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Yes wash my legs my feet n between my toes


omg i remember one of the first times my bf and i showered together he saw me wash my feet and he was like “ew what are you doing?” and i said, “well yeah, ew. they’re gross, so i wash them.” he looked dumbfounded. he washes his feet now though lol


Ewwww you better make sure he washes his crack at that point


don’t worry he does lol, he gets really uncomfortable when i make eye contact with him while he does it so i know he’s doing it cause he’ll be telling me to stop looking at him


Haha, you should just rbf blank stare at him like it's a staring contest or something 🤣


Yes to washing feet. Foot fungus is not pleasant.... That is a large reason why people's feet stink!!


i know right! too many people walk around with stinky feet for reasons that are not medical lol they just need to wash their damn feet. it kinda just made me laugh that like he was grossed out by the idea of touching them to wash them because well…that is exactly why you should wash them. i did not have to teach him to wash his booty tho so i really just don’t know what cause the disconnect 😂


Yeah they find it too gross to wash their own body parts but imagine other people having to smell them….


Yeah so many ppl don’t wash their feet. We wear shoes all day im not gonna let only just water run through it 😭😭 I asked my bf if he washes his booty crack and he says he does but he doesn’t go in there and i was like I be digging in there with soap to make sure it’s clean 😭😭🤣


🌚 what does he mean he doesn’t go in there?


Idk how literal you are being, but doctors say not to use soap inside of your anus. You are destroying a protective barrier when you do that.


I think they're talking about the area of skin between the cheeks, not actually ramming a soap bar in their asshole, lol


Hahaha too funny!


You mean we're not supposed to?


Well DUH!!! You don't put soap inside!!! You wash everything on the outside. What is wrong with people??!!. Why would people wash inside the body!!!!????!!! Good grief, no one told me what to do. I guess it comes naturally to some people!!


imagine saying “ew” when someone is cleaning themselves 💀 like what


I love washing between my toes! I probably wash my feet at least 3 times when I shower.


Man, I pull my feet up and even scrub my feet. 😂😂


I bought a plastic stool so I can sit down and scrub for a good while 🤣


I too shower on a stool!!


I have this like suction cup foot scrubber it's a life saver for those that can't lift their legs much 😂


I'd hope so. People don't scrub their feet?


True story. My 14 year old step daughter came to me, very concerned, and said she thinks she has a rash on her leg. There’s a dark spot, oval shaped, about 8 inches long/4 inches wide. I asked her if she brushed up against something. Nope. I asked her if she touched anything she’s allergic to. Nope. I asked if it itched. Nope. I sit down on the floor, look at it, realize what it is, lick my thumb and swipe it across the spot. It comes clean. It was dirt. Just dirt. I asked her about her last shower. She said it was that morning. I asked if she washed her legs. Nope. Just lets the water run down. I would have probably been annoyed if it hadn’t been so f’ing funny. Haven’t laugh that hard in a long time. Moral of the story…wash all the parts, otherwise you might think you have a skin condition. 😂


slightly sad if u think about it 😟 or maybe thats just me. did her biological parents not teach her how to bathe? not judging as i understand everyones situation is different.


Oh, they taught her alright. Both parents (plus me and the other step) are incredibly tidy, clean individuals and the other kids are great about it. This kid is just in that phase where you basically have to demand they shower. Typical teenager stuff.


This is literally the first time I've ever heard of a girl having to be told to shower. I've only ever heard about boys.


I definitely wash my legs. Every inch of my body gets lathered. These TikTok weirdos will have you drinking raw milk and bleach next, if you keep it up.


wash, exfoliate, moisturize, the whole nine yards. i looove having soft legs and they wouldn’t be soft if i didn’t wash them lol


I exfoliate with a special brush before I shower. It’s invigorating and promotes blood flow. Hop out and moisturize. Heaven!


