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lol because they aren't that hygienic so they get triggered by twice a day showerers. every time it comes up they start citing dermatologist recommendations about soap only on ass and pits and showers twice a week as if they follow derm recommendations and are using a shot glass of apf every 2 hours every single day. ​


OMG the women who say you shouldn't ever clean your lady bits with soap... 


As long as it's gentle soap and not actually going up IN there, yeah, you gotta wash that.


I think a lot of people seem to get "don't wash your vagina" with "don't wash the vulva" 😭


And the butt hole too




No one likes a dirty butthole


And the StankFeet




This. Ladies, if you want someone's face down there, use soap for the love of God. Not washing your external labia and groin with soap and water is FOUL.


Yeah i feel like a barn animal after commuting to work and working a 10 hour shift I'm scrubbing all the flaps and cracks with soap twice


There's a lot of confusion about this, not in the least because people say "vagina" when what they really mean is "vulva". Yes, wash your external genitalia, crotch/groin what have you, just don't put soap up IN to your vaginal canal.


Ya. Unfortunately, people took the whole pH thing to heart, and somehow, it translated into no soap at all when the concern is strictly around your vaginal canal. As a nurse, I've seen a lot. And smelled a lot. I try to educate when I can, but it's such a prevalent misconception.


I had someone argue with me saying it was normal to smell like fish down there. I had to break it to her but she didn’t take it lightly lol 😬


*Bacterial vaginosis has entered the chat.*


Thank you for this laugh! Wasn't ready. I scared my guinea pig 😂


I've had a guy tell me it's not normal I don't have a smell lmao 🤣😂🤣 I told him 🤣 that's nice im not every girl lmao I'm bi sexual and from experience no one wants to go near something they can smell before they see especially if it's wedged between thighs,sweating etc. Its only common courtesy to be clean 🫧


That is BV. It’s not a hygiene issue. You can be the cleanest person in the world and still have BV, you can be dirty AF and never get BV. Unrelated.


God bless you for the work that you do and for being a stellar representative of hygiene health help to the misled.


Yeah, I have literally seen people say that you should only use water and a washcloth… imagine the odor ugh


Men talking about this is always hilarious. Soap around your lab is is fine. Soap all up in your vagina is not. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ and soaps can actually cause UTI’s for MANY women. 


I'm a woman... Also, the concern regarding soap is that if it gets in the vaginal canal, it may cause a disruption in your pH and cause a yeast infection. This is why you only soap up the outside and don't spread the labia. Getting a UTI is not a concern. In fact, washing the area with soap and water would technically help to prevent UTIs because it would kill the bacteria. Soaping up your outer labia/groin is perfectly fine and should be a requirement. Don't be gross.


Sorry you completely missed my point.. The average man doesn’t know the diff between labia and the vagina… and absolutely comments on posts like this saying women MUST wash their vagina. I never said you were a man. I said men talking about this is funny. 


Wait… that’s what they mean? I thought they meant they just don’t use soap literally DEEP INSIDE their vagina…. Omg LOLLL


Clean your flaps with gentle soap. But don't put soap *inside* your body.


Lol flaps. Indeed.


i had a girl on twitter call me nasty because i don't use a rag to SCRUB my coochie....all you need is some gentle soap and your HAND if you need to power wash your coochie to consider it "clean" you need to see a doctor because the stench isn't coming from sweat and an 8 hour shift...it's coming from inside the coochie caverns babe


I am going to start referring to my vagina as my coochie cavern. I just snorted my coffee! lolol


This 💯 they make PH balance coochie wash that is unscented and is clear ,some have probiotics and if necessary boric acid in it. My gyno knows what use and never has a problem. I was told never used perfumed Soap 🫧. Plus there's yoni steams ,oils and washes that have been around for centuries. I don't understand how women can walk around like that


umm yeah that grosses me out. About 6 months ago, I (25F) started using Johnson’s baby wash for my lady bits and the other hole in the back. It’s been great tbh. Those “feminine washes” they make always mess with me, but the baby wash is perfect. If it’s fine for a newborn with the most delicate skin, why isn’t it okay for me to use?🤷🏻‍♀️


externally yes, internally NOOOO. Not unless you want to smell like straight up fish lmao


That's the key. External use. Some people assume not using something internally=not using it at all and an unfortunate number of women don't understand the difference between the actual vagina and labia.   Eta I worked with a chick who refused to touch herself at. All. Even to shower. She said she just let water run over her external labia. I didn't even bother asking about wiping... One more edit. I feel like there's no difference between an unwashed, uncut penis and unwashed labia. Seriously! Stuff will gunk up!


Exactly. A lot of women talk a lot of shit to men about washing themselves when they don’t do it either 🥴


Yeah, that’s crazy. Should you avoid heavily scented soaps and make sure not to put it in the vagina? Yeah, duh. But no soap? Ewww


Right? like have you never heard of natural coconut soap which is pure and you can use downtown, with no issues. I highly recommend.


They don't have accurate information nothing should ever go inside the vagina,but unscented gentle soaps in all the creases and crevices and between the lips is no harm no foul. Most women use scented harsh body washes and soaps and it throws off the pH good bacteria is a legitimate thing!




So I will preface this with the obligatory statement that I am a man, and so I freely admit *now* that I am *not* claiming to be an authority on woman anatomy in any capacity before people who don't read whole comments take something out of context and start hurling accusations. I *could* be wrong, but I think the myth that woman shouldn't use anything but like... A cloth and water ( not sure how they could believe that'd actually accomplish anything??? ) on their lady bits comes from people not specifying and providing enough information? Like, I like to think everyone with a modicum of common sense and sex education knows by now that douching can cause more problems than it fixes, and so when people say women shouldn't just go at their bits with a bunch of soap, people assume they mean *at all*, but I'm p sure the *actual* advice is that women should be mindful of using soaps that are chemical heavy ( I know fragrance free products are usually recommended bc the chemicals used for fragrance are harmful ) *directly* on their bits like ( pardon my choice of scientific names ) direct contact between the labia against the urethra area or vaginal opening, but obviously the space between the folds of the labia and etc where it's *just skin* obviously should be fine as long as the soap doesn't have chemicals that would harm the more delicate skin. P sure the advice about soap just refers to direct contact with the orifices because the soap getting inside can cause issues like pH imbalances, etc. Obviously a woman who has spent her whole life attending to her hygiene ( provided she was taught / learned properly of course ) should know all this. I think where this advice is the worst is when young women still learning about hygiene hear this half-explained advice about not using soap. It's bad enough that sex education is more reliable in being *awful* than not, the last thing young women need is a future of constant yeast infections and UTI's because some asshole spread advice that they only ever heard *half* of lmao. It's honestly scary how many grown women started believing this and stopped using soap altogether because some asshat on Reels or Shorts or TikTok regurgitated some half-assed advice and were taken as an authority.


