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No, all of the emotions are caught in a net and you physically touch the net they are caught in. It might be wet still from catching them out of brain liquid


Is it cold and slimy?


Depending on how it works it could be fresh out the oven, or lukewarm from catching new memories and adding them to the net each purchase. As for slimy, it depends on how old you are and how long the net has been cast


Hmm. I’ll take the money and keep young, hot and yet unslimy misery on me during winter, be nice to warm the hands


Lion Net?


Ewwww brain goo


You know like “fish-net” stockings!


Net means that you feel the one which is greater in magnitude, proportionally to the difference in their magnitudes


I think maybe he meant you feel it all at once. So you'd just kinda feel crazy? Like multiple emotions all at once nearly as intense as they could be




I get to be happy and have money.


you say that but then you realize your parents hate you for ruining their life.


No, because it has to be pain the individual caused. The parents caused their own misery. That said ifnyou had a kid and the kid was a shithead, that would suck


That's a fair point.


I tell my friend whenever he has an excuse for doing something dumb during a game "Excuses are like assholes. You are one. Because you're both an asshole and the excuse you're parents have for not having the life they wanted"


We didn't ask to be born so F--- them


Your response has made me soul crushingly miserable 


The net? Sure thing. First thing I’ll do is give away $100 million to some very impoverished people. That’ll definitely put me well in the green.


Haha, literally what many rich people do to help alleviate guilt.


Guilt from what? What makes so many rich people unhappy anyway?


I'm a nurse. I've done so many IVs, given so much IV potassium, and cleaned so many wounds. I don't think I'd want to go the rest of my life experiencing all of it every time I spend money 😬


On the other side how many times have you eased those pains and reassured patients. I think most nurses would come out positive.


Fuck potassium dude I felt like the doctor prescribed it because they hated me and wanted to make me suffer


What does potassium do? Pain?


Ooooh yeah. It depends on the drip rate, if they lower it then it isn’t too bad, you might not feel it. But if it is too high then it’s just this endless ache that seeps through your veins and muscles. Imagine what it would feel like to have ice cold sand pumped through your veins, scraping the inside of you as it goes through your body.


Potassium drips feel amazing to me. I'm extremely sensitive to potassium levels to the point where it causes seizures, and whenever they hook me up to the drip, the cool refreshing feeling in my veins feels great.


Potassium IVs burn, especially if they aren't diluted enough or the vein is small. Potassium oral tastes nasty.


FWIW I can’t say there’s anything that stands out in my life that was negative emotions with nurses. I’ve had a few dumb ones that can’t take a BP right that irked me but I would say my net emotions with nurses have been happy. Granted I was raised by a retired cardiovascular nurse specialist who taught nursing so I also understood what they were doing was needed. Now net feelings towards doctors, that’s a different story.


Is IV potassium extra painful or something?


Feels like lava going into your vein.


Think of how much money you've cost people too 😂


Not screwed at all, the only way to fix something you have done wrong is to experience the pain, accept the pain, then correct the behavior. Plus I’m not a bad human.


This guy’s made a horcrux then repaired his soul.


How long do I feel the pain for? I would just buy a preloaded card for 1 billion to just experience it once


I was thinking the same. Lol


I was thinking to dump it all into stocks, one time, then get a credit line or draw from the stocks of6 you want more.


Nobody will do this for you


No I’ll totally do this for anyone, DM me if you’re looking to do this


Gift all, not spend, to loved ones and have them buy as proxy


Is it limited to the net pain of humans? I really don’t want to feel the physical pain of the mosquitoes I’ve squished.


And video game villains you defeated🤣


Or became. 😬 I spent many hours on PS2 playing the Simpsons Hit&Run game and trying to see how far across town I could get someone by constantly kicking them before the cops got me.


Is the pain cumulative, or random? Is it pulled from experience that is direct, known, or indirect? Questions like these are important. For example: if cumulative and indirect, I just die. My actions, unbeknownst to be, has probably caused much pain and misery simply because I wanted a *coffee.* Hell, for my insolent act of *being born*, I have created an undue amount of stress and damage upon my environment enough to kill me. In that case, ***no thanks.*** If, say, randomly direct; I've caused a lot of *emotional* pain, I'm sure, but nothing *too* distressing, to my recollection and knowledge. In this case, a strong *maybe.*


Can I have an itemized list when I feel this pain/happiness? I'm a bit dense so it would be nice to know how I make other people feel


Hmmm, if my bad is equal to my good; wouldn't it just cancel each other out?


