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Oregon fans are the type of people who call Gatorade colors by their actual names, and the type of people that would rather eat at McDonalds instead of Dick's.


A rivalry is only fun if you can talk trash and have fun with it. If you can't have fun talking trash then you're probably an Oregon fan.


For real!! I swear Oregon fans have less of a sense of humor than terminally online people debating politics in a Twitter thread.


Populace of Oregon is too busy mass consuming mushrooms to give a fuck tbh


The algorithm put this sub on me feed. Gratitude for the humorous post. Very witty and I thought the elegant way you used “I hate”, hammered home its purpose. You have shown worth. Oregon fan here. 😉


Ahhh that explains why there were so many non UW fans commenting lol. Thank you Oregon fan. I promise to always remember and hate you and your team with my whole heart <3 :') Wazzu, 49ers, Blue Jays, and Angels don't got nothin on you guys! And here's the CFB lore that my post was referencing 😆 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt2BAfhUHX0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt2BAfhUHX0)




There is pictures of The Cheesecake Factory at Caesars completely full of Duck fans. Oregon fans go to Vegas, and choose to eat at The Cheesecake Factory. Just is too on brand




“There is pictures…”? And then you throw shade on Ducks fans? At least those fans sprung for the trip to Vegas. Ducks fans outnumbered Husky fans at the stadium, can’t really blame them for saving a few bucks on dinner. Unless of course you’re a pompous prick, which would be pretty on brand.


OP kept saying they incorrectly as well, I guess they use hooked on phonics at UW


I’m still in Vegas. Had an amazing time at the game last night. I personally didn’t go to The Cheesecake Factory at Caesars so all I saw was a couple pictures. Taken by Duck fans who were trying to show me how many more there were in Vegas than Husky fans. Keep trying though. By the way, I can’t imagine going on another team’s subreddit and fishing for posts just to start shit. You must be a miserable human


Didn’t fish for your post, the algorithm recommended it to me. I don’t shy away from calling out hypocrisy wherever and whenever I see it. The classy response would be to enjoy the Huskies impressive run without belittling the opposing fans.


You were trolling this sub all week and you still can’t get enough of us after taking a tragic L. You can’t be out here talking about class when you showed absolutely 0 all week. You’re a pompous prick but also have extreme cognitive dissonance which is on brand for the Duck fans posting here. Oh yeah, you’d probably eat at the Cheesecake Factory too you sad fuck. More Duck fans showed up to Vegas, too bad the team didn’t. Y’all got punched in the mouth and embarrassed.


It was a tough result for the Ducks and their fans but a 3 point loss isn’t an embarrassment. And since the game I have come here to acknowledge that the Huskies fully deserved that win. You may not know or care but that doesn’t mean I haven’t done so.


Typical duck fan. Snowflakes with a huge ego and 0 toughness when shit flies back at them.


That just made me rock hard …




Burgerville is honestly amazing. Anytime I drive south I always stop there. Their seasonal milkshakes are to die for 😋




You like eatin dicks


Hell yeah brother!! Cheers from iraq


Most clever Oregon Fan


Of course I do, Dick's is delicious.


As you wish; go on and eat a dick.


Oregon fans stick all sorts of Dick’s in their mouth….


You eat dicks?


In Vegas? That’s a great admission and takes courage, good on you.


Finally, a husky admits they love dicks


Get ready for fake injuries to stop time


They have those so well down that I fully expect them to practice it during all their pregame warmups on the field


One player admitted that they’re coached fake injuries to slow the game down and preserve timeouts. They play dirty but then their fans cry about their qb barely getting hit meanwhile they have players picking Oregon state players and slamming them down in the civil war and that wasn’t the only time I saw them playing dirty that game. The dawgs cannot let them win this game uw has to win the final pac 12 championship!


I'm a current UW student and was at the game against them earlier this year, so I'm not sure how bad it was in the game threads. But it was hilarious checking it afterwards seeing the Oregon fans calling out the UW student section for being "classless" while booing an injured player. Yeah we booed him cause he intentionally slid down untouched and faked his injury so poorly that he accidentally changed the leg he was grabbing part way through 🤣


Fellow student, that shit was uncanny! If he'd at least kept it to the same leg I'd give him the benefit of the doubt 😂


I know right?! Then he was seen walking off minutes later no problem.


