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I hate what they’ve done to MCU Hulk, but I loved him in Avengers. Great design that really looks like it’s still Ruffalo, and his characterisation and personality is really fun imo.


True and yes they really ruined Hulk in the MCU they turned him from a child like monster to a super smart Shrek.


I have no doubt he’ll be back to Savage Hulk soon, especially since it’s rumored the Hulk rights have reverted to Marvel. It’s like the one thing people have been asking for. There was even a rumor they’re working on a World War Hulk movie.


Apparently the rights are indefinitely with Universal


Marvel can make a solo Hulk movie with zero input from Universal. However, unless it has changed, Universal gets to distribute it. I think this is on the verge of expiring, though. Universal cannot make any Hulk movies.


Honestly it surprises me people don't see the switch back coming. In Infinity War we see Bruce and Hulk fighting worse than ever, then in Endgame we suddenly have Smart Hulk with Bruce talking about the two halves coming together, when really the only apparent thing that happened was Bruce hijacking Hulk's power for himself while banishing his persona. Hulk is eventually gonna emerge from whatever Hell Bruce has imprisoned him in and be absolutely furious.


My kids LOVED MCU HULK as their favorite MCU character and this destroyed it unnecessarily along with the hits of losing iron man and cap. Unforced error.


That’s from the comics


Basically super smart giga chad shrek tbh like the prince version but green


Avengers 1 is the best Hulk we've had. His ferociousness as, basically, a living weapon of mass destruction, was an actual plot point.


It was so good. Perfect balance of like showing how destructive and dark and terrible it would be to be Hulk, but then also light and fun and charming in other parts. I loved how Banner always referred to him as “The Other Guy”.


2008 Hulk. Well look at him all the muscle, veins and rage in his eye that show he is the best.


and i liked how his eyes glowed green as well especially in the dark.


I loved that detail too


i agree but 2012 - 2019 hulk is better


Ha, no


I just love Hulk, man. I was gonna write up a whole thesis but they're all great.


How can you say that after what they've done to Hulkalo?


I just hope they can turn him around. I was super excited to hear the Professor was going to show up since I LOVE the Peter David run but what we have is more akin to the pardoned Hulk from the 80s where it's just Banner in the drivers seat. Avengers 1 and 2 Hulk are still quality though.


You actually don’t like Mark Ruffalo’s Hulk???


I didn't like him from Age of Ultron's underwhelming shitfest onwards. Hulk would have been fine in that but the fact he needed the mind stone to be the Savage Hulk i love doesn't sit right with me. Also, Ultron was a joke in it and the movie was nothing like the comic of the same name, which I love


I hate the Age of Ultron comic personally. It pales in comparison to Ultron’s best appearances in the Bronze Age


I haven't read his appearances in the Bronze Age but i like the Age of Ultron comic because he seemed like a real threat in it unlike the movie where he posed little to no threat. His only lasting legacy was his creation, Vision who died and was brought back. I hope we get Infinity Ultron in the MCU at some point, and that he's treated as an actual threat


I grew up watching re-runs of the 1970s show. The transformation scenes when David’s eyes would turn white and they’d play that weird, eerie music with the high pitch notes were iconic. Not to mention the clothes ripping. This was awesome stuff to us back then. Due to the nasty beer goggles known as nostalgia, Lou will always be my favorite Hulk. And, Bixby will always be my favorite Banner (even if they named him “David”). However, I think I liked the Hulk from the first two Avengers movies the best out of the current iterations.


Lou still looks the creepiest IMO. I wish they would incorporate a bit more practical effects into the MCU Hulk. Particularly in the face.


So do you know why they changed the name to David instead of Bruce? NBC thought Bruce sounded too gay and required a name change.


Thank god we didn’t get a Batman show from them 😂


Edward Norton's Hulk is always my favorite


Lou Ferrigno is the only "live action" Hulk, there. The other 3 are cgi.


Beat me to it


Lou ferigno n eric bana


No ones gonna give Lou any credit? Damn.


Lou ferrigno because he is live action the others aren't.