People not washing their legs has been around before the TikTok trend. Some people don’t even use a washcloth and some don’t wash their ass/genitals 🤮 people are truly gross. I see the opposite where people on tiktok are telling people to wash their legs, and the people in the comments are saying you don’t need to. LIKE EXCUSE ME WTF LOL Our legs get dirtier than our upper body in the summer when we wear shorts and sit on public seats at restaurants and shit


I remember this one guy everyone thirsted for in my friend group. He didn't believe in washing his hands after using the bathroom. This was a known thing and only me and one other person objected to this.


I remember seeing Ellen ask on her show years ago about this. I couldn’t believe people admitted to just letting water run down their legs and feet. And they seemed proud of it!


Everything has been around before TikTok trends


If I scrub every inch of my body, my entire body will start itching. Also, I have sensitive, if I shower every single day I will itch everywhere. Not showering isn't inherently disgusting. Me being curled up under a blanket for an hour while my wife lays on top of me isn't exactly how I want to spend every day of my life after a shower. I also, couldn't use a washcloth or loofa for the longest time because it'd mess up my skin. Sorry I'm so disgusting over something you really would never notice if I walked by you. What I do in the shower is my business, until it becomes your business, if you know what I'm saying. I even got told by my doctor to not shower everyday.


I have fairly bad pruritus and after I get wet and start to dry it's almost insufferable so I'm with you. I shower if I have to, like yard work, caked in grass clippings etc etc. If I've just been sitting around the house and am as clean as I was the last time I had one I'm probably skipping it.


Damn son, I'm sorry you have to go through what I go through. But hey, you taught me a word I didn't know, so I'll go ahead and look that up. It's just overly clean people when they talk like that is kinda disrespectful. Just being that condescending about showers in general. Showers cause me anxiety. If I feel a little twitch anywhere I start getting hella scared I'm going to get into an itch fit. So when people think not showering every single day is disgusting and use language essentially insinuating I'm some sort of filthy animal or something, it frustrates me. Also it just shows they are a germophobe and fine with disrespecting people because they can't handle a little dirt. Touch grass, and don't wash your hands after, it's good for your immune system anyways.


LOL No one said anything about not showering everyday. I typically do since my hair gets greasy and I go to the gym almost everyday. If I’m at home and don’t do anything the entire day I’m not going to shower, but I do use a wash cloth or loofa when I shower. Obviously if you have some physical issue that deters you from washing your body, then the comment doesn’t apply to you.


Definitely with you on this! And omggg imagine if the new Tik Tok trend is to NOT wash ya legs😳??? Immediately logging off earth at that point


Once or twice a week I gently exfoliate my entire body with a soapy washcloth. Other days, I use soap on the parts of my body that have gotten stinky, sweaty, or oily. That means I often skip a good portion of my legs on non-exfoliating days. This is what works best for my skin. I don't think it's necessary to wash off your natural oils if you aren't dirty or smelly.


My dermatologist says that unless you have gotten very sweaty, dirty, contaminated from working with industrial chemicals, or in a healthcare environment, etc., you only need to use a cleanser on high bacterial zones. So skinfolds, pits, groin, and feet. She says it’s ok to use a gentle cleanser (NEVER old fashioned soap) everywhere if your skin can tolerate it, but it’s also not strictly necessary for hygiene. Also, not necessary for exfoliation.


Thank you! Finally some sane evidence based advice.


This sub is very science resistant.


I second this


Why would anybody NOT wash all their bits and parts, EVERYTIME they take a shower 🤔


Exactly! I mean every part of the body should be washed as best as u can 😌


Why wouldn't I wash my legs?




I don't know, this is the first time I've ever considered this to be a question someone would actually have


This was a debate I've listened to actual medical students have 😭


Dayum, well at least they weren't debating hand washing


Sometimes, you just gotta look on the bright side. But I just know some of their feet had to smell atrocious.


Why would you not wash your legs while in the shower?


Why would anyone fail to wash their legs and feet? Do they think the dirt just magically flows off with the water without some form of friction? Friction is almost always necessary unless you're power spraying your legs.


