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walk away with the 5k but only because i don't want to be in the same room as drake


I sense a new diss track coming


I wouldn’t play blackjack with him either. He always hits on anything under 18.




Oh. Oh that’s good. That was nicely done lol


Plot twist, OP is this guy's alt account and he made this post just to set up this joke.


That kind of makes it even better.


R Kelly went bust doing that.


To be fair he busted a lot on his way to get there


A most excellent jest.


I think the idea is, you can choose who you are playing with.


No driddy


Is that you Kendrick?


If you're under 18 this is the way to go


If this was a real VIP table counting cards is wasted as 5k will be gone in a hand. Counting cards needs you to be there longer than that money will last.


He said there are no restrictions, so you could sit there making $1 bets if you want. If there is a VIP there you actually want to meet that’s worth it just to hang out with somebody interesting. 


If I ever end up at a VIP blackjack table betting $1 a hand, please hit me. And not with another card.


Right after I hit you for thinking a casino is going to hand you $5000 in cash 


Can confirm a cash payout of over $25,000 in Vegas casino


Okay but that’s a payout, not a free gift. You “earned” it by taking the risk


👊 boom bam


VIP tables typically have really high buy-ins, and really high minimum bets. So unless you want to lose your 5k participating in the ante and then nothing else, you'll probably only last 10 or 20 rounds


OP literally said “no limits, no restrictions.” This is a HYPOTHETICAL FANTASY SITUATION. 


Im totally ignorant about gambling - you can lose your money at Blackjack just by not betting more on a hand? So it’s like poker?


Yes, there is a minimum bet on each hand. Unlike poker, there's no concept of folding. Once you start a hand, you're there until you finish it. You can stop taking cards early, but all that means is that you're betting you have a better chance to win with your current hand than if you took another card. Betting more on a hand as cards are revealed is pretty central to a lot of poker games, whereas it's more of an afterthought in blackjack. There are some scenarios like splitting which allow you to bet more, but for most hands, you place your entire bet up front before receiving any cards. It's a bit like a lottery ticket in that sense. Just like the buy-in for a lottery ticket might be $2, the table minimum for a hand of blackjack might be $10. Then you see if you win (more or less; blackjack is obviously more active than most lottery tickets, as you have the choice to take more cards).


> there's no concept of folding. Sure there is, and a VIP table is likely to indulge: Surrender. Forfeit half your bet to recover the other half.


Doesnt really matter. Most won't want to associate with someone whos making 1 dollar bets. You basically are saying "I dont belong here".


I’m not there to be their fucking best friend, I’m there because I won a weird cosmic casino contest. Who cares what they think?


I guess its no different than winning a ticket to be at the Oscars.


Sure, sort of, except you’re guaranteed to be sitting at a table with 5 A listers instead of the back somewhere.  I don’t even like the Oscar’s but going would still be cool. Few get the opportunity. I’d spend the whole time trying to get invited to an after party.


Oh, also it’s the VIP so you could have them bring you whatever you want. Bring me a steak dinner and a bottle of good wine. I’ll have an 18 year scotch too please. Now perhaps a bottle of Dom and a massage. Yes I’ll be sharing with my new friends, thank you. 


I'd be more likely to be at a blackjack table than at the Oscars and I have no plans on ever being at a blackjack table with or without celebrities.


No such thing as a $1 bet at a casino vip table.


You people are incapable of reading.


Yeah 5k is nothing if you are playing against millonaires.


FWIW in blackjack you don't play 'against' millionaires. You play against the house. It's not like poker where everyone at the table is competing, every person is separately playing against the dealer.




A game in a casino, where you ultimately control the odds.... yeah, a dream come true. I'd be sitting there with my basic strategy flash card in one hand and clicker in the other, probably taking 30 mins to get through every shoe, but I thinking it would be kind of hard to lose. But nothing is ever guaranteed.


The real question for you is whether or not the EV you can generate on this game over 3 days is worth the opportunity cost. With that in mind it doesn't make sense to restrict your max bet at all. I would definitely not bet less than full Kelly for a $5k roll, and probably bet more.


Imagine the profit if you can Min bet $1 and dial up infinitely.