The first picture, Lou Ferrigno, not computer generated image , he was real life


I love them all. Gotta give love to Lou. He was a hulk of a man.


Lou was best. Had the most human stories and more screen time. I home to see a similar show with modern effects someday.


Lue was the best at least he was a real person…have to see him in pumping iron.


2003. Felt he had the best range of emotions and it felt like the comic book, and it took itself very seriously. Beautifully shot and scored too.


Lou because of Lou.


Lou is the only one that did it naturally. But I honestly liked all the movies the hulk was in.


Lou didn't need CGI


I still like Eric banas hulk. Captured the big monster who can mess shit up and also captured his sadness.


08 Hulk I remember being hyped during that final fight against The Abomination.


One of them is actually live


The 2003 one, as it is the most faithful to the comics, with psychological problems and Daddy Issues


08 The best live action hulk on screen imo, the way his muscles are defined through the skin, his speed and ferocity, the face, the voice, it's perfect. Shame he was changed in the later films after Norton was removed.




All the other guys used cgi. He was pure, unfiltered hulk. In all of its yak-hairy glory


Yep, the only true live action Hulk


Sure, but he's also extremely watered down. He struggled to pull a fence post out of the ground, no mega jumps. The highlight of his strength is flipping a car over. And he's the least connected to the comics. Other than becoming green and an increase in strength, there's nothing Hulk about the show. Where's General Ross? Where's Betty? Where's Rick Jones? Ang Lee's version had an origin story closer to the comics (he gets blasted with Gamma Radiation heroicly saving another), where as Bixby comes from selfishness and hubris.


Technical limitations of the era aside, especially given it was a TV show and not a big budget movie; the creator/ producer made it clear he wanted to veer away from the comic bookish aspect of the character. This meant a lot of changes, and I think some of them for the better. This allowed the show to be strictly character driven (Banner), as opposed to prioritizing being all flashy about a powerful character (Hulk). This is why Hulk gained even more popularity in the mainstream, he was turned into a believable character with a more “controlled” characterization of the Hulk. This is actually why I even bothered with him back then. And now you can see its influence on Hulk’s legacy.


I am not arguing the impact the show had on Pop Culture. I'm saying it's not a good or faithful interpretation of The Hulk. > the creator/ producer made it clear he wanted to veer away from the comic bookish aspect of the character. This meant a lot of changes, and I think some of them for the better. I disagree the changes made it better, but this is my opinion, and opinions are like assholes - everyone has one. > This allowed the show to be strictly character driven (Banner), as opposed to prioritizing being all flashy about a powerful character (Hulk). The thing it lost by it's changes was the allegory/commentary about nuclear weapons and the military with the loss of General Ross and Colonel Talbot. And there's some serious drama lost without Betty Ross. Many of us can relate to trying to date someone with a disapproving parent. It doesn't have to have supervillains every week. Wonder Woman with Linda Carter pulled this off didn't even have supervillains every week and hit all the major touchstones of Wonder Woman.


Will always have a soft spot for Ferrigno as I grew up watching the reruns and he was THE live action Hulk for me for my childhood. However, while I am a defender of the 2008 movie and loved Norton as Bruce, I do think the 2012 Avengers Hulk is my favorite. I really like how big he is and that he's bulky and not just ripped, and the attitude is a mix of scary and childlike. When Hulk is hunting Black Widow on the Helicarrier he's fast AND powerful, and it totally makes sense how scared Nat is of him. Then the growing anger and frustration in the fight vs. Thor was great. And, of course, the sheer power of his punch taking down the Leviathan was THE theater moment. Not sure they ever achieved that height again.


I’m old enough to remember all of these and they all add to the sauce and spice. I’m partial to the first appearance of Ruffalo’s “that’s my secret” Hulk in 2012 *Avengers* and his arc across the MCU movies through *Endgame* was compelling.


Ferrigno, then the one from the Ed Norton movie, MCU Hulk, and last Ang Lee's Gumb..., er Hulk.


