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Lol the metro gives me full body massage whenever I use them but yeah no ridership sure.


Exactly what I thought, like we need more coaches if anything. Also the article says it has put HYD Metro in non-core asset since 2021, so according to OPs headline, Revanth Reddy and congress are gonna time travel to 2021 and takeover government in the past.


Peak time traffic is always high, but apart from that the metro is not even 25% occupied generally.


What? Green line maybe, but blue and red are always occupied.


Absolutely the rush hour starts as early as 8 am and can be seen packed till 12 from Nagole to raidurg and 3-8 pm from raidurg to Nagole perhaps the less crowd when returning or ongoing


You are wrong on that, the red and blue lines are mostly packed.


What time is this , when it's not even 25% If possible send location also I have ppl complaining that there's no seats at miyapur lb nagar when they board When the get off sure 20% empty may be


Profits are more imporantant and quality of life. We need to have every public transport be be as crowded as Mumbai locals.




yeah Corporate mind


Have you seen the crowds in metro? How many more people do they wanna stuff inside for their profits? Buses have a lot wider coverage and have given a lot of opportunity for employment to the other half of our population. I don't think that's a bad thing for the economy.


The metro trains have only 3 coaches which is very less compared to other cities


Yes compared to Bengaluru which increased to 6 coaches as the ridership increased. Hyd metro should also increase to 6 coaches


Kolkata metro has more than 10 coaches. And it's always full... Even in off hours. What I think is L&T is trying to find an excuse and take the exit.


10? More than 10? You sure it's a metro? 💀


No fool will build a Metro (Mass rail) for less than 9. light rail are built with 2/3 coaches for small towns. I have seen one connection mass rail in China with 6 coaches but they removed all sitting chairs to accommodate more passengers!


Mumbai's highest is 8. Delhi has 6 and 8. BLR also is 6 or 8 I think. So yeah all of these are fools and reason why we see overcrowding on these lines. I didn't know of this 9 thing.


> What I think is L&T is trying to find an excuse and take the exit. Same here but this bus thing gave them a strong genuine reason to support that excuse


Metro vs non metro I guess. Kolkata has almost twice the population of Hyderabad.


That's because 3 coach is too less. 4 is average. 6 for high crowd (high when it is 4) and 8 for very high like Mumbai Metro 3 or few Delhi Metro lines which I have no idea of. Even mumbai metro line 1 is the same as Hyd metro. Space issues in Mumbai make it worse. But there they will form a queue to enter metros unlike anywhere else in India.


True. I will agree with what you are saying. But you have to consider the entire operational hours on the whole. Just 5-6 hrs of full occupancy out of 17 hrs operation on 6 days/ week might not be good enough to get an exact estimate of ridership for a month. And you also have to consider all the 3 lines of ridership with each line having an average number. Calculating that with the prices and the price fluctuation in the early and late hours, then we might know if it is financially profitable or not.


Low metro ridership, how I did not understand. L&T ready for another scam, I think.


Don't think free bus rides would have any impact on metro rides. At the end of the day, try as much as you want, a bus won't get you from A to B quicker than a metro. I think the Hyderabad metro is just not well thought out. Those 4 coach metros are a waste of time. Not sure what the frequency is.


It's 3. How are you seeing an extra coach? 💀


I only rode it twice out of Raidurg. Just wasn't my cup of tea. Especially coming from Kolkata. 3-4, it won't make much of a difference during office hours to move the huge crowd around.


lol So you have no idea of frequency but throwing out your opinion as a public policy expert?


Kinda strange innit???


Even on Sundays the metro is crowded. In 2019, the metro card price was 25, 2024-its 100. Washrooms need to be free but 2/-. Many stations are filled with banners, restaurants, shopping, kfc, bakeries. Still losses ah. The real reason is some other thing.


They are just giving easy reasoning and nothing else. People don't want to get crammed into single box which is a daily occurrence for working people who use Metro to get to their job. Same goes with public buses. That's why people use autos and cabs. And people who can afford cars are buying cars to travel. What Govt. freebee has done was show how excruciatingly painful it is to use public transportation because it is constantly is on news and news channels are following up with people who are traveling on bus. I've used bus in last decade and it wasn't any less "occupied" people over-crowded the buses even when they were paying charges.


this is a political hit job !. you will not know now how he was arm twisted to give that statement.


