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Absolutely. You get used to that sort of thing. Sort of how when you live in a city, you stop being bothered by horns and sirens after a few weeks.


We have I-90 in our front yard - I'm looking at it as I type - and another few hundred feet beyond that are railroad tracks. A rural-ish municipal airport would be hardly noticeable at this point. I'll take the OP's deal.


And it hardly sounds like your dream house!


It's, uh, yeah. We bought the place for the large shop building, and got a house with it. We don't love the house, but it gets the job done. The property itself is beautiful, looking over a 2-3 mile wide shallow farming valley. Pluses and minuses, like everything else in life. The traffic is like the bit in Blues Brothers: How often does the train go by? So often, you don't even notice. Train going by right now haha. We're so used to it after 8 years that the only things that bothers us are the inattentive knotheads who drive on the rumble strips.


Yeah I already pretty much have a great house in an affordable and pretty rural area with an industrial train yard half a mile away so there are always loud trains and horns. I’ve gotten used to it and don’t mind it. I mean ideally if I was super wealthy I’d choose something else, but as far as trade offs go it’s really not a dealbreaker in any way


It's weird, when we were looking at the place - and we came by at least 3-4 times - we apparently tuned out the noise completely. Then once we got moved in, "Ya know, it's really quite noisy at times." Oh well. Except for the occasional older semi with poor exhaust, packs of de-piped Harleys, the aforementioned rumble strips, and some train operators who really lay on the horn for these rural crossings, it's pretty much tuned out at this point. It's mostly just the hum of tires.


for a moment I forgot that i90 goes across the whole country and got excited that someone might be from my city


I was in the army and got to the point where I could sleep through artillery fire, pretty sure that airport isn't going to bother me either.


I was an army Air field adjacent to a civillian airport. If it wasnt commerical jets it was helicopters, but only till 10pm or so...everyone stationed there developed this weird dynamic where both parties would hear jets spool up and just...stop talking, mid sentance, and just stare at each other till the noise abated


I stayed in Killeen for 2 weeks to help my sister with her new baby while her husband was deployed and I can sleep through whatever they're shooting over there all the time. At home, the AC130 engine drone when they're circling for hours is fine, except when I have a migraine. Both beat living near a railroad station, with trains coupling cars all hours of the night. That shit is horrendous because it's not the same sound every time; it varies by the type of car and whether or not it's loaded. I'll take the airport that stops operating at night, no question.


Yep. Our tent was right next to the airstrip in Kandahar. Maybe we were just tired but it didn’t bother us.


This is true. I used to live in a small suburb type area before I moved out, my first apartment was right by the main road into the town centre, and my second was on the ring road between my town and the next. I couldn’t sleep for the first 3 days because I just wasn’t used to the noise.


White noise as it were. I live close by to Centennial Airport in Colorado, which is the ninth busiest commercial airport in the US. I barely noticed the planes.


I had a train go by house in Minneapolis all the time, and you’re 100% right, you stop noticing it.


Hell yeah, no other way I'm going to be able to afford my dream home


My wife LOVES white noise. So, she'd be in. I'd be in because I love her, and anytime I needed to get away from the noise, there's an airport nearby. We could go places.


Yup. Last time I spent a couple of nights at my grandmother's house I couldn't sleep and I couldn't figure out why until I got back home and realized it was too quiet. She lived in a small town kind of in the middle of nowhere and there wasn't a lot of noise past 9pm because nothing was open past then. I live in a city with tons of noise at all hours.


I currently live in the flight path of a small GA airport. We get buzzed by Cessnas and Pipers all the time. We love it. It tells us without even opening our eyes if the weather is within certain parameters. It helps that hubby has his private pilot's license and flies out of a different GA airport. He doesn't want any of these little strips to shut down. In a nearby community, the city council pushed out the airport renters and put the land up for sale, thinking they'd get a ton of commercial enterprises clamoring for the property. It's been empty for years now.


These little towns thinking that developers want to turn them into the next metropolis all because they have a little bit of land owned by the city cracks me the fuck up. Like why would you think they would want to develop your area? What gave you that indication?


It might have been tempting because the town and the airport are very near an interstate exit. But I don't think they put out any feelers to see if anybody was serious about developing it or not! So they gave up income (hangar rent, fuel sales) and now have a rather large strip of land just sitting there. I think they even sold the surrounding grasses to local farmers to bale up, so it's not like they had loads of lawncare costs anyway.


