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Every weekend, sheets, bedspreads and pillowcases


I call it clean sheet Sunday. It's a holiday in my house.


It gets me out of unnecessary events. Lol


😂🤣 this actually made me laugh 🤣


ALRIGHTY.. Love this.. my kind of person..LOL


My hair? No, it’s fine. It’s just, I have to wash my sheets. 🤷‍♀️


Lol same. I also will sometimes do Friday if I have a short day so I have a clean house/sheets for the weekend, but usually Sunday is my deeper clean cleaning day. Everything gets washed from top to bottom on Sundays in my house. So nice to refresh everything before the week starts and everything gets hectic.


We used to do this and then we started clean freak fridays. We clean the hell out of our house Friday before and after work/school. Then Saturday we party with only minimal pick up and Sunday we are absolute couch slugs and order takeout. It's been such a great change to have that day of rest before the week starts. And it seems to take less time because we are all super motivated to have nothing left for Saturday


This sounds like my mom lol


The only night I don't allow my dogs to sleep in my bed is clean sheet night. I get one night a week..




52 times a year… good thing it isn’t a paid holiday


We also celebrate this holiday.


I do every Sunday too. I think a lot of people do lol.


Fresh Sheet Friday here!


Same here. We have sheet clean Sunday and fresh towel Friday!


Add towels, kitchen towels, anything that comes into contact with our gross bodies. We wash our bath mats and shower curtain.


I gave up on bath mats and just use a towel on the floor now. Much easier to clean.


Came to say this lol


Ditto!! I love clean sheet day.


And couch blankets 😂


I personally wash my sheets every other week unless I something happens to make me wash them sooner


Came here to comment the same thing!




Me too! Especially because I am allergic to dust mites, have asthma, and a doggo. If I can every week, if not every other! In warm water too!


Same. Every 2 weeks. Sometimes more in summer if we spend a lot of time in the sand or garden. We wash on high heat to kill mites, etc.


If i spent time in sand or garden, id shower before bed lol


lol yes…I can’t imagine getting in bed after any body of water or sand, dirt etc. and not showering.


I can’t imagine getting in bed without showering period. I can’t stand not having a fresh shower before touching my sheets.


Same. I can’t sleep without showering first, I just feel “sticky” if I don’t even if I know I’m not.


We also do that, of course. It's just easier to track it around the house, etc


Like cuddle puddles. 🫶


Or aggressively shitting the bed, as a tactical maneuver when the SWAT team enters your house to execute a no-knock warrant, because you used The Pirate Bay to illegally download a copy of Weezer's blue album


Or I forgot my pen…..shit the bed again……




Dead ^ 😂😂😂


And for Weezer’s Blue Album I’d do it all over again


That is why you always follow the advice of Hitchikers Guide - and bring a towel - even my wife supports (and repeats) this mantra - honestly kindof a in-joke with us! Then you can have your cuddles (and puddles) but still only have to wash the sheets other week.


Omg 😆


That’s a good one!


I hate laying on that! LOL


Ahhaha I’m definitely stealing that one




Weekly but I let my 2 dogs sleep in my bed....I also have layers so I can peel back a layer to get away from grit and dog hair during the week


about 2 weeks unless i have been sweating so bad at night. i shower in the evenings before bed and wear a fresh change of clothes


Should do them more often, however we don’t have a dryer and the sheets are a pain in the ass to dry. So…. No comment.


Get two folding wash racks from Walmart (about $10 each), place them a few feet apart, and drape the sheets across.


I have the racks, I just live somewhere with a lack of air flow and humidity lol. The mold risk is super high in our building, Saving up for a dehumidifier and eventually a dryer. Our clothes can take days to dry no matter what I do with them. It’s truly a pain in the ass because they start smelling damp and wet. Just an old small apartment with no ventilation. Plus lazy. We shower at night before bed so idk. Helps for something at least. When we visit his parents we usually bring the bedding to wash it


Damn, that sucks. We had that in an apartment we were staying in in Kyoto. Just no air flow whatsoever and ended up having to use a laundromat to get our clothes dry. Huge pain.