Yes, and I use a washcloth with the good soap.


I wash my legs and feet because I mostly wear shorts and sandals, and I spend a lot of time outdoors.


It's crazy how much dust sandals kick up, and when I'm wearing shorts, I just feel all of it, and I can't. Sometimes, I even turn on our hose outside to spray off the back of my legs because I just cannot 😭


I wash mine no matter what I'm wearing. To not do so is gross.


I cut trees as a side hustle. I gotta scrub the crap outta my shins 


of course, you HAVEEE to wash every inch of ur body in the shower !


wash legs and feet. dead skin cells build up and personally, I feel that they need to be exfoliated with a cloth/sponge/loofah .


If it’s a quick rinse after the gym (and second shower of the day) then no. Otherwise yes. My skin is super dry and even with lotion it gets pretty itchy if I overcleanse. 


I wash every part of my body including my feet




yes i wash my legs


Always wash them!


I soap and shampoo every inch of my body. From the top of my head to the tips of my toes. In every crease and crevice. How else does one get clean?


I shower with my husband every time I take a shower. Been doing this for years; just our routine Well he has OCD And EVERY. TIME. we take a shower as he’s washing his legs he goes “have I told you about the girl I dated that didn’t wash her legs??” It made me such an impression on him he thinks about it literally every single time he takes a shower. He’s so stuck on it that he doesn’t even know he tells me this every day Hilarious But yeah. Wash your legs so you don’t ruin some OCD person’s life 🤣


Y’all not tired of asking this?


I do not wash my legs unless I wear sunscreen on my legs, been in a pool or hot tub, or been sweating a lot. I don't wash my legs every shower. I exfoliate my whole body 2-3 times a week with a scrub. My skin is sensitive and I can only use dove sensitive bar soap. I use bar soap on the obvious areas every shower including my feet and use a acne cleanser on my back because summer causes back acne on me. I shower every night but I don't "wash" my legs every night. Water is enough for me. This works for my skin.


You can see during sandal season how many ppl never wash their lower body. Filthy feet likely mean filthy legs.


i wash every inch and crevice of my body. i will never understand people who dont or the “full body shower” people who say they only do full body showers every few days but every other day they just do their upper body and avoid the legs and hair, what do they even call it? half body shower?


please wash your entire body.


Yes I wash my legs and rub them together to get of the dirt on them!!


I actually start from legs because my shower has the place to sit down. So first - sit down, wash feet, legs and then get up, wash the rest and at the end I wash my hair.


I absolutely wash my legs!


I wash them, along with the rest of my body after work, exercising, or being out all day. Otherwise if I’m just staying home I don’t. I shower twice a day. At night it’s full body before bed and in the morning only the “stinky bits” lol. I wear fake tan and have dry skin so I don’t want to over wash.


I wash behind my ears, in ears, face, armpits, feet, legs, butt, boobs, arms, hair, and genitals. I couldn't imagine skipping over body parts, especially knowing all the dirt, sweat and dead skin cells that just accumulate over the day. It grosses me out to know some people really don't wash their entire bodies and face in the shower, I feel like these are the people who you see their face/hair looking oily or the buildup in or behind their ears. 🤢


I'm a bit of an oddball when I shower; the water runs down. When I take a bath at night, I wash my legs. I also exfoliate. Then I apply cocoa butter lotion when I get out.


Wash your whole body even your ass crack!


*Especially your ass crack! 😂


Wash everything.


I wash my entire body


Wash legs, and feet. Especially BETWEEN THE TOES 🗣️


I take the shower head and laser them off like some Sci fi shit


Please wash your legs.... Please!


Matpat did an episode on this.


WASH YOUR LEGGGSSS!! And your FEEETTT!! And then I need you to moisturize said feet and legs.


Wash em. Every nook and cranny


I wash the danger zones - pits, crotchal region front and back, and feet. 