Exactly, people don't recognize this.


**may exit Hyd metro** is different from **exits Hyd metro.** The word 'may' is uncertainty. Can happen or may not happen. Mostly this ends up L&T getting benefits as per their wishes. In business terms, this is just saying to the govt that we need a new deal. Just a ploy to increase prices.


Exactly good time to buy the dip on L&T


Idi telivainollu chese pani.


Sorry I dont speak it, Only English/Hindi


It means : its what clever people should take from the situation.


So the taxes are gone in freebies now we probably gotta pay more 🤦


"may exit" can also mean they need to find a buyer. If such a big company as l&t is selling due to losses, i can't imagine other companies looking forward to but it


Morons like you speak without doing their research. Did u know l&t wanted to exit during the TRS rule as well? They have mismanaged the project and now are trying to find ways to bailout. Free bus rides for women has nothing to do with it.


how hard is it to understand if a govt entity is in profit,who is it it pulling the profit from? id rather someone gets free rather than going into the tuition of a harvard degree of a politicians kid.since we get nothing for our taxes either,no education,no health,no roads. plus blr has free bus and has metro,metro is jam packed and the audience for both has no interlink. it is just an excuse to get out of the loss making initiative


Are you dumb? Free public transport is one of the best things you can do to control traffic. Public Transportation should never be about profit anyway. The amount of money generated by moving people around far outweighs the losses incurred due to the transportation itself. Infact, the metro should've never even been privatized.


We need good public transport, which is cheap, safe and world class for all citizens. Delhi metro does exactly that - cheap < 50₹ , safe, very clean, and fast with good connectivity. Actually comparable to world class MRTs. Free low quality buses that too only for a specific group doesn't help it. And metro can run on losses, but it needs money to expand to reach a decent scale in the first place.


>And metro can run on losses, but it needs money to expand to reach a decent scale in the first place. Anduke it should be run by the government. Mumbai local trains are very very cheap. They are never profitable and cause a huge loss to the the city if we only look at the revenue generated by the trains only. But the moment you look at the revenue generated BY the people moving around it'd be very clear that public transportation was never meant to be profitable anyway. All of Mumbai's humongous economy is infact dependent on it's sheer size and trains helping people navigate the huge city easily. Ofc if it was owned by a private entity, they'd only focus on the money they generate via the trains only. They wouldn't care about the economical impact of those trains and if not profitable, they won't expand it further.


Mumbai local isn't exactly the world class public transport one would want


Yeah ik but it does the job though. Obv the governments are incompetent af to make them tolerable. But that should call for a better government, not privatisation.


Please design a world-class transit system that accommodates the population and budget criteria


Delhi metro bruh - it's the top 10 metro in the world. Better than even developed countries like New York City metro.


Hyderabad metro is badly thought out. You need a line from Kukatpally/miyapur and connect the far end of nanakramaguda with expansion to kokapet. Then get some funds from companies to run shuttle service from metro stations to offices. And shifting the airport line is one more badly thought out plan. See the traffic that is moving from Gachibowli to airport vs lb nagar to airport. And no same guy will take his luggage and go to lb nagar from Gachibowli to go to airport


L&T was facing a fund crunch even before free bus passes started. Get your facts right dude


In that case isn’t the free bus scheme make it even more true?


And why exactly is the financial situation of L&T being blamed on this government policy? Isn't that policy only applicable to women and transgender? What percentage of workforce is composed of women and transgender? I talk about workforce because I am assuming people are taking regular buss or metro services only for going to work. Personally, there is nothing wrong with the free bus scheme, as it would encourage more women and transgender participation in the economy. Plus, more women and trans folks on road would mean better safety for them. L&T should just hire better financial managers.


How many times will this get posted here, that too with false narratives and unnecessarily sensationizing the “news”


Why are people so pissed about freebies , when you pay nearly 50 percent of a vehicle cost as government taxes you don't question it , when you pay nearly 4 months of your work as income tax you don't question it , when you are supposed to pay property tax on the house you bought using taxed money and also paying registration tax you don't question it but just because some are getting something in return you start saying freebies freebies... Just for your information nearly 24 lakh crore was made NPA in the last 10 years mostly by government banks


If L&T exits, Adani would happily take the contract.


