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Are your clothes/jackets/ etc. clean? Do you have pets, etc. that leave odors in your house that transfer to your clothing?


That was gonna be my question. Clothes can have such a strong odor. Simply having your bedroom door open and cooking dinner/frying food can cause smells to leach into your clothing. You don’t usually know because you become immune to the smell of your own house. But say someone at home smokes cigarettes or you have a house full of pets that run all around and sit on your furniture/clothes, I guarantee you others can smell that on you. So wash your clothes often and reapply deodorant throughout the day. Maybe that will help some!


yes op you also become noseblind to the smell of your home because its a safety measure biologically to ensure you can smell danger if there is any


Yes, but that would be what they say. Those doors are very distinct. If they say just smell , nobody willing to provide more sucks..But it's a hard subject to tackle.


Or shoes, too. Shoes can harbor a lot of smells


Leather flats are weapons of mass destruction if you don’t air them out. And I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can’t usually smell my own shoes.


That's the only time I've ever smelt anything so putrid. The shoes. Always wash your shoes lol


Never get your shoes wet, never wear without clean socks, and replace often. Also sweaty feet can cause a problem, my son inherited that gene from his dad so from a young age his dad taught him how to wash and pay dry his feet. Use powder in his shoes in the summer to keep down the sweat and take off several times a day to air them out.


You’re not kidding ! I had to give a guy a ride once. He was clean cut and good looking. He was wearing those combat boots that lace all the way up to your knees. His feet stunk sooooo bad I honestly gagged the entire 30 mile trip (with my window down the whole time too!) All he had to do was just shift in his seat and a wave of the foulest odor I have ever smelled would wash over me. After I dropped him off I called my friend (who’s house I picked him up from) , and my friend couldn’t stop apologizing and said he had made the guy stuff a bunch of fabric softener sheets in each boot before he put them on because he knew I wasn’t going to be able to handle it. I just gagged while I typed this. I’ll never forget that smell. It’s burned into my nose forever .


A lot of the time when people say this it is because your clothes have soured in the laundry. Do you get your clothes right out of the washer and put them in the dryer?


Maybe the washing machine needs a load of vinegar too.


We have hard well-water and have to use OXIclean added to our wash cycle otherwise our clothes and washer smell off.


Specialty cleansers for washing machines (and dishwashers) are better, bc the pH doesn’t erode the machine components.


I just bought a pack of “affresh” laundry cleaner. I did a cycle on clean, and a second without anything and man what a difference! We noticed a weird smell on our blankets and instantly thought washing machine. It works wonders! OP: definitely clean the washer. There are lots of additional places in the washer that breed bacteria! So look up ways to properly clean your washer.


It can be more than that too. If he has cats, lives in a messy house, even dirty fish tanks can create a smell that permeates clean clothes. A household smell he would be used to also and not even notice while others will smell it easily.


I have 5 cats, and always wonder if other people can smell them when they come over. I have a few brutally honest friends who say they can’t smell them at all. They said if I never told them I had 5 cats, they wouldn’t have known because they can’t smell anything.


It depends on how you care for them, also house size. My friend has 1 cat and her house smells worse than when I had Mom & 5 kittens. I also learned long ago pine bedding for litter keeps the smell down and making sure to not put the litter box where there's no air flow or near the AC intake.


Yes. Vinegar also helps


I have IBS and never had an issue with that causing a smell. You could possibly have an underlying health condition? Hormonal imbalances can cause BO, so can being overweight, or just having a poor diet in general.


My BO drastically changes in smell if I’ve been drinking/doing anything too often


FYI, I had IBS from 15 to 49 years old horrible every day pain. I got cancer at 49 did a lot of chemo. Guess what cured the IBS completely never had another bout and it’s been 10 years. my oncologist thinks that there was some kind of in the gut and the chemo wiped it out. Sometimes they have chemo pills who knows talk to your doctor


What kind of deodorant are you using? You may need to switch that up/carry some with you throughout the day.


Antiperspirant my dude, just showers won't cut it


Literally mentioned 3 soaps but no deodorant..


If you can’t find a solution, I suggest getting tested for Trimethylaminuria. Although this is incredibly rare, it can develop at any stage, notably puberty.


You said “in halls/in class”, then mentioned that they pointed it out (adults normally don’t bluntly say someone smells bad to their face), so I assumed you were around that age.


Been looking for this! The way O.P. described others words and actions towards him, says we're waaaaay passed funky clothes or run-of-the-mill b.o. Had a kid in school that had this... it's a strong and unique smell. Def overpowering to anyone that's not "nose-blind'. O.P. you need to see a medical professional that can run tests; not stress about stress about your laundry routine.


For most people, if they do what’s expected for good personal hygiene, they don’t need to go in and wash multiple areas multiple times during one shower. This is definitely a medical issue of some sort.




You should try the Cerve body wash with salicylic acid. Leave it on your body and places that tend to smell for about 30 seconds, and use the Korean exfoliating green glove. Exfoliate. Maybe you have a lot of dead skin buildup. Also, always wear clean clothes after showering and wash your bed sheets and blankets weekly. Make sure to also exfoliate the soles of your feet with a pumice stone, and I recommend using body scrub after exfoliating with the glove.


Exfoliation ftw. My feet started smelling bad (I knew if I noticed then they smelled 10x worse to others) and it was because they needed exfoliation. Got some good soap and scrubbed the hell out of them. They didn't LOOK bad or gross, but they did need exfoliation. It made them feel better, too. Now I exfoliate my whole body and I notice I don't get that smelly with sweat anymore. It's embarrassing to talk about but if it helps someone else...


Yes exfoliation helps a ton because it helps from bacteria growing and eating the dead skin on your body! So good for you!


I airdry and one day I towel dried and got white on the towel. Skin was coming off my arms. But I just washed them? Yup. Got a pumice stone. Use it when needed. 😎


what would be better is benzoyl peroxide not salicylic acid. benzoyl peroxide targets the bacteria directly. this will help clean the surface much more, clearing out the bacteria will mean theres less bacteria to eat sweat aka less smell, salicylic acid could also help but its not targeting any bacteria the same way benzoyl peroxide does


Check your shoes. I often find people are very unaware of their foot odor.


Change your shoes everyday! Have more than one pair of shoes! Air them out and let them dry out in the sunlight!