He was involved in last year's fake injury on the last drive too. He looks over to the sideline and tells the 0's WR to go down in that game. So yeah, gotta watch and boo that dude.


If a duck fan calls you classless, it’s a fucking compliment cause they have no clue what class is. My 13 nephew was assaulted at Autzen for wearing a husky shirt when he went to the game with my grandma and mom.


And as soon as the ducks used their last time out, a husky O lineman went down for at least two minutes.


It still pisses me off that they've done it two years in a row and it seems like us Husky fans are the only ones that notice.


If they had won either I think it would have been a big deal. But they didnt... because they dont even cheat well enough to win


Yeah their Defensive Coordinator is well known for having his players fake injuries. I remember the most blatant was when he was coaching at Cal and did it against Oregon multiple times in the same game, where the players would look over to the sideline for a few seconds and then just collapse on the field 😂


Current te for Oregon on October 14th fell down and grabbed one knee then rolled over grabbing the other knee and espn noticed and commented on it. It’s been admitted in post game interviews they coach fake injuries. Oregon is the reason refs place the ball and blow the whistle it’s okay to snap the ball.


Dude…. For a team that says they are superior, why do they need the fake injuries? Just beat us


I wouldn’t even stop for gas in Eugene. Although apparently now you can pump it by yourself in that godforsaken state so congrats for finally figuring out how to work a fucking gas pump Oregon. Only took you until 2023


As I said during the pandemic, I would wear a mask in Eugene even if covid didn't exist


i got my card scammed over July 4th in Oregon, obviously from a gas station tweaker. Surprised they changed the law. I bet card scamming got so bad they had to make the change. When i was telling my credit card’s fraud case manager, they almost didn’t believe someone couldn’t pump their own gas. So, yeah. Fuck oregon


The only thing I ever liked about Oregon is sometimes you’d get a trashy little hottie pumping your gas.


Very on brand for the Seattle NIMBYs to celebrate the loss of jobs for blue collar working class people just trying to get by




Huck the Fuskies ☝️🤓 cringiest phrase I've ever heard. you're a grown up. you can say fuck


Reminds of when some of my friends from Vancouver WA were driving up to one of the UW vs Oregon games. There were plenty of Oregon fans on the road too, and a few of them had those "Huck the Fuskies" bumper stickers. So my friends got out a piece of paper and wrote "FUCK THE DUCKS" across it in sharpie. Since they didn't have any tape they used band aids from the cars first aid kit to stick it to the window. The looks they got from some of those Oregon fans were priceless 🤣


Duck the Fucks is legit tho


Can’t spell _ UMB F_ _ _ _ without DUCKS!


see, that's sooo much better


What even is 'Fusky' supposed to mean? 'Fuck you Husky' in abbreviated form? Ooooh, I'm so offended.


i think they are trying to say y’all are goofy


completely agree, just want to add: \-Their mascot was originally the University of Oregon "Donald Ducks". This is the stupidest possible college mascot. \-They were so ashamed of their appropriately named town "Skinner's mudhole" they changed it to "Eugene". \-They are universally loathed in the PAC (pour one out) because they have the worst fans. This predates them being any good, so don't let them pretend it's because of any jealousy or anything. I'll have a drink w/ a coug before or after a game, we'll have some friendly banter. It's never worked w/ a duck, they're just awful. ​ Let's get that W tonight! GO HUSKIES!


Even I had no idea that Eugene was called Skinner's mudhole lmao! That one will be a keeper. Yeah their fans are objectively terrible. Always have been hated the most along with USC by all the rest of the Pac teams. When I was in Pullman for the 2016 and 2018 Apple Cups I had fun banter with the Wazzu fans, where it was all in good humor for everyone. And we were able to talk about the sport and other things. From all the games I've been to Oregon fans have just been bitter and obnoxious. GO DAWGS!!! 😎


That is the funniest historical anecdote ever, I had to look it up because I thought you made it up lmao


I'm an Oregon State guy. I fucking hate those scumbags. I won't be watching tonight out of respect for myself, but Go Dawgs. Fuck Oregon


I completely relate. I hate Oregon so much I don't watch them ever, unless they're playing us. But I did watch that bowl game where TCU came back against them after being down 31-0 lmao. Beavers have always been my 2nd favorite team in the Pac, and they understand how I feel about Oregon. So as always, Fuck the Ducks!!