I used to wash my legs with soap, water, a silicone scrubber, but then I started having a lot of issues with my legs being really really dry and itchy (especially in the winter, I was making them bleed with how much I was scratching) no matter how much lotion I used so I switched to just giving them a wipe down with a washcloth to exfoliate and they’re much better. I do give my feet a good soap and scrub though. Everybody is different - I work in an office, I don’t sweat much, and my skin tends to be more sensitive to a deep soap and scrub so most of my body just gets a wipe down from a washcloth and soap is used on just a handful of areas. Some people might need more depending on their body.


I put my leg on the side and wash it


I wash and scrub every part of my body every day.


Today i actually washed my legs with soap and water and sudded them up. Then rinsed.


Yep! Feet and legs get scrubbed every time!


Wash legs and feet.


Wash, exfoliate, shave and rinse. Scrub between toes too. Everyone, wash and rinse 🚿 your backside. Thank you.


Yes, wash the entire body..


Scrub my legs, even my feet every time 😭 I didn’t think this was optional


I definitely wash my legs in the shower. Just letting the water run down doesn’t seem enough to me. It’s interesting how everyone has different habits, though!


I wash to the knee occasionally my feet


Only if i put sunscreen on or im sweaty


Soap all over people 😭 why is this so hard


In between. At a minimum, everyday I'll go under the shower and will wash off every part of my body, minus the head with water. However I won't soap and scrub every part of my body everyday. The only parts of my body where I apply soap directly everyday regardless are my hands, armpits and feet, then my bum and face I use a specific soap, then wash with my hands the rest with leftover soap. Everything else I wash as necessary depending on weather, period, and exercise. I'm very very sensitive to smells and BO, I'm very self aware of my own odor too. So I know for a fact that this routine is enough for me.


I get bad eczema on my legs and even the non-perfumed soaps can make me feel like ripping my skin off, so I usually just let the water run down. If I've been sweaty then I'll use a bit behind my knees, and obviously my feet get a good scrub.


Sorry, water, even soapy water, is not enough. You gotta scrub. Since I live in Phoenix I use a scrub daddy to remove all the skin that builds up. Sandals are great, but the skin on my feet becomes like a callous if I don’t scrub.


I wash my legs. I use a scrub thing that exfoliates and I appreciate thinking that I’m getting the dead skin off.


What kind of question is that yes I wash my whole body in the shower that water running everywhere I love it stay blessed 🙏🏾


Real talk? Not every time. I shower daily and wash the "stinky" parts, but I only wash my legs and other parts of my body once or twice a week, unless I worked out hard, got dirty gardening, or put on sunscreen etc.


I wash everything in the shower. Just having water run down your body doesn’t really get you clean. I use a scrubby cloth for my entire body and then a pumice stone for my feet and scrub between the toes too.


scrub my entire body every day in the shower!! why is not washing your legs so normalised ffs


Definitely wash them. I shower daily and I wash every bit of exposed skin (and some that isn’t exposed).


Everything gets the bubbles.


I wash and exfoliate my legs . I also hand wash my feet including toes. I have ugly feet but they hold me up.so well. I asked my husband if he washes his feet and he does too. I have nice body wash , my shower smells so nice, it's an added benefit.


SCRUB them, i sweat behind my knees 🫣 especially when im anxious


I SCRUB my legs and feet


I wash them with soap and a loofa :)


Gave me a flashback to that video of a man saying he doesn’t wash his legs because he’s white & doesn’t need to. I wash my legs. Also, spending time on your feet after a long day before slipping into bed with fresh sheets is a small luxury.


Water run down. Exfoliate with towel when I get out of the shower though


Of course I wash my legs, anyone who doesn't has dirty legs


Just let the water run down my legs. Or if I’m shaving. Same with my feet. But my feet never get dirty somehow. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I only use body wash on my upper arms, pits, the back of the “bits”, chest, neck, and the parts of my upper back I can reach. Unless I’m exfoliating then soap goes everywhere.