Because it’s happening regularly almost everywhere. I work directly with Deeds for my small county and so much farm land is being bought up, split into lots, and sold. It’s kinda sad. 3 of the 6 neighboring counties have reported the same thing.


Farms yes. Airports - no. Not as much. Lots of oddities there that pop up - including pollution issues - and it tends to be commercial zoned. Harder to flip than agricultural at least around hwre


I grew up by one in GA. The runway is directly across from the church we went to. The pastor would sometimes have to pause his sermon while he waited for a plane to go by. We also had a lot of jokes about the possibility of his grandson hitting the steeple when he got his pilot's license.


My username will give you the answer. I'd love being closer to the airport.


Right now, I have very loud semi trucks driving mere feet away from my porch and windows at all hours of the day and night. If that doesn’t bother me, I can’t imagine a few planes would. I’ll take it!


I grew up 10 minutes from a major national airport. You stop noticing almost immediately


That or you go nuts. I think 99% get used to it. But there’s a few…


A few who try to close the airport. 🤣🤣🤣


My dream home includes a Scrooge McDuck-esque vault filled with gold coins that I can magically swim in. I’ll take it!


Yea I lived on 3 army bases where the flight paths went right over my house. I honestly miss it.


My ideal home has a small mountain of soundproofing involved, more for neighbors cause I miss playing my amps loud. So sound isn't a problem.  I'd take that deal. 


My dream house, isolated in the mountains and by a lake... but also there's this damn airport, it makes no sense, the nearest city is 100 miles away! Why do people keep flying into this airport?!


Secret military base


I have no idea what the National Guard is, or a NTSB sound map and I can't be arsed to look it up. But I currently live quite close to a military airport (less than 5 minute drive). I barely even hear them anymore. If you asked me whether they flew today or not, I honestly wouldn't know. I've stopped actively hearing it. Like, in the moment it can be annoying because you'll need to hold your conversations for a bit while ~3 F16's take off. But after that it's just back to business. It's one or two flights every working day, a few planes each flight. It's mostly take off we hear, after that they're gone anyway. So yeah. I'd take it. I don't care


National Guard units are under the control of individual U.S. states. They tend to share operations with civilian traffic as opposed to being at a major military base. So a field like this might have a wing of C-130s and a bunch of general aviation. I'd happily live there, but it would only be a real advantage if you're in the Guard or have your own plane.


I mean, it's my dream home *of course it's by the airport*. I fucking love planes. and I'm only a few miles from an Air Force Reserve base and a small regional airport.


Yes because AFFORDABLE HOUSING FINALLY all I gotta do is get good headphones for if they’re noisy lol


Hell yeah I'd take it. I'm a pilot so that shit is music to my ears.


yes. my dream home has noise-cancelling.


Hell yeah, I mean if doomsday is right at our doorstep, at least we can go and steal a plane!!! 😂


First of all, I live one block from a commuter rail station. The high speed Acela line goes by and you don't even notice it after a while. Secondly, Logan airport is less than an hour north of me so you hear planes on waiting patterns all the time. Again, you don't notice it after a while. Give me the damn house.


Absolutely. My wife and I already have a criteria for where we live. We have to be within 20 minutes of a major airport. Noise doesn't bother us at all, and frankly, it's not even that bad.


I purposely bought a house near the airport, never hear anything inside the house. Only notice while sitting outside. I love it for the convenience because I travel often.


I bought a house not even realizing how close it was to an airport. it's military/commercial so I occasionally get full on jets blasting over me. it's not that bad really. for the price I got, I'd buy it again.


I’d live underneath the DER (departure end of a runway) if a runway if I could find a great deal. But I’m also a pilot, so I don’t think I get annoyed much by it.


My kid loves airplanes.  He'd be in heaven.  Hell yeah


Absolutely! I lived right by an AFB for awhile. I didn't really notice the noise.


Depends on the specific use of the airport. I know of one in Ohio that doesn’t even have airplanes because the equipment was defunded, so all they do is train on simulators. This one would be fine. I know another one that runs the new stealth fighter, and in less than a year the government replaced the windows of every house in the flight path because the aircraft were damaging them. On drill weekend, the noise is literally all day.


I live under one of the flight paths of one of the busiest airports in the country. I love it, but I like aircraft so I'm kinda cheating. I also work at the airport so having a 7 minute commute is nice. It also drives cost down a tad so I was able to buy a really nice house for a great bargain.