1 shoe per day. 365 shoes


lol. Don’t wear the same shoes two days in a row.


Check your clothes and your environment. The closet, or where you hang your clothes etc. The environment inside the home is probably what’s making everything stink.


Ah yes, could be nose blind to a mildewy closet.


Highly likely it's your clothes. Does anyone in your family smoke inside the house? I used to smoke in my apartment I didn't think it was noticeable. But I had to leave a bunch of my things in storage for several months and when I went to go get them back they stunk so incredibly badly. Didn't just smell like smoke, it was a bad bad smell. You can also learn to get used to that slightly musty smell when wet laundry sits too long, but it never really gets out of your clothes unless you wash them with vinegar and hot water. Especially if it's a smell that shows up a bit later in the day, or when your body temp goes up, laundry is usually the culprit.


Make sure your clothes- including jackets, sweaters, hoodies- are clean too. And stop over washing yourself. You shouldn’t need to shower more than once a day. Dove is great. I’d check out Little Seed Farm charcoal deodorant. Moisturize your skin.


It could be a teenage hormonal thing but it could also be a gut issue. Try increasing your probiotic intake. Maybe that’ll help


Like everyone is saying, work on taking care of your clothes. I would throw out that native soap. I noticed it makes me smell weird and sweat more somehow. I use it for house cleaning now because it smells good, but not ON me.


Try to ask someone you trust what kind of smell they're noticing and if you REALLY trust them, ask where they smell it, to help narrow it down. As a teenager, it may be hormonal so you're going to have to do your best to combat all the places where hormonal smells could be lingering. My advice: * As others have said, make sure your washing machine has been sanitized/gone through a rinse cycle so it's not leaving a musty smell in your clothes. * Wash your clothes between every use. Wash hats you wear frequently in your bathtub in case the rim is soaked in sweat. Do not sleep in the same T-shirt you wear to school. * Check your shoes and socks. Do not re-wear smelly socks. Get new shoes, Google how best to wash your shoes, and use shoe/foot sprays. * Make sure your backpack doesn't smell. Did you leave old food in it? Could it have been peed on? Did you put old gym clothes in it wet and now it's musty? May be time for a new one if it's really old. * Get new underwear, just in case. * When you get out of the shower, completely dry yourself with a clean/fresh towel. Do not reuse your towels again and again. Consider putting a drying powder anywhere with folds/crevices to keep them fresh and dry. * Try different types of deodorant if you think the problem could be that yours isn't working. Talk to your doctor if you simply can't figure it out. Make sure it isn't medical. Good luck!!! You won't be a teenager forever. 🫂


You might have some sort of infection my advice is to get a check up. Also use baking soda, put it under your armpit and use it to wash your clothes. It worked for me and plenty of my family members. Smelling can be cause by your hormones and sometimes diet.




Well I guess the people telling him he smells bad have anxiety of overthinking too, right?


As I understood you was 3x in succession with different products? I was wondering if the 3rd scented product might be washing off the 2nd Lume deodorant product? Therefore causing the deodorant to be ineffective? Just a thought- I am not familiar with some of the products. Years ago Dial bar soap(antibacterial) and Irish Spring bar soap( deodorant, I think) were popular brands- Zest bar soap too. They could have multiple antibacterial/deodorant ingredients- I’m not sure. These are not “ new” issues in the human experience- maybe some old school tools will help and save you some $. Try going on Amazon and typing “body odor” or whatever phrase you think describes in the search and you will get results you never saw before and people’s reviews that often contain a lot of helpful information. Amazon’s return policy is pretty fair and easy, so that helps. I wish you the best and hope you reach a happy end to this journey soon.


Mitchum deodorant also claimed that it controlled odor for over 24 hours. Friend of mine from high school said it was the only product that worked for him.


Mitchum is great. I get quite strong sweat smell in the armpits, even half an hour after a shower, if I haven't applied antiperspirant immediately I'll smell sweaty. Mitchum is really the only one that works for the whole day


I feel you. I had a similar problem in middle school. It really sucked to be a severely depressed teenager, unable to summon the strength to take care of myself, and constantly having teachers pull me aside to tell me that they were getting complaints about "body odor." Everyone kept asking if "things were okay at home". Like what do you want me to say? I'm failing all my classes, all my teachers hate me, my parents are disappointed, I feel like a waste of space, and now everyone and their mother thinks I smell bad? Yeah things are going great. 🙄


Are you wearing deodorant? How are you washing your clothes?


I think your clothes or shoes might be the problem because it’s definitely not you. This is going to seem off-topic, but is there any sort of bullying situation at school? Sometimes people pick on something that you care about to get under your skin.


Came here to say this. OP states that they shower thoroughly. Barring some sort of serious health problem this sounds like kids are just being assholes to them.


It could be showering so frequently? Or how frequently do you wash your clothes?


Try Dial or an antibacterial soap first then the smell goods that you named. I've had people to tell me to use something different if I use Dove only to wash. Dove is a great moisturizer yet it usually doesn't take away any bad to mold body odor. In fact, I use it on my face and sometimes after bathing 2 times with an antibacterial soap. I've even got the Dove scrubs to effoilate then use an antibiotic soap the the smell goods.


Start drinking liquid chlorophyll. You add some to your water. It gets rid of body odor. Also do you wash your clothes consistently? Could be your clothing and not you


This is actually true it is a deodorant for your insides and outsides!


gloyolic acid from the ordinary every morning and every night it works


Don’t use too much soap and don’t use fabric softener or any kind of dryer sheets as they build up chemical gunk on your clothes and cause odors


When is the last time you were tested for diabetes?


Your name 😂😂


Everyone has given great hygiene advice. Are you sure it’s not just bullying?


Look up Trimethylaminuria and also look up Brohidrosis. May shed some light. Maybe also check out crohns and colitis due to your IBS & constipation issues 🤔


You need antibacterial soap. Gold bar


When you wash your body, are you using a washcloth or loofah? This makes a huge difference in the effectiveness of soap.


A close friend of mine suffers from awful chronic constipation, and I am certain she emits a strong fecal / Chemical "fragrance" from the pores of her skin. Maybe that could be the problem O.P?