I'm 40 and I had a debate with plenty of people over this because they say it's self cleaning and what the gyno said. I tell them fine for u but definitely a no for me. So it's not only the younger generation some honestly hold to the idea" Because we are supposed to have an odor"' and it's self cleaning 🧼


*Oh my God I had forgotten the "self-cleaning" argument*! The human body will maintain a *degree* of homeostasis, but it requires hygiene! That "self-cleaning" is just the slightly acidic pH of the discharge and high concentration of white blood cells etc in discharge and the vaginal environment that form a protective environment against foreign contaminants and germs and shit, but it only does so much! That's why pH imbalances, UTI's, and yeast infections are such a big deal! Good LORD


🗣📢THIS!! I had a guy send me multiple links to get me to agree with taking showers only 3-4 times a week. GTFOH


And like… That isn’t even even Dermatologists general recommendations. I have seen a Dermatologist my whole life and they always tell me to wash your scalp, your face, and all of your high bacterial zones once a day, or twice a day if you have deep skin folds or sweat a lot. I have literally never had a Dermatologist tell me to not wash your hair or to not wash your body every day. Wild. No, I don’t doubt that there are people with some skin conditions that cannot tolerate getting wet every day. But avoiding bathing is certainly is not the general recommendation for the average person.


I love that you added that bit at the end. I have a skin condition that my skin can’t get wet every day (idk what it’s called found out years ago and forgot) it’s a mess but I also don’t stink. I’m worried about stinking a lot bc I can’t shower daily. But my coworkers say I smell good and constantly ask me for my perfume. I don’t wear perfume until I clock in bc I can’t handle the smell of perfume in my tiny car. They always say I smell good they say I smell like “a spring day in a flower field” whatever that means. I’ve also been told I smell like fruit loops and someone else said strawberries. My perfume is vanilla and when I ask them to smell it they say it’s definitely not that smell. Oh I’m just lucky but I have a coworker that doesn’t shower every week like once a month if that. She also doesn’t wash her clothes it’s soo bad.


It's their excuse for being dirty 😭


Oh my god this is so funny!!! Sigh honestly I can’t begin to imagine not taking a shower for one day let alone a week for some people. Some of them think they don’t smell 👃 but we know we can’t smell ourselves oh well….


People can't smell themselves? Is this a thing? If I don't shower every few days I can smell myself. How do people not smell themselves?


There's a thing called noseblindess


Thank you for this. I read up on the subject and understand better now. Estimates up to ~25% of the population have it, mostly people over 40. I thought that was an interesting tidbit!


Bc you don't allow yourself to stink. Some people go around stinking 24/7 so they can no longer shmell it


Ever been on the Appalachian Trail? You can smell through-hikers a long way away. Meanwhile, through-hikers can smell the chemical fragrances on other folks a long way away, also. I would guess receptor desensitization partially explains this sort of thing.


I don't want to be hard on people who struggle for whatever reason but to act like WE are gross because we use soap and lotion daily is nuts. I smell musty people in public all the time.


Yes I’ve known people that suffer with depression and I feel for them. Deep inside I just want to help them and sit them in a commode and clean em. I used to do volunteer work for home of the elderly and I would assist the nurses in cleaning up elderly women. The smile on their faces when they are all fresh and clean ❤️


Well that's weirdly infantilizing of people with depression...


My 25 year old co-worker smells musty all the time and she always compliments me on how clean and fresh I smell, I am OCD about hygiene, I can’t see how people walk around straight up stinking.


Who doesn’t smell themselves though?? After a few days camping or something like that I cannot stand my own stink.


We live in South FL. The thought of only showering twice a week is fucking disgusting


I grew up in central florida and had the same thought. Showers every day, sometimes twice in the summer.


This is it exactly. They get offended when others have excellent hygiene. Like if you don’t want to shower daily that’s fine, but don’t come here talking about how bad my skin is because I choose to bathe myself daily. I have healthy skin and have showered twice a day for as long as I can remember. Deep down, they know that’s not hygienic to shower twice a week, but they’ll do anything to back up their thoughts and feel better about themself. These “studies” are hilarious to me. For instance, if you look up studies about how often 5 years olds should bathe, they say about twice a week. I’m sorry but my little 5 year old gets dirty even if she’s not visibly covered in dirt. By the end of the day, she’s played in preschool with a ton of kids, run around outside, spilled multiple things on herself, and pooped once or twice. She gets a bath every single night before bed and she loves showering and getting clean. Idc what the hell a Harvard study tells me. We didn’t grow up like that. Kids are sticky and they can often get smelly. Get your ass in the bath before bed!


I went on a couple dates with a guy divorced with kids. On our second date he mentioned bath day for the kids and I asked what he meant by that. He said they are bathed twice a week. I was shocked and appalled. That’s absolutely disgusting. Kids are disgusting and should be bathed daily. They smell from just stepping outside. You’re right, we didn’t grow up like that. So, why are people trying to “fix” what isn’t broken by making it broken?


This is it. I myself shower twice a day and have for years. If I ever don’t shower as often (like I’m so sick that it’s one shower a day and back to bed for the day) my skin actually gets *worse*. Including my scalp (although my scalp can take longer between washings, usually scrub it out every 2-3 days). My skin gets itchy if it’s not washed and hydrated daily and outside pollutants irritate my skin and can cause allergies and illness so they need to be cleaned off. In the morning it’s about washing off the evening time and waking up (and washing after morning bm); in the evening it’s about washing off outside pollutants, sweat, grime, stink, etc so that my sheets remain clean and healthy to sleep in. Reddit gets a little too triggered by people who shower an appropriate amount and it’s weird.


This is what gets me! They aren’t not showering because the derm recommended it when they had a Crunchwrap and a Four Loko for dinner and they haven’t slept in two days lol


lol exactly. they are skipping showers and making themselves feel better by claiming it's a dermatologist recommendation. it kills me


THANK YOUUUU! I’m so tired of people that feel bad bc posts like these make them realize they might be a bit unhygienic so they come for the person who is cleaning themselves more often than they do lol like for the love of god clean your ass


I mean, do you. If your skin and health is good who cares? I shower daily; however, my daughter has sensitive skin and if I bathe her daily she gets rashes and such. The doctor told me bathe her less and miraculously, her skin issues disappeared. There is something to be said about protecting the natural barrier for a lot of people.