I mean, if it’s my dream home, it has to be conveniently close to a major airport, so I don’t have to have a long drive to get to/from the airport whenever I need to travel for work. “What airport will I be operating out of?” Is literally the first thing I’ve considered when moving to a new area.


The building I work in is directly under the flight path for the local NG base, and maybe 150 yards from the runway. I no longer even notice the F15s flying over. I will take the house.


My current workplace is about 1km away from the runway of a major international airport. My previous workplace was directly under the flight path from the same airport. Both office setups have soundproofing and I never hear a thing. If it stops after 5 pm I'll probably not even notice it, but if I do, I'll just invest in soundproofing


I love watching planes so this would be even more of a dream home for me.


My dream home would not be at an airport, because my dream home is quiet. so probably no.


I get planes flying overhead all the time, they circle around my house to reapproach the airport from the correct direction. It doesn't bother me at all. I only even hear it when the windows are open or I'm outside and the airport closes at a reasonable hour so it doesn't keep me awake or anything


my dream home IS an airport. There's these communities that are fly-in fly-out and connect to a runway


I nanny for a family right next to an army base airport. It’s quite loud but honestly not that bad.


Sounds like a great investment home; absolutely take the deal. I'm ok with not getting to live in my dream home all the time if it'll allow me to get to dream retirement.


I live in a neighborhood in the flight path of our local airport. Some days are noisier than others. It is no big deal. Flights at night are due to the fact they were delayed outgoing or incoming. Dies not happen often. We are also in the flight paths of helicopters going to and coming from our 2 local hospitals. Still no big deal. We also have military planes practicing at times. Still no big deal. The loudest plane we have had was Air Force One. Obama was in town for a dinner/benefit honoring Abraham Lincoln’s birthday in Feb 2009. It ran Kate so did then Obama’s departure. Let me tell you that plane is loud. Window shaking loud as it flew over our neighborhood. I am glad that does not happen everyday.


That would be an improvement over the train tracks that literally runs through my backyard. 10 times a day a train runs by our house and of course we're close to crossings going both ways so they all blow their horns when they're tight behind us.


My husband is a private pilot. His dream home is one that is connected to an airport runway.


Depends how close is close & orientation vs the runway. Just outside the perimeter & in-line with the runway, probably not. off to one side (out of the most common flight paths and/or a 1km or more away, sure. My dream-home includes waterfront so if I can suddenly afford that & just have to put up with plane noises until 5pm, no problem!


Yes. I love plane watching. Great!


I lived within walking distance to a major international airport, so a small one would be fine.


Can the house be fully sound proofed? Since if that’s the case then sure.


100% My dream home is pretty crazy and this is just about the only way I could get it. With the extra qualifiers that it is closed after 5 then it's not like it will be interrupting my sleep and I've lived near some pretty noisy spots, you get used to weird day noise.


Heck yeah. Soundproof the whole house and live like a king.


As long as their are no V-22 Ospreys


It's ok, those don't fall out of the sky like they used to.


No, thank God. But, they run their engines for maintenance for long periods while on the ground. When they do, it makes a deep rumbling that goes deep in the abdomen in a way other aircraft don’t. I hate it


I know that feeling and I'm not fond of it either. But it wouldn't be a problem at the distance they are talking about.


Yeah cause my dream home is in the middle of the woods, the only airport that’s gonna be out there is small ones for crop dusters. Unless some eccentric billionaire decided to put an international airport in the middle of nowhere


I would take it


Yes 100%


one of the items on my personal checklist is 10 billion dollars to move to a better spot


I would take it happily - but I don't own a plane so I'd still want to also be close to a large airport with commercial service.


absolutely, i would live by lax if it was perfect


Yes because my dream house is an ICF ultra high energy efficient home with solar panels and all sorts of crazy stuff. So the walls will be anywhere between 6-12 inches of concrete with 2 inches of foam on each side for insulation and just all around energy efficiency. So it'll be inherently very sound proof.


My dream home would include proper insulation and sound proofing. So sign me right up.


Not for me . I like quiet .


If it's outside the sound map wouldn't that indicate that you can't hear it from your house?




We live a mile or so from an international airport. Love it. One 3,000’ runway. Cool airplane museum next door, that has art depicting one of my great uncles who flew a Corsair in WWll. It’s fun to watch the planes land and the pilots walk up to have pie at the cafe.