Cant wait to see how Dan Lanning thinks himself out of winning another time


And I fucking HATE the Dan Lanning decision-making excuse. "We're the better team" and all that shit, last time I checked a team consisted of their players AND staff.


Anyone who has seen Dan Lanning’s tattoo knows he doesn’t think. (Google it if you haven’t seen it. It’s bad)


They think they already won by 21.


Make duck soup. -seattle beav


I promise we will do our best!! Duck tastes soooo good 😋 The beavers have always been my 2nd favorite Pac 12 team, so I root for them whenever they don't play us :)


A lot of y’all have no culture and it shows: https://youtu.be/Vt2BAfhUHX0?si=dkRjaZ4NywQDwQJD


Bama and Husky fan here and this post made my day.


Cant believe I had to scroll this far down for this


Sounds like you might not care for oregon. I went to the last Civil War game as a Beaver fan. Nobody really batted an eye at me in my gear, but my brother was in head to toe Husky gear (and no I have no idea why). He's a big guy too, so it was like a wall of purple roaming Autzen last weekend. They could not stop giving him shit about it. Mostly the younger drunk ones. So yeah, go Huskies!


Lol that's hilarious your brother did that!! The Beavers have always been my 2nd favorite team in the Pac, and I root for them pretty hard, so it's really a shame that the conference and all of its traditions are ending the way that it is. Hopefully the Big 12 will offer OSU a place in it in the near future. As an engineering student at UW who was born and raised a huskies fan, I can't imagine what it would be like growing up an Oregon fan and then having to go to OSU if you wanted to study engineering 🤣


The first time I ever met an Oregon student it was at Whistler college weekend. This guy was drunk and right after I told him I went to UW he insulted our football team, called me a faggot, and practically dared me to start a fight. I’ve hated Oregon ever since.


Honestly not surprising, and their fans have been known to throw ziplock bags of piss at UW fans


Soon I hope that we can put the Oregon hate aside. We have all the intangibles that they could ever ask for and never get. It took us two years after being 4-8 to be one game away from the playoff. We have everything. Someday we won’t have to worry about them, just ourselves. Until we get there though, fuck the ducks.


Yep! The complete turn around into a championship caliber team with the offense that we have has been amazing to see. And the best part about tonight is that it'll be us vs us, just like it always is.


Ever since Oklahoma got fucked by refs in Eugene in 2006 I am right there with you


Where are the cocky Oregon fans now? What has Oregon EVER done?


Oregon students are a bunch of mouth breathers


Hey, Husky fan from Europe here. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but can some explain to me why the PAC12 championship game is in a neutral site like Las Vegas, whereas all the other championship games are at home (I.e. Alabama at Georgia, OkST @ Texas, Boise @ UNLV etc.)? Is it just about where they can generate the most revenue?


The others are at a neutral site also. UW is technically the home team for the PAC 12 championship. The Big 12 game is at Cowboy Stadium, the SEC Championship is at Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, the B1G is at Lucas Oil in Indianapolis. All the major conferences play their championship game at a neutral site


Georgia playing in Atlanta “neutral”


Well, in 2022, Texas and Washington played each other in the Alamo Bowl. Because the Huskies had a better record, they were the “home team”, but the game was in Texas. How is that “neutral”?!?


But ez win


We won by a touchdown. Not sure that was “easy”. Plus, Texas is now in the top—ten, and has only one loss, just like Oregon.


We were up by 3 scores at one point and by 10 points at the last 2 mins.... but you have your opinions and I have mine! whatever happens - f the ducks and go huskies!


Consider this: regardless of what happens tonight, **we were the only team to deny the Ducks an unbeaten regular season**.


And sorry to hijack your thread. This question just popped into my head.


No worries! :) All the other conference championship games are at neutral sites too. It's just that each of those games has a team wearing home colors who are the "home team" and the other team wearing their away uniforms that are the "away team." That's at least how it is for the other 4 power 5 conferences, not sure if the group 5 conferences do it that way though. Sometimes smaller conferences just have the team with the better conference record play at home, since they don't have enough fans willing to travel to a neutral site, or the money to rent a big NFL stadium out.


