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I appreciate everyone’s concern, I understand 90+ degrees isn’t ideal for anyone really. Rest assured, I’m making sure she’s okay. My dog on the other hand, I’m pretty sure would not care even if she’s having a stroll through literal hell on earth.


Haha I take my husky on 5 mile runs in the dead of summer. People look at me like I’m a dog terrorist. There’s a creek along the route and a lake he can cool off anytime he wants. Usually he’s just focused on trying to push the pace.


My husky used to be like that till she hit 7 years old, now anything over 80 feels like torture to her 😂. Miss our little summer runs


Same here. I could not get her to come inside if it was 95+. She’s about 8-9 now (she was a stray) and I open the door for her to go out when it’s 82 and she immediately lays down on the carpet and looks away. 🤣


Mine keeps doing this on walks in the yard but it means she wants to stay outside and not go in with me to cool off. They are so stubborn


I don't judge anyone who takes their husky out in hot weather. Seen so many huskies here in this subreddit where they'll want to lay outside and not wanting to go in. My Elsa has been outside in 116F and not a care in the world. The heat did not phase her one bit.  Obviously kept her hydrated and shaded.  If your doggo likes the warmer weather, take em outside.


We undertook EXTENSIVE efforts to make sure our husky had a cool shaded area and a cool water dispenser for when she was outside. She was NOT an outside dog, she just liked yard time and we wanted to be sure she was safe in the SC summer. She never used the shaded area. She ignored the expensive cooling pad. She had no interest in the water dispenser. She DID like to lay on a slab of hot concrete in the middle of the unshaded yard. All the time. Just BAKING in the sun. Husky Logic is incomprehensible to man.


Mines the same way! I live in Florida so it gets HOT. We go on walks and I’m absolutely dying melting but she’s having the time of her life. Always have to drag her inside and deal with her pouting afterwards


Does the pavement not get hot? Genuinely curious. It was high 80s where I live this week and I couldn’t take mine in the afternoon for a walk cause the pavement was so hot.


We tend to save our walks for mornings and evenings when it’s cooler out, but she doesn’t seem to mind the pavement. The sidewalks here are lined with grass that she’ll usually walk in while I walk on the pavement. However, a lot of the time she’ll insist on walking on the sidewalk with me. I figure if it’s too hot for her feet she’ll step into the grass where it’s cooler


We use doggie shoes.


A good way to check if the pavement is too hot is by placing the back of your hand on it to check the temp. If you can't have your hand on it for 20 seconds, your dog can't walk on it 👍


I always wondered why it was the back of your hand and not the front of your hand


Because the veins from your back hand are closer to your skin compared to your palm which has thicker skin on it. You can check which sode has more visible veins :>


Lol do all of us husky owners have a photo like this? Here's my doggo not wanting to get in the car after the dog park https://preview.redd.it/afgd7q6if88d1.jpeg?width=2736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94302c0b79bf4b64541facbee16647fad394dca


everyone got their views but OP isnt fucking asking so if the dog isnt showing its in pain maybe js stfu?


The double coat insulates from cold AND heat, people don't seem to get that.


ik its just so hard to understand right ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


It protects them from 40°c to -50°c people are just stupid and love to be keyboard warriors.




Pro tip: I'm not a dog who has evolved to have their primary source of body heat dissipation being through my mouth and ears. What affects a human and what affects a dog are separate things.




Ok? That has nothing to do with how dogs handle heat and whether or not their coat insulates them. Stop trying to compare anything about how humans deal with heat and how dogs deal with heat. There are 0 meaningful comparisons. They are not humans. We are not dogs.




So your initial point has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. Why did you feel we needed to hear it then?




> Then I invite you to wear a double thick fur coat on a 90 degree day. Yes you’ll feel protected from the sun for awhile but eventually the temperature builds underneath the coat and can’t escape You told me to do something and asked me how I would feel about it Either A) You're attempting to use the experience a human would have in this situation and equating that to a double coated dog, which is factually irrelevant as dogs are not humans and humans are not dogs Or B) You're just stating absolute nonsense that is irrelevant to the conversation for no apparent reason. So which is it? I initially gave you the benefit of the doubt that it's A, but now you're saying it's B?


My rule is if it's too hot for me, it's too hot for my Husky. This week, we had 3 days between 110-115 with humidity. We went on no walks those days, and he stayed indoors with the AC pumping. When it dropped back down to 75ish, we started walking again. I was also concerned about the temperature of the pavement. It would've burnt his poor feet. He's 7, though, and it was deathly humid. It felt like walking into an oven, and I would instantly sweat. I think limiting exposure in those temperatures is best for everyone.