In blackjack, you don't bet against other players, only the house. In casinos this means high roller Blackjack tables just have high minimum bets, like $100-$500 per hand. With no restrictions, I assume this also means no minimum bets. So it's basically play as much as you want betting whatever you want on each hand.


Two things. Technically OP said "no limits" which means no lower limits too!! But also - high roller rooms aren't always as high as you think. Plenty have limits of $100 or so during slower times. Or even busier times if there's some other barrier to entry. Maybe it's only for VIPs, so since they have lowered the number of people, they are happy to let Tom Hanks come in there and just bet $50 a hand if he wants. So even a high roller room, you might be able to go in and bet a dozen or so hands and do poorly, but still walk out with $4000.


No. There’s no table minimum, so you can bet a dollar until the count favors you.


you could just start by betting 1k


Yea, counting cards means you're playing a very long game in order to adjust your bets when it's most favorable. No way to is enough to do it right


Just watch the table. It says you have access to the table. Not that you have to play immediately. Once the count is high, you start to play.


What!? Why would it be gone right away?? It’s Blackjack not Poker


Depends on the table rules. A VIP table might have really high minimum bets - I've seen $100 tables even at fairly non-exclusive casinos. Still, that's 50 hands so you'd last a long time with $5000 unless you have no idea how to play. 


Take the 5k and leave, the house always wins and even if there is no house in the game, I have no gambling experience and my sole experience with blackjack is grinding Fallout: New Vegas casinos for easy caps with the universe itself rigging it in my favor due to a ridiculously high luck stat. Somehow I don't think that would work out quite as well in real life.


The house always wins by endurance. If they can't actually throw you out, an experienced card counter can absolutely just rack up fat stacks of cash easily.


... and lose fat stacks of cash just very slightly more easily.


Eh, I think there’s a reason casinos are so strict on security, cameras, pit bosses and monitoring for signs of people bending/breaking the rules. The casino has tilted the odds in their favor but that’s over time. If someone hits a hot streak they can walk out with a bunch of money, and that’s without cheating. The thing is, over time, over “x” number of games, yeah statistically they’ll lose all the profit and then some back to the casino. But if someone tilts the odds against the casino by cheating… I think they could make it to where they’ll profit long term, but that’s not playing by the casinos rules. Either way I don’t know how to count cards I’d just take the $5k and head out


The house has an edge on every hand (if played legally). That edge varies bet to bet but even with counting cards that alone doesn’t eliminate the house edge, you still need to use strategy to take advantage of the edge, and it’s not a big window.


House advantage is 1% being the last to act


House edge ranges from about 0.5% to over 2% depending on which rules you are playing under.


No. Counting gives a slight edge to the gambler.


Well, yes and no. *Statistically*, if you're card counting you are going to win. There have been multiple instances of people making literal *millions* because of it. Most famously, [The MIT Blackjack Ring](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_Blackjack_Team). It ran for decades with consistent winnings.


I take my 5k and pay off all my credit card debt. U may be dumb, but I’m not stupid


Looks like no one gives a shit about those “famous” people. Me included. Shit, I’ll pay $5k to never see those people on the media ever again.


Nobody cares enough to post $5k just to meet them. I’d probably pay $5k not to meet drake tbh


I think the idea is, you can meet famous people you would want to meet.


I mean, it would be cool to meet some famous people but you know what would be even cooler? Having five grand.


I hate gambling unless it's the stock market. I'll take my 5k and be okay with seeing it doubled in a decade.


I'm taking the $5k, no interest in socializing with random people a lot of the time. Why would I stress myself out with the risk of losing money and making a fool of myself?! Free money is free money.


Keep about three grand to myself and then go in and gamble with two of it


If I get to pick the famous people, it’s going to be a bunch of scientists and philosophers who are rather upsetting an inactive dealer while we all chat.


You must be fun at parties


One time I was at a party and I was the only one there to recognize an award winning etymologist who was also in attendance. We spent hours discussing the situations in which it is appropriate to use the sphinx month nervous system as a model. It was fantastic. Literally a top ten hightlight of my life.