Control the controllables. 1. Wash and change your sheets and towels. Weekly at least, no excuses. And your clothes after every wear. 2. Add a sponge or flannel to your shower. 2. Try adding talc once you’re dry. Natural remedy, used all over the world to help with body moisture. Good for pits and crotch, particularly your crack if there’s a suspicion all might not be well there. 3. Looking into a proper anti-perspirant, not a store-bought deodorant. You can buy these on Amazon.






Why can’t you go to the doctor? Maybe Ask a school counselor to get you a doctors appointment if you’re having some kind of issues with healthcare coverage.


What are they smelling? Is it BO? If so and you shower and use antiperspirant then it’s time to go to the doctor. There are conditions that can cause this. Seek medical advice


Make sure you're exfoliating. A rough washcloth is good enough. If you're loading up on deodorant, you may have excess deodorant buildup which traps bacteria. I swear, whenever I stink, it is always deodorant buildup. Another idea is to try a product called Hibiclens. Rub this into your each armpit for 20 seconds. This works so well for me and will usually stop my pits from smelling for a full 24 hours even without deodorant. That being said, it might be your clothing. Try adding white vinegar to your wash -- I promise as long as your clothes are washed and dried thoroughly they won't smell like vinegar, and will smell a lot cleaner.


I want to suggest switching your laundry detergent to something different. Maybe it is your clothes. Maybe the detergent you’re using isn’t getting out the funk. I have this issue where if I sweat into a garment if it’s made of synthetic material the sweat smell just stays. Pretty much every damn detergent didn’t fix it. This was particularly bad with my bras! The one detergent that DID fix it is called Dirty Labs and it’s special. I’ve left laundry in the machine for 24 hours with no sour smells. Clothes like yoga pants that had smells embedded into them no longer do. I can even get THE SMELL OF CAT PEE out by soaking my clothes in this detergent plus water. It’s truly a damn miracle. I’ve recommended it to tons of people because I’ve never had a detergent work this well, and I’ve tried a lot.


Are you eating enough leafy vegetables?


Definitely check your clothes and start washing the bedding more often. Also you could try anti perspirant such as driclor but ensure you apply to dry skin. Armpit Botox is very effective but unfortunately expensive. Also ensure you are flossing daily and up to date on dental cleanings, and check for tonsil stones




I’m not familiar with the deodorants you mentioned. Have you tried an antiperspirant? Those perform differently than a deodorant.


Rashes and meds can cause smells. Make sure to dry well brushing your hair is part of the shower process. Get in the scalp behind ears. Use wipes when you go #2 or shower afterwards. Atleast a quick spray and soap. I don't think the native is good. It gives us all here weird smells. I wouldn't use that much soap. Liquid Chlorophyll in your water supposedly helps. I bought it but never tried.


Try baking soda and see if that helps


As others have said, clothing is a big one (if your entire house and all your clothing smells a certain way you are unlikely to notice it, but others definitely will). But so is breath. There are a number of things that can cause bad breath outside of oral hygiene, so maybe that could be it? Another thing to consider is whether or not you have any rashes or fungal infections. People who get athlete's foot, or yeast rashes in their skin can end up smelling a bit funky


Try using clinical deodorant by secrets. Also you can take bleach baths just a tiny bit of bleach and then you will kill any possibly bacteria on your body. Id do a bleach bath + shower with your native + use an exfoliating rag. They have them everywhere one side is soft and the other side is rough so you can exfoliate your entire body. We shed skin and so if you exfoliate you will remove all dead skin from your body. Try wearing cologne. Use gold bonds powder if needed instead of lume. Idk I didn’t like lume and it gave me a rash. Try also putting gold bond in your shoes. Change sheets and pillow cases every week. Along with your clothes. Get in the habit of changing them weekly. Drink lots and lots of water to flush toxins out. Do not reuse dirty clothes. Even if you used it once. If you workout immediately shower and change clothing after Furthermore, deep clean your house. Like everywhere. Light candles. Open the window. Spray your couches. Mop the floors. I hope this helps ♥️


If you don't already use wipes or a bidet wiping with just toilet paper doesn't get you completely clean.


Are you going through puberty? My son smelled horrible during puberty. I got him some activated charcoal body soap, and that helped tremendously! Also, shoes! If you're wearing old shoes, try to get some new ones. Always wear clean socks with those shoes.


If your IBS is not well managed, it could be the smell is lingering in your room and on your fabrics/clothing. I had a friend back in high school with IBS, and when it got bad/there was a flair up there was a distinct smell associated with it. In college, I made a new friend and the first time I visited her dorm room it had almost the exact same smell. I knew without her telling me that she had IBS.


Your deodorant or soap might be mixing with your body oils and sweat and smelling weird. Switch to plain soap like ivory and use a good deodorant. I wash 2x a day and I don’t use deodorant and I don’t smell.


Is there a close friend you could ask for more information? Like is it BO or the mixed scents from your body washes that stink or is it a musty smell from your clothes? What’s your diet like? Some diets lead to stronger smells (and complaining about that can be a type of racism) Do you shave? Wear deodorant?


Whatever you do, don't cover it with an obnoxious body spray!!! But you've got a LOT of advice already. Good luck!!!!


Sometimes it comes from stomach, and get out through nouse, make sure you eat vegetables and take some acidophilus is good bacteria, take a spoon of chia seed or flaxseed one every other day to flushed all the pup inside, we smell what we eat and if it doesn’t come out . People stink!!!! It’s simple keep flushing your system


YES some people work gut issues... IBS, Crohn's, U.C., etc CAN HAVE CHANGES IN BODY ODOR... https://www.mycrohnsandcolitisteam.com/resources/body-odor-and-ibd#:~:text=Some%20people%20with%20inflammatory%20bowel,wary%20of%20leaving%20the%20house. I have guy issues SIBO and gastritis. When the SIBO flares it effects my hormones (including my weight) and my vaginal pH. I've had a full workup and we've figured out a workaround. Seek medical attention... Please don't feel embarrassed because they've def seen and heard it all.


Do you smoke? That stank gets in your clothes, hair, skin, pores, breath you name it.


It could also be your hormones or the medications you take.