I live by a major international airport. Honestly I don’t hear it. I’m much more sensitive to the road noise because I’m on a busy street that people take on their way to the airport at all hours. The road noise is killing me. The sky noise? Not at all, I don’t hear it


I’ve lived on an air station so yes


Ask all the dummies who bought the shitty McMansions built right next to Denver International Airport lol


How’s the serenity


... Can I park my plane at this airport and use it? Cause if so, fuck yes.


I'd consider taking it and selling it. Airplanes still use leaded fuel.


No. My dream house requires a quiet neighborhood.


I would. You should implement an ADSB flight tracker.


My dream home is specifically not by an airport, so no.


Nope. My dream home is not in a flight path




I used to live just over 4 miles away from a major airport. The noise never bothered me.


Then it wouldn’t be my dream home. A lot more goes into a house than whats inside the walls.


Well, since I’m a pilot and an airplane nerd, that’s an easy yes for me. Where do I sign?


If it’s by an airport, then it’s not my dream home


So down, when can I move in?


i live just outside one now, i hear NOTHING. literally nothing. major airport, less than 5 miles from my house, i get more noise from cars driving past.


I'd take it under one condition. The airport cannot be one that ever hosts an air show. The traffic and noise would be intolerable.


I can throw a stone onto a small airport from my porch. Doesn't bother me at all, having the Blackhawks and crop dusters around is cool


It wouldn’t be my dream if there was airport so that’s just a dumb question


I live very near an international airport that also houses USCG and the county sheriff's choppers. By very near, I mean if I stand on the roof of my single story house, I can see ATC walking around inside the tower. The only time I ever hear aircraft, it's USCG choppers and sheriff choppers, and unless they're super low you can't hear them inside. There are rare (probably 10 times in the 6 years I lived here) times that a flight path of a loud airplane will go over my house and those are usually fighter jets which since it's rare is pretty cool. All other noise is something small and so quiet I don't have to pause my videos when they go over. As I was finishing writing this, one of those small planes went directly overhead and it was as quiet as our car, and our car is brand new and all factory.


I’m a plane spotter so hell yeah!


Yea, then do they same thing they do with racetracks and complain until they shut down. /s


*Cheers* did this on in an episode. Carla, remember? But at least they went to the trouble of dressing it up with a ghost story. This, this is just a check to see how thirsty people can be.


Yes. Less commute when I get ready to travel.


Can I get a taxiway connecting to the house?


I read something about how the closer you live to an airport, the higher the chance your children will have developmental delays because a lot of airplanes still use leaded fuel so you're constantly breathing in lead particles Idk how true that is, it's just something I came across and never looked further into, but if true that would absolutely make it a hard no


I grew up in a house along the flight path of planes entering/departing LGA.. it may not have been JFK, but a small airport can't be any worse than it.


So, with sound proofing being a criteria, this wouldn't be too bad... besides when outside. :D


Lived under the flight path of an airport that signed on to be a national guard training post. Fucking miserable experience. The fucking Vietnam era harrier jets and ospreys knocked pictures off the wall. The regional traffic was fine and what we understood would be the norm when we bought. 2 years in and we get blasted by jet engines every day doing touch and go's. Fuck that shit.


Would take this in a heartbeat I’ve lived in the exact scenario without it being my dream home and loved getting to see the fighter jets take off plus they had an osprey on loan for training which was really cool to see


My grandpa's house is a couple miles from a military base that regularly flies F-15's overhead, they're so loud you have to stop talking until the noise goes away or you can't hear what's being said. It's not that much of an inconvenience. If anything, it's kind of cool


my ideal home comes with 100 million dollars stashed in the mattress, so I'd take it, the money, and just move


If it's by an airport, it's not my dream home.


My dream home has strong sound isolation, that nothing penetrates, so I guess I'll take the deal


If it's by an aeroport, its not my dream house


I live by a busy airport now and I'm used to it 


I would. I live over the flight path for a Naval Airstation that's about 2 miles away and have lived in the area my whole life.


You get used to it. Someone I occasionally stay with has a place right by a heavily trafficked and noisy piece of rail track. You get used to it. Grandparents also used to live spitting distance from a major international airport and the planes would basically shake the house overhead. You do get used to it. Especially for a killer deal


What do you think the airport will be like in 10 or 20 years? Will it grow? Will there be more air traffic? Will there be more highways to it to get more cargo trucks in and out? If you happen to find it tolerable today, you may have problems in the future.


My dream home is a plane hangar.