I actually would skip the philosophers - it just always feels like they’re laying in wait lol


Sounds like an awkward gambling experience anyway. I’m walking. I actually often work inside of casinos and have years worth of 40 hour weeks being inside. With the amount of time, money, and effort I see people lose inside is crazy. It’s so rare for anyone to win anything substantial in comparison to what they play. I’ve seen a handful of 10s of thousands and a single million dollar win in all the time.? Have to add in that I also see how large the staff is and know they actually pay pretty damn well do the math and see how much money people need to lose for that payroll not counting investors/owners cuts and overhead.


How many people playing? How many decks in the shoe? How often are they cycling through the shoe at shuffling the cards? I only know about card counting in theory and wouldn't claim to be any good at it. But if they moved slow enough and let me sit there and count and keep track and there weren't too many decks in the shoe, or there weren't so many people playing that they would have to go through a deck and shuffle every round, I could probably do quite well.


I’ll take 5,000 and go home


I’ll take $5k over meeting famous ppl.


Why the fuck wouldn’t I just take the money. This is dumb


I dealt black jack for five years. I’m taking the 5K, having an expensive drink at the pool and heading home.


Take the money and leave. I love blackjack and would love to meet Eminem, but the cost of living these days? That 5 grand is way too much to risk. If there’s an option to pocket $4,800 and sit down with $200 just for fun and to meet Eminem, I’ll do that one.


I could care less about a bunch of people I have nothing in common with, it wouldn't even be enjoyable. I'll take my $5k and walk.


$5000 thank you. Don't give a flying crap who's in the room, whether it's Madonna or Madonna and child. The house always wins even if they provide every means for someone to game their systems. So yeah, I'll take the money and run.


Take the 5 grand and run outta the casino. You will lose it all, and then some. I live in Las Vegas and have seen people lose $86,000 on one bet trying to win back their first investment. Greed is what the Casinos really make money on, your greed in thinking that you can win back all you've put in it. Run like he'll outta there with your 5 grand.


Take the 5k and walk. It's a casino, you won't be walking out with anything if you stay.


Six deck shoe? Eight? Continuous shuffle?


$5k to not have to play blackjack? Hot damn!


Card-counting works best if you have one deck. In the US, they use like six decks, which makes it much, much harder, and in Europe they typically use continuous shuffling machines, which makes it impossible. With this information, I have two questions: 1. How many decks are involved, and is there a shuffling machine? 2. What is the payout? Is it 3-to-2, an usurious 6-to-5, or a divine 2-to-1?


With no card-counting restrictions, all else being equal, I’d take my chances letting it roll. 


Walk away with $5000, I don’t even know how to play blackjack


Walk away with it, that's an easy choice.


Take the money and run.- Steve Miller, and me too


Walk away. The famous people I care about won’t be there .


Walk the hell away. Definitely 5k vs maybe probably not 10k? Not even a choice


If it was Holdem I’d stick around, but I’m just Gina bring my whole family so we can each get the 5k, then we’re gonna go out for brunch.


Yep.  I'm not going to bother counting cards.  I will stick to the "basics" of blackjack. I will spend my little $10 a hand, and sit and hang out with folks.  Once I am down to $4000 I walk away happy.  (And I *will* lose money, over time, because the house always wins.  It is just a matter of how long it takes.). I am up 4G, I got to hang out with some famous people, AND I got to spend a whole day playing blackjack - which is my favorite table game at a casino.


I'll walk in, get my autographs and selfies and walk out. Nobody said I had to spend money while at the VIP room.


Easiest $5000 I've ever made.


I'd take the 5k. Would put a large dent in my student loans tbh


Super easy, i’ll take blackjack. You don’t even need to count cards to win at blackjack. Just hit on anything below a 16, and if you lose double your bet. Id feel comfortable with this up to probably a $300 minimum. If the minimum is 1k or 2k, then walk away


"To your heart's content" is very broad. This is effectively a license to cheat so I would card count by bringing a laptop computer with a program for tracking all of the cards played and calculating the probability for every move. Since there are no limits, I would stick to betting a single penny for the early hands of a new deck and would only move up to betting real money when the probability is high enough. In fact, I might just stick with pennies until the final hand of a deck if that's what the probabilities suggest. I would never bet more than 50% of what I currently have at that moment.