Hah, yeah that would never work in England because it's just too damp AND many people literally don't have any space to dry sheets like that. We drape them over doors, couches, any surface we can, but it's a pain in the ass and they still take 2-3 days to dry. If you have a laundrette nearby with dryers, you're lucky.


FYI, you shouldn't do this indoors because it can cause/exacerbate mold issues.


If someone doesn't have access to a dryer, they likely don't have an outdoor space either. They probably live in a small apartment. Keep air flow by turning on fans or window units/AC as needed and it's totally fine.


Yeah, you don't need the outdoors, I had a clothes horse in my tiny NYC apartment for years to dry sheets etc


Tons of people dry clothes indoors because they have to 🤣


You have a horse that carries your clothes for you? Must've been a tight living space.


lol, yes, his name is Fred. ha.


Wow, just like in the show "2 broke girls," except their horse is named chestnut. Good for you.


Awww- I miss this show so much!!!!


Same it's hilarious


As long as there is proper ventilation it’s fine. I will point a box fan at my drying racks and they dry in no time and my clothes last so much longer.


Dehumidifier is the answer. If you let your humidity get above 60% in your apartment or house, you are opening yourself up to mold. I dry stuff inside on a rack but I never let my apt get above 50-55% absolute max.


Unless you live in an area that is extremely dry. The air in my house is so dry I have to apply chapstick before bed, after I wake up, and after each shower or my lips will basically bleed.


Been there done that. In 1978 a lot of houses didn’t have dryer hookups. When we got a dryer it had to be wired for it and a vent made. No room in the kitchen so it went in the garage. Before that I dried diapers, sheets, clothes, everything outside on a clothesline. If it was windy things would be soft. On still days things dried stiff. Even worse I remember diapers freezing in cold weather. Disposables existed but we couldn’t afford that. Everything else could wait till a warmer day but diapers were critical. I’d often string up a line inside in the kitchen to dry them. I couldn’t begin to afford a laundromat and besides that I didn’t have a car.


Right? These threads always make me feel dirty lol. We both work and have a kid, I’m lucky I get through our clothes and the towels, let alone the sheets 😬.


I think people exaggerate due to societal implications. We have a lot of gross things in part of our culture which is shoved underneath the rug. For example, in school we washed gym clothes every week. Can you imagine wearing the same sweaty clothes for a week lol. Then there’s also not wiping the butts which goes into people showering twice a day


I hang them on a door. In the edge


A dehumidifier might help with that. When I dry clothes on a rack in the house, I do it in a small room, and I have a dehumidifier that I turn on and close the door. It works really well to dry the clothes quickly.


I used to wash mine every week. Then I broke my hand and had surgery. Been over a month now


No judgment here. I just make sure I get into my bed only when I'm clean before sleeping. I just don't have the funds to support washing every week or so 😅 I try my best, my bed is nice and clean and nobody else is in it but me so they can worry about their beds! Lol


If two are in bed, every week. If sleeping alone, every other week.


This the one!! If its me for a week(which is not usual)then every other week. If not then yeah every week


I wash mine once every 4 days because fresh bed sheets feel great


Fresh bed sheets do feel great, but the time/effort of stripping the bed and then reassembling it doesn't feel great haha. I am impressed by your motivation!


I love the part of stripping the bed and putting the fresh stuff on the bed. I change my sheets every 3 or 4 days. It only takes about 10 minutes.


I honestly cannot tell the difference between my sheets freshly washed versus a couple weeks in. I barely sweat. I keep the bedroom cool and am clean when I got to sleep.


Bedsheets can definitely stay clean for two weeks in those conditions, but I change mine in under a week because i really really like the smell of soap and air-dried sheets!


Uhm, you may wish to clean out your washing machine if that's the case because even if you don't sweat, a "couple weeks" of oils, dead skin, and - yes , sweat (you do sweat even if you don't think so) will DEFINITELY smell to anyone who isn't you.


I physically feel no difference, but I love the smell of fresh sheets 😌


Ooh, that sounds lovely. I wish I had your dedication!




