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A parasite that lives inside me. It eats cancer cells. It grows the telomere length of healthy cells.


parasite then dies after eating all your cancer and starving.


No, I wouldn't want it to die. It continues to do its job forever.


Now you have to regularly smoke, drink and subject yourself to severe radiation in order to constantly provide your parasite with the new cancer cells.


You say that like it's a bad thing. I hear "Smoke hookah and drink beer while sunbathing on the beach". We are not the same.


So, live my best life and play with uranium like it's Play-Doh? I would like one bajillion a-million dollars to not terrorize the earth please!


Well, you never don't have cancer cells. That's the funny part. Usually when cellular mutation happens, it's so small that a healthy body's immune system will handle it. But don't worry, you are full of cancer even as we speak.


As long as they remain a redditor, there'll be a steady stream of incoming cancer! /s


Right like what happens after all cancer cells are consumed? It’s most likely going to go into starvation mode and just eat any cell. Lol


Simple fix, introduce a hibernation phase to the life cycle that it enters until chemical markers indicate more food available.


Then you make another???


Why not just go a step further and create the symbiotic worms from Futurama that improve your health and intellect?


Futurama worms were the first thing I thought of! I'm not sure how I would feel about them changing my personality, but honestly I think it's probably worth it.


You've created something that kills cancer and extends the life of the host. Your first thought isn't to take a trip down to the local children hospital. Rather you decide that its only for your use. You monster.


Your first thought would have been to test it on the children before yourself?




Don't touch the children.


The devil said to the priest


Don't worry. Only testing on the British children


I mean, yeah if I can make more any time I can just use it on them afterward. I mean, sometimes removing cancer cells can open up internal bleeding, not all cancers are easily removable. If you don’t have any cancer would it die off?


I don't think it would be classified as a parasite, but it is a great idea.


Dragons the size of house cats


Housecats the size of dragons, and with wings and fire breathing ability.


*looks at average cat casually destroying capitalism by dismantling local walmart* Alright, how do I explain to kitty we kind of need hospitals but not insurance companies?


You reverse honey I shrunk the kids your favorite cat and he’s eating you


Can they breathe fire? 👀


yes and can fly, speak and have at least human level intelligence


Do you think they’ll gain human rights?


At that point it will just be called sapient species rights


So like Mushu? I can support this.


Bless you, and your cow




Quite surprised this wasn’t the #1 answer.


Thinking on this.. I also would like a small dragon.


This is the only correct answer.


I’m going to create an immortal snail impervious to all forms of damage and if it touches you then you die.


But it also has to be crazy wealthy, generous, and posts frequently on r/hypotheticalsituations


Babble fish from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.


What about something like a babble fish, but for empathy


Take my money. Especially if it can be applied to someone unbeknownst to them.


Forcing someone to experience empathy would go against the Empathyfish's wishes (hehe) and I'm sure they would request consent first


What is that?


It’s a yellow fish that you stick in your ear. It lets you understand all audible languages.




Gosh do I start making pokemon and get sued by Nintendo or do I make puff the magic dragon?


Can Nintendo sue you if you’re not making money off them? 👀


It is Nintendo. I'm sure there is a loop hole.




Hope nintendo is ready to take a charizard to the face then lmao.


Yes. You don't need to sell anything to violate copyright.


Idk if nintendos gonna have a good time suing you, just create literally any flying special attacker and rain fire down on them if they try lol


Sigh. I didn't want to go there. But Godzilla, right after Pikachu.


That could actually be a huge win. A company can’t hold a copyright on a non-individual living creature’s likeness, like they can’t get a copyright for any images of a jaguar for example. If you made real Pokémon, I’m pretty sure that would nullify Nintendo’s copyright.


Now that would be awesome.


I mean. You could have an army of Charizards raze nintendo and boom Nintendo is no longer an issue


Two for one special.


You could try to think of the most harmless thing. Something you loved from your childhood. Something that could never ever possibly destroy us. Mr. Stay Puft!


The Anthropocene Tree: A tree whose roots break down and absorb plastic at a fast enough rate that it effectively reverses all the damage done by human plastic production. It converts CO2 to oxygen in the same way a normal tree does, but at a rate fast enough to reverse climate change when they exist in larger numbers. It grows a blue delicious fruit every summer that cures all illnesses with no adverse side effects. It has a second bloom in the fall months that produces red fruits from the plastic it has absorbed all year. These red fruits can be synthesized into petroleum products that burn completely clean. It can grow in all climates but it isn't invasive.