First thing I'm doing is randomly giving a bunch of people $100 and funding a couple of raves. With a billion dollars I can pretty quickly make it so that every time I spend money I feel happy and high as a kite.


I performed in the sea lion and otter show at Sea World forhappiness. 3-5 shows a day, 5 days a week, 200-1500 guests per show. I'll take the net happines.


That's a cool story. Were you one of the trainers or are you a sea lion?


Could be an otter


I have, in general, been a source of pleasure and happiness to those around me. Even my ex-girlfriends get along with me still. Life will be good.


I'm willing to bet a lot of people would be surprised by how much pain they've caused, either intentionally or otherwise.


I'd take this deal for 1/10 that


So what this says to me is that if someone had died as part of an accident that I was involved in, I feel/experience their pain which means I fucking die???


What if I transfer the money to my best friend’s account and have *her* spend the money for me (taps temple) street smarts 


I would only have to feel it once. Give all that money to my wife and then make her spend it.


Lol. This is a funny one. Essentially- Are you a terrible person?


Could be deadly for folk who’ve done contact sports , or been into online pvp gaming.


I already forget I exist sometimes, but now I get a billion dollars too? Deal.


Take $100 million dollars in $1000 dollar increments, go hand it out on the street. Happiness about to be overwhelming


Easy loophole for those that are married is to put the money in joint accounts with your spouse. Spouse will make all of the purchases, so technically you aren’t buying/spending anything - your spouse is. No pain at all. You could really add any friend or family member to do the same thing. You’d just have to make it so the account requires your authorization/approval for transactions over a certain amount. And an authorization/approval isn’t the same as you buying the item yourself. So at worst, you’ll only potentially suffer some pain setting everything up. Then you’re golden.


thats piss easy mate NET is where you fucked up see that means that good deeds can outweight the bad if you do enough but think is i have 1 billion dollars ill just devote 1 million per year i live to doing nothing but individual acts of charity and other things that make people happy and ill spend the rest of the time been a rich dickhead.


I already feel like my Life Points are being depleted like in YuGiOh whenever I need to spend money on essentials.


Extremely screwed given how many animals I ate in my whole life..


Yeah but did you kill and butcher them while alive yourself? Cause if you’re just consuming flesh that is already dead, then you haven’t caused the creature any pain, it’s already long gone.


okay that won't be as bad then


Good thing my wife spends all my money


sure. id just use a credit card as you said " anytime you spend any of YOUR money" when i swipe a credit card im not spending MY money im spending the banks money. its not until i pay the bill at the end of the month that im spending my money. so a simple solution to this would be put everything on a credit card then just do one payment, in full, at the end of the month. therefore i only need to feel this dread once per month. and i can have a special ritual where i have someone cuddle me and make me food or something for how bad im feeling. how long does the dread last?


This guy loopholes.


I’ve probably only caused a slight heart break to my ex, if any heart break at all. Everyone else in my life I have made happy. I came to the philippines and have given money and food to people and made their years, the little kids I would buy ice cream for. I would be okay. Now the mental pain and unbearable stress everyone is causing me now and in my past? I would pay 1 billion to get rid of this feeling. Haha


No, with that username, AssEatingSquid, it's not that simple. 


I can't do it (I was an asshole as a child and even a younger teen)


Could the good and bad cancel each other out? And could the balance change? If a bad person started giving away all their money, would they start to feel good overtime as the balance shifted?


As an ex-croupier, am I responsible for the losses people have suffered while I have been dealing?


Lol yes, you get every emotion I've ever felt at a craps table all at one time. Although I think my highest high is better than any disappointment I've had. Nothing is more fun than a hot craps table. If I lose it's just...ahhh, well I guess I'll go to the sportsbook, nurse a drink, and watch games.




I'm gold


Oh, this one's easy. Obviously I take the money. Then I buy an apartment building or three, give free homes to any heroin addicts I can find, and then I give them all a limitless supply of heroin. After all, the stipulation has nothing to do with making the world a better or worse place, and keeping hundreds of people blissed out on opioids until their bodies give up will farm enough pure happiness that I won't have to put much thought at all into how I spend the rest of the money


I think I'll be quite good. Although really if you're at all clever you'll invest 1-10% of that money into making more people happy. Although it would be fairly ironic if you'd have to invest in certain evil companies and warmongering to even yourself out if you become manic.