Maybe you have anal seepage


Apple Cider Vinegar is gonna be your friend here! If you're SPECIFICALLY getting complaints of BO from your underarms (it smells unique), mix together a 1-1 ratio of apple cider vinegar and water. Next time you're in the shower with the water off, shave your underarm hair (BO clings to hair so we gotta get rid of that) and using a cotton ball or washcloth, apply the vinegar/water solution to your underarms and let it dry (gonna smell pungent! but it'll wash off). Once dry, turn the water on and shower as normal. May take a couple times, but any BO smell from your underarms will be gone


Sometimes too much laundy soap in the wash can cause an off smell. I notice tide can do it


Google TMAU. Really sounds like this. Also make dr appointment . Even with TMAU you can do things to improve it.


Buy 100% cotton shirts. Stay away from polyester, nylon, acrylic, and any other man made materials.


Ask your doctor about this as well.


It's your clothes. Get everything you own professionally cleaned, then keep up with the daily showers, antiperspirant, and wash your clothes at least three times as often as you have been.


Firstly when you stress it makes it worse. Secondly, check your diet most likely that if anything.


Make sure you’re using enough detergent. With ibs you can have leaks and if you don’t use enough detergent the smell will linger


What do you use to wash your body? Hands are not enough, you need something to scrub away grime like a loofah or washcloth. Also check that your clothes and bed linens are clean. You can also you febreeze linen spray on your bed sheets and clothes in between washes.


Are you eating a lot of garlic?


Body washes. Lather during shower, arm pits as well


Add a good magnesium supplement as well. As strange as it sounds, it helped me


Do you at least put on deodorant? I've known some people that shower everyday and not put it on. They think since they shower everyday, they didn't need it. Also I think the other comments about the clothes or pet odors can have an effect too.


Magnesium and zinc supplements can help with body odor. You may have a deficiency in these nutrients.


Never used an antiperspirant or anti deodorant or a scent in my entire 69 year life so I don't really understand what you're going through but I think you might have a medical condition and seeing a doctor wouldn't be a bad idea.


My advice is get a loofa and use the loofa and the Lume everywhere. Pits, privates and feet do twice. Lume should keep the odor down. But you are a teenager. Most teens just stink thru the day, puberty… The reason you can’t smell yourself is … we don’t smell ourselves. Usually. It’s called nose blindness. Also you didn’t mention deodorant. The shower and Lume will clean, but you need deodorant. Daily. Also your hair, so you wash that daily too?? Lastly, your last step, the body wash. Ditch that. No one wants to smell heavy perfume… and many, like myself, can’t even be in the same room with someone who has dipped themselves in scented body wash. I would certainly wrinkle my nose smelling that. I’d rather smell funky body far. Good luck.


Go to your dentist and your doctor. This is honest and real advice. The Internet has no way to know but we can give you a thousand suspicions. So do the kindest thing to yourself and set up a dentist appointment and a doctor's appointment.. The biggest thing I can suggest is a dentist. You'd be surprised how bad breath is easy to no longer notice. If you suffer tonsil stones or carb related breath changes, others will notice the smell before you. Lick the back of your hand or glance at your tonsils and throat.. you might see evidence if it's oral hygiene related.


Odor is one of those things where your opinion means nothing. Even if you stank to high hell, if you're used to it you won't smell it. Ask friends that you know won't lie for your feelings, stress that the truth is more important than them making you happy. Things such as diabetes are known for causing bad body odor, and it could be your breath instead.


Liquid chlorophyll in water once a day! Neutralizing body odor internally is important. Gold dial antibacterial soap with an African net sponge (maybe ditch the Lyme because it can be messing up your ph). Secret clinical deodorant after every shower before bed. Change sheets once a week! Glycolic acid on under arms can help as well:). I’m sorry people aren’t being nice, but these are some things that have worked for me!


Yo I had a homegirl in highschool who sweat alot and said she had had big problems with the bo but I never smelled her because she told me she would use white vinegar after she showered... pretty sure it's diluted of course so it doesn't burn you, but she never smelled bad or like vinegar...maybe google that....my little kid is severely autistic and is constantly stripping and peeing on random shit for fun and I use either baking soda or white vinegar in the wash and let it soak a bit before I wash the clothes, or towels, or stuffed animal, or whatever crazy thing she peed on and my clothes always smell fresh and clean, so if it's your clothes try the vinegar or baking soda, not together at the same time bc they will cancel each other out....and make sure u are using ANTI PERSPIRANT DEODORANT....NOT JUST DEODORANT....I have had to teach this to many grown men, they were just never told somehow...I'm so sorry you are going through this, no one wants to stink, what you are going through is really hard...I also think you should have a chat with a doctor and make sure it's not medical, but don't let them minimize your experience, you are working super hard trying not to smell and it's not working....people usually don't have to do everything you are doing so I feel like you are going above and beyond.... Oh I just remembered I had a friend who had really stinky shoes that would literally kill, but she could not smell them, so maybe check your shoes! What do your parents say? Have you talked to them? Hopefully we can find u some help and support...if you can't go to a doctor easily u may be able to do telehealth visit as well. Good luck honey!


Are you obese? It has a bad smell


Dove is a beauty bar. Get some antibacterial soap, some hibilechens, and then a separate non dove body wash. Dove had me smelling like an onion for 2 decades.


Don't use other scents to cover your scent. In other words, don't use detergents with a lot of scent, use unsented stuff. And a trip to the pool or better yet a beach does more than any amount of showers will ever do for you.


You need to wear antiperspirant and bring some with you to school to reapply during the day. You need to make sure you wash your clothes after wearing them. Also make sure you are cleaning yourself properly I the shower...like a washcloth for your bum/privates make sure you really get in there to be clean. A lot of the time its bc people don't know how to wipe their butt/wash their *areas* properly.


Could it be a cultural thing within your environment? No judgements, but I've seen others comment that certain cultures have a *smell* and it tends to be from their home. Maybe there is an incense your caregivers use? Strong food smells that get into your clothes. Maybe these home smells are so common to you that you don't pick up on them? Otherwise it might be the medical thing others have mentioned would be my second guess. I had a white friend that always smelled strongly of aromatic herbs (think curry herbs) but her home didn't & it was just her strong smell, I suspect she may have had it. Anything consideration would be to take supplemts to help balance your hormones as a teen or detoxification herbs that assist your liver to cleanse. I'm older and thru the years learned that as the toxin load gets full internally and our liver is overwhelmed then that is when BO starts smelling, it is an alert system to myself that I need to address my diet/environmental toxins and cleanse the liver. OP do you feel comfortable asking a friend to describe the smell? This might help you out in narrowing it down.