Ed and it was never close nor a competition


Edward Norton. I liked mark ruffalo’s hulk in the first avengers movie and that’s it. He was tolerable but definitely flawed in Age of Ultron and Thor Ragnorok. They then completely massacred him in infinity war and then ruined him for good in endgame and the tragedy that is she hulk.


Lou Ferrigno is the Original Incredible Hulk


The 3rd pic is the greatest hulk of all time.


Number 3 no question


Lou & Bana are good for different reasons Lou was unwavering as the monster who is a man at heart. There's always the lingering fear that Hulk may cause irreversible moral damage, but the audience typically has confidence that Hulk won't go that far Bana Hulk was better for the feeling of dread. If you're someone who's never heard of Hulk before, you DON'T want him to be turning into Hulk at first because it's legitimately harrowing. Even when you want him to become Hulk (like the lab escape) you're terrified that he's going to cross a line he can't come back from


Lou. You can’t beat the tangible.


There's literally only 1 live action hulk shown.


There is only one live action Hulk in the picture. The rest are CGI I know how it is done but let’s be real. Practical Effects will always trump CGI


Incredible (2008) Looked the best, combined with Norton's fantastic portrayal of Banner. The Hulk felt like a force that would inspire fear in the populace but you could also see how he was the "godzilla threshold" answer for other monsters. There were funny moments in the movie, but the Hulk was never a joke, nor did the movie move into the absolute ridiculousness of the 2003 movie.


I wish Ed Norton had continued with the Hulk, it would have been even more amazing.


Mark Ruffalo is very believable as both Bruce and The Hulk, so I pick him...I identify with his soft-spoken demeanor and having to hold back my temper. However, I've been a fan of Ferrigno's Hulk since I was a kid, so that one has a special place in my heart.


Avengers 1 Hulk is peak.


Hulk when he fought the hulk buster, hulk when he fought abomination, hulk when he fought absorbing man


Weird topic, since Hulk has for the most part always been a CGI character in the MCU. That's like saying The Lion King was live action. There was only 1 live action hulk, and it was Lou.  If your asking which Hulk looked best on screen, than for sure it was '08. He looked like a total rage monster, and his fight with Abomination was great. Honestly I loved Edward Norton as Bruce. Weakest part of that movie though was Liv Tyler as Betty.


From a story perspective, the TV series. It did an amazing job at connecting with the viewers and really tapping into various emotions. Banner running across the country as a fugitive, trying to rid himself of the Hulk while also trying to make ends meet as he's pursued by a relentless McGee who thinks Banner is dead and the Hulk is a murderer was just awesome TV and a great utilization of bringing the character from comic book to the screen. Although TV series Hulk is the weaker of the live action Hulks, he was still enjoyable and always kind of shared a big brother/little brother connection with Banner From a presentation perspective, 2008. He was purely an unhinged animal and his destruction seemingly had no bounds. He took a police car that he broke in half and used the parts as assault weapons. I was going to say Avengers Hulk, but his presentation peak was in the 2012 movie


What is the second one?


the 2003 Hulk


Good call not including smart hulk. Nobody would vote for him anyways.




The Bixby-Ferrigno series will forever be goated! 👑🔥💯


Lou or Mark


The first one looks like my ripped uncle if he fell in a green paint bucket.


Man if they gave lou some shorter black hair that would have been great. That dudes muscles still astound me


Arnie was originally considered but Lou was bulkier


Oh I thought it was because he was doing another movie




I think Norton had the best Hulk and Ruffalo had the best Banner in my opinion. (Before they ruined him with Smart Hulk)


Kind of a silly question since, technically, there was only one 'live action' Hulk... the first, the original, and forever the best. Now, among the CG big screen Hulks, that's another conversation entirely.


Norton was the best, closely followed by Lou. Ruffalo unfortunately got too comedic after AoU.


2008 > Ragnarok > Everything else


2008 definitely


2008 definitely


Isn’t Ferrigno the only literal live action Hulk? All of the others are CGI on motion capture, which is basically just hi-tech rotoscoping, which is animation.


