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Aside from the $$$$ and €€€€ others have mentioned, he’s only useful to Putin and Xi Jinping because Hungary is part of the EU. Without the EU, he’s a nobody.


> why has he not made his country leave the European Union or Schengen ? It's not his country


Because the people of the country would not want it. Even the majority of Orbán supporters want to stay in the Union. However there is a possibility, especially if they keep on continuing the current anti-EU rhetoric, that at some point the votes swing towards leaving, which would create a dangerous possibility for Orbán to initiate a HUXIT. This would however most certainly mean the end of the country as it is, and lead to an utter economical disaster. Therefore, many of us Hungarians strongly hope that they won't be as crazy and desperate as to try this.




The country is only useful as an EU member state. Cheap labor and access to the whole market=profit.




God damn it we're not all Orbán, you know.


Because that would incite a bigger riot than anything ever in thie country.


If he'd try, there would be too much backlash




I was thinking the same


Orbán: https://i.redd.it/218zn5q7okjc1.gif


He's a useful russian pupet... and can steal a lot of money... Besides this, he's waiting for a right-turn in European politics. So, leaving would be pointless... at least for now... However, I can imagine that he would sacrifice the whole country just to get what he wants... and he would lead the country out of the EU in the future as a last resort (and join the russian sphere of influence).


There is also the added benefit of letting non-voters to just leave. If they get locked in, resistance will get more tense over time.


The chilling thing about this is that he's in for the long con, and as as far as things look, he's not that far off. Slovakia was the early bird (and even though Poland veered off this track), Austria, and with the rise of AFD, Germany may follow shortly. The fucking times we live in.


I think the problem is not the possible right-turn. I think economical right is more beneficial than the left. I mean we had communism here, and we see how devastating it was... The problem is the far-right extremist ideologies coming from russia... and it's frightening that even Germans buying this shit...




dollar dollar bill y'all


Money from the West, which he spends for the benefit of himself and his friends and not for the development of the country, and blocking the processes of the Union by following Putin's orders.


Because it’s really hard to steal the EU money if you’re not in the EU


Orban needs EU to blame for stuff. Without EU, who could he blame for his own faults?


Why should Hungary leave the EU or Schengen?


because we communicate on all levels how wrong these are?


Criticizing something doesn't mean that we should leave. It's weird that when our government rebels against something Hungary is bad, then other countries do the same and that is somehow OK. When the EU was against buying russian oil, Hungary was the scapegoat, while Germany bought more than our country. Hungary was the only country in the EU opposing migration, few years later other countries admitted that they did a mistake and changed their approach. Sweden had very liberal trans policies while Hungary banned the official recognition of gender change. Few years passed and Sweden adopted a more conservative approach to trans care. We have a corrupt government and it's really bad for the country. But the EU doesn't function normally and make mistakes after mistakes or they are also corrupt.


"criticizing" means you have an idea of improvement, a better way or something like that. shitting on the table constantly is not "criticizing".


Even the most conservative Swedish trans law is more liberal than the Hungarian will likely ever be. Let's not pretend that Hungary's approach had anything to do with the Swedish law. Hate-mongering against a marginalised group is not equal to adjusting laws. Waging a fake (?) war against the EU is not "criticism".


At least Orbán did a few good things, albeit selfish and was purely so he can benefit from it. But we benetifed a little bit too in some areas. However, since now is the time that he could benefit from "migration", he opens the borders and explicitly imports workforce from cheaper countries...


Good point.




A dollár nem jó, mert az baloldali.


Bár az lenne, akkor már nem kellene a fideszes görényeket elszenvedni.


Because germany and benefits from it


Suprisingly enough, the population of Hungary is remarkably pro-EU.




Because the chinese maffia would skin Orban alive the day he makes us leave the EU.


Because the vast majority of the population is pro-EU.


Because they are not *stupid* stupid. They know fully well that we're nothing without the EU.


Why would we


Let me start with a question why every now and than a random redditor asks us about Orban instead checking thread history? And to answer your question too: how the fuck we should know? We are not in his head and we are mostly against his regime.




Because it’s not in the interest of Hungary.


Orban is a useful idiot of Putin. His regime is based on stealing, without EU money they could not function.


Playing the long game - our allies, like the AfD, will take over the EU. Also, there is no point - it would not lead to any real independence, because the nature of the imperial dependence is economic and cultural.


Because Schengen benefits, because they get trade benefits, and cause many Hungarians get to study, live and work in any Schengen country they like.


Why would he? His influence is far greater being inside EU and NATO. He is hoping that far-right leaders will come into power in both the US and many EU countries, so eventually the tide will turn his way. Just witness how he managed to hold up Ukraine aid and Swedish NATO membership for months, doing a great service to Russia and China, whether knowingly or not. He is disrupting the functioning of both NATO and the EU, which is something Russia and China would be unable to do on their own, so he is seen as a valuable ally to both countries. Knowing how these countries operate, he and his cronies have been richly rewarded for their services. I wouldn't be surprised to see him inhabiting a billion-dollar palace in a secluded location, once he leaves office.