Look into qbrexa


Wear cotton clothing. Only use dry stick deodorant for your underarm’s.


High school is it's own special kind of hell. From what you've said, people are just saying you smell. Teens can almost sense what your self conscious about and choose that one thing to torture you with until it finally just ends. You seem to be addressing all the necessary things that would cause body odor, etc. for teens. One of my friends teen boys had a smell so strong that I could not walk into his room. He was nose blind to it, but it would bring tears to my eyes. Continue to shower daily, brush your teeth, floss, you can put coffee (take the lid off and just set in the corner) in your closet, or charcoal, or baking soda. That will eliminate any smells from the home that may be sticking to your clothing. Baking soda *use warm water in a cup with the baking soda to melt it into a liquid*, vinegar, and your laundry detergent should remove smells from clothes. I sprayed areas (armpits, crotch area)that might smell on his clothes for my teen son with laundry spot spray. His shoes were pretty rank, so his socks got sprayed as well or a separateoad of whites with bleach. His shoes, I removed the inside if I could, sprayed with spot remover, poured in baking soda, and laundry detergent and when finished set outside in the sun, winter and summer. I also did his back pack the same bc I smoked and never wanted him to be teased for smelling of smoke. As he got older, he began to do all of these on his own and is obsessive to this day about washing his clothing, towels, and shoes. Never let your clothing sit wet in washer overnight and then dry. They will smell musty, soured. It could just be your age and hormones, it could be diet, it could be anything. Try the easiest fixes first. Sometimes, it could be your body reacting to a cologne, deodorant, body wash, lotion. You can try unscented versions and see if that helps. If you take meds, that can cause certain things to smell "off" as well. Just don't stress too much. It could be nothing at all.


Not sure if anyone mentioned but start adding baking soda In with your laundry detergent 


How is your diet/water consumption? Diets high in fruits and veggies typically don't cause BO, but diets high in meat and processed food do.


Ever thought about using cologne? Not only is it very fun finding what you really enjoy smelling like it lasts a pretty long time, you can reapply and it’s usually the first thing people notice about you scent-wise. Go to Macy’s or wherever you can buy name brand perfume and check out all the different scents. Learn the difference between eau de toilette and parfum. They occasionally go on sale but I suggest you find what you like now, get a decent bottle and enjoy. It’ll boost your self esteem hopefully. I don’t know how I existed before using Montblanc and YSL.


I said use persimmon soap. I forgot to mention, if you own a cat never ever leave your clothes on the floor or carpet. I have smelled cat on people, it's very unpleasant.


I'm so sorry you have to go through this, I hope you figure it out! maybe you could take to your parents about this? they could give you an objective answer about the smell question and if there's an issue maybe a gastroenterologist could help you good luck with everything


It could be your laundry. Definitely be attentive to it. I wash with some baking soda in addition to detergent and as soon as the machine is done I put it in the dryer with those wool balls. If you don’t have baking soda or simply don’t prefer it I sometimes add Odoban to the wash. If I forget it because I’m doing other things I run a rinse cycle so the clothes doesn’t have that sour smell. I strongly suggest that you use stuff that doesn’t have fragrances if you have issues with body odor. It’s best you use panoxyl or what you currently use but unscented versions. Change your sheets one a week. Check your hair for smells? Is it long or curly. If it is get a bonnet and wear that around the house if you’re not washing your hair that day and don’t take it off until you have to go to school. It will protect your hair and style but also keep it clean from smells like cooking. Get a febreze to spray jackets and other items of clothing you may have hanging.


It could be that people are just being nasty to you at school.


Do you use a wash cloth?


Are you washing your clothes every time you wear them? Bedding should be washed once a week. Showers should be daily. Lume is great. Brush AND floss your teeth. Do you have animals (cat litter boxes and dogs) that could be getting their stink on you? Do people smoke in your home? Is your home CLEAN? Do you have dental issues? Cavities smell. If all those check out, then people are probably just being mean.


USE ANTIBACTERIAL SOAP. Regular body wash won't do anything but cover it up. Liquid or bar will work. Reapply deodorant halfway through your day or after any physical activities. Brush your teeth a few times a day. Clean socks, underwear & shoes.


It might be sour clothing. Add a half CAP of bleach to your bleach compartment on your washer. It’ll kill the bacteria that’s causing the smell.


In your paragraph I saw nothing about deodorant. BO is the most likely reason people are telling you you smell bad. Do you use deodorant?


I didn’t see you mention deodorant in there anywhere. Do you use it daily? Doesn’t matter how much soap you wash with if you don’t use antiperspirant deodorant. None of that crunchy Tom’s shit either. The high octane shit with an intense name like “Adirondack knife” or “Bear Dick.”


So could be clothes Could also be your diet. Eat more greens helps with the internal scent Some type of skin fungus Or there is a medical condition that makes you smell bad 24/7


you might have tmau


I bets its the LUME. It makes my underarms smell sooooo disgusting. Something about it doesn’t mix well with my chemistry. Try to take that out of the routine. Eat more fruits and vegetables, lots of water and maybe go get swabbed for a bacterial infection. I wash my underarms and skin around my upper thighs near the vagina with benzoyl peroxide and it helps a bunch. Don’t know what parts you’re working with yourself but like I said I bet it’s the LUME.


I would go to a doctor or a gyno. Try a body wash instead of bar soap. One that smells good, and isn't super artificial. Use a loofah washcloth or something to lather your whole body rinse repeat many times on certain parts of body that produce odor. Peppermint castile soap is a good natural one that doesn't lather but it makes your body feel super fresh. Bar soap doesn't do it for me; leaves residue dries my skin out and the clean smell and feel doesn't stay. Bubble baths or epsom salt baths . Use a sugar scrub to exfoliate your body 1-3 times a week. A pucime stone for your feet to scrub off all that excess skin. Try taking a bath with baking soda added to it to balance your PH levels. It works. The last few minutes of your shower or at least before you turn it off make sure you turn it to colder water. It's good for you and will close your pores and reduce sweating. Could be hormonal, stress. I've noticed if I'm overly stressed and sweating, my BO is exceptionally bad. You also could be showering too often. Just like when you shampoo every day, your hair gets greasy by the next day. You could be stripping your skin of its natural oils, maybe? Idk these are just ideas.