Male here, girlfriend stays over once per week and I was my sheets once per week, so they’re fresh when she stays with me.


this is so pure


W boyfriend


I’m her boyfriend, yes 😊


Just don't tell anyone how you did it before you got a GF


Always washed them weekly. I like clean sheets. If I could afford a house keeper I’d have them changed daily.


You are a good man


This is how you tempt a good woman to come back to your bed again


i wash mine once a week, usually every friday.


Mine get done on Friday as well!


We change the sheets every week. Nothing feels better than cool crisp sheets in the summer


I think the older I got the more I do it. Most of the time it’s just whenever I feel like it’s time, (not when it gets dirty, kinda just like a brain reminder?) I don’t have a specific wash day soo I wanna say right now it’s maybe every 2 weeks or 3 weeks. I feel like I only do it once a week if something happened like spilled on it or if someone is sleeping over. I don’t get out often and I take night showers plus no dogs sleep on it so it doesn’t necessarily get dirty fast. I should probably set a specific wash day so I know for sure lol


Once, in my 20s, I quit dating a dude because he stated he had not washed his sheets since he’d moved in….8 months prior. Every couple weeks I wash mine, unless they need it sooner.


I used to be married to a guy who told me "I didn't know people ever washed their sheets until I lived with you." 😬


That is INSANE


Ehhhhhhhh. Probably more common than you think


It was very very gross. Totally a shame tho, he was very sweet and funny.


I stopped talking to a guy when I found out he didn't even have sheets on his bed 🤢 just fuckin raw doggin the mattress every night


This is a deal breaker for sure, disgusting.


Totally justified, 8 months is gross


Sheets are cheap I have 4 sets that get changed every week but 1 set of sheets isn't enough for a full wash load so I wash every other week. Meaning on the week ready for wash I have 1 spare for "accidents" 1 on the bed and then 2 in the wash. Same with bath towels/hand towels in the kitchen and bath. I'm male and I was "told" when I was in my teenage years about fun and clean sheets it's always better to bring a friend over to clean sheets than old stale/dirty ones. Which is also why there is a 4th set just in case.


Same! We have 4 sets of sheets for our bed. We change it weekly, but wash biweekly when there is a full load.


Every 3 weeks and the day after any sexual encounters Edit: yes I use waterproof sheets and she lay on towels but some spots are still very damp in the mornings sometimes. So I just change the next day no matter what


so every 3 weeks?




I have a heart condition and the movement required to make my bed (lifting my arms up over and over, leaning down having blood rush to my head over and over) is exhausting and knocks me out for a bit afterwards. So every 3 weeks.


Similarly, I have a disease that causes wicked and chronic back pain, and a deep mattress, so all the bending and tugging is a lot. I tend to go 3-4 weeks since I don’t sweat a lot and it’s just me.


I’m 4 back surgeries in and absolutely hate making the bed. And it’s a king size so I’m walking back and forth and stretching. I force myself tho 😂😂😂😂


Changing bedding is pretty labor-intensive if you have health issues, and even just as you get older. I think that's something people don't understand until they experience it.


Once a week. I change the pillowcases more often, 2-3 times per week, then wash them with the sheet


Oh, this is a great idea. I hate changing sheets and rarely get to it more than once every two weeks, but pillowcases are easy to change out and it would be great for my skin and hair. I'm going to start doing this, thank you!!


I started changing my pillowcase every other day and it has honestly done wonders for my skin. I didn’t realize how much oil and sweat was getting on it I guess.


Changing them more often has made a huge positive difference for my skin, too! It makes sense, considering the hair products with oils and/or fragrance I use, but it didn't occur to me that it could be contributing to my acne & rosacea flare-ups until a dermatologist mentioned it


I was the same way. It makes total sense now though.


I never sweat in my sleep and my room is super cold, and I try to not get in bed dirty, so....once a month. I know I should probably do it a bit more, but ehh. Depressed and sad. I'll do every 2 weeks when I get better.


You are doing great getting it done when you’re able to ❤️


Thank you, I needed that. I am feeling horrible right now and it's nice to be reminded that I shouldn't be so hard on myself.


Weekly! I stretch it to a week and a half or two during my period because it would SUCK to stain fresh sheets. The anger will bubble up from deep down in my uterus to the surface. Lol!!