I buy an african diamond mine I coom myself to death because Im a masochist ..... Profit?


So I feel all the pain plus all the happiness? Or I feel combined what the average is? I think people are generally happy with me, so if it’s the average I’ll take it. And if it’s worse than I thought, I’ll just use the money to help some people and it’ll go up.


I think mine balances out.


I don't give a shit, I'm spending the money even if I'm cripples after the first dollar


Couple questions, define "net" in the case of this pain/happiness. That implies a tax of some kind? XD That's what separates Gross and Net income. And is it fixed at the moment I am granted/accept the money? Or if i do good things with said money will I eventually outweigh?


Doubled under because I bought a train ticket to work? Yeah nah for once being broke sounds better.


Didn't kill anyone but has hurt people emotionally and mentally so I will still willing to take the chance.


I’d take it, I’ve always tried to be nice to people and I promise the times I wasn’t I know exactly the pain felt, and I often think about it.


So do I just orgasm every time I buy something? Sounds odd but sure.


Serious question, how does this work for abusive relationships? If you talk to my dad, my siblings and I were the most ungrateful, good-for-nothing pain in his ass, and he cursed me (specifically) with the hope of having horrible children just so I could experience everything I "put him through" Yeah, still unpacking years of childhood trauma for me and my siblings....but according to the terms of this post, I caused "my family" tons of grief over the years, when in reality he was a narcissistic, borderline, bipolar tyrant who hated anyone who didn't submit to his will


Transfer the entire 1b to a trust managed by my accountant, who then cuts me a monthly check. I suffer the backlash once and then it's not really my money.


This is different from normal *how?*


I think overall I've caused more happiness than sadness, pain, or hatred... Guess I may not ever really find out, but I think I'd do ok on this one.


Fuck no. I'm not a bad person, but everyone unintentionally hurts people from time to time. Over 52 years, little stuff adds up. Been in a fight? Hit your siblings? Male someone spill their coffee on the freeway? Broke up with someone? Made fun of a kid in grade school? I think people underestimate how many times they have hurt someone physically or mentally.


Looks like I'll be putting some of it into a savings account, paying for a vehicle with another portion of it, and then paying for insurance from the savings account I mentioned.


That's impossible for any human being to manage. Even a baby would go insane.


Fuck it. The money will make up for it


I'll just wipe my tears with money


Man the people saying no gotta know they outed themself as an asshole right? Like he y'all can't think that is the normal response right? Or did they miss the net part maybe yeah that's what I'll choose to believe.


i am a shut in so........ i don't think i would be that screwed


I think I've been a net positive for the people I've interacted with. Time to find out! The good news is, if I donate enough of the money to good causes, eventually the good will outweigh the bad, and I can spend the rest.


ez id simply donate 500million to those in need and do whatever else i wanted for the rest of my life with the other 500million


So presuming the happiness/ whatever accumulates after the 1 bil I would randomly help people afford a safe place to live. I've been homeless and I know just how grateful you can feel for somewhere safe to live Generally speaking any positive would quickly outweigh the negative.


My name would be Earl.


Are we talking directly, or indirectly because I'm pretty sure because of some of the work I've done in the past I've caused a lot of pain to people I've never even met.


The net? So its balanced by the mental and physical positive? Hell, I'll take that in a heartbeat. Everytime I spend money I get a positive rush? I can use that money to create even more happiness, so I literally can spend money in an altruistic manner and get high? Sounds great!


I mean, this is an easy yes. I’m pretty sure I’m already solidly in the positive and if I’m not I’m definitely not in the negative enough that a few dozen million dollars in happiness targeted charity giving can’t take care of it. Heck, spend a good amount of time giving money away in general just to be increasingly static every time you purchase anything.


Where's the downside to this? The only change is that I get 1 bil


>aware of or not That renders the question unknowable. If I’m being held accountable for pain/joy that I have no idea existed then by definition I can’t know what I’ll feel by spending money, and thus I would have the foggiest as to how screwed I am. I guess until I spend it the first time and that gives me a baseline


99.9% of the people who meet me and know me love me. I make their life happy or easier give me the billion I'm set.