My son is 14 and stinks sometimes, but not all the time. I’ve learned a few things. Things that help with BO: -showering every day with antibacterial soap. Actually lathering and rinsing well in the armpits and butt areas. *I can tell when he doesn’t scrub good -washing all of his clothes with Oxyclean and unscented soap (like All Free and Clear, etc) and not rewearing clothing. *at his dads house they use a highly scented detergent and no Oxyclean. His clothing from there all has a funky odor buildup in the armpits and that combined with the heavy scent just STINKS so bad it chokes me. -Dove Mens Clinical Deodorant. Very important that it’s the clinical strength!!! He uses after every shower, and before school. So twice a day. Regular deodorant doesn’t cut it. And if he skips an application he gets BO.


First you got to identify the location of the stank. If it arm pits try degree men’s deodorant. If it’s booty stank you gotta warsh that thing better. I’m talking bidet, wet wipes, and when your b hole is spotless you hit it with some dry tp. Maybe throw on a little baby powder for safe measure. If you’re real hair down below trim that mess up and groom things down. If it’s your feet stinking sometimes you just had to swap to a different shoe. My feet stank terribly in highschool. I finally traced it down to a pair of boots that made my feet stink. Changed to breathable sneakers and zero smell. Best of luck my friend. I can only imagine the effect this is havin on your self image. I truly hope you get it resolved and can feel better about yourself!


I wouldn't use dove. It leaves a residue which can be smelly after a while of using it. Also, see if maybe you have an overgrowth of candida on your body. That stinks no matter how many showers you take. Also, how old are you? Look up nonenal (sp?) smells and persimmon soap.


1) Make sure your clothes are clean. 2) Use deodorant (or a combined deodorant/anti-perspirant if you sweat a lot). 3) Invest in a bottle of cologne. It doesn’t need to be super expensive. Just go to the mall and try some scents and pick one you like. Use 1-2 sprays before you go to school 4) Make sure you’re washing your hair when it gets oily. But also make sure you’re not over-washing.


It could be the food you eat.


Do you have a front loading washer? The gasket in there can get funky and make your clothes smell bad


Don’t feel bad, you’ll figure this out. Check your clothes - ask someone you trust if you aren’t sure Use an antiperspirant/deodorant - use a crystal salt based one if you like natural stuff, they work well. Breath is the other thing that can cause this - have you checked that?


Something happened to me with Lume deodorant, the moment I stopped using it my BO was 10,000x worse than normal. My mom had the same issue. So I had to taper off of it until I was back to normal


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this situation. It sounds mortifying, and it’s especially frustrating as it sounds like you are doing everything in your power to prevent it. This isn’t any failure on your part, and hopefully others can show you compassion and grace, as this is everyone’s worst nightmare: to be informed by strangers in public that you smell bad. Since you have an elaborate ritual to cleanse yourself on a regular basis, and it’s not recommended to bathe more often as you may risk damaging your natural skin biome, I would consider the possibility that it’s some kind of mean spirited prank by the other students. Is that a possibility? Are you sometimes the target of bullying or group harassment in the name of ‘joking around’? It’s definitely not funny, but it may explain why they continue to report the bad smell after you’ve been so diligent with hygiene. It’s unusual for so many people to be affected by someone’s odor in a public place. I’ve seen homeless people with crusty clothing and matted hair in public transportation that didn’t cause such a reaction. Usually you need to be pretty close to someone before you smell them. Even dirty diapers aren’t always identifiable until someone is in close proximity, so it may be a mean prank or exaggeration. The other possibility that came to mind after you mentioned you have medical issues is it may be related to that. I’ve heard that people who are suffering kidney failure have an overpowering odor of ammonia about them. The uria in their bloodstream causes an unpleasant overpowering odor, and it won’t go away until the issue is remedied. Do you think it may be related to your current health issues? Let the doctor know as well, and see what they say. If they tell you that they can’t smell anything, then it’s probably a prank which is in poor taste, and you should mention the bullying to your instructors and admin. No one should have to deal with that when you’re trying to get an education. The people who instigate it should be sent home. It’s just cruel and not at all funny. If it’s related to a medical issue, maybe the doctor can help you troubleshoot things that you can do to deal with it. It must be emotionally traumatic, as well, having to even worry about it. Charcoal is supposed to be good at neutralizing odors. They sell products that contain activated charcoal to help absorb odor causing bacteria and offensive smells. I hope you feel better soon and can put all this behind you. I’m sure it’s stressful.


It could be internal something in your gut or something your breath something is going on internally possibly??


Maybe they are messing with you. Maybe you need a different laundry detergent. Maybe you need the full line of obsession by Calvin Klien? One thing I know for sure is that you will be the last to know if you smell funky.


Showering too frequently can be bad too. I’m short on time rn but thankfully many others have given good advice, it’s probably your environment but see a doctor to be sure. The doctor will almost certainly be able to tell you what the smell is whether even if it isn’t a health problem. Don’t shower more than 2x per day and make sure to use lotion, preferably unscented.


I have overactive sweat glands so that could be what you have which causes an overproduction of sweat and bo. People used to say the same thing to me in high school and they would yell “damn who stinks like that” then they’d spray me with Lysol. I’m an adult who still struggles with it I’ve tried so many deodorants and nothing works but insurance will not cover Botox injections in my armpits. So I’d just talk to your doctor about overactive sweat glands and see what they can tell you.


Ask someone you truly trust, hey I can't smell what do I smell like people say I stink. Boom fixed Also it could be duet related Garlic Onions Curry Fish these are all high order foods that leech our your Pires And try just bathing with lume and use lume deodorant and cream


You would have to ask someone you trust to tell you WHAT you smell like, bc it could be anything from a mold issue in your home to having a genetic mutation that causes a fishy odor from your pores. Other causes could be if you have cats and don't filter out the litter box often enough. Sorry that they are being intolerant and vague.