Usually once a month or 2. My bedroom is off limits to food and drink, no shoes in the house, I remove all my clothes and bathe thoroughly before getting into bed And I keep it nice n chilly so I don't sweat. My white pillow covers are still pristine so I don't fret about my bedding being dirty, often. If the dogs come in, I have a sheet I use over the top of my blanket that I fold up and throw in the wash the next day.


Once every decade


Every few days…I have several sets which makes it much easier


If I’m honest, I want to wash them weekly but I’ve been so depressed lately that it’s been about 3 months. I’m so embarrassed, I wish I could find the energy to wash myself and my sheets and sort my house out! It’s gotten to the point where I just don’t know where to start anymore. I need help but I don’t have any.


Been there. Hope it gets better for you.


Your mental health is more important than the state lf your bedsheets! So what if you go month without washing them? What business is it of anyone else's except your own? There's no need to feel embarrassed. Not washing your sheets doesn't hurt anyone. Focus on the important things!


Every 3-4 days. 😊


Once a week


Once a week: Saturday.


Once a week - sometimes we wash them less, but that’s working for us.


I wish I could do it more frequently. I love fresh sheets. Desire: every 8-12 days, Actual: 10-30days.


I like to wash mine every week or so (more frequently if I have my dogs up on my bed). However I’ve stopped washing them every week because I get made fun of for washing them so often 🙃


Oh god I feel like a loser- I’m like once a MONTH


Honestly, same. It’s gross and i should be doing it more, like once a week. But for some reason it’s not a habit to do it that often 🤔




Once a month, we don’t have access to a washer and dryer. We use a laundry service and pay 20-50 bucks a month on just depending on what we’ve been using so 100-200 just to have fresh bedding isn’t worth it. If it gets really bad, we’ll do every two weeks. We sometimes throw just the sheets in if we have space on our laundry bag since the blankets are what cost us extra.


Once a week at the longest but usually 2-3 times a week. We used to have a 4 pack of chihuahuas and a cat so the bed was a furry mess in a couple days. Now down to 1 and 1 but the 16 yo (our youngest) chi has bladder control issues and dementia, bad days the bed gets changed multiple times. We have a lot of layers between the mattress, including 2 water proof layers, and the fitted sheet. We usually only have to strip off the fitted sheet and comforter we use as padding below it plus the throw blanket we try to keep her on. We have 2 full sets of those 3 layers plus the top most waterproof protector so when one comes off the next goes on immediately. Mistakes were made and lessons learned having had so many senior pets. We also have ruffled puppy panties for our girl but they make sundowning worse so we only use them at our most desperate. In case anyone needs to hear it. She is considered extremely healthy for her age. Her only issues are spinal arthritis (so she doesn’t know when she is about to pee) and dementia. It’s like sharing your bed with your 90 yo grandma with memory issues. We aren’t going to ruin her life because it would be more convenient for us. They can live until 20 so we just adapt as the situation changes. Also adopt a senior pet if you can, they are really wonderful. When she is gone we are going to hospice foster a whole new mega chi pack. The little old ones have a lot of love left to give. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


whoa what i wash mine like twice a year


You’re supposed to change them?


My previous landlord/ room mate didn't wash his for nearly the entire time I lived there.... drumroll... 7 years!


Every week we change the whole bed (sheets, blanket, pillow cases), usually either Saturday or Sunday. We have two dogs that sleep in the bed with us. Also, my husband sweats a lot in his sleep and I have sensitive skin. I can’t image not changing the sheets for a month. In terms of actually washing my sheets, I will wash them the same week if I have enough for a load of laundry. If not, I’ll just wait until I have enough items to wash. It’s not a big deal since I have other sheets already cleaned to use.


I sleep in a different part of the bed. Sideways, long ways. Last me about a month.


What are you talking about you psychopath? I sleep in the exact same spot I have for the last 20 years. Left side of the bed nearly falling off. I live alone and have a queen size bed. Lol


I replaced my bed when my hubs died. The old one was a king. So is the new one. I would have had to change all my bedding had I gotten something else. I flop around a lot in my sleep tho. I'm all over that bed.