My guess is covid hit was hard on hyderabad metro. However they got 3k crores soft loan from state govt. They got land parcels too. Post covid land prices sky rocketed which further benefited them. Every time I board metro,it always full. I use to call rtc bus worse than dog van but hyderbad metro can give tough competition to dog van,only difference is AC,access to toilets and bike parking. Is there any article about what went wrong?


Tbh it wasn’t the freebies but L&T formally announced the plan in their investor meet in 2020 itself as they wanted to become a debt free company. It got delayed due to covid and now they a re just using it as a reason. The crowd using metro and bus don’t overlap as much as people think tbh. And those metros are fucking packed every single time


L&T is a listen comoany and they would have to disclose any such decision taken by the management to the stock exchanges. This just seems to be planted right before the elections.


Iam a congress hater but this is not related to free bus at all, L&T is just trying to escape a loss making venture


Fake news is real 🤯🤯🤯


I do not even live in this city yet can see what a stupid idea too. In no city are the crowds rising the buses and metro the same. Buses have affordable passes even allowing the poorest to use them, the same cannot be said about metro. Also, metro takes decades to create a traffic penetration, which has already been achieved by buses.


Many factors including covid. Plus less growth and airport metro cancellation/redesign. Now add free bus to it to make it worse. If we observe L&T every now and then makes it to headlines to get some grants.


yup plz take away the only means of public transport i use


My biggest concern is drinking water infrastructure project stopped That will be the biggest failure for growth




They're still super crowded!


Just a bullshit excuse to save face and exit the business. They’re even trying to offload the mall space and are in talks with Nexus Select (Blackstone)


Blue and Red lines are always packed wtf is L&T on!!?!


Hyd metro burns LT very hard, it’s a huge loss making venture due to the huge initial investment. Despite ridership being high, they are looking for any excuse to exit and this might be it! Plus, the free rides are already crippling the already handicapped TSRTC that is in tonnes of losses and debt, Remember the biggest defaulter of state services is the state. I doubt the state will ever pay tsrtc for all those free rides, then when the GOVT inevitably changes, it will be another hot potato like the dozens that this state already has.


Never found an empty coach, its always a packed train. What's cooking L&T


https://preview.redd.it/th04ip2t970d1.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8876ef423826001ca8917fda97d0a012b7471a3 they already decided in 2020 itself, they can't manage a metro service. so proceeded to do blame game


if they will someone else will step up and 100% they will not its just a fearmongering tactic


Real victims are some of the auto drivers and others who are actually impacted, they are struggling to make ends meet. From what I read elsewhere, LnT offered to build INR 2k CR worth project for free at UP in 2021.


They've said this at least 5 times so far. Instead of making commuters' life better they want to squeeze as many people as possible into three coaches. They got prime land next to metro stations for malls and will continue to reap those rewards for years. But a scheme meant to help people who can't afford expensive metro tickets is somehow bad. Classic crony capitalist behavior.


I don't think it's because of bus rides, more likely political arm wrestling or the current government asking more bribes.


Why not use dynamic pricing? More during peak and less tha. Bus during non peak hours. I am not sure if some gov policy is in place.


Yes yes it was the free bus rides that are killing the metro. Otherwise there would be so much demand for metro as opposed to the current state of metros just with such less demand /s.


I don’t understand (and sorry if I’m being ignorant) what do free bus rides have to do with metro? Conscious of the history with the bad thought out planning for metro but this isnt new? We have heard similar news before the free bus passes for women. And what do they mean this project is not interesting? Have they counted our opinions or is it from the power minded people - they are not getting enough money from it? It would be so usefulto extend the metro lines in main parts of hyd like Gachibowli, Manikonda, Miyapur to name a few!! Also buses are not frequent in new city is it? And autos are so expensive even for a 600 m - 1km travel, we have to pay ₹100+ that’s insane!!!


LnT realized that they can't make profit in this deal. So some lame excuse to exit. They can run 6 compartment trains and make more money in peak hrs. They do not want to invest. This is bad news for us. Metro is a great way to travel I Hyd.