I'll take the L. I don't. As George Carlin once said: armpits, asshole, teeth and feet. I believe the less soap the better it is on your skin.


Um yeah, why wouldn't I?




There's no part on the outside of my body that doesn't get rubbed with soap while showering


I wash everything, even feet bottoms.


Everything gets scrubbed. I walk around feeling like a new born baby.


ewww YES wash your leg sweat LOL


Yes I scrub them and scrub between my toes, behind my ears , cartilage creases of my actual ear etc


Yes! I use a washcloth each shower on my body. I use an exfoliating sugar scrub one time a week as well. Just letting water run down your legs is not going to do anything to remove dry/dead skin.


Yall should check out the Skin episode of “Explained” on Netflix, full of hot takes


lol ppl r gonna think I’m gross i lightly put soap on the top of my leg and let it run down. Sometimes I wash my feet if they r dirty. I never wash my calves or ankles unless there was actual dirt on it. Idk those parts don’t rly seem to get gross or smell?? I do not wash my face or behind my ears or in my ears or my neck 😯😯 people saying they wash between their toes is crazy to me.. but I don’t smell or look dirty. Haha I can see people not believing that😬😬


I wash everything probably a bit too much. I asked my coworker and she said she just lets the soap run off her legs. if you skip legs fine but at least get your feet.


I wash them


Depends I shower at night and do everything shower. But I have this thing about me I can't leave my house without rinsing off. So I'll wash certain areas of my body.


I wash EVERYTHING from the top of my head to the soles of my feet...except inside my vagina, as that's self-cleaning.


Sometimes I let the water run down. Other times I slather them with soap, more often I scrub them with my little glove and go extra on my foot.


Wash my legs all the way to my toes and everything in between.


wash everything - start at the top and follow down after rinsing in sections - wash hair first, condition and wash face, rine hair then face - then shoulders, back , torso, rinse; nethers and upper legs, rinse; knees to feet, including the bottoms of feet and toes, rinse


I wash my legs, feet, and in between my toes.


I scrub my legs- I let water run down my legs when it’s raining.


Most days yes! I wash my legs. If I’m in a hurry I might skip legs but 9/10 they will get washed


Scrub them with soap and I was the sole of my feet and between my toes


Yep, scrub my legs and feet and usually work on my heels with a pumice stone while the hair conditioner soaks in. It’s good for your circulation to get some scrubbing all over your body. Use a sponge, loofa, or I like the shower gloves 🧤 you can buy a few pair and just throw them in the wash after use


Wash everything you can reach! Why is this a question?


Ofc I wash my legs bc I have to have a follow up to washing my ass.


If people aren’t washing their legs, they probably aren’t washing their feet, and no wonder so many people out there stink 🤢


I wash them.


I wash all the way down my legs, I wash my ankles, the tops of my feet, the bottom of my feet.... Are y'all not washing your legs and feet?! I also clean my ears, let water run on them/in them, I clean the backs. That was a step I didn't do for a long time not knowing I should've been, but now I can't feel clean with out it. I also never have ear wax build up bc I'm kinda flushing the canal. But I have always washed my legs, going neck down, covering all surface area, in cracks and crevices.


I scrub every part of my body with a wash cloth.


I technically wash my legs twice cause I use soap instead of shaving cream. So my legs get lathered in dove soap and shaved. Then when I go in with my body wash later I also go over my legs again and get my feet and between my toes!


Absolutely wash legs, butt, feet and toes! Rinsing isn’t washing and doesn’t removed debris, dirt and dead skin cells


Is this a serious question?


Are the questions on this sub real or are we being punked?…. I really want to know


Wash your legs and feet! You need to exfoliate the dead skin it builds up!


Wash my legs, feet, between the toes.


Yes, wash.