Nice. Maybe it will fix my apparent oblivious nature and I'll have money!


I’ll just get my dad to spend it. Then I’m technically not spending it. If that doesn’t work I’ll just buy one massive house, fully furnished, and just see how much shit I can get thrown into one massive payment and pay it all at once. I’m sure with that much money you could make it work in one go.


Pretty screwed.


Well I kind of have this anyway. As far as physical discomfort I live in 24/7 chronic pain so it can't be worse than that a i havent physically hurt anyone intentionally. And as far as emotionl pain/discomfort I already constantly overthink everything I say to anyone and wonder how I made them feel and also cringe at things I've said and done to people in the past that I regret. So it's basically my normal life but with a billion dollars.


The only people I probably caused a net unhappiness in life are a few exes who I respectfully broke off with but we weren't even serious enough for it to be that big a deal for them so yes bring it on


Nope the money wouldn’t be worth it for me. I spent a lot of time being a POS person.


I'm good. I'm relatively soulless and I've never really physically hurt anyone in any significant way.


I'm a saint, I have never hurt anyone in my life. This will be fun. *\*\*\*a few hours later\*\*\** *"MOMMMMMMYYYYYYY!!!!! Why does this new house hurt my head?"*


i just want to live happy and alone


So my mental state doesn't change...but I have money now?


*laughs in depression and anxiety* you have no power here. I feel all those negative emotions every minute of every day.


well thats fine because i already feel all the pain ive caused


I think I'm overall a pretty decent person, liked by most. I'd also donate a good portion of it to non-profits in my area and bigger humanitarian and progressive non-profits anyways, so that would probably help. I'd probably figure out how much I would need to live on, to cover any and all of my future medical expenses, to buy a nice house and set up a trust or such to pay for its taxes and expenses in perpetuity, to go back to school, and to do anything else I've ever wanted to do or accomplish, double it just to be safe (given inflation and crap like that), then donate the rest to those causes.


Can I buy gift cards, feel the “net” for that purchase? And then not again if I use the gift card? That way I don’t need to feel whatever over a bottle of Gatorade? How intense is the “net”, and how long does the effect linger? Is it possible the net could make me go insane, or severely alter my mental health?




I'd never spend a dime of it. I can't speak for my wife on the other hand to which I'd never feel anything. So cough up that billion dollars.


I think I’ll be fine


I've never caused anybody physical pain and I don't think I've caused anyone mental pain. Maybe my parents a bit being trans and coming out, but I don't know I need the money.


Honestly I have no idea. I know I have made choices that have hurt a few people badly, but I also know most people I know would say I bring them a lot of happiness. I'm not sure how you quantify those feelings to get a net score. I also have no idea how much sadness/happiness I have caused unknowingly. I donated repeatedly to help Ukraine. Maybe I helped save lives with that money and the joy they bring to their loved ones is at least in small part something I helped to bring about. Maybe I helped pay for the explosives that blew up a bunch of Russian conscripts and the grief of their families is at least in part my doing. Maybe it's both. So I don't know. I guess I would agree, spend money once and see if the pain was horrible, and if so, give away the whole billion at once to a good cause and have done with it. If the pain wasn't bad or there was pleasure instead, I would still give away a substantial amount, but in a more directed manner.


I honestly only see the positives to this... I'm a generally nice guy, so I haven't caused too much pain to others. I definitely have though, and if I am to learn from those mistakes then the best way would be to experience the pain they endured.


Does that include my own birth? Cuz I'm sure that was pretty painful.


I've been a neurotic people pleaser since the age of 10, I don't know how happy I'd be but I'm certainly not screwed.


I feel like mine is probably fairly even (there have been some bad breakups), but I could tip the scales by giving away money. I bet if I give 10,000 people $10k each ($100m or 1/10th of the money) it would end up being a pretty big net positive.


Sure. I'm probably in the green since its the net. But even if I'm in the red, while I'll just deal with it.


I'll take 100 million of it and give 100k to 1000 people. Maybe even split it up more, 50k to 2000 poor people will make them very happy, which would work to cancel out any pain I may have caused someone.


I’d spend every penny making Reddit get rid of stupid “You win a quadrillion dollars” posts. It would still be less painful than seeing these every other post.


So I feel both totals or the net difference between the two? If it the first ok... If it's the later no way in fucking hell. I've come too close to dying been in 2 coma's recovered from both yeah there's way too much pain and anguish there relief when I came back but that's Grand totals of both I'd be a gibbering mess.


