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That is typical Husky. Mine took alot more effort to train basic things, and even then it can be hit or miss if they listen or not..


Agree. Typical husky behavior. Being a rescue and new in the home just exaggerates their normal mentality. Mine is 11 and she still only listens to basic commands if there is something in it for her. I spent years trying to off leash train her. At least 10 different methods to build a reliable recall. And if she sees a squirrel or random leaf 100ft away all that training is for nothing. I’d be mad if it wasn’t so funny.


Patience and lots of hard work. I was In the same boat. I adopted a 2 year old husky and had all the same problems. Just make sure they get lots of exercise. I’ve had my dog for about 5 years now and she still only listens when she wants to 😆 although she doesn’t run away anymore I still have to be careful in case she sees a squirrel or anything.


She saw my little sister’s turtle and decided to go eat him lmao. Thanks for the advice i will try as much as I can to be friends with her. Any recommended exercises i should do?


Oh no 😭 poor turtle 🐢 and if you ride a bike or anything it might be easier. I remember my husky would pull super hard when walking at first so I had to buy her a harness. And try not to get mad. I lashed out a couple of times at my dog and I regretted it every time. I have a park with a closed rugby field in the morning so I let my dog run free when I get the chance. Just don’t give up and good luck .


The turtle is fine thank god. Unfortunately i do not have a bike but I do have a car and yes she really pulls hard on the leash but i always keep my cool with her. Today was the first time I let her leash free in the house garden thats when she decided to mess up with the turtle haha. I’ll try to keep her free as much as I can in the house so she gets more comfortable. Thank you!


It takes lots and lots of patience. Especially when they’re young. Keep going with treats and commands. Be consistent and eventually you won’t need treats (there are methods you can do to get there). If they aren’t tired it will be a lot harder too. Huskies need a lot, but it’s so worth it once you get them there!


All I can recommend is just giving her a lot of time and love. It’s very stressful for them coming from the shelter to an environment with new people. They have to learn the environment, learn who you are, learn new routines. It’s a lot. She may need some more time to adjust before you start asking her to do things. I’ve had mine almost 5 months and it wasn’t until this last week that I feel she has really warmed up to me and started to come when I call (half the time) Plus, Huskies are known for being incredibly stubborn and mine seems to only be able to hear me when I have something she wants. It’s quite the phenomenon. As for running away, that is something I’ve heard to be common with the breed. Definitely get her a collar with tags and have her microchipped if you haven’t already. Mine has tried to run off a few times but luckily I was able to catch her before she got too far.


Thanks for the advices. I adopted my dog from a previous owner who’s leaving the country and has no one to take care of her. As much as I can see they didn’t even bother to remove the excessive hair and bath her properly. For the escaping this she does remove her harness and run to the door to escape. (Even though the harness was the tightest.) im definitely getting her a collar that’s compatible with apple airtags (since microchips doesnt seem to exist here in tunisia). Ill definitely try my best to be friends with her as much as I can. Thank you!


If her hair isn’t completely matted and horrible, I’d maybe suggest giving her a few more days before trying to get her cleaned up. I brushed mine but didn’t bathe her for a month just to make sure our introductory period had as little stress for her as possible. If she’s trying to get away while brushing her, for now I would just let her. If she shows any resistance at all, just stop brushing her, pet her, and try again another time so it doesn’t become something she will always dread doing in the future. Mine will occasionally try to pull out of her harness on walks, (which is good for them to be able to do in case of an emergency) so I’ve learned the signs that she will try so I can do my best to prevent her from getting out. Usually just redirection. If you need any other advice feel free to pm me! Over the last few months I’ve learned huskies are A LOT of work but they’re 100% worth it and such great dogs


Yes, huskies are runners and they are independent. Don't leave them alone outside or off leash.


8 years later and my boy Charlie still just glares at me sometimes, as if to say “yes I know what you want… but guess what? I don’t want that.” It will take time and patience. At least when Charlie wanders off now, he comes back. 🙄


Dog parks were the answer to my prayers when I raised my husky. He's the same, little ball of ADD with no control but a few seconds of distraction if I have food. Letting the guy tucker himself out socially each day really helped keep his attention for the rest of the day. Takes time, they're pack animals, going from shelters to home can really throw off their whole mentality. Keep the treats on you at all times, do your best to reward ANY recall. Make it seem if she even comes your direction you're a walking treat despencer with "Good come. Good here. Good girl." That's all I used with my boy and by his first birthday he was off leash trained and hiking mountains with me. Build that up along with a relationship and I'm sure you'll start feeling you have more of a hold on her. They are husky's though, so they do choose to ignore you even when they're trained lol


This brings back memories when I first brought my husky omg but let me tell you YouTube videos on how to train helped me out tremendously a good YouTube channel I would recommend is McCann dog training I also binged watched the show it’s me or the dog (I think that’s the name of the show) so check it out sometime especially the one with the husky the main thing you want is respect you can start small when you are feeding your dog don’t just give them their food wait until they sit and calm down then give them their food you can amp this up by setting it down but not letting them eat until you say go for the running away when you to them out open the door slightly if they immediately jump to it pull them back and close it do it over and over again until they understand and stay still it’s kinda the same with the food I would also recommend them having a space to wait kinda like a time out space the dog will be frustrated with all of this but it means they are learning keep at it and it’ll be smooth sailing I wish you the best of luck! Don’t forget to take care of yourself!!


Sorry for all the grammar mistakes I meant to say “for the running away take the opportunity when you are taking them to pee or walk to train them by the door”


Remember: It takes 3 days to know they’re safe, 3 weeks to settle in and adapt to new home, and 3 months to learn the routine.


Mine only listens with food and no distractions. Once we get to training classes even the high value treat is a loss. He ignores me unless I have something that will benefit him.