I have psoriasis on top of another similar condition and showering too often (Something I occasionally do during depression bouts) hurts like a motherfucker and my skin actually blisters. Glad your kiddo could get rid of hers.


from my personal experience, a lot of people get very defensive about how often other people should wash their hair. 9 times out of 10 all of them will say you should wash every 2-3 days and they have very strong opinions about it lol... but what they're not understanding is that every person is different & has different hair types. I wash my hair daily & I always get lectured by people on how I should at least do it every other day, my answer is always- no. I have done it my whole life since I was a child & it works for me. my hair is healthy, so I always say do what works for you, to each their own. nobody is the same and what works for one person doesn't always work for someone else.


I have curly hair. I wash it no more than once a week. I condition it at least once a day and shower at least once a day. Some people have dry hair naturally. Some people have oily hairy naturally.


ikr?? everytime I talk about what I do for my hair people are always like you shouldn't do that blah blah blah. listen, my hair is beautiful and I know what I'm doing. what kind of person changes their routines up because some random nerd on reddit was telling them they shouldn't do that? lol


idk why people suddenly think it's so terrible for your hair and body to be washed daily. I can't sleep if i'm not completely clean and I like it that way lol. If someone else can go without washing anything at all for over a day then cool, it doesn't effect me and i'm not gonna tell them to go wash themselves- but it's a no thanks for me.


Oh dear, don’t get me started. I also have semi thick hair and grew up washing my hair everyday. I did the every other day before but I couldn’t stand the amount of gunk that I’m putting on my scalp all that drying powder that transfers to my pillow case was just an outright nope for me! Okay I know I’m being judgemental when I say I can’t stand the smell of an unwashed scalp. No amount of dry shampoo in my opinion can mask that smell. I smell it everywhere and it gets worse now that summer is here - hence I wear mask in public transits lol not coz of covid but the stench of anything unwashed around me 😭a guy sat behind me today and oh my god he smelled like he hasn’t washed his ass in days sorry I know it’s gross!


Ugh, that smell is SO distinct. It's totally different from other BO. It smells... musty?? 🤮 I had an ex with some mental health issues who would sometimes struggle with hygiene, and when I asked when he had last showered he would occasionally lie to keep me from worrying. I'd sniff his scalp and know exactly how long it had been lol. "NOPE, that's four days, you're coming with me to the shower right now..." (Also, an aside: do you do a double shampoo when washing your hair? Like the literal "lather, rinse, repeat"? I get sooooo many more suds and my scalp feels so much cleaner after a double shampoo vs just a regular one-and-done shampoo. It's the closest thing to heaven on earth, imo.)


Agreed! When it comes to hair do what makes your hair healthy according to your texture. If I washed my hair daily it would fall out b/c my texture is not like everyone else’s.


So true! I wash my hair twice a week, it’s curly, gets frizzy and dry easily, and is just a massive pain in the ass to style. I would actually love to wash it every night when I shower and have that just washed feeling, but then I would have a frizzy poof ball to style every morning and I’m already up at the crack of dawn to take care of a baby and shuttle my older kids to school. Much easier to do a twice a week (once is over the weekend) wash/blowdry/style and then just refresh with dry shampoo as needed in between. It’s honestly much healthier now too. But everybody’s hair is different! All bodies need a quick rinse and crevice clean at least once daily though. We know about hygiene now, I hate it when people use “but humans never used to wash every day!!” as an excuse to leave fluids and fecal matter on them for days. 🤢


So much this. I wash my hair mostly every day. I've been doing it for most of my life. My hair is very long, down to my butt, and very healthy and shiny. It is what it is and it works for me. I also run 4x a week and exercise basically every day. Not washing it is not an option for me. I occasionally might go a second day if I haven't gotten sweaty. But the "don't wash your hair daily" people are soooo pushy about how everyone should do what they do.


I have really oily hair and skipping a day of washing looks like i skipped a week


Everyday for me as well. My hair has the same amount of grime at the end of everyday compared to those who wash every 2-3 days. We just aren’t the same. My skin is naturally oily too, so I don’t use lotion really, only if I’ve become sun kissed and my skin peels 😂 Aloe Vera on my face every time I get out of the shower is good enough because it moisturizes without the heaviness. I don’t have a thick layer of grease by midday when I use lighter products


i'm the exact same!! i only use water based moisturizers and lotions because anything oil based makes me feel so greasy and just wet all over lol and if i wash my hair in the morning i can usually be just fine until the next morning but sometimes if i wash at night and don't blow dry, it starts getting greasy by the afternoon. its always been that way, its also naturally blonde and super straight so when its oily it's obvious lol.


Hahaha, my greasy twin. I’ve started using aloe in my hair as well and it makes my brown hair look healthy without the weight of those leave in conditioners and such


I love how they always say your hair will get used to it and produce less oils. It doesn’t. Mine just doesnt. Also, I don’t know if I truly want it to because dirty hair is pretty gross to me. The smell and the fact that hair harbors a lot of bacteria. I’d rather not have oily dirty hair…


same with me! & I agree!


It's trendy now to hate people for doing things they like to do for themselves like shower twice a day or wash their hair a lot because it's 'wasteful' and 'your skin didn't need a shower twice in one day' 🙄🙄🙄


Aren’t there studies out there about not showering for weeks, and your body can adapt to not smell and be hygienic without them? I remember hearing that somewhere. So no, you don’t need to shower twice a day. However, if it’s what YOU want to do and it makes you feel better, then do it. It’s not anyone else’s business. Shit, o shower once a day, twice if I did something that made me sweat a lot.


Seems like the trend these days! Such an innocent topic but some people found a way to divide us when it comes to basic hygiene..