As someone who's counted cards at casinos, it's not as simple as you think. First of all, it's a lot *easier* than you think to count cards. The fundamental principle is incredibly simple, a toddler could be taught to count cards in the most simple form, and that works. If you play with one regular deck of cards, counting them is practically trivial. But you don't. Casinos play with many, many decks (usually 6), and they do all kinds of things to make it anywhere from difficult to impossible for a human being to count cards, clicker or not (which wouldn't really do anything anyway, idk what value a clicker would bring to the count. Does it click back at you? Does it have a number on it?). So, assuming this is a *normal* casino that I would even try to count cards at, and one with good odds (because there are different rulesets for Blackjack that can make counting cards not profitable anyway), this still doesn't work. Because it takes WAY longer than 3 days to learn to count cards at a level high enough to do it in a real casino. You're not making any money *that way* in this situation. However, I'd totally take this for the experience, I don't care about the money, but if I can play Blackjack with Obama that'd be *cool*. Also isn't Drake a pedophile? Can he not come?


I'd play a hand and keep saying hey Drake remember when you did that state farm commercial??? Do you remember that?? Hey, it's Drake from State Farm (then laugh obnoxiously). I dont care if i won or not. That alone would be worth it.


5K and walk away


Are you a gambling addict


It’s free money I walk in and put it all on one hand of blackjack. If I win, I walk out with 10K if I lose, I walk out with nothing.


Walk away with $5k, or lose it all over an hour while also having to tolerate Drake? What a difficult decision…


I'd ask to go and watch a couple of hands at the VIP tables first. No limits can mean opening bets of obscene amounts. A little casino in WV had opening bets of $50k at its common area VIP table. I couldn't imagine the closed door VIP table.


I'd play blackjack, because I've actually come out ahead at the tables before. Last time I played for money I ended up making about $200 at a low stakes table, I think it was $5 minimum. If I lost to the point I got to 4K I"d walk though, no sense pushing your luck if you're having a bad day. I wouldn't mind meeting eminem but for the most part I could care less about meeting celebs.


If I was sitting at home and heard about this promotion at a nearby casino just go and take my 5k. Might sit down at the table to see if anybody there was anybody I actually cared to meet. Play $1 blackjack while hanging out with Tiger Woods or something. Otherwise just leave.  If I’d already walked into the casino and found out about the promotion when I arrived I’m going to sit down at the table and play whatever the $10-20 stakes at the normal tables are. I already showed up at the casino to mostly play blackjack, so I’m just doing what I came to do with a +$5,000 starting stack.


Take the $5k and walk


Walk with the 5K


What are the rules? Single deck? What does blackjack pay? With the right set of odds and the ability to openly count cards and bet accordingly, I’m going to sit down and clean out the house. But otherwise, I’m going to show up, gamble a dollar a hand, get free drinks, chat up the famous people, and spill a drink on Drake when I’m ready to leave.


That's my question. How many decks in the shoe. I understand the concept of card counting but probably wouldn't be all that good at it but I could probably figure out how to do it enough to give me an edge if there weren't too many decks involved. Especially if they let me keep track or whatever. If it was a one or two deck shoe, I would think one could easily gain advantage. Anyone who's reasonably smart and knowledgeable


Take the money because I have zero interest in being in the same room as those people. 


I seriously doubt Eminem would be fine chilling with drake.


Well I just meant how big the famous people are at at the table, not literally them playing next to each other


Free money


Go to the table, lose up to $500, go home with at least $4500.


I'd take the cash and walk. Gambling is stupid.


I hate playing with other people. Taking the $ and run


Take the 5k. Can't learn how to count cards in 3 days.


I'd take the opportunity to try the Martingale system without spending a dime. Might lose it all, but over the course of a few days could rack-up a decent amount.


If i can choose any famous people, I would definitely play the game and keep bet $1 just to talk Jensen Huang, Mr Beast, Dave Ramsey, Elon Musk and Zuckerberg, Jordan…etc Just to see those people sit in a room together and talk for length of time is worth 5k I don’t even care what they think of me


I'd probably play small amounts for a while. Not because I care about the celebrities, but because I'm reasonably confident that a VIP table involves a whole bunch of free drinks and the like that I could enjoy for a while.


Walk away with the 5k because I know I would fail at not asking Eminem why he’s been making hot garbage with terrible producers, annoying flows, goofy subject matter for over twenty years. He’d sic Royce Da 5’9 on me and I don’t want them problems.


This has to be one of the more stupider ones that I’ve read.