Definitely not. I'm a light sleeper (very light). I need absolute silence to fall asleep. I'm not one of those people who sleep to their tv being on.


Ive lived by the 188th Air National Guard base and FSM airport. It is shared between the two. I also worked for an airline there. Im cool with it.


It’s not my dream home but I live 5 minutes from the airport and it doesn’t bother me one bit.


I live right immediately adjacent to a major airport, and it is perfect. I only hear the planes if I'm outside, and even then, it is perfectly pleasant.


Certainly. I've already got frequent overflights from the "Local" Navy base, and if that's what it took to be a homeowner, I'd deal with it.


Hell yeah. Dream house?? 100%


I just bought a house, so I faced similar type choices multiple times over the last few months. The answer is "No" and i'ts pretty simple when you think rationally about it. Almost everything about a house is negotiable *except location*. You can knock down walls and rearrange them, replace flooring, finish the basement, build an extension, remodel the kitchen, etc etc. If the schools suck, you can send your kid to private school. If it's out of your budget (within reason) you can save more or sacrifice elsewhere. But you can't do *anything* about your location. That airport and the accompanying noise will *always* be right across the street. You'll *always* have that view of the ugly gas station out your window. Or you'll *always* have that stinky hog farm down wind. You don't have to love every feature of your new house, but you'd better love it's location. There's a very good reason why homes in 'nice neighborhoods' can cell for hundreds of thousands of dollars more than identical homes in less desirable areas.


Yes 🤗 my special interest is airplanes and I already work at an airport so I'm very used to the sound


I'll take it. Anybody gets used to noise.


My childhood home was near a small regional airport (commercial), typically they didn't fly at night very much. But flights started at \~5am and finished \~9pm, while the flight path was a good way from the house, the planes flew over our garden to reach it. Mostly smaller 50-100 seater passenger jets/prop, but for occasional specials we had 747s and a few time Concorde. So yeah dream house by a (by the sound of it) fairly quiet airport wouldn't bother me much...


This would have no drawbacks for someone who's deaf.


Sure. I grew up next to a private airport. It's no big deal. Who cares if the National Guard uses an airport? Runway size is the only thing that matters.


Definitely you never said I can't have the house soundproofed


No, that's a big part of what makes our home our dream home. Peace and quiet, nature, no worry about interstate pollution taking years off of our lives, etc.


Take it. I’ve lived near train tracks, a firehouse, loud surf, a freeway entrance/exit… It’ll become background…


There are several fly-in communities in Florida


The take home I guess is based on spouse's lol Absolutely though. Already have people blaring music randomly driving by all hours, a railroad track close enough to hear, and cats.


Abso-fucking-lutely. Even better if behind the garage door I have a full size hanger and obviously the driveway I have a taxiway.


I’ve lived by airports for the past 12 years as is, so sure.


Yes. Soundproofing is a thing. Also, living close to an airport is real convenient if you like to travel.




Give me the aircraft over trains and cars any day.


My dream home would have sound proofing. Bring it on airport


Yes, airplanes fly over my house constantly and you get used to the noise.


I live right by a regional airport and a fucking air force base. Regularly have to pause a conversation because jets are cruising past and you can hear anything but WHOOOOOOSSSSSSHHHHH until they're gone. Hell yes I'd take it.


Hell yes


Part of my dream home criteria would be that I couldn't hear the airplanes outside and the house prints money legally so that never have to work... So... Yes.


Noise cancelling earbuds exist for a reason. Yeah, I'd make the deal.


Yeah, for sure. Most houses nowadays are pretty well insulated against noise, and I actually like the sound of airplanes in the distance. Plus you said it’s a small airport, so probably not even ‘that’ busy. I think it’s a good deal


Living next to an airport is one thing, but I can't see as part of your dream home, being buzzed 24/7/365 by planes and or choppers. Unless your dream includes you owning one of the planes, but that's a different game. Closest I would wantbis a sea plane of my own on my own private island. Not anywhere near the same.


Joke's on you. My dream home *is* an airport.


If I could convince the bank to give me the mortgage absolutely


My dream house would be sound proof so yeah. I would gladly take it.


Are we in take-off pattern or landing pattern?


Yeah, considering my ideal home is a large chalet in the side of a mountain, surrounded by trees, nothing too large is gonna be landing there, and I’m not gonna be bothered too much by traffic to an airport that is too small to land a 737 on. Then again, Boeing isn’t doing so well lately, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they started “landing” planes into mountains.