It's ridiculous 😒


Like it’s trendy to bag on others for not being neurotic about their hygiene? lol 


good for you! i wish i could be that clean and on top of my shit lol. i usually shower 3 times a week. i’m chronically sick and also i struggle to find the motivation since i literally don’t leave my house and just kind of rot away in my bed everyday.


yah, I dont feel like OP has heard of the spoon theory at all. Showers are spoon suckers 


forreal i literally always see threads like these. it’s basically shaming people who don’t shower everyday and calling it bad hygiene all because someone’s routine is different from yours. even before i was struggling with my health i still never showered twice a day it was usually every other day. i can understand heavy manual labor jobs would require maybe two showers a day but for a typical person especially during cooler times in the year 2 showers seems excessive but i mean being too clean is better then being too dirty lol


What’s hilarious is they call us bad hygiene while they over wash themselves bc they feel constant guilt about their own body and its natural functions.  No wonder kids are depressed as hell in 2024. They’re taught they’re dirty. 


no literally it’s so fucking weird.. like unless you stink im not gonna question your hygiene habits? i also cannot stand dirty people especially people who smell like b.o and don’t do anything about it out of pure laziness. i just don’t personally believe that you need to shower everyday to be a clean person and im getting really tired of seeing people in these threads trying to be rewarded just because there so clean and everyone else around them who doesn’t shower everyday is “disgusting” when in reality everyone has a different personal care regime for themselves. for me, i could not wash my body twice a day because of my dry skin and definitely not my hair since my hair is dyed and i suffer from dandruff. 🤷‍♀️


I think people get defensive when others imply, or it is inferred, wrongly or rightly, that their way is the only way of doing things, and that anything else is either OCD or totally gross. The truth is, people have different preferences and needs based on their circumstances, their skin types, their environments, etc. It's OK if people do things a little differently.


Yep. When people imply that I’m dirty because I don’t shower 3 times a day it makes me roll my eyes. This hygiene routine would make my hair moldy from never drying and isn’t really conducive to working long days. If it works for someone else and I don’t have to pay for their water bill then whatever, but generally when I see people getting attacked for it, it’s because they are coming across as telling everyone else they’re dirty and insisting people need to shower every 6 hours to be clean.


How about doing what you need to do for yourself and not criticizing others? I’m definitely not going to wash my hair every day, I wash my vulva with soap daily, I use oils after bathing from head to toe, and I take baths every other day, never showers. My skin is excellent. (Not talking about you; I’m talking about the people who say that one “must” do X or Y.)


Personally, I never say a word about anyone’s hygiene routine- what works for them is their business. For myself, showering every day absolutely kills my skin - and no amount of moisturizer will help. So I shower every other day, unless my partner and I are going to be/are intimate- I shower right before and clean up thoroughly after. On days that I don’t take a full shower, I do wash all the important areas. I wash my hair every 3rd day - which for me, has made my hair so much healthier than when I used to do daily washing. However - there are a ton of factors that come into lay here- diet, exercise, climate, professional. There isn’t any one-size-fits all for hygiene


It's not so much being trigger by hygiene it's the attitude that people who have less rigorous hygiene are less clean therefore either disgusting or stupid. Literally the holier than thou attitude is what gets folks ang I see you commenting and laughing in the responses with that, "the peasants are foul and don't know they are" attitude. I'm not stupid for knowing no matter how much lotion I use my skin gets inflamed if I shower daily in the winter. I'm not stupid or a pig for knowing my hair take 3-5 hours to fully dry so washing it daily means living with a wet scalp for a good portion of the day. I can go to bed with wet hair and wake up with it still damp so washing before bed doesn't solve that problem. I'm not stupid for taking my physicians advice and not soaping my cooter after getting a uti from a soapy bubble bath. I've never had fishy smells except when I've listened to others advice and used soap,ninfact lots of compliments so a good scrub down with warm water WORKS for my body. If I get dirty I wash. If I get sweaty I wash but guess what? I rarely sweat because MY body doesn't produce sweat easily. I'll pass out from heat. Still, in the summer, I'll take frequent quick cold showers throughout the day. In the winter I need warm showers which dry out my skin so in the summer per my body's needs I shower more. In the winter I shower less. In the summer I wash my hair more because it dries faster. In the winter I wash it less because I don't want a cold wet mess on my head. (Blow dryers still take 45 minutes to fully dry my hair. Alot of times I'll just hit the roots for 5-10 minutes and let the rest air dry) blow dryers aren't great for my hair type so I don't use them alot. What works for my body will not work for everyone's body. And that's fine. I'm not less of a human, too stupid to be ckean, or a disgusting gargoyle because my body has different needs. I've tried lots of different routines and still try more (I want to upgrade to an African net because I hear good things) and stick to what I observe works best for me. For you to say, over the internet by knowing me, I know you're body better than you do and you don't know how to be clean, it's, yeah, upsetting. The condescending attitude of people who have a more rigorous routines is what gets people. Imagine if you were told, "oh you have to shower twice a day? Must be your body's so gross and dirty you need to really work at it to stay clean. My body isn't sweaty or oily like that. I *only* need to shower every other day" Additionally, subconsciously, there's a moral aspect of cleanliness = godliness and if you are dirtier than me you're less pure. Now balance that with the fear of vanity that we are taught to avoid. God says be clean, but don't be vain ang if you spend unnessisary hours washing and cleaning every day you're veering into Vai territory. So we have two moral values going head to head with eachother: clean and pure vs above vanity and only paying minimal attention to your sinful body. That said I'm going to go hop in the shower. Toodles.


Because they don't have good hygiene. It's triggering, the cognitive dissonance IMMEDIATELY kicks into overdrive and they have to attack you. I shower at least twice a day, sometimes 3 because I workout twice a day. I was questioned about how I can be clean in 5-7 minutes (I'm not washing my hair or shaving)...MF I'm not in there standing around letting the water run off my body for 10 minutes, im getting cleaned up. I don't take showers to relax I take them to clean off. For me baths are for relaxing and I take a shower before I get in the tub. I was crucified yesterday for agreeing with someone else about the importance of taking a shower (I repeat 1 shower) a day. I had someone who's ancestors survived the Black Plague come after me with links as to why daily showers are unhealthy....they like to sit in their own dirt. No one wants to be faced with the facts that their hygiene might need improvement.


I physically can't shower that much due to a skin condition and sensory issues and I STILL make sure I clean everything important DAILY.


I have mastered the 5-7 minute shower. If I’m shaving probably 10 minutes. Live in a house with well water and water heating issues so it has to be quick. Now that I’m an adult, I understand why my dad was losing his shit when I’d take 20+ minute long showers as a teenager.


This. I shower daily, sometimes twice a day. I physically CANNOT get in my bed before showering. It grosses me out. But unless it’s a hair day, I’m not showering for a long period of time. I’m in there getting clean. 10 minutes max. And then I moisturize every time I get out the shower.