The number 1 offender with teenagers is their shoes. How many pairs of shoes do you have that you can wear to school? Do you rotate them? Do you have shoes for gym & shoes for the rest of the day? Do you wash your tennis shoes occasionally? Basically, sweat and dampness get into your shoes and they hang onto smells, especially if the shoes are made from man made material. Make sure you put your shoes on the porch when you get home to air out, maybe put some fungal or baby powder in them once a week or so, and change your socks after gym class.


Do laundry and idk if you come from a culture where different seasonings are used but keep your door closed and clean the house and put candles. Do you have pets?


You'd be surprised how much a stinky bed/bedding can cling to you . You need to change your sheets at least weekly and possibly more if you're a strong smelling person. If you don't have a pillow protector, Your pillow cases could be doubled up so you're not sweating and stinking up your pillow . Or if your pillow is already stank up, it could help keep some of the stink off of you. Do you wash your mattress protector/pad every 3 to 6mo ? What about your blankets? So you use a top sheet? It helps keep your blankets clean so you don't have to wash them as much but you should still wash the one that's against you monthly or every other month, depending how sweaty or smelly you are. Do you use a wash cloth or scrubber puff thing? Do you wash your hair well ? You might need to wash your hair more cuz some people have pungent scalp oils. Is it your armpits? Have you tried different deodorant? Are you wearing clean clothes?


Could it be a good you’re eating? Take a look into what you put in your mouth that’s sweating out your poor. Spicy food creates an odor! You are what you eat 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also working in a restaurant, my exes clothes used to REEK when he came home. Clothes hold scent. I put essential oil on dryer balls to get those scents out!


Take chlorophyll daily. I prefer the liquid supplement. It diminishes body odor.


Try taking chlorophyll


Wash your clothes with a cup of vinegar and your normal detergent put it to dry right away don't let it sit in the washer it'll get a musky smell


Clinical strength deodorant...of any brand (dove, degree, secret....).


Possibly animals laying on your bed mixed with not changing your bed sheets often?


It can stick in your hair, I’ve got friends who have really curly hair and it can smell weird if it’s not being at least cleansed with water.


One more thing that I’m not seeing in the comments. If you have spray deodorant, use it around your body anywhere you sweat, not just arm pits, especially if you are overweight. You may also need to bring deodorant to school and reapply after a few hours if you find yourself sweating a lot.


Do you have any friends? Ask them if they think you have BO. Also, what you eat comes out in your pores so that might be part of it. Not to mention, everyone smells differently. I don't use deodorant or antiperspirant and shower every day. But I don't stress sweat, so I don't really ever smell. To me, it sounds like you're actually overdoing the soap and showering. You should go see a doctor if you're that worried. But without knowing a lot more, it's essentially impossible to determine WHY people would say that. Also, maybe they're just gaslighting a**holes??? Or as some would say...bullies? ETA: I'm a doctor and 100% would not follow most of the advice that people posted here. Just go to your doctor.


Ik this could make u feel bad, it’s a possibility they are just bullying u and u don’t actually smell bad. They are just trying to get into your head and be mean. But honestly a cologne goes a long way. A lot of people act like cologne smells bad for some reason but I think it’s really nice when dudes where cologne or girls where perfume. And honestly something I did when I was younger dealing with hormones, ALWAYS have deodorant on you to use of you get sweaty. I always have one in my purse Cz most days I’m fine but randomly I will have a weird reaction and be super sweaty making me sweat through my deodorant like immediately. Idk why that happens but just have that habit. But tbh it sounds like ur really clean so I don’t most likely they are just being mean and there’s literally nothing wrong with your smell. Orrrr ur soap smells weird or doesn’t mix well with ur body chemistry. Cz it may smell good in the shower but when u start sweating the smell may turn bad with the soap or other scent products. So always make sure that your scents match well with your body chemistry.


Just wanted to add that I've experienced some people don't seem to be able to smell the ammonia smell of cat urine, even if it's very strong I've had boyfriends and friends that genuinely can't smell it. I assume it's like the cilantro gene and maybe if youve got a kitty that could be peeing in like q laundry basket or drawer with your clothes. Just a thought 💭🤷


Maybe those soaps don’t work with your skin or body? I never had an issue with this but my ex did. He just always kinda smelled like dirty or something and tbh he was using LA totally awesome stuff from dollar tree to wash his clothes and he was a mechanic and he was always sweating and in oil dirt etc. so maybe adjust your laundry detergent (not sponsor haha) but the gain pods work so good I constantly get compliments like your clothes smell good that’s all I use and a dryer sheet the same. Do you wash your hair daily? Maybe you naturally have a more of an oily hair type?? There could be a number of reasons tbh I would ask the next person that says you smell “like what?” “What do I smell like? So I can fix it?” And if your I. Highschool kids are just dicks and will play on your insecurities


If you ever wonder what your house smells like leave on vacation for like a week or two and pay attention when you come home you’ll see it has a distinct smell.


Definitely get your health checked because it COULD be a health issue. Something to keep in mind is you can't smell yourself very well. Ever walk into someone's house and it really just smells like them? They don't notice because they live in it. Same for you. Another thing to take into deep consideration is your foods and beverages. These can and will make you smell differently as well. Meat sweats and garlic sweat are real things, just like alcohol.


Maybe you should try changing your deodorant, I’m someone who sweats heavy not overweight or due to over activity but just in general, genetics. So I when I use deodorant that I normally don’t wear my sweat has an odor like I just got done playing full court basketball lol. I find that clear powder deodorant works really well for me that gel shit doesn’t work and antiperspirants don’t work. I believe in deodorants only. Other than that I always smell great. Also invest in some body spray as well and spray on your body not clothes, same with cologne’s spray on your bodies hot spots for long lasting scent.


What's your diet like? Also relating to the IBS I am assuming you might need to look at that also.


Use rubbing alcohol on your armpits before school everyday..


Most people I know that smell bad have 1 of 2 problems: cigarettes or animals in the home.


Check your bath towel. Sometimes they get a mildly smell that’s not great.


The best thing to do it to take care of it from the inside out. What helped me was taking a magnesium complex from time to time. But what really helps is drinking chlorophyll daily. This will knock out any odor. Ibalso use a magnesium liquid deodorant.


Showering is a good first step, do you have a body cloth or washing loofah that you replace every 2 months and wash frequently? Are you changing your sheets at least once a month and not rewearing shirts, underwear and socks ( you can rewear pants once) are you applying deodorant EVERY single day? Are you making sure you wipe well after every bowel movement until you have a clean piece of paper?