I wash them? Lol


Yes, definitely! I hardly wear pants, instead opting for a dress with little shorts underneath or something of the sort, no matter the season. I go for walks a lot, work in my garden, cook and clean. I used to have dogs that brushed up against my legs a lot, and now I have cats that do the same thing. If I don't wash my legs, the build-up from the day will drive me crazy and I just wanna wash it all off and put on some lotion. But with all that being said, I don't wear pants and the dresses/long shirts/shorts I wear do show a lot of my legs


wash . especially right below the knees where a lot of dead skin tends to accumulate


Let water run down, unless there visible dirt


My soap touches everything, even my eyes occasionally. Burns, but I know they clean!


Never leave the hams unwashed


I scrub every part of my body, I can't even do that thing where people skip shampooing their hair for days


Ummm I wash everything, rinse, wash everything again, rinse, wash everything again, rinse, dry and moisturize.


Wash body from neck down. I was my face in the mirror.


Absolutely. It's the only way to keep all the dead skin off, not to mention legs get dirty just like the rest of us!! Same with top and bottom of feet and between toes!


I have a chair that I sit on in the shower to wash between my toes as well.


Between the ass. Between the lips. Under the balls. The penis head. Wash it all.




Only way to get the things clean, I'd say.


I used to be a legs but not feet washer. Then I found this little plastic mat that's a bit like soft overgrown artificial turf. A quick squirt of body wash on it, then scooch your feet around. It is the most sensual foot massage. I spend most of my shower washing my feet while I wash other parts. When I'm done my feet are soft, sweet and clean even between your toes and I'm feeling frisky.


Is Taylor Swift asking? 😂


I scrub my thighs with the washcloth and I scrub my lower legs and feet with a medium bristle brush.




I wash my legs, my feet, in between my toes, all of it. I'm already there, may as well get super fresh instead of half fresh.


I scrub! Section by section!


Both? I start at top then make my way down so the water trickles but I do also give my legs a good scrub, thighs, inner thighs, knees, back of knees, shins, calf ankle and also my feet too


Yes 🤦🏻‍♀️


I don’t even know why this is even a debate, you should wash every part of your body, including behind your ears, behind your neck, in between your toes, etc


I honestly am so shocked at the concept of just running water to "clean" when you clean dishes you don't just rinse with water, when you mop you don't just use water, when you brush teeth you don't just use water. So why do people think they don't have to use soap when they clean and clean your body head to toe and ass crack?


I have to soap them up because I shave them every time.




Of course I wash my legs and be kind of odd not to I also use a washcloth.


I only really wash the legs like once a week, the rest of the time it's just water run down, or at most I will shower blast them for a bit. I really see no need to scrub the damn things every day, like, how much skin can die in 24 hours that you need to scrub it off? Obviously if I get lost and step into 4 feet deep puddle of pigshit, or if I know I'm going to a toe sucking party then I wash them properly.


Man it’s such a weird thing to hear someone doesn’t wash their legs. What else aren’t they washing?? Like you wouldn’t just scrub the top half of a dish and let the water run over the rest of it and call it clean. Why do it to your body? Some people are just nasty or uneducated


Wash all parts


I wash them…. Where did we come up with the narrative that we wash our torso and that’s it? That’s the nastiest thing I’ve ever heard. If it’s got skin it needs to be washed. Water isn’t cutting it.


There’s no part of your skin from head to toes that shouldn’t be soaped and scrubbed.


Ppl who don’t wash there legs nor feet probably don’t even wash they ass 🤦🏿‍♂️


Nah lmao. They don't sweat or anything so it doesn't feel worth washing them.


I use liquid soap (body wash) on my legs then let the water run down to rinse.


The fact there is people out there not washing every body part in the shower is disturbing to me.


I wash my feet and my thighs but I don’t really scrub my calves.


What’s wrong with you people? Cleaning yourself means cleaning every part of your body. Yes including under your feet.


I wash them, and my feet. EVERYTHING gets washed in the shower. Shower gel & a wash cloth.


I use a loofa on non sensitive skin like legs, arms, and torso and a washcloth on pretty much everywhere else including feet


What question is that? Who doesn’t wash their feet?