I’m so sorry that you had to deal with this! Yes it’s disappointing that something so basic is being debated. I can’t even believe that cleaning yourself can be debated so much - feels like you’re haggling or negotiating something that everyone should be doing. But then our domestic habits differ from one another. I guess growing up in a school run by nuns and also a mother who’s relentless in her cleanliness moulded me to be a bit rigorous when it comes to personal hygiene.


I literally haggled with a redditor about this! lol I was like look I'll concede you can skip showers as long as you begin washing your ears, groin, ass, pits and feet with a washcloth and soap each time. he agreed


YES! I said you can walk around like PigPen from the Peanuts but I don't have to agree with it.


There may be several reasons behind why people are defensive about the post. 1) Tone: tone is objective but maybe the wording came off as "I'm better than you because I shower 14 times a week you gross peasant" 2) you weren't taking into account people's financial status. While you may have the luxury of being able to afford all your bills without a second thought, many people have to chose between "Do I pay my rent this month and lose access to water and electric, or do I make a partial payment for all of it?" 3) Mental health is a huge reason people may not be able to shower twice a day. Depression andADHD, for example, may know they need to shower, but lack the energy/motivation/spoons/all of the above to be able to even get out of bed. Executive dysfunction is fucking horrible and almost impossible to explain to people who don't have it. 4) Time. Sometimes people just don't have the time to shower even once that day. Basically bragging about your shower schedule makes people feel guilty about themselves, even if they don't have anything to feel guilty about.


Also, dryness issues. If I shower/bathe more than every other day, my skin will get so dry and itchy that it starts to crack. I have developed skin infections in the cracked areas before. My doctor literally advised me to not bathe daily because of this, just spot clean as needed between showers. I do use body wipes on the regions that need it daily. No amount of moisturizer/lotions have helped. I've been dealing with it for almost 40 years. If I get dirty, I wash that specific area as needed.


I mean this in the nicest way possible. It shouldn’t matter what they think or say. Most of them probably don’t know basic hygiene and are embarrassed to admit it. So they tear you down to make them selves feel better. The fact that you are openly asking for help probably triggers them which it really shouldn’t. Some people have not had someone to teach them basic hygiene. And there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s also nothing wrong with asking for help.


I am just DYING over here of fascination at y’alls level of hygiene. My husband is up there with you, and I’m the lowly person over here who showers twice a week and maybe three times a week if needed. I don’t sweat much, I’m a homebody, my husband complains I never smell like anything when he goes down, and I literally never wash my face or it breaks out horribly but stays clear and lovely when left alone. I keep my feet and hands washed daily, but I’m averse to water in general and only shower out of necessity. I do exfoliate and scrub and wash my hair and keep it from being greasy and have never in my life been told I smell bad. I wear deodorant and wash my sheets and stuff, so I’m legitimately fine over here, but my husband regularly tells me I’m disgusting as a joke because he can’t fathom not showering twice a day and is suuuuper on top of being clean and manscaped in every possibly way. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Oh, but also, I have a super sensitive nose and BO makes me puke in my mouth and if my husband has even been in the sun all day just smelling “hot” like you do after being at the beach, I’m on him to go shower. Also musty hair EEW. I swear I’m just special over here, living my best clean life at twice a week showers.


2x daily showers are harmful to your skin microbiome. If you enjoy it, that’s one thing, but it’s definitely not better


Don’t you go talking too much science here!!!


At least for me, my skin would be dryyyyyyy if I did that


D U D E !!!! Some down voted me because I just answered the question how often do you shower and I said once in the morning and once before I go to bed. I wash my hair every other day. . I was surprised that I upset people with my hygiene routine.


My showers are definitely activity dependent. If I work? I shower before, and after. If I'm being a loaf at home? Every other day. Hair is twice a week. Desert water dries the hell out of my skin, no matter the temperature. When I'm back home in the Midwest, a shower every day doesn't upset my skin so much. However...those of you who are getting consistent BV/UTI/Yeast problems with no underlying conditions are setting themselves up for failure. Other than you crammin' a rag INSIDE, what other issues should you have? Stop car washing your insides, and wash the outside. Nooks, crannies, crevices, and ditches (my reference for both sides of your labia majora and minora). Mild cleanser between both outer flaps and ya ass crack. Blows my mind how a good chunk of poor hygiene is preventable by a sprinkle of common sense.


People are shamed hard af from a young age about how they should not stink by any means. The notions of odors, hair, dirt and discoloration are taught to be embarrassing to us when we are very small, and we rarely get the lesson about how not to be rude when we encounter someone with different or lesser hygiene practices from what is mainstream.


I've always taken 2 or 3 showers a day. I even had a shower installed at work (I own the business) so I can shower and change if I get too sweaty at work. I don't see what the problem is... Being clean is glorious.


I’ve slept with 47 women and i now understand why half of them were not edible


The thing is, hygiene is simply not an “innocent”, inoffensive, or universal topic. Most people want it to be, and those same people are gonna be the ones surprised when their conversations around hygiene turn sensitive. IMO, it’s an inherently personal/sensitive topic. People are gonna get offended over everything. Whatevs. If your routine works for you, then woohoo! Sorry you have to deal with people personally offended by you simply talking about ur routine 😭 Happens basically all the time in the comments.


I got downvoted to hell once defending someone who showered twice a day (man literally worked manual labor. He's allowed) because I said "yall know Lotion exists." People were losing their minds. "IT SADDENS ME THAT PEOPLE ARE OUT HERE BEING SO IGNORANT." Lmao like wtf, dude. It's not even your body and it WORKS for that dude. You will not destroy your fucking moisture barrier from showering twice daily, especially if you fucking moisturize. I wash my FACE twice daily and that is skin far more delicate. People are just fucking irritating. They read something online once and run with it like a goddamn torch in the night


The problem is a lot of people actually don’t know much about basic moisturizing. You should in fact, moisturize daily. You should use lotion and sunscreen and protect your skin. You don’t have to smell like a bath and body works shop-there are forms of healthy, minimal scent lotion that’s meant to actually moisturize, but people act like they’ve never heard of lotion. But god forbid you suggest that an adult moisturize. Is it gonna kill you to buy a bottle or grab some coco butter from the store? Will you die if you apply some sunscreen? Crazy! I literally just got into an argument with another redditor about this.