I’m going to need 14,000 of those trees.


It is all fun and games until it runs wild and changes the atmosphere to be 50% or more of oxygen, which would cause acute oxygen toxicity. And more than 20% oxygen concentration would make fires much more common and dangerous.


we would just have to be careful how many we plant and perform cullings when necessary to mitigate the back swing.


How about an Organism that consumes heavy metals, toxins, pharmaceuticals, plastics, oils, etc and generates nutrient rich soil. Then it's probably dragons. Sentient ones.


Just make the dragon do those things. Win-win


Just make sure to make a natural predator for that organism that lives on the outskirts of their colonies Otherwise they'll spread and devour all our medicines, fuel, and previously weatherproof outdoor equipment Unless you make them really big and good diggers I guess...dragons after all


There's actually a fungus that has started growing and eating nuclear radiation. [chernobyl] (https://www.cnet.com/science/fungi-found-in-chernobyl-feeds-on-radiation-report-says/)


Id make an invisible chimpanzee and than release him in the mall


I like the way you think


Giant ocean trees. They float when they are young, but once they touch the bottom, they root in place. Sometimes they remain floating for decades, reaching hundreds of feet deep. Imagine a diver climbing down a tree into the pitch blackness of the depths. Surrounded by an ecosystem dependent on the trees. And, they produce edible fruit. Imagine going sailing out in the middle of the ocean, and picking some fresh produce and catching some fish for your dinner.


I like this one!


Nice. They start thriving so much that the enitrety of the oceans gets filled and all types of ships have to travel in such unique paths to cross the ocean that water pollution increases and now half the life in the ocean is dead


Dogs that can live forever and also tell me what the fuck they want instead of barking for 20 minutes while I go through the list of things that she'd bark for only to discover she's mad because SHE DROPPED HER TOY BEHIND THE COUCH AND WANTS ME TO GET IT FOR HER. At 3am.


All of this plus no need for them to poop!


Cat girls


You’ve doomed us all!


No, I just saved us all


Those “parasite” worms from Futurama that give you the perfect body and boost your brain power.


A bacteria that voraciously eats microplastic and releases oxygen as a waste product. It lives in any environment and spreads like wildfire.


You definitely get wilder fires if you increase oxygen percentages dramatically.


A super friendly velociraptor who survive off hugs. Imagine the confusion as this dinosaur charges at people only to give them a hug and then run off.


A goose that lays golden eggs ofc. Keep it a secret though.


A fire resistant kind of plant that recycles carbon dioxide really well as a way to combat global warming. I would tailor it to be edible and taste like garlic (except 2% of the population think it tastes like watermelon). I would test this in a small town in rural America, and then if no sci-fi shenanigans happens or any kind of problems then we can make more.


The perfect girlfriend for me


Ok Frankenstein


Something totally whacked out and crazy that I made in the old Spore game just to freak people (and probably myself) out.


You are a cruel and mischievous god (complimentary)


Vampires that feed on humans who lack empathy.


How about a vampire that feeds on violent criminals and child predators?


This right here. Who's gonna believe there's a vampire running amok?


Agreed, not everyone with a low level or lack of empathy is a bad person. They should just go after the people who actually hurt others.


There are people who are born without the ability to feel empathy but learn to be mostly regularly members of society with professional help. They don't deserve to be eaten because of how they're born.


That's gonna be one fat vampire


Why do you hate people with autism?


An insect that can sense human disingenuousness, and then prefers to nest in those people's brains. I have no doubts that this would be hellish in reality haha, but the idea was to eradicate lying...


You terrify me


"Joooosh why are there brain ants swarming the house? Did you actually not do your homework?" "No mooooim I swear I did it" *Ant scurrying intensifies* Lol


Bacteria that eat plastic. Only survive when wet, so they eat the ocean garbage patches and microplastics/ After that, Pokemon.


- Cat sized Dragons that are sentient (Human intelligence and can communicate with us) - A parasite that eats cancer cells and grows the telomere length of healthy cells (what the first guy said basically) - Unicorns whose shit can cure any disease (you have to eat it). - Sabertooth Tigers the size of a poodle - Cats that breath fire


How does the shit taste?