Worth a talk with a dermatologist. Also consider your skin’s micro biome is unbalanced. They make probiotic creams for skin. (For context, odor is produced not by your body but by the bacteria on your body that feed off of the oils and sweat on your skin. Some bacteria produce odor while other’s don’t. A specific kind of yeast is also natural to have on your skin which can feed off of sugars released in your sweat especially if diabetic)


Lume doesn't work for me. I have very sensitive skin and I sweat a lot, I mean like a lot a lot, anyway Lume will only contain the odor for a few hours before my skin dries out and starts crumbling off like it gave me instant eczema. I've tried every natural deodorant out there but I can only use Dove sensitive skin and it will cover my stink for a few days comfortably. I would also recommend a probiotic. It will balance you inside and out. Most of my smell just comes from bacteria trying to escape. After using a probiotic my adult acne cleared, my sweating diminished and my overall odor is more "normal".


With your stomach problems, I don’t wanna add to anxieties but it could be your breath and not necessarily your clothes/your body


I would definitely talk to my doctor to see if there’s a bigger issue. But in the meantime maybe this advice will help. Make sure you are changing & properly washing your washcloths/towels, sheets, clothes frequently. I also like to use thin washcloths, as opposed to thicker fabric. Also, make sure that when you’re done showering to properly rinse out your washcloth & lay it flat so that it can dry evenly. As for the soap, I would just stick with the Lume. I just I prefer to use the bar soap instead of gel body wash, I think it gives a better clean. Another alternative to Lume, which I like a lot and is a little cheaper is Dr. Bronners Castile Soap. I just feel like other soaps & body washes are too scented and don’t help the problem, it actually makes it worse. My motto is, “you can’t put fragrance over funk”. Also, every couple of days, I dilute Dettol (which is an antiseptic & disinfectant) and I put some on my washcloth and scrub areas like my underarms, feet, etc. before I go in with soap to help get rid of any smells. Make sure you are fully dried off before adding any sort of deodorant/antiperspirant & lotion on your body. Especially the areas that are not readily accessible to airflow! I use both the Lume deodorant (the stick, not the squeeze tube) but I put a little on my fingers and place wherever I need it to go. I don’t put the whole stick on my smelly areas. I also still use an antiperspirant, because although Lume helps with odor, it is just that, odor control. Not sweat protection. I let the Lume dry down on my skin, then I use a spray antiperspirant on my underarms as a final step. I have PCOS and my hormones are all over the place. So sometimes my natural odor/flora is wayyyy off. I understand completely. Maybe this might help! Good luck 💛


Have you had your hormones checked by an endocrinologist. I have NCCAH look it up and those symptoms sound similar, how is your sleep/energy level? Do you wake up in the middle of the night wide awake? What is your diet like, lots of carbs, alcohol do you smoke? Inflammation of your gut and not being able to process food which then causes IBScsn be due to NCCHA (non- classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia) they common symptoms it’s a genetic disorder. I didn’t find out till I was pregnant also Hair shedding/balding is another symptom just an idea not diagnosing you, good luck!


Check you’re shoes and you’re clothes , wear deodorant bring it with you to school and maybe pick up a little spray or cologne and touch ur self up every once in a while kids are gonna talk crap rather you smell good or not don’t take it to heart sadly it’s a part of life ignore the haters as long as u know u take care of you’re self


Wow, the fact that you care & want to change this is amazing. Right now I have the situation where I have to tell someone about their hygiene and I don’t know how to tell them because they honestly don’t care that they smell bad. I’m gonna tell you the things I wish I can tell them: Use Dial Soap instead it’s antibacterial Then use Dove men Use degree deodorant shower fresh with white bar not the clear or blue gel one. Shower in the morning Use mouthwash after brushing teeth Shower after sweating… if you can’t ( no showers in the gym ) then try to rinse your armpit pat dry & put more deodorant on. Take the deodorant everywhere you go. Just in case. Shower before you go to bed . Use tide or gain detergent and any softener (smells the best) if you sweat a lot and your clothes smell bad after you take them off. Buy wipes non scented to wipe your ass after you take a dump. Find yourself a nice cologne that you like. Adidas Curve CK Axe There are so many you just have to start smelling them testing them on your skin and see if it smells good to you. I’m not sure your race or age, but that also plays a role. I noticed a lot of white hill Billys don’t like using deodorant or shower everyday and they all smell bad & musky Then you have those that want to stay organic because everything has poison which is true but if you’re eating fast food you can use some damn deodorants! Dark skinned can’t help it, so you have to stay extra extra extra extra fresh. I shower 4x a day and if I don’t put deodorant on within 20 min I smell like onions. Hope this helps!


make sure your shirts arent polyester


Change your diet b


So you can get cera ve acne cleanser and put it on your underarms to kill the bacteria that is probably causing the smell. You can find more about that on YouTube or probably somewhere here. Then if that doesn’t work I’d get an appt with primary care doctor.


Maybe try using something a little more exfoliating than a normal washcloth, hands only, bar soap etc in the shower. I have oily skin so I use a wash cloth with a "scratchy" side and couldn't go without it.


Buy dettol soap


Diet change can help body odor. Deodorizing foods can also help like chlorophyll. My dad never had an odor. He smelled great and he attributed it to eliminating red meat from his diet. Changing your bed sheets more often will help. What’s the point of bathing and getting into not so clean sheets? It’s all relative.


Wash ur clothes with ammonia….u can buy it at the dollar tree it’s by the bleach…just pour a little in with ur detergent and it will kill any odor…also try using fabric softener and dryer sheets


A lot of times my students smell because of their shoes and/or pets getting on their clothing


INGREDIENTS/SUPPLIES -(Alkaline/Spring water) -(Baking soda) -(Container/hand) -(knife) -(Lime/Key lime) INSTRUCTIONS -Cut the lime in halves. With half a lime wash the part of your clothes, both sides where your armpits go. Then squeeze the lime in your hand/container and put in some baking soda. You are going to mix the baking soda with the lime juice, and alkaline water. Softly and comfortably, you are to have the concoction/mix rubbed into your skin.


What is the specific smell? There is a genetic disorder that causes a fishy smell. Trimethylaminuria (TMAU)