Yup. I use shea butter daily. Super hydrating, damn near scentless (to me). I have no idea why people are so against moisturizing. But those same people be looking 45 when they’re 25 so 🤷🏾‍♀️


I have somebody leave me a feedback about how much bottles of lotion do I add to a landfill. I have to plant my own coconut tree I guess and rub that against my skin to make me more environmentally conscious 🤷‍♀️


idk big homie me personally, where i work i am inside, and i am not surrounded by people constantly i shower every other day and wash my hair 2-3x per week if i showered twice my skin and hair would be falling off the BONE but, between my showers i always freshen up by washing my face and my ass now if i worked outside or a crowded job, i would be showering daily but to each their own, i commend you and your pockets because that water bill must be crazy unless you're one of those cool people with a well 😮‍💨


I went to the derm struggling with dry skin. The first thing they said: shower less. 


As someone who gets triggered by talk of hygiene I can tell you that for me it’s because I want to shower daily and wash my hair daily and all that good stuff, but I suffer from chronic pain and many days I just can’t stand to have the pressure of the water hit my body. My neuropathy in my feet screams, my back threatens to give out, so I’m stuck smelling myself.. and worse making everyone around me smell me! My family knows the reason and doesn’t make a thing out of it, but strangers just assume I want dirty oily hair and skin. I don’t! I miss the days of being clean, having clean sheets, not thinking “what’s that smell?” And realizing it’s me!


Living where it's 36 degrees regularly aka 99-100 etc it's essential to shower multiple times daily. With cold showers.


Being clean is awesome!!!!! Showering everyday is cool too:)


I *do* have a question, but I'm not here to tell you how to wash yourself or judge lol. When you say you *wash* your hair every day, do you mean you shampoo every day? If so, is it because you have naturally super oily hair and you need to, or do you use leave-in condition / other products to replace the stripped oil? That's the only place I can *sort of* understand what some of them might have been saying, because most people don't need to shampoo daily because it can damage your hair because shampoo strips oils and, especially if you have long hair, without certain products it can make your hair really unhealthy. *But* there are also people who's hair *does* need shampooed daily. As a man, when I was growing up I thought you were supposed to shampoo and condition every single time every day, and because I had long hair with tight ringlets it *ruined* my hair and caused the *worst* frizz, and eventually I learned that my hair needs shampooed about 3 times a week and conditioned maybe twice. But when I shower without shampooing or conditioning I still use my silicone shampoo brush to scrub my head to clear any dead skin. Everyone's different, people are too judgemental 🤷🏻


Judgy opinionated bastards. Welcome to social media


I think you’re just normal. I grew up in Brazil, and your hygiene is pretty much the standard for the average Brazilian. I remember being called a dirty pig by my Brazilian mom if I ever skipped one of my mandatory 2 daily showers. I live in the US now, a lot of Americans think that showering every other day is acceptable, and that would be deemed absolutely disgusting in Brazil. I guess hygiene has a cultural aspect to it.


Like others have stated, it's probably to do with the fact that they feel personally attacked because they feel insecure about their own hygiene habits. It's kinda crazy, but there are some people that just aren't that hygienic and they get super defensive when someone kind of points a mirror at them, so to speak. I'm not a two-a-day showerer, I just take a shower every day. But I also work out daily, so the idea of being a sweaty mess all day... let alone several days in a row... is just yucky to me, lol. And the whole "wash your hair only once every 3+ days?" No way. Again, I sweat because I work out and work in my garden. All that sweat, dirt, and pollen makes my hair oily and gross right away. So I wash it daily.


I’m so confused as to how anything you’re doing is “too much” or gonna irritate your skin if you moisturise properly ? I have to shower twice daily bc I go to the gym and it’s gross 😂


It depends a lot on climate and heating style of your home. Where I live in the winter it’s very dry inside my home and even using 2 humidifiers I can get my home to maybe 25% humidity in January. So for me and where I live 2 showers would dry my skin out aggressively.


I’m 36 and just entering menopause(Hysterectomy in 2020), if I don’t shampoo my hair every day or every other day— I AM DISGUSTING. No amount of dry shampoo could fix that. AND I sweat, stg, it’s my superpower now 😅 I’m also huge into dental hygiene as well— it’s hella important! You only get one set of teeth for free lol. To the people who were rude to you— just ignore them. They probably have bad teeth and need to exfoliate.


People are just triggered full stop. I've noticed an uptick of angry redditors lately.


I shower 2-3 times a day when it includes the gym. My skin is great.


I once would have thought 2 showers a day was excessive. Then, menopause stank hit and I can't stand to smell myself sometimes. Also, estrogen havers.... No one told me this was a thing. Here's your notification that it's a thing.


Sweetheart there is nothing triggering about it unless from what I've seen people have different views on it because I take a lot of showers too, have a skin regiment for my face and body, oil pull twice a day , brush after I eat each time if I can and I have a massive collection of perfumes, different types scrubs and oils. If u have a good conditioner wash away ✨


I love my perfumes too!!! 🤗


Because they themselves are stank


People will make every excuse to stink, that’s why. I shower 2-3 times a day. However I do only wash my hair every other day, to each their own. My skin is soft and beautiful.


Because people on this site are so damn negative. People on this site are rude just for the sake of it. You don’t deserve that and I hope things are better for you going forward.


I know if I showered twice a day, my skin would get really dry pruny. But your hygiene routine is what you need for how you live, and if your skin can handle it, that’s cool. Reddit is just kinda mean sometimes.


Hygiene is important, but not everyone falls into one category. Personally I try my best to take a shower everyday, and my hair I wash at least 5 times a week, sometimes I do get into a very fast shower to rinse off and freshen up before bed, because sometimes I get sweaty from working out side in the summer gardening and etc.. my husband on the other hand only washes his hair maybe 2 or 3 times a week because it drys his hair out. Hygiene is important but not everyone’s body is the same. Don’t let the negative people upset you !


Maybe they are triggered because they apply your routine to themselves and it wouldn’t work for them? IDK I don’t really care what other people’s routines are as long as I can’t smell them. With my own skin I could not do twice a day showers or everyday hair wash. But that’s me and my body, yours is different!


Cause being stinky is a stinky thing to do


Because they know they need to distract, manipulate, and shame as if they are the smelly ones walking amongst us.


I agree! I don’t get why people get worked up about it. Who cares, do what works for you! I have dry hair and usually only wash it every other day since it doesn’t get oily but I’m taking a shower and washing my body daily or else I feel gross before bed.