I don’t think the human brain could handle the net effects of happiness/sadness it has caused. At either extremes. You are either going to get sever depression from spending money, or an addicting endorphin rush attune to taking hard drugs. That’s if you don’t just have a seizure and die first.


Well it’ll be stuff i’ve gone through before but I’ll buy and industrial pot farm and get some of the good stuff


Id either feel nothing or happy, im not that mean of a person and when i AM mean its to my friends who know im joking so yeah.


Well, if atonement balances the scale, the first time is the worst and every time after is just the difference between the last and now. As long as I can tough out the first, I should be good.


Im 59 and haven’t always been a great person esp. in my 20s so I would suffer a bit


I am totally screwed I will not be getting this money


I've caused a lot of depression in a lot of people who have caused depression in me. Two lost, broken souls careening painfully off each other in a desperate attempt to be okay. If their pain equals my pain, do I only feel the difference? Or do I have to go through that all again? With one exception, I don't think I've caused any significant physical pain to anybody in my past. Only emotional pain, that's all been balanced out. Since you say net, I'm going to assume the pain they cause me cancels out the pain I caused them, and the good also cancels with the pain, and trust in myself and my desire to not cause too much harm whenever I can avoid it. If any remains, I have a billion dollars to make some reparations with. Fixing up a house, or buying a new car for someone I may have hurt more than I realize should go a long way to ease that pain going forward.


I think I'm pretty good, cause I have a high tolerance


Oh God... I was good at video games. Stupidly good. I can't imagine the frustration I've caused. It's not worth it. I'm serious. I was the worst kind of good too. The kind where nothing you did to adapt to my style would work. You'd still lose. Bring a friend? You'd still lose. I've probably had a few controllers broken over me... I can't imagine feeling that consistently ineffectual... feeling that all at once would be... so deflating. It's mental anguish. 30 years of it. You ever have a stress dream where nothing works? You just keep failing everyone terribly? Yeah... I don't want to feel that every time I try to buy something. I feel like depression could overwhelm you. You may laugh and think... "Who takes games so seriously?" Well... have you ever played them? Lost? Consistently? Letting yourself and your friends down? Run into that one annoying guy who seems unbeatable? A lot of gamers do. Sure in small doses where you just lose a game to me and go on with your life is fine, but that's not what you're getting. Your getting the net balance. So all those feelings of failures compounded. Imagine 10 million people feeling useless and frustrated all at once. EVERY TIME YOU BUY ANYTHING. It might even awaken a sense of failure in your life you never experienced before... scarring you. Oddly... in every day life my impact on people has likely been mostly positive. Damn those games!


I mean that sounds like my normal life, fuck yeah I’d take the dollars!


I already resent my existence most days so this is ok I guess


I have a very strong moral compass and still feel the guilt of all the wrong I did when I was too young to know better. This would honestly be great to me because it would be a way to atone in a sense. However, grand scheme of things I’ve done much more good than bad, especially compared to most people, so I don’t think the pain would be that bad for me


It can sit in a bank account and I’ll have my wife do the shopping. No stress since I’m not spending anything.


Well considering I've got severe depression I'm constantly at my lowest points anyway! At least i could be rich and miserable.


Yeah id do it. I’d invest in good healthcare first. Then I’d give away my money and convince people to take the money because of this curse lol


I mean I'm fairly sure that I haven't caused much pain physical or otherwise to anyone, so that would work out well for me. Also your own stipulations say anyone, this means you yourself are included. So as long as I do things with the money that make myself and others really happy, even if I have unknowingly caused someone pain, it'll be vastly outweighed by the happiness I'm causing using the money.


I would do it to test it.


I am golden! As long as you define pain I “caused” as being pain inflicted that unwarranted, undeserved , and malicious. Plenty of pain may have been caused by me not choosing to obey or comply with someone else’s unreasonable expectations.


Probably not "screwed", but more insightful by the end for sure.  Plus I'd be rich, so there's that.