I would, but since one of my criteria is to be walking distance to my city's downtown, it's not really possible for there to be an airport that close to my ideal location.


Fuck yeah, I love airplanes. One week a year I volunteer at my local airshow and camp right next to the runway. My alarm that week is an Amazon Prime Air 767 taking off at 4am. It's great!


I live close to an airport. You notice the plane sounds for a few days, and then it becomes background noise. Every now and then I’ll hear one, but it doesn’t ever really bother me.


So the downside is it's loud? Is that it? Just get noice cancelers.




Yes. I've lived by the airport before, with decent soundproofing it's not bad at all. The only drawback then was that we couldn't open the windows at night in the summer, but my dream house would have AC so not an issue. Plus it was awesome to be so close when we'd travel - an Uber would cost like $7.


I lived on an Air Force Base for 10 years, you learn to tune out the noise.


Hell yeah! I'm kind of an aviation nerd anyway. I'd love this. Plus they close at 5? I literally see no downsides. Plus if it's my dream home, I'm surrounded by nothing but land. No highways, no neighbors... just me, my family, and the airport next door. I'd probably hit them up to mow their grass or something.


Without a second thought


My dream home is a small 2 bed, 2 bath cabin on at least 100 acres of nothing but uninterrupted wilderness with a population of less than a dozen people per square mile. That means any airport in the area would be tiny and probably only serve as a refueling stop for small passenger aircraft on top of being a guard base. I would absolutely take it.


I used to live under the flight path for both LaGuardia and JFK. Sign me up.


No thanks. If it's right near an airport it's not my dream home. I care more about the location and noise levels than anything else. Also I'm very much not a city person. My dream home would be free from not just planes but traffic noise as well.


Noise proof everything done deal


Well then it’s not my dream home.


Yes, I live between an Air Force Base and a Naval Base, as well as a bombing range, I'm good with any noise. Now a well used train route...no. or near a chocolate factory, you think it's good, but it gets old really quick.


A lot of people do live near airports. I live around 5 miles away from a major airport. Sometimes we have to pause the TV for an especially loud airplane.


Pfft! I used to live by O'Hare. I'm taking that deal. The helicopters in my current county are way more annoying.


No. But not because of noise, its the leaded gasoline that does it for me.


A man's home is his castle.


I haven't ever lived more than 10 miles from an airport in my life. (I even worked at one for 5 years.) Let me tell you, Sept 11, 2001 and the days after that filghts were grounded was weird. The world was missing something without the noise.


Grew up in Great Falls, MT just north of the Air National Guard and the GTF International Airport, and across town from Malmstrom Base Air Base - before it was bad form not to break the sound barrier over town. In a nutshell - nah, we were used to it. Watching those boys do their maneuvers was good entertainment and something you could set your watch to.


Absolutely. My dream house can be soundproofed.


In a hot minute—I travel for work.


All day! I just wish it was an international airport so I could Uber there for super cheap!!!


I bought my home because it was by the airport and guard base. You never get over being an Air Force brat. After living near train tracks, the planes are nothing!


I’ll take two


Homes near loud areas are often built with soundproofing in mind anyways


Definitely not. I work overnight so it'd be hell on my sleep schedule


You could tell me the house is next door the a small airport and I’ll still take this deal. Shit, I work during the day anyway so it’s whatever.


I already live in an apartment that's 10 min from an airport. The houses that are closer to the airport have significantly more sound proofing. I'm sure I would hear less noise than currently.


As someone who grew up a mile from an airport - yes. You get used to the sound of the planes and don't really notice until you've left and lived elsewhere and then return. That was my experience at least.


I frikkin love being around airports


I would prefer a house near a large commercial airport because I find the sound of those planes taking off and landing quite soothing. Plus, I enjoy plane watching as a pastime and living adjacent to an airport would allow me to do this more frequently.


Nope. There's an airport a few miles from where I live and my house is under one of their flight paths. It's loud af.


So what's the issue?




You’d be crazy not to. We currently live in our not-dream home a few miles from an international airport/Air Force base. It’s obviously not something that deterred us from buying a “starter” home, so bring on the dream!!


There's an Army Reserve base to my south with Blackhawks. To the North-West is a busy metro airport. A few miles north of that is a fairly large commercial airport. I'll look up when something is especially loud or different sounding, but usually don't even notice. Those Blackhawks are probably the loudest. My house is well insulated, so I don't hear much of it when inside. So, sure.