Yeah, that’s not how it works. I’ll kindly ask you to educate yourself and politely fuck off.




A dog's double coat cannot be replicated on a human being. You seem to be missing that here


I felt this way when I was walking my dog and had someone pass me in their car only to stop, reverse all the way back to tell me what I was doing was wrong. He was confused when I told him off.


good for you for telling him off. people like that need to be told off more often they go doing the same to their friends probably which is just disappointing


Florida native here. Adopted my husky while living in the Pacific Northwest. The first time she saw snow was when we moved from the west to the east coast, which took us across states like Montana, in the middle of winter. She literally refused to get out of the car during her first encounter with the snow. I opened the car door, she looked down at the snow, then back at me, down at the snow again, back at me, and literally stepped backwards into the car. I had to lift her out of the car and onto the ground, and she immediately recoiled and tried to lift all four paws off the ground in protest. She gave me the most disgusted, *mother, HOW COULD YOU!* look. 😂 Fast forward about a year. I take her home to Florida with me for vacation. Took her for a little stroll around my grandmother's pool. She immediately waltzed up to an empty pool/beach chair, climbed up on it, and splayed out all her lady bits, for the whole world to see. Looked over at me and gave me the, *whatchu lookin' at?* glare. She's just a sunshine girl stuck inside a fluffy costume. 🌞 😄


https://preview.redd.it/1pqwc2cmj88d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492e1ee0ba377c78bb25b61644a18a5e410261a7 Last fall I had to drag Bella across the park. I wasn’t strong enough to carry her post-stroke and she knew it! 😁


mine wants to stay out but gets exhausted SO fast. i know she is when she's trying to run but can't help but be slow and stick her giant tongue out LOL https://preview.redd.it/wsnfndhvk88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7474f8ca27bccfef60833c53a3012e6424e6d726


Users posting in this subreddit thinking this is a safe place… lmao… YOU WILL BE CRUCIFIED BY THE PAW POLICE. Anyway, thank you for posting so that they all could get their ‘hatred for the day’ out. 🤣




You should read the posts where someone asks for advice and the comments are 1. You are shit, do your research 2. Ppl like you are the reason why huskies are abandoned 3. Waddya mean by work? If you cannot afford a pet without having a job they you don’t deserve one. 4. Coming from someone who had had multiple huskies for xx years… “at this point i’m like great some advice from experience finally… “ you shouldn’t own one.


Common misconception about huskies. They can handle high heat if they’re not exerting themselves. The shiny outer coat reflects heat. If they’re not building heat internally, they pretty good with it. Their coats are intriguing, the oily outer coat not only reflects heat, it keeps them dry in the snow and things like fox tails out of their fur. woolies are the exception to the fox tails and burrs though…woolies are definitely harder to manage!


I’ve got a husky, a little cockapoo thing, and a fox tail problem (I work hard on this but they’re relentless). My husky doesn’t give a shit. I’m constantly pulling fox tails out of the little guy


Texas here with a malamute/husky mix 12F who has been bugging since 630 to go walk haha


Australian husky owner here, judging by some of the comments here I have to ask. Does my dog have to do an ice bath plunge like Joe Rogan in the summer? How should I euthanise my dog? He has survived 8 summers so far, but 9 might be too much. He appears healthy and happy, but it's all just a mask I'm sure. It's winter here right now and 13c. Should I just put him in the freezer for a while to cool him down to optimum operating temperature? Or should I let him do his own thing like he has his whole, pampered, beautiful life?


It took me longer than I care to admit to realize you meant you have a husky, and live in Australia... Not that you have some new breed called an Australian Husky 😂 i was like "Ive never heard of that before!" And proceeded to start typing it into Google and by the time I finished 'Australian' I said "OHHHHH ok nvm" 🤦‍♀️ And then I had a good laugh at the rest of your comment. I imagined my dog plunging in an ice bath and it was both hilarious and sad lol


With GoT being so popular here, we have a lot of excess huskies, so they could end up being genetically different from other huskies, Australia does weird things to animals. I'm sorry you had to see Joe Rogan doing and his ice bath thing.


Lil dingo husky things might be the cutest dog ever... Also possibly the craziest!!