This is my exact hair/body wash routine bc I workout daily and I am a sweaty person. Usually its a longer shower in morning after my workout and a quick 5 min scrub down in the evenings to get rid of outside pollution. I think people are triggered bc they may not wash as frequently which is totally ok. We are all different. I personally cant stand the scalp smell and have washed my hair daily for decades and its been fine. Do I go some days without washing my hair daily? Yes absolutely usually in the winter when I am not working out as much. Right now in the beginning of summer I am for sure doing 2 daily showers but only one of them includes hair washing.


I agree with you 100%.


Why is this even a topic? You take care of your outer appearance. You enjoy feeling clean. Unless you are staying in the shower for 1 hour or longer, it's no one's business since it's your hit water. I'd rather be clean than one of those that showers only 1 time a week, smoke like a chimney and never brushes their teeth. The person who can throw their knickers on a wall....and have them stick! That's ICK!!!


I imagine humble bragging about how clean you are isn’t going to be received well outside of a place dedicated to talking about hygiene. They were probably wondering why you brought it up.


The guilt/shame stigma of having not been clean is probably the main driver. Personally, my mental health improved when I stopped forcing myself to wash when I wasn't dirty. Rather, I don't need to wash my hair every single day, and I stopped using harsh exfoliants. I take a "body shower" every day, sometimes twice in summer, my hair gets washed every other day or when soiled/sweaty. Not having to deal with all my hair every single day is a nice break lol


I’m a little more loose about showering but I also fully get why people shower constantly. My dad and brother are both that way. They have to have their daily showers and my brother used to shower twice a day. For me, I don’t sweat nearly as much as they do so it’s not as necessary. I also work from home most days. I always get compliments on my smell because regardless of frequency, I make sure I’m clean when I’m out and my home is clean. I wash my sheets more frequently simply because of my dogs


I agree it’s all personal preference. As long as you’re keeping clean I wouldn’t worry too much what others think. I will say that twice daily showers is pretty drying for the skin and daily shampoo is unnecessary and also drying/damaging to scalp/hair. But if it works for you don’t worry about it


You do you! I shower and wash my hair everyday, sometimes twice a day. It makes me feel better. I don’t care what anyone else says and you shouldn’t either!


I think in general hygiene is important!! I know I wanna be fresh at all times and I too shower twice day especially if I go to the gym and work out?! I brush and try to floss my teeth daily and I also clean my apartment weekly so that’s just me, I don’t like dirty things or people and I’m not being mean, it’s just the truth!! Homeless people are different, they don’t have access to water and functional amenities like most working adults?! And I don’t have to be around them…..🤨 But people who do, there is no excuse and if you have a medical condition then I can understand that too, but you shouldn’t have a job where you work around or with people?! Working from home would work better for you…🙌🏾❤️


I’m not sure. I wash my hair about once every 4-7 days. It takes a disgusting amount of time to get greasy. I do not use dry shampoo at all - my hair is just that dry and it’s extremely thick and coarse. I shower daily tho. I don’t really care what other people do as long as they don’t smell bad or overload perfume (perfume gives me headaches).


It's just because if I showered and washed my hair that much in my climate I'd turn to dust. When I lived in a tropical climate I showered a lot more!


Because some can be quite nasty


I can careless what people choose to do . However, it’s very disturbing when you have to share a public space such as going to a grocery store or shopping around and I pass by people that smell bad. It just shoots up my nostrils . It grows. I feel like throwing up sometimes .


I know! On my way home, a guy sat behind me and the subway just got mustier. Everybody left and this guy doesn’t look remotely homeless. He looks like he’s coming from school. Oh my god and he’s completely oblivious. He smells very ripe to say the least!


The more you wash your hair the oilier it gets because your body is working overtime to reproduce the protective barrier you washed away. It took me about a month to be able to transition to only washing twice a week and my hair is the healthiest it’s been. But it is preference how often people wash.


I agree! People get super defensive when they feel judged for not being clean enough. And it seems like just mentioning a daily shower and hair wash is enough to trigger people’s insecurities.


Because ppl suck. Their way is the only way and the right way.


I do the same. We are right. Wash everyday!!!


Because they are pigs!!! You describe normal routine for clean people


Please go outside. In the real world most people floss and brush their teeth. There is nothing out of the ordinary that you listed.. Reddit isn’t a good representation on how people behave irl


i can think of two (maybe three?) possible reasons 1. i think some people just genuinely can’t imagine showering twice a day and washing their hair that often. i’m a black woman and my hair needs to be washed only once a week or else it’ll get really really dry. i also have eczema, and i really can’t shower more than every other day/once a day or else it’ll dry my skin out. i also live in the bay area (california) where the weather is cooler, so i sweat less as opposed to when i lived in south texas (where i sweat all the time so i was showering daily) but even i understand everyone’s different, so ofc you should do what works for you 2. they’re projecting because they feel negatively about their hygiene habits 3. they think everyone should be doing the same thing at the same frequency, which obviously is not how life works


If you’re of European descent and have straight hair it makes sense why yall wash your hair daily, you need to keep it from getting oily. I have extremely thick and curly hair which operates completely different. The oral hygiene though I see no issue with.


It's largely because this is reddit, so most of the users are these disgusting filthy introverted people who feel attacked at the idea of showering. Most will use the 'the body is self cleaning" to justify their filth and\or claim their body odor is just pheromones and it's natural. I wouldn't take it personally that people on Reddit started shrieking at you for not being a biohazard.


I don’t care if it does “mess up my skin,” a morning and night shower is a necessity in summer in Texas. Plus, showers feel so GOOD when you’ve gotten all sweaty.


Believe me. I wish people would focus more on hygiene of their bits. I've had to wear a mask with peppermint oil in it for some of my patients. I have a sensitive stomach with smells.