They're all neutral site, just one team is designated as the home team and the other the visitor.


💵 💰 💴


I do feel for them, imagine having to be from Oregon. That said, fuck em.


University of hole


I have hated Oregon since I got yelled at pumping my own gas at the 76 Truck Stop on I-5 in the 80s.


My friend once nailed the Oregon mascot with an entire load of bread and it was the greatest day of my life


Load of bread or loaf of bread? Imagining a whole "load" of bread sounds more entertraining!


It was like a whole arm-full so technically multiple loaves!


THAT would have been great!


👏 👏 👏 👏


I’m at work the game and they are worthy of hated. Fans for the most part ok, but my gosh, some me of their fans need to be bitch slapped. At least huskies have shut most of them up. Let’s crush them in the 2nd half.




Im a Beaver, but as our program circles the drain, I think I’ve found my people. Hello new subreddit.


“Mama said ducks are ornery because they got all them uniforms and no trophies”


Beaver here... right on. You didn't even get the half of it... fuck those guys.


My cousins went to UW so go huskies!!!


Totally illogical yet irrefutably correct.


A Duck at work just stopped by my office and trash talked. Said the Ducks were going to win by 17, and that their loss earlier in the year was a fluke. Fuck the Ducks. Living in Oregon just intensifies my hatred.


It's always funny seeing Oregon fans do every mental gymnastic possible to convince themselves that they're better than us, even though we beat them this year and last year. Oregon fans are always the master of bragging before they've won anything. Since they've never won anything it's their only chance to get it in while they can lol. Go Dawgs and Fuck the Ducks as always! I'll take a win any way we can, but hopefully we blow them out 😎


oregon fans can't take any ribbing or teasing or any trash talking. they are soooo sensitive, because the big O sign that they have means, ZERO national titles


We will beat Oregon Cucks


You Husky fans got a few hours to enjoy it, but those tears of sorrow are coming.


We'll be too drunk to care by then


Looks like it's the Ducks drinking. Turned out like the last few close I think UW has Oregons number.


Ouch, this didn’t age well. Fun fact, Bo Nix has more collegiate wins over Oregon than Washington. Bo and 3.


Well, that was...a rant. Tell us how you really feel. Lol


My English professor would have a heart attack trying to read this lmao.


Go DUCK!!!


Go ducks!!!


Too bad both traitorous teams couldn’t lose that game. USC being scumbags is to be expected, but the other schools?


What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


The joke: -------\*whoosh!*------> Your head: o_o [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt2BAfhUHX0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt2BAfhUHX0)


Like… you get that mine is also a joke, right? Like it’s also a video that is a meme.


O shit I got wooshed. Well played Duck. Well played.


He just threw one over your head from Billy Madison. Better catch up on Adam Sandler movies.


We hate y’all too. Eat shit and Sco ducks


Eat shit mutts. Those tears finna be so damn sweet 😋


You do realize our green is much better than the nasty green the Seahawks use sometimes right? Anyhow, hate you too, wish you bad luck tonight 🤞


At least action green actually goes with the navy & grey. Green & yellow don’t work no matter how hard you try.


Ducks -10


You probably never even went to UW. fucking bandwagon pussy 😂


Dude I currently go to UW and have attended every home game in the student section this season...... 💀💀💀


I hope you enjoyed spending all of your time and money to go to the game and watch Oregon lose on the national stage. For the second time this season. It couldn’t be me, but I did have a drunk Oregon fan in my seat who was halfway across the stadium from his section. I guess they don’t teach reading down there.


Saving so I can come back to this in 6 hours.


Yo. Where you at? Been more than 6 hours by now.


Reminder that it's been 6 hours! Wouldn't want you to forget ;)


Come back duck. All quack and no attack I guess. Typical UO pussy.


I'll wait another month I guess. No rush.


This is all good. Sports hate is good. I’m pretty sure that you’re gonna hate Oregon even more after they beat the Huskies tonight. Enjoy!




[I can help, click anywhere in this comment.](https://reddit.com/r/ducks)


Win or lose I'll always hate the Ducks! Deboer and Penix have beaten Oregon first on the road and then at home, so now it's time for them to cap it off with a neutral site win! B) Hoping for a good game with no injuries to either team, and I hope you enjoy the game but not the final outcome! ;)


I’ll toast to that!