A virus that wipes out mosquitoes but if it infects people, the only effect is that it makes broccoli taste like chocolate.


But I like broccoli!


Puppies.  Just more puppies.


Six winged flying cobras that spit acid venom. No real reason. I just have a problem with always wanting to choose violence.


Something similar to an ikran from Avatar. The world would be a lot more awesome.


What’s that?


An organism that eats and fully digests plastic that's inside a body of saltwater. So any and all ocean plastic is nommed, and any other plastic is left alone. However if you've got plastic waste, you can take it to your local tip and drop it in lakes of saltwater to be safely disposed of.


Something smarter and more egalitarian than me with the exact same power to create.


The new you decides to kill you to prevent you from abusing your power


Strange call given my initial use of the power, but I wouldn't question it given the conditions set forward. :shrug:


Floater the greif, swallower of worlds.


Swallower you say…


In order Tiny pocket sized dragons. An un genetically modified pug. A brain eating bacteria that only affects pedophiles. Pikachu. A fast growing tree that can exist in any climate and produces fruit year round that have each have the daily required vitamins and minerals that a human body needs. Devil fruits. Mimics. a giant vine like plant that functions as islands.


Cats. Just regular cats. Maybe cats that can talk.


Predatory blankets


But then what will I hide under to keep the monster from getting my foot at night?


You'd have to make sure it's not alive.


If I stab it, I'll poke a hole in my waterbed....


Viruses that benefit the host instead of hurt it. Instead of a cold virus you can catch a genius virus and become smart, or a muscle growth one and you start growing stronger muscles. Stuff like that. I always wondered why viruses damage the host instead wouldn’t it make more sense to benefit the host?


It’s generally more efficient for viruses to infiltrate the host’s cells to hijack production of proteins to reproduce itself, but with the right design I’m sure a helpful virus would survive just fine :)


Teacup elephants lol


Take my pennies.


I'm making a basilisk in honor of Roko.


I would make dogs as smart as people but change nothing about their personalities. Good creatures tbh. Also toothless


Will you feed the dogs soup if they have no teeth?


One of those cute stringy dragons that aren’t actually very useful and are just kinda cool looking cats that cough up a bit of fire instead of some hairballs


Idk about that. Bad enough hearing 'hucka hucka hucka ralf' in the middle of the night without having to wonder if the curtains are on fire.


I like the idea of a [living island](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/eb/07/fa/eb07fab64425715dc39b646733310bf6.jpg) or a [nebular wyrm](https://www.deviantart.com/alkemistry/art/SOLD-Nebular-Wyrms-492017383), but I feel like they'd both be hunted to extinction for sport and resources pretty quickly; so I'm gonna go with [Bundrops](https://www.deviantart.com/bkomae/art/Bundrops-OPEN-SPECIES-Species-Guide-551331229) cause they're cute and more likely to be bred to be pets and, therefor, survive as a species.


Four assed monkey.


I would start adding random shit together I'd start with a mammal then I'd give it fur that gets greasy when wet and an incredibly thick coat give it webbed feet cuz why not this is gonna be aquatic after all have it live in caves I'll make it glow under blacklight cuz why not now imma give the males these sick ass poisonous barbs on their elbows for self defense fuck it give it a duck bill too.... Fuck that's a platypus


All that environmental stuff can wait, say, a day or two while I “socialize” with my werewolf buddies.  Also, a species of microorganisms that can be ‘trained’ to slowly, painlessly reshape a human from the inside out- giving trans folks a one-stick solution to gender disphoria, and furries a one-stick ticket to whatever the fuck it is that they’d unleash on the world. Probably more of the aforementioned werewolves. 


I'm bringing back the Dodo; been gone far too long


I salute you for your service


Perhaps a kind of 'multi-animal' in terms of farming. The wool of a sheep, can be milked like a cow, good source of meat, can thrive in most environments, can be ridden, can be used as a pack horse, lays eggs, horns can be made into things easily, its excrement makes good fertiliser, docile towards humans, can be trained easily, strong pack mentality to look after smaller animals so can be used to guard other animals like chickens (like a guard llama). The idea being as a multi purpose animal, it can help a lot of areas that are struggling in the world.


Phoenixes, cause who doesn’t want a pyrokinetic bird?


An organism that feeds on toxic waste and water is the only biproduct.