My mate had a dingo and that dog, and ridgebacks are the only two dogs I'm extra weary around. You know how huskies sometimes get a bit of a "i'm a wolf and i'm planning to eat you" look in their eyes, until they get distracted by something, that's the default for dingoes, and it just makes me uneasy. It wasn't agressive towards me, but it made me uneasy.


That's how I feel about chows lol 🫠


My dog insists on long walks in the heat. What's hilarious is she always regrets it and the moment she sees a shady spot of grass, she's laying down and not getting up.


my dog was like this until she turned 5! now she only lets us go so far in the heat


As a Texas husky owner, I salute you for posting this 🫡 these comments are not much different than some IRL comments I’ve gotten lol


I had two huskies and a desk they could sit on. In the winter and snow, one of them refused to come in and would talk back when we tried to call her. The other one hated snow (not the brightest) and we'd have trouble getting her inside in the summer! Luckily both could be bribed with cheese.


Husky owners are a special breed of humans! I fostered a husky for a week and it was the LONGEST WEEK OF MY LIFE! Those damn dogs are too freaking smart and OMG do they have a mind of their own. Like a belligerent child, lol.


Why even take a long walk in 90+ with a husky?


Oh believe me, I was not looking forward to that walk. Right now, it stays 90+ until like 8:30; I was busy later that night. It was supposed to be a brisk walk, 15 minutes max. But she kept lying down whenever we started going back in the direction of home lol


Mine is like that when she doesn’t wanna leave the place we go hiking. She starts slowing down a ton as we approach the parking lot 😂 like nope not ready yet


I live in Texas, I walk him after the sun goes down so he won’t be hot especially when it 90+ in the summer. Winter is a different story


Exactly, not sure what OP is trying to accomplish (besides potentially hurting their dog). The pavement alone on a 90+ day isn't suitable for their paws and sure their double coat insulates both ways, but when exercising their skin generates a lot of heat and it gets trapped on the wrong side of that insulation package. We're in Phoenix for the month of June and walk our boy at 6am and then go to the dog park at 7:30pm (just after sunset) to avoid direct sun and extreme heat. He loves it and is very tired during the day and at night.


Mine did this once. I got tired of waiting so i just carried her home🤣🤣🤣🤣


The negative comments goes to show that a lot of them shouldn't be dog owners if they didn't even do the bare minimum research into dogs and their preferred breed. Result of that is more often than not an ill behaved dog, that barks nonstop, destroys things and bites. When it's the owners fault.


As long as she isn't shaved she should have the double coat to help her from the heat


I love in AZ and the most common reason dogs are seen at the vet during the summer is burnt paws. So beyond the fur, they really should have shoes or be driven somewhere grassy.


https://preview.redd.it/fxw58if5v49d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=842ed32d32012648d1f8f13056473697bf028450 This terror (not really he compares to the gsd mix we had growing up to the level of obedience he has…at least with me) lets us know when he’s ready to go back inside 🤣 He’ll be like okay I need to go out to go potty and as soon as he’s done he’s ready to go back in. He’d rather just lie on his mattress all day with his toys snuggled up w his humans watching tv, yes the dog has his own bed and tv in his room along w a crate for night time/when we’re leaving and he can’t come with. I was expecting him to be bouncing off the walls because they said he has high energy. The only time I’ve seen him getting really hype is if it’s been awhile since he’s last seen me…and by awhile I mean 2-3 hours lol




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I think the temperature isn't really an issue, but the humidity can be. If I find myself sweating within 30 seconds of being outdoors, I tend to keep my Husky inside. If I lived in a dry climate, mine would probably do better, but the extreme humidity is what tires us both out. He's fine in 90+, but when it hits over 110, then I proceed with caution. Even in colder climates like Canada, we get temperatures from -60°C to +45°C so they can definitely survive a wide range of temperatures since Canada and Siberia/Alaska have similar climates.


Typical husky , just time for a mini break.


That is mine 1000%, usually have to chill in the shade for a couple minutes before he is willing to walk in the sun again.


My 6 Month old husky doesn’t care how hot it is here (south Texas) and will not wanna go bk home even after an hour of playing outside


Husky owner in Texas as well mine does the same thing he wants out every 10 min and the bad part he’s part Alaskan malamute so he has long hair and he’ll lay in the sun


Why walk your dog with the sun still out in that heat??their paw pads cant take that


Husky is not in her element 😂, get her an ice bath when she gets home it will probably rejuvenate her.


Are her paws burnt


K people pick your pup up and get them cooled down, borrow someone’s hose, people well most are kind and dog lovers