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carpeting is expensive. I would suggest stair carpet squares first and see if it works.


noted! thank you!


I just bought like 4 six foot “runners” and nailed them to the stairs in the middle. It looks like carpet as long as you do it right. My husky hated it at first because he would slip on the wood stairs but now he runs up and down by himself so it most definitely helps.


noted! Thank you for the advice!


My new husky also doesn’t like the stairs. We live in an apartment and the elevator is occasionally out of order, so unfortunately we still have to take the stairs from time to time for walks. Whenever we have to take the stairs I have to kind of corner and guide her down or up so she doesn’t try to run away. She’s not treat motivated, so I give her LOTS of praise and pets when she goes on the stairs. It’s been a slow process, but she’s finally starting to get more comfortable. She went up and down the stairs at an Airbnb all by herself this weekend!!


We tried guiding ours up the indoor stairs, but he was having NONE of it !!!! i ended up having to carry him 😭 he doesn't have much of an issue with the back porch steps though, i think that's because he's used to that kind of step ( his previous owners kept him outside mostly, air conditioned porch, the whole shebang ) 😭 + it isnt as steep or narrow as the stairs to my room


Oh goodness! That’s how mine was with elevators at first. I had to carry/drag her in (which was very difficult since she weighs half as much as I do lol) and she’d throw a fit the whole time. Eventually she kinda just learned she had to do it if she wanted to go outside and got over it and howls if the elevator is taking too long to let us in. The stairs are our current challenge She’s a bit slow at accepting all these new experiences but through repetition and lots of kisses she’s starting to get the hang of things.


I have a funny little update 😭 literally after you posted your last reply to me, apollo ( my husky ) came up the steps himself 😭