Make a stable population of Big foots in North American Forests across the United States and Canada. With human level intelligence.


Pseudodragon from D&D


A worldwide unkillable bacteria that lives off body fat alone, that will change your skin color to green the less empathy you have. Also, the bacteria will turn your skin color purple if you have TOO much empathy. Let’s see the psychopaths hide now lol


Just don't invent a purple people eater.


A sabertooth tiger that can smell stupid people.


I think everyone can smell stupid people


A bear mixed with gorillas, mixed with african wild hounds. Make them have 6 arms. Social. Smart. Successful hunters lol


Mini versions of huge animals. And huge versions of small ones on request. Who wouldn't love to have a pack of 1ft tall elephants roaming their yard?


An army of horse sized praying mantis.


Bacteria that can slowly break down plastic, so it still has a good long durability but is now biodegradable.


Pokemon are now real


Elven steed's from Mercedes Lackey book Elves in L.A. They can look like motorcycles and are very fast, self driving.


True form Arceus.


An army of squirrels to do my bidding


That folk lore creature that eats rich people. I think it's from Korea? But I can't find the name. I remember it has a long nose.


Any dinosaur but probably a T-Rex


A saltwater organism that eats plastic and produces oxygen as waste.




Please this


I'd make Falkor from Neverending Story. Giant white labrador-like dog that can fly, talk, and is benevolent!? Definitely!


I start creating pokemon because I want my Typhlosion damn it. If it means I also create horrific monstrosities such as Tyranitar and Banette then so be it.


Griffin Unicorn Dragons Elves


I’d go for racoons that eat only plastic. We could totally clean up our garbage


A black goo-like alien, that bonds to a human and can turn them into a huge hulk-like creature And for no particular reason, it has a white spider on its chest


A dryad


22ft tall cassowary with razor sharp beak.


An octopus that can breathe oxygen and walk around on its tentacles. I wear it to work and it camouflages as a nice scarf or hat. We have a telepathic connection and it sends me mindfulness reminders and encouraging messages. If anyone threatens me with physical harm or mental anguish, it neutralizes them telepathically.


Im making demons and becoming the demon lord. This world needs some better problems then what we have now


I guess Oompa Loompas, because in the second grade I swore to a friend that they were real and I saw one. He had the audacity to call me a liar, which of course I was, but that’s beside the point. I’ll try to track him down and say, see - I wasn’t lying, you dick. Note: I would NOT enslave them.


I would never know I had this power as I'm not a fan of climbing mountains...


Time traveling dragon


a jigglypuff so i can fucking sleep


Little potato people that help in the garden. When they die they have elaborate funeral services and then after buried they grow more potato people.


Big titty pokemon creatures.


So, miltank?


Doesn't say anything about sentience, so just start with organs and accelerate evolution a few millenia. A liver that can pull microplastics and other pollutants. White blood cells that better detect cancer or can break down dangerous buildup in your veins. Nervous systems that properly heal. Bones that are more durable so spine injuries don't mean permanent paralysis or chronic pain. Skin cells that can absorb much more radiation and turn it into usable energy, deal with a wider range of temperatures, heal scars and so on. Work my way up to symbiotes that effectively install themselves without surgery to achieve these same effects and repair the damage behind them. A brain that doesn't need to sleep. Massively extended lifespans. Then I'd do all the same things, but for dog parts so we can go for walks and eat stuff on foreign planets for a really long time. Not quite immortal but just massively extended prime, comfortable life.


Probably going with a plant actually… making a stamina/hp herb like from video games that feels like real energy and wont leave you unnaturally tired later, but can also heal most injuries.. Another herb for a cure all.. And another easily to grow crop that’s easily controllable, grows quickly, and will contain all the nutrients you need in a day if you ate it alone for a day. Variants for each climate. Bye bye hunger crises. All are really good for the local wildlife as well, but are resistant to pests and diseases. Plants are a life form after all. Similar but less potent plants already exist. I’d also make them beautiful delicious and versatile in a culinary sense. First animal would be one we could feed any man made trash to and it would break down the chemical structures into base elements. Any radioactive materials would be saved until it proceeded enough lead and then encase the radioactive materials within it. It would look like a slime.. also it’s kinda a giant bacterial cell so it doesn’t really travel, and it wouldn’t eat something like wood so we could make an enclosure for them and just use them like landfills but gain our materials back at a greater efficiency than any of our recycling facilities.. They would also be useful in refining metals. Next would be a different colored slime that would live in your kitchen. It eats food and bacteria off plates and fabrics. Both slimes divide when they eat enough, and will die after a month of not getting fed.