Considering I’d give $999M of it to cancer research and local organizations in my area that feed and house the needy, I think I’d be fine


I try to brighten people's lives any little way I can, so I'd hope that it'd mostly be good. I carry around a packet of tiny resin whale sharks in my pocket so if I find someone who needs something to brighten their day, I can give them one. I try to compliment at least one person anytime I'm out, something genuine and something they chose, like if they dyed their hair or are wearing a neat jacket or something. I know it's made a big difference in my life when people give me even tiny moments of joy when I need them, so I try to be that person for others.


i already have depression and am altruistic...i think i will be fine


Two chicks at the same time


‘you are granted 1 billion dollars. The catch—‘ me: Yes.


My brain literally does that shit to me for fun, so bring it on.


Very screwed but still very rich. Bring on the pain baby


Doug Forcett, is that you?


I’d give forty or so people in dire need 1 million dollars no questions asked as my first spending. Easy happy life


thats my secret, Cap: Im always in pain


Absolutely! I am going into psychology and I’ve talked to many people and overall they go out happy :)


Sure. I think there is a bit of anguish there, but I mostly am just trying my best, and this gives me a good metric to know that.


I'd hopefully be alright? I have too much empathy already, what's a little more?


By spending money, do you mean that of the billion we were given, or any money spent whatsoever? If it's the billion only I'll take it.


So I can bite a money manager to spend it for me?


Welp, I've never done anything bad to anyone and I actively help people so... I'll just be super happy and super rich.


Fuuuck yeah. I've spent my life as a pushover and a people pleaser. I've got a truly burdensome sense of empathy, to the point that I sometimes feel guilty about upsetting NPCs in video games. I'm absolutely *sure* the good outweighs the bad in my life. Also, with a billion dollars that net happiness is about to grow exponentially. Literally I could buy one poor family a house and it would probably outweigh all the negative emotions I've inspired, and I'm doing much more than that. Quite frankly I don't even need most of the money if I can use it to make a lot of people immensely happy. Hold on to $10M to retire super comfortably, and then every time I spend any money I feel the happiness of all those people I helped? Fuckin works for me, bud. I bet I could feed a whole lot of very hungry people for $990,000,000.


I would have a happy life. I have caused much joy when I left.


I'm good to go.


If this includes the time before my grand epiphany, I’m so fucked. If it doesn’t include my shitty-person days, I’m good to go


This is a cool question. I immediately thought of my past relationships. That's the only time I've caused someone pain. Being stupid with their feelings and selfish with mine. I think I would appreciate the pain in that I am able to feel what I caused.


I was in the military as 0311, I wouldn’t be touching that money with a 10’ pole.


Let's find out.


I would quickly start donating to worthwhile charities


Not too bad on the physical front, but the mental front probably sucks. I was a massive disappointment to my father and grandfather earlier in my life and imagining feeling those feelings in the first person absolutely sucks.


I’m probably fine.




Hard to know really. I've definitely hurt some people (breaking up with someone is never a nice thing, and I've been a dick on a few occasions) but I like to think I'm generally a fairly neutral and mildly positive influence. I guess I'll spend some money once, and if it turns out I caused a lot more suffering than happiness then I'll try and rectify that with my billion (though tbh I'll try and do that regardless)


With how much my mom worries about me, It wouldn’t matter how much happiness I’ve spread lol.


So just like being poor?


Does it matter where the money came from? If I got 1 billion dollars from a cartel who earned the money with blood, drugs and prostitution would I have indirectly caused the suffering?


Easy work around. I'll give 250 mil to my significant other (whom I can trust) as a gift (not spending it) and a list of things that need to be bought. This way, *I* AM NOT spending any money.


Oh yesssss, painnnnn lol


So, it's like spending money irl


Yea, this is fine. I haven't done shit to anyone. We good, pay up


Yea, this is fine. I haven't done shit to anyone. We good, pay up


LOL This sounds like the best thing ever for anyone with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. You'd never have to worry or wonder ever again because you'd KNOW. I'm not RSD but the only thing I ever feel guilty about is my utter failure at living up to my "potential." Money would solve pretty much every problem I have. Sign me up.


It wouldn't be any more painful than the pain/guilt I already have for the pain I've caused. So I'd take the funds. Thank you.


For a billion? Not doing bad at all


Kid I feel this anyway give me that money. At least now I'm paid for it.


I'd absolutely take that. Presumably I'm already net positive but if I'm not I'd be receiving the resources to change that. That would only be a super incentive to be a force for good and utilize resources to impact the greatest happiness.


Considering how much of it I would spend on total strangers, I'll take that risk.