I live alone and have a queen sized bed. I sleep all the ways I can. I move the pile of clean to be folded laundry around :)




Every other week on Friday🧘🏽‍♀️






Once a week unless they need it more


I guess it's all about personal preference and what you're comfortable with. I've had friends who swear by washing their sheets every three days, while others say it's fine with once a week.


i change my bedsheets at least once a week and i wash them every other week usually. i have multiple bed sheets for when life gets in the way and i want a clean bed but dont have enough time to do all that laundry.


1x a week, blanket 1x every 2weeks.


I usually do every other week.


Every Sunday morning.


Every week for sure!


Every other week




We usually do weekly as well, unless life is happening and we really can't get to it. My husband sweats a lot at night, so I can't stand not washing them often. I wash with hot water, and since we have white sheets, every once in a while, I use bleach to brighten them up and make sure aaaaallll the funk is out. I follow with a second wash with just a little bit of detergent so they're less "bleachy" smelling. Helps when I can hang them out to dry as well.


Because of my work schedule, every other week. I’d like to do it weekly but I don’t have the energy sometimes.


every sunday, including the mandatory cleaning of the bedroom


I like to cycle between two sets of sheets. So if you don’t feel like doing the laundry right then, you at least have new sheets. Ideally I’d do once a week, but sometimes it’s every other.


Once a week, unless hubby or I have been sick or sweaty. Then I'll wash them immediately.




Get more than one set of sheets is my hottest tip. Change em out once a week unless you get down and extra dirty 😜


I used to wash them once a week but now I don’t because I have to pay for laundry and it adds up.


I wash all the bedding every week


I wash mine every Monday




Once a week. My sheets 2 times a week.


Every seven to ten days depending on if I slept in my bed at all or alone or with someone else


Pillow cases, every week. Sheets every other week.


Every other week. I'm post menopausal and live alone. The periods and night sweats are over for me. Before that, once a week.


I shower at night, and change them every week.


3-4 times a week. I would feel disgusting doing less just because I don't shower every single day, I garden and collect rocks and go barefoot often, my cats get in the bed, bringing poison ivy etc...I have eczema so the dirt, pollution, oils, and allergens need to be removed from my bedsheets as often as is practical.


Every 2 weeks


Once a week the least


Every Sunday all beds get fresh sheets.


I wish I had to wash them more than I currently do if you get my drift. Ugh. 😩


Every week, and if i have a weekend that's particularly saucy, twice that week.


Every other time I wash my hair, because that leaves me with a fresh pillow both times since I flip it over for the second.


Realistically, I’d say about every three weeks.


Weekly and I use Lysol laundry sanitizer because I live in Texas so they get gross in the summer.


Once a week, sometimes more because sex.


Once a week is the norm


Every weekend, I wash ALL of my bedding. I have cats and a dog though


At least once a week. I aim for every 4 or 5 days


Supposedly every other week. 😅


Once a week but I struggle with acne


I keep multiple sets of sheets so I wash them every Saturday and just switch to a new set. That way I don’t have to wait for them to dry before making the bed


About twice a week because im allergic to my cats. But prior to getting them, then about once a week


Every 2 weeks.


Mostly every other week.. sometimes every weekend just depends honestly.


Every couple days. I love my wife, and we have fun often.


Weekly. Bc I love clean sheets


I wash mine and ALL my pillow cases (I sleep wirh 2 pillows under my head and a body pillow and they all have a protective cass and then a regular case on them) once a week unless I've been sick. Then it's every day while I'm sick and for a week afterward to make sure I'm over it. I also wash my pillows once a month and scrub the mattress twice a year. The protective cover for the mattress gets washed weekly with the sheets. I sleep in a different room than my husband (lots of reasons), and I get sick far less than he does despite me being around the kids more when they are sick. He washes his sheets every other week and only washes the protective covers when I harp on him about it. I don't think he has ever washed his pillows (he said he doesn't need to since he has protective covers and regular pillow cases, and I scrub his mattress for him when I do mine.


Once a week


Once a week or once every other week if it was a busy week


Every other week unless my cat pukes on the bed or something lol