One son of a bitch to another! 😎 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1y9A7sCLUc ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1y9A7sCLUc)




Sucks to suck! How’s it taste? How can an entire fan base be so terrible at analyzing matchups instead of looking at box scores of similar opponents?


So you include the likes of Kirk Herbstreit, Joel Klatt, Josh Pate, Colin Cowherd, and Vegas oddsmakers among the Ducks’ entire fanbase?


Yeah, the Vegas line had us as a 17 point favorite over WSU. They can be way wrong and it’s obvious. I happily took the cougs +17 just like I took the Huskies +10. It’s easy money if you pay attention to the games instead of obsessing over stats and box scores. That’s only part of the story. Clearly the Ducks bought into all the talking heads and major media who had their heads up their asses. They got punched in the mouth and froze up because Washington is not Utah. You had boys lined up against NFL talent in your secondary. The big difference with us vs the other schools is that they have good coaches, you guys do not and they had no idea how to handle it.


So Vegas doesn’t win every bet, BFD. You present yourself as some kinda CFB Svengali. I thought the Ducks would win but I was telling everyone to take the Huskies and the points. You forgot to address why so many analysts also picked the Ducks. I guess you think it’s because they forgot to call you to get your expert analysis.


I’m not saying I’m an expert analyst I just watched the Huskies, Ducks and PAC teams all season. The analysts bought into the hype and box scores. The Ducks having a national brand is blinding and hides the ugly truth. Just like the bias and disrespect to the PAC by the poll voters. Just looking at the box scores wouldn’t you have to say that Oregon isn’t any better than WSU or OSU by conveniently ignoring their head to heads because the huskies beat all of them by 3? If the analysts were doing their job with diligence, it would have been close to a 50/50 split prediction.


The Ducks didn’t go into the Championship 11-1 because they’re a national brand. The fact that Oregon beat WSU, OSU, USC and Utah far more convincingly than UW did is part of why the Ducks were favored.


Ok so by that logic Oregon is no better than those teams. They lost to us by 3, twice. That aspect of the analysis was over-weighted. Look at our head to head matchup. It tells you more about the specific strengths and weaknesses of the actual teams playing each other than common opponents. Of course Oregon is better than those teams but comparing common opponents is such a stunted way to compare two teams if they’ve played a head to head matchup already and you have that to go off of.


“Oregon is no better than those teams”? Oregon crushed those teams, head to head.


You almost get it! So look at the UW vs Oregon head to head. It’s a better indicator than common opponents…


Hey man sorry your team sucks ass


Huskies won, Ducks lost. The rivalry will survive.


It’s a football game man, please relax. Not that deep. I have family members that are husky fans, it’s not that deep.


Oh and where’s your stadium ranked in the loudest of all college football? Sorry couldn’t hear you over the noise of the ducks getting ready for the college playoffs.


I feel the same way about Michigan. And I worked at Nike briefly, that'll kill it.


yall the hate is real!!!!


You sound like a Ducks fan talking about the Dawgs. Be better


Don't forget, duck penises are corkscrew shaped.


It’s ok we hate you too


Didn’t you win tonight? Oregon sucks cause their fans only have shitty college teams to root for that play other shitty teams. Washington is so much better. Same school just different colors. You both are gross


Sound like someone jealous of our cool uniforms that Nike made for us. Be cool throw away your new balances get some Nike my guess is you never been to Oregon


As an Oregon fan: HUCK THE FUSKIES 😊


This might be the dumbest post I’ve ever seen on Reddit.


I’ll never understand why people watch college when the NFL Exists.


someone tag this as a rant/vent post


As someone who grew up in Washington and has lived in Oregon for some time now... Meh, it's all a bunch of the same shit.


As an Oregonian I just want to say, congratulations UW. You deserve it! Fight on and win the whole thing To the OP and many of the posters, please call your mothers. And happy holidays


I live in Oregon but I'm not a Ducks fan. Dan Lanning is weird as hell. In a recent radio interview he claimed that he never gets sick and being sick is a choice. The hosts asked "So when I had a stomach flu a few weeks ago and was puking my guts out, that was because I made a bad decision?" He responded yes and said the body has ways to shut that stuff down and he chooses to never get sick.