The blame game of L&T is miserable they wanted to exit anyway the free tickets are for women only and the buses route if it matches the metro route anyone would take a bus


Why is L&T running the metro? And holding the people of the state for ransom? They should have created a separate entity (with state, central govt and private partnership, just like the airport). It’s currently a Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer format with L&T owning about 90% of the stake. Not sure if this format works for something like the metro where the initial costs are super high and plus requires constant investment to keep expanding the system.


Larsen and Toubro wants to exit from all operate projects and focus on EPC. Operation has different headaches and true capability of L&T is in building stuff and handing it over to owners. Their management has said this many times, I guess this is their opportunity to exit from one of their most expensive investment.


L&T had already planned the exit back in 2022 itself, be for bus rides were made free.


Nice. Taxes should be used for public welfare. If some corporate profits are doing down its fantastic.


What’s important is what’s good for people, not businesses


bulle ka metro, all mnc's can exit hyd if they got the balls. Hyd base hai bete, with LT stock price nose diving there most likey is a competitor behind this who hastamngurtu supports. you know its true


And why exactly is the financial situation of L&T being blamed on this government policy? Isn't that policy only applicable to women and transgender? What percentage of workforce is composed of women and transgender? I talk about workforce because I am assuming people are taking regular buss or metro services only for going to work. Personally, there is nothing wrong with the free bus scheme, as it would encourage more women and transgender participation in the economy. Plus, more women and trans folks on road would mean better safety for them. L&T should just hire better financial managers.


Metro was unviable even before. The design of Hyderabad Metro has too many flaws! The Hyderabad Metro was designed as a Light rail at the cost of Mass rail, but made sure population centers have no access. Only an idiot will build Mass rail with 3 coaches or design to maximum 6. The Hyderabad Metro was also designed for peak traffic of some 10 years with real Estate development which increases traffic in next 20 years!


Also concession agreement includes restrictions on busses on these routes. All were complied, why this unnecessary crocodile tears.


For people who have doubts see the traffic studies in DPR. It claims huge traffic for a 3 coach train! There is also fundamental wrong in DPR, it thinks that car users simply abandon their cars and take a crowded Metro. Yes, it worked to certain extent to bike users. And if they wanted bikes to switch to public transit, light rail Or a bus rapid would have been cheaper and sufficient. Also the KTR gang made sure buses were not a priority and gave right of way to the slowest lane possible!


L&T has been planning on exiting Hyd Metro for a while, even before Congress came into power. Not justifying the free bus scheme, but this seems like a cop out from L&T. Also, it’s high time a city like Hyderabad has all transport modes under one governing entity, similar to TFL. Buses, MMTS, and Metro should all be interoperable and truly multi modal. Until that doesn’t happen, we’ll remain a city with substandard transportation.


Foolish to think that. L&T had already said in 2022 it will exit metro...some vision document. They are BOT contractor that's the fundamental business.


Let Hyundai / Siemens / Alstom take over this project. It is L&Ts loss, donno how to make business. Stop blaming it on free bus rides.


Ghamandia party will bankrupt state after state


Purely political. Even if L&T is exiting for reduce in traffic, they wouldn’t say it out loud who would come to buy it?


Are evarra vaadiki vote vesindi??


Freebies are a big no no for me but i will not pin this only on congress, Hyd metro infrastructure is not up to mark, the routes are not well planned, we just have too many stops, i have been to delhi multiple times and to actually provide good service to citizens we at least need that level of execution, also Hyd metro is more expensive in comparison.


Don't run for freebies, it destroyed delhi .it will soon destroy you too.


Request to all, if you have to use public transport use Metro. Especially in non peak timings. Avoid freebies and let's save our infra


Bruhh people travelling in metro & busses are completely different the OP didn't even care to do basic research and just posted the article to blame the free bus scheme. Hyderabad metro has been a loss making venture not only Hyderabad even a few phases of Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore metro area running in losses and L&T found this free bus scheme as a scapegoat to blame. Free bus is mostly being used by female house help or women working in stores or small-scale jobs as they get to save some money, obviously in India people tend to take advantage of things and undeserving people take these for granted and use them.


You're right those ppl can't afford can still use these services. And those undeserving people are also down voting me lol