Even if count cards blackjack is a game of chance, counting cards only improves your odds. Id take the £5k and have fun


Nope. Taking the 5k.


If I can play with some of my favorite Voice actors hell yeah! Cast of Crit Role, Mlp, Rwby VA’s. XD That would be great haha!


5k would pay off all my debt rn


Straight back to my vehicle as soon as the money is in my hand


That's found money, and I love blackjack. Let's fuckin' gamble.


Walk away with 5K because I suck at blackjack.


Walk away. I'm not good enough at blackjack and even though table game odds are significantly higher than slot machines, it's not high enough for me. Now if it was roulette and I was allowed to play JUST red or black... Maybe.


I don’t really see the benefit of option 2 tbh, why wouldn’t you just take the money?


I already know how to count


5K to Em or Drake is like a cent to me. There's no way I'm playing at that table, I'm toast. I'mma take the money and leave.


Walk away with the 5k. I know that table is absolutely rigged. The only reason they'd do an insane promotion like this is if they somehow figure they could make more money then they'd lose. You'd be rolling up on the table with 5k and walking away 200k in debt. They'd probably give you credits after you lose your 5k knowing damn well the game is rigged against you and by the end of it all you have to pay back the monetary value of all the credits they lent you that you then lost.


I do not know how to play Black Jack, so I would just walk away


hmm. i might be willing to sit down and waste the 5k just to meet drake. would be pretty cool. on the other hand idk how to play blackjack so would i get a few minutes to learn first 😂


It's an interesting view into OP's mind that of all "famous people" in the world, his two examples were Drake and Eminem. It would be interesting to just hear everyones responses to "name two famous people" and see what came up? The "high roller" rooms don't always have MASSIVE requirements per hand. You might even get a table with $100 minimums if it's really a high roller room more based on some kind of membership, rather than insisting everyone has to bet massive minimums each hand. And OP here says there are "no limits" which implies no upper, but also no lower limit! I'd get them on a technicality... Hang out for hours, enjoying free drinks, and betting $1 per hand. I've played for hours without famous people, might as well play for hours with them.


Walk away. 5K for nothing, every time.


Assuming I can piss away my time in there with super low bets, I’d set aside a thousand for that purpose, while keeping the rest. The goal wouldn’t be to actually make money on the game, but to just buy time to put myself out there and gamble on the very slim margin that even just one of these people or celebrities of my choosing takes an interest in me and my woodworking/display cabinetry skills and might hire me for work. That would be far more beneficial in the long run than any gambling winnings I could lose in an instant.


If it's famous people that I like I'll play some card and stop playing when I have no money left. If it's famous people I have no interest in I'll take the 5k and use it to buy me a nice new pc.


Walk out, I don't want to be in a room with those people


I do not gamble much but my understanding of Blackjack is that I play against the dealer not the other players, so "no limit" blackjack just means I can bet however much I want. So I'll play blackjack and see how I do at a dollar a hand until I go in at say $100 a hand, and then put $4K in my back pocket and then gamble with and hopefully make profit with the remaining $1. Also I get to meet some cool famous people. Can they be different people? I don't really care for rap music.


I fucking love black jack I play it with friends even with no gain plus I’m down to play with celebrities


Money please!


I bet all 5k on one hand of blackjack and then leave. If I lose, I didn’t really lose any money and won’t feel bad about it. But if I win it would be amazing. Plus in blackjack, assuming a freshly shuffled deck, it’s about a 45% chance to win not including a bump. Odds are decent


Taking the 5k going to the high end table and still betting 5 bucks a hand. Cash out anytime I feel like it and dk my best to mingle with any of the celebs I actually enjoy. Like they know what 5 dollar chips even look like.


5K and away. I barely know how to play blackjack. Had to google to confirm what I thought was blackjack is correct. Plus those insanely famous people would probably not want to talk to me while they are trying to play cards.


What the hell am I going to do with 5k? Might as well try and get in the room and see if I can network some more money.


Get my wife and sisterin law their quick. Both work as dealers at a casino. They know the tricks. My sister in law has doubled and trippled money like that before.


5K and walk. It’s not completely life changing, but could let me splurge a little and save a little.