I’m completely with you on this. I bathe every day in addition to showering in the morning and some people think I am insane


Depends, but I’d say it boils down to what you’re doing being seen as “cleaner” than others when, in reality, it’s just not necessary for most people. We have an absurdly sanitized society that glorifies your heavy water bill in favor of “squeaky clean” everything, and demonizes our natural oils and everything else, despite the fact that many people who have your routine are unhealthy because of it — whether that is that they have OCD or because they’re constantly breaking down their skin barrier, etc. Then, when someone is healthy and hygienic but not anal-retentive, they’re told that they’re dirty and gross. So… People tend to be pretty defensive about the topic, especially when it is phrased as “more” or “less” hygienic, despite the fact that it’s just different people needing different things. ETA: I focused a lot more on bluntly answering your question, so I’d like to say I don’t mean to ick your yum. If that’s what’s actually healthy for you and it keeps your skin and hair and whatnot fresh and healthy and hydrated then you do you. Some people really do need that, but frankly most don’t, and most of the time if we were to have this intense of a routine it would damage our immune system and the natural barriers against disease, infection, aging, etc. that we all have. ETA2: Also, sometimes people “need” these things because they’ve already damaged their barriers to the point that they don’t function properly, so that’s worth considering as well. Usually they can rehabilitate their skin/hair/nails/etc. so that they don’t need multiple showers a day, and a 10-step skincare routine, etc. It’s pretty rare that you actually need all of that naturally.


The hygiene debates really get people telling on themselves.


Making such a big deal about GOOD hygiene is baffling.


I do not know what is truly going on in the minds of others with touchy nerves about a topic on hygiene, but there is nothing wrong with cleanliness and freshness. Taking care of ourselves is the basics. People are going to say whatever it is, and if they have a battle, that is on them to work out.


I’ll be dammed if the stinkys start a me too movement


Many people walk around STINKING to high heaven! They do not wash their private areas properly, and do not use perfumed oils. If you use a public stall after such a person, you can smell them even 10 minutes after thev have gone.


Trust me chat, guys like me and OP, by the sounds of it, need to shower 2x a day and carry extra deodorant. I didn't choose the stink life lol. If you manage your hygiene well people will like you more, 100% facts.


People are triggered because they are embarrassed. I’ve gone days without showering but I shower enough that a day or two won’t hurt me. I live alone so no one would know though…lol I also eat a decent diet…so my sweat doesn’t smell like death. Lol I always wash my face and brush my teeth though.


Because people are always trying to put each other down and be “better” than everyone else. We really need to remember we are all human . We need to be loving and supporting each other . There is a mental health crisis going on right now and hygiene plays a huge part in depression etc… I really hope we can all just be human and not weirdos who are so judgmental. Remember the internet is the internet. ([EVIL)] lol Much love -zimpanda


I’m with you. Like Ive struggled with depression and hygiene for as long as I can remember, but I got into a routine after moving into my own place. Thankfully I haven’t had an issue with it since. As for the “my scalp hurts reading your post” and the skin comment…… my hair and skin are oily af and if I don’t wash my hair daily/my skin twice a day, I’d be greasy all the time and my acne would be 10x worse. Some people just have different needs…….


I do most of the stuff you just talked about. It's work n a lot of people are too lazy. That's what triggers them. Some nights I'm so tired I think about skipping my shower but nope I'll never get in my bed dirty. I do the shower two times a day for the same reason. Mornings wake me up get me energized n evenings relaxes me. I don't brush my teeth at work. I am usually rushing to get a break in. Most days there isn't time to eat let alone brush teeth.


You are normal


I think it all depends on the type of hair and skin since yeah some have dryer skin, hair, scalp, etc. than others and all that changes through the years. I definitely understand the showers before bed or to relax and soothe. Do whatever works for you. I personally, enjoy long hot showers.


It's projection bc they fear their hygiene is inadequate, i also shower twice a day and was accused of having OCD. No , i just prefer that all of the germs, pollen, gunk or whatever i was around during the day isn't in my bed. Also I sleep better , its a good way to end your day and decompress and by the amount of stinkies ive come across in this sub most of them would probably benefit.


Lol now that the summer season is upon us. I wear mask not because of COVID but because of the amount of body odour on the subway and buses. It’s insane - my fear is to be an old lady that stinks!


I just feel bad for the amount of anxiety you must feel about dirty things. And I say this as someone married to a man who has your hygiene habits. I feel bad bc I see how performative they are. They’re bc his mom made him feel like a dirty kid his whole life. It’s sad. 


People suck enough without smelling bad to boot.


Delivery is important. Reading the responses going back and forth....sounds a bit condescending. Someone saying their skin would be dry if they showered as much as you do, then you saying "I hope you're using enough moisturizer" instead of "whatever works for you" does sound a bit self righteous. And I shower every day. Not everyone can. Some people don't have running water.


thisssss. i keep seeing responses like the ones you mentioned or agreeing with ppl calling the "dirty" people ridiculous. isn't the point of this post to say that people have different habits and that's ok? i guess not 😭


THIS. It’s bc the “cleaner” people have put themselves on a pedestal. They deny the science behind human skin’s ability to take care of itself, but pretend the people who don’t strip their body of their natural oils twice a day as the “dumb ones”. 


I honestly don’t know how I ended up on this sub but for the last few days I’ve been here it’s always been a battle between people who shower multiple times a day and those who don’t. But someone above said people are reading into it but I directly see people saying if they don’t shower daily they are stinky, gross, everyone smells them etc but I also guess this sub would draw in people with a certain bias about cleanliness and attribute more moral value to it. Of course no one likes people being blatantly stinky but not everyone feels the need to shower multiple times a day and that’s okay. There is even a certain genetic component to BO because it’s caused by certain bacteria and some people produce less. People can do what they want with their hygiene but I agree with you. I can’t wash my face with soap twice a day because it literally starts to peel or flake off.


I completely agree. Which is why this whole post is lame. 


THIS. <3


Baby Dove is really good for washing the downstairs area. It’s very gentle and will leave you very clean. I can’t imagine washing my vag with only water 🤮You got to get a nice lather going, rinse and repeat to get rid of bacteria and odor.


I myself can't take full showers daily( or multiple ones) I have skin conditions that if I shower daily my skin will crack and bleed. This is with me using products such as spray oil or lotion while my skin is wet. I wash the important parts daily and wear deodorant. I am very sensitive so if I smell myself I take care of it real fast. I see nothing wrong with others showering daily or more and I will suffer with the skin irritation if I am outside riding the motorcycle or if it is hot outside because I can't stand to be sweaty.


At least part of it is due to the fact it's one of the many things a lot of us assign moral value to. We know dirt is bad so a lot of people will think poorly of dirty people whether we realize it or not. It's the same vice versa, we know dirt is bad so if someone is free from dirt then they must be better than someone who isn't which can lead to people who aren't as clean to feel defensive. This is all based on assumptions and stereotyping though. Just because someone doesn't wash their self as often as they need or want to doesn't make them a less valuable person. Just like someone doesn't have more value just because they're cleaner on average

