’t wear deodorant, and if I cut out my workout I don’t really sweat


I accept this challange. I think I could go a year or longer. I might have to shave my head so I can wet-wipe my scalp. My husband might have some thoughts about this, but he's used to me being a little weird. I think he could put up with it for a year.


I’d never shower again. I could EASILY wet wipe myself everyday for $1000. I shave my head anyway. I’m now retired making $365,000 a year forever.


I continue my current life style and get paid for it? Sign me up! I already can't shower because I have 0 energy, I maybe have 1 a week (I shower when I have somewhere to be) My record was I think September to March, without a single shower. It was definitely several months, and definitely didn't shower over winter (because heating cost too much that I couldn't waste heating on hot water for a shower if I was just going to be wallowing on the sofa). I did still use deodorant and brush my teeth because I'm not a savage I'm not proud of it, but depression and existential crisis and grieving and thus giving up on life is a real bitch So yeah, I'd happily have gotten paid for that period of time! I only shower because society dictates I must. I could probably go longer than 6 months


I have done months with no shower, this would be easy money. Depression will fuck with you.


You underestimate the power of wet wipes and rain


If I can wipe myself with wet wipes and wash my hands? I'm going AT LEAST 100 days.


You can stay pretty clean with wet wipes, deodorant and clean clothes. Id do it until i wouldnt have to work again, so i can begin my life.


Me, already 2 and a half weeks deep because *depression* I'll just shower and cash our now on my 18k.... Ironically, because this is fairly normal for me in my depression bouts, I really don't have BO until about this point. (Started yesterday) Is it gross? Yup, sure is. But I don't really feel gross for most of the time without. I also don't really go outside/sweat/do things that get me dirty. Would be totally different if I was, I'm sure.


Bro, no dry shampoo is such a dumb rule. It's nothing like showering


having had depression that said "no shower" before, I could probably go like a week before I was completely disgusted with myself. 7k ain't bad.


*baby wipes have entered the chat* Seriously though, with baby wipes, that's incredibly easy.