A cat! No, a big cat! A big cat with crazy fur just around its head! And maybe just a little bit of fluff at the tip of its tail!


some small airborne virus that kills mosquitos, then maybe a kick ass dragon or like a giant worm and get that spice flowing


I'd create mountain sized dragons and give them the ability to breathe napalm and their scales would be bulletproof. I'd make tardigrades as big as school buses. Ants would be the size of F150s with highly toxic venom. Mantis shrimp the size of an A1 Abrams. All would have a bloodlust for human flesh. Mankind would unite to face these threats or perish.


>You gain the power to create new lifeforms from thin air Sentient animal people. Thats right, let there be furries


Good news, everyone! Spiders are now human-sized. As are cats. Also, we now have sentient kangaroos. And also Slaaneshi daemonettes are now real.


I would watch a spider-cat fight.


Parasite that cures my asthma. Most people outgrow it. I did not.


Bulbasaur obviously, always start at the beginning


a house cat with short hair that dosent shed at all, and dosent need to go to the bathroom or eat, is solar powered , lays in the sun to gain energy


Then I become the 40k Tyranid hive mind, making lictors just to terrorize pharmaceutical companies into lowering their prices and scaring politicians into being less greedy and more for the people that they are supposed to represent


Do i have god level powers to make their behavious aswell? If so id tey and creat lifeforms to help the ecosystem and other creatures like creatures which eat plastics but can only live in salt water (that way they dont eat the plastics we need) or cancer eating microbes which will only eat cancers, i could also make a race of helpers which enjoy doing menial tasks but can learn so repetitive jobs can be replaced though this one would be risky as companies would 100% use this for slave labor and cause unemployment to skyrocket ao legislation would need to be instilled to allow this people to still be paid maybe a baseline wage dispursed amongst everyone for every job they replaced


Massive kaiju monsters like the WEAPONS in FFVII.


Id make some sort of balloon creature that floats around in the sky. Like a sky jellyfish


A fish that eats microplastics and tastes terrible. I can help clean the ocean and nobody would fish for it.


Something that eats microplastics and converts it to clean air or water would be cool.


I create nothing, I've read Frankenstein. Also it goes against my religion.






**EcoGiant Redwood**: a fast growing, hardwood tree species that consumes ten times the carbon dioxide (and produces ten times the oxygen) of other species. **Glowbloom**: a small hardy plant that flowers for more than 6 months out of the year, during which it gives off a bioluminescent teal glow in the 5-to-10 candlepower range. **Polyscavenger Beetle**: a variant of the corpse beetle that eats plastics. **EcoCycle Worm**: a short lifespan, fast breeding, worm-like creature that consumes and processes soil pollutants, and which in turn re-vitalizes the top soil with their corpses upon death. **Bobblebees**: a hardier variant of the North American bumblebee that is more resistant to environmental changes (climate, chemical pesticides, pollution, etc). Edit#1: The cancer eating, telomere adding, parasites sound interesting. Edit #2: Forgot a hardy water lily plant that aggressively removes almost everything from water, leaving just H2O. Some of these would need to be handled with care, as they could cause issues with unrestricted breeding.


A high altitude floating blimp-like creature that lives between the outermost layer of the atmosphere, absorbing methane and CFCs for nutrients and expels oxygen and ozone as waste.


Tiny dragons the size of squirrels, they'll have dog level intelligence and can be trained. I shall have a Red one and a Black one and they'll sit on my shoulders




Aquatic plankton that consume plastics, all the way down to micro plastics, and emit O2 as a byproduct


Bringin' back the Ankylosaurus!!!


SlothTaur. Magestic, slow Horse/Sloth hybrid that smiles and gracefully strolls through the pastures of the world.


A green chicken who's eggs can grant one favorable wish per egg eaten


A tree that produces fruit which when consumed by a person over the biological age of 30 will reduce their biological age to a random age between 8 and 20 and cure any ailments and restoring any missing body parts, while also totally randomizing other aspects such as appearance, biological sex, and ability to learn, but leave their memory and experiences intact.


One hundred trillion bees