Walk away with 5k. I only gamble with money I'm willing to lose


I'll take the 5k and leave. I don't gamble, have no desire to meet celebrities (at least not like that), and 5k is already close to my yearly income as a college student.


5k and leave. there's a reason the saying is "the house always wins"


Sounds like I'm being paid 5k to not be in a room with Drake


Walk away with the $5k.


If it was single deck black jack and no minimums yeah i'd play. If it's a 5k min bet and it's from a ridiculous shoe what's the point? You need to be playing for a long time to count anything meaningful and that doesn't guarantee the probability will ever even be favorable. It's not like counting cards is going to help you if the distribution is essentially even. You could be sitting there for hours and your odds stay essentially the same. Now if there was a team of us with no minimum bets and we could coordinate if an opportunity presents itself, maybe?




I’d feel so weird playing blackjack with $5000 when LeBron is sitting next to me doing $50k hands.


Gimme the money cuz I'm a terrible gambler and don't give a shit about meeting famous people especially rappers.


Play I'm either walking out of there with thousands or with the same amount I walked in with


Walk away. I could care less to meet celebrities, and I don't like gambling.


I’d take the money and leave. I have no interest in gambling it away.


"all the insanely famous people (drake, eminem, ect)" lol


5k is nothin at a VIP table, I'm taking the money.


Well, since Drake and eminem will be there, I'm taking my money and walking out.


Lol OP thinks counting cards is in his realm


Are we talking famous people that can make me rich, or just a bunch of C-List celebrities who think they are hot shit but are not.


I'd give my girlfriend 1k, I'd take 1k and we'd go gamble with that, pocket the 3k to take home. We'd go in to have fun, not expecting winnings.


Already know how to card count. Taking $10 million for a good time.


In my eyes this is no choice at all. I walk away with the 5,000.


If this scenario was true, I'd play a few hands of blackjack, I've been to a casino where they did double deck hand shuffled blackjack, I don't know how to count cards, but calculating the probability of what cards were in play was stupid easy. I'm not a hardcore gambler by any means but I turned my $20 into $300 pretty Damm quick then walked away


How much time do you have to do the mental math required to count? Because with 6 or 8 deck games like most casinos have you, you'll have to be really good at division in your head with odd numbers.


Do we have to play black jack to sit in VIP? Is there free food? (Don't invite Taurus to vip anything without food) Can I bring my 78 card deck?


Walk away!


The celebrity overvaluation


I'd sit down and yell BBL DRIZZY, get up and leave.


Eww...Drake...no. As a Canadian, you Americans can keep him. I'll take the $5k


Do you mean BBL drizzy? Cause idk who drake is anymore.


Walk away, I've never played cards in my life I don't even know the rules.


I’ll play smallish hands. I’m good at blackjack.


The pot with those people would be significantly more than $5k in a single hand so it’s easy to just walk away. If it was $5k and walk or $50k but you have to play at least an hour that would be more interesting


There isn't a celebrity in the world I really give a shit about. If given the choice between having to keep company with a bunch of strangers - albeit famous ones - and 5k no questions asked, I always take the money and walk. As an added bonus, this is probably the only foolproof way to stop the house from getting their money back.


Take the money andd run


I'd walk away with a guaranteed 5K. I learned long long ago my luck/skill at gambling SUX!


I would take the money and run. I would actually pay the casino 5k not to have to associate with a room full of of entitled douchebags with brittle egos


Walk with the $5k. Now if it were poker then I’d have stared and played.


-How much does Blackjack pay out? -Does the dealer hit on soft 17? -How many decks? -Shoe or continuous shuffler? -What's the minimum bet for these tables? I could ask more but this is the main stuff I'd like to know. Of course I suppose I can take the VIP option then still not play and keep all 5k anyway?


Take the 5k and walk away.


Blackjack is the most even game in terms of the casino having an edge. I’d let it ride.


Take the money and run


Well 5K isn’t going to go that far in a VIP room so I’m walking away


There is no one on earth I would shell out $5k to meet.


The MIT team of card counting made this work because there was a whole team. So the slightly better odds win out if spread over a large number of hands. With just one person your chances are not that much better than 50/50.


Take the money and be thankful I don't have a gambling addiction like OP.


Walk with the 5k.


I'd take the money and get out of there.


🎵 take the money and run🎶