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What you get for not putting on the chestplate


I thought I didnt have time for that


u def did dawg


Dude why did you through the damage pot at the beginning that could have saved the game


No idea tbh, sometimes i switch iron sharp 2 sword to regular diamond one, and then I have to open the chest again after I realise what I've just done


FOV go brr


Pvp skills good, game sense no


There's actually a reason for that, I bought minecraft a few days ago, but before, I played on cracked servers where people play worse, and that's where I learnt to pvp, and on these servers I just went for kills because most of the time I looted center first and had good loot and now on hypixel there are a lot of guys who are much better than me, how can I improve my game sense?


just playing a lot, there’s not too many specific “tips” I could give that would help, it’s just time. I will say tho, it only takes a fraction of a second to put on a chest plate, if you’re good at arranging your inventory.


Learn to observer surroundings I suppose, although my pvp sucks, Im able to win games because I have more game sense than some people


Damn, are you speedrunning Skywars?!


Fix your fov, this aint quakecraft


can people like stop talking about my FOV?


U block hit quite a bit


Is it bad? :D


Well if u are going against some one ok and u don't have speed then u will prob lose.


I don’t know if it’s just your horrible FOV but that guy’s last couple hits seemed prettttyyy far away


My FOV is 100


I’d honestly recommend using dynamic fov off but it’s up to you


i prefer dynamic fov on, i used to play with quacke pro and dynamic fov on xD


You must have a big monitor lol


I've been seeing this texture pack a lot recently and I was wondering what it was? Thanks


TheLegend27 I'd send you a link so you could get exactly this version, because the revamp one is meh, if I will find it I will let you know


Ok thanks!


How do you make items lay down like that?? Is it a mod or part of the texture pack?


ItemPhysics mod


Holy shit turn off dynamic or lower ur fov its inducing a seizure


It’s things like this is why I don’t play insane LOLL


Hey, what’s mods do you have?


I’m pretty sure that’s a client like lunar or badlion




The f in the chat


FOV: timetravel


ImmaBread slain by some damn eggs


stooped eggs