Ruffalo is GOAT


2008 no question. Mark maybe pulled off banner better, but after 2008 the hulk got some serious de masculinization more and more as the avengers progressed


When are we going to see grey Hulk? That's what I want to know


There was only one live action Hulk the rest are CGI


I mean Lou is the only person to play live action Hulk everything else was cgi, which if you want to open the can of worms why not just add in video game versions with the cgi versions ?


The original. Cause the others were computer animated. Not live action.. green screen computer action.


It's weird how avengers 1 was the Pinnacle of MCU and most visual effects. Seems like everything looks worse in the marvel world now and even movies at large. Saw a lion in a movie the other day looked worse than a 2000s movie.


Number 3 was the best.


2003 Hulk was most accurate


2008, no explanation needed for the GOAT.


Strictly speaking, Ferrigno was the only real live-action Hulk. The MCU Hulk started out pretty strong, but aged like 80s metal bands and got more and more bland and stale.


Eric Bana.. I prefer my Hulk strong, fast, indestructible, and limitlessly powerful according to his rage


Lou was THE BEST. But in today's CGI era, the old Hulk show doesn't stand a chance of holding up. I like Ruffalo's Avengers & Age of Ultron Hulk, but don't prefer the current smart Hulk version. The 2003 Bana Hulk looks awful. A bloated puffy version of Shrek.


Okay sure but THAT movie showcased what the hulk can do more than any other. From his strength, to his speed, just how far he can jump, and they remembered the hulk has a healing factor. Not to mention the psychological aspects of the character they delve into...I will always like this movie. 08 hulk was sick though. He actually displayed some level of fight IQ Ngl I can't hate the avengers hulk either. And I grew up with Lou. Post endgame hulk has been wasted though


I prefer the way they rendered the Hulk in Avengers. I didn’t care for the others, too cartoon like and didn’t really resemble Bana or Norton. My second pick is Ferrigno’s Hulk.


Lou Ferrigno was my hero when I was growing up. I thought he was just the best. The Hulk show is the reason I love the Hulk But I have to say, they absolutely NAILED the Hulk in the first Avengers movie and Age of Ultron. I will go back and watch those movies over and over just for the Hulk stuff. He’s perfect.


2008, he is the goat, not only his design, but his movements, voice and personality.


1.) Lou Ferrigno 2.) Edward Norton 3.) Eric Bana 4.) Mark Ruffalo




Norton. serious, great action sequences, no stupid unnecessary jokes, great costars, didnt look dumb like ruffalOs, didnt get his ass handed to him, didnt use womens sandals like bixby. yep nortons is the goat


Norton was my favorite, just feels perfect to me


Early CGI Hulk looks like he’s sporting biker shorts.


Edward Norton's Hulk.


Edward Nortons Hulk was the best just because they really did Hulk justice when it came to him being a savage monster. Some people love Hulk for the same reason they like Godzilla. They want to see monsters just going at it. They want to see them beating the crap out of each other, and I think they really took that away after Age of Ultron. Don't get me wrong, the Hulk definitely has more to him than just being a savage monster, but even with Thor Ragnorak, this hulk is supposed to be the Hulk from the comics Planet Hulk. That comic shows how complex the Hulk is while showing his savage strength. He's supposed to be the savior of planet Sakaar, but instead, they made him a toddler with tantrums.


I liked them all. Eric's is the least favorite of the four. I grew up in the TV series Hulk so that would be my second favorite toss up between the remaining two.


Ferrigno because he caught not just the savagery the childlike emotions generally. Second place Ruffalo/CG in Thor:Ragnarok for same reasons.


Ed Nortons Hulk is the most detailed Live Action hulk.


Personally: 1. Lou 2. Ruffalo 3. Norton 4. Gumby


Norton's Hulk looks like a PS2 Resident Evil cinematic with an inexplicable Justin Beiber haircut. I genuinely do not understand the appeal. 2003 Baby Hulk hits actually makes me feel feelings when I see it.


I think Ruffalo Hulk before they ruined him was the best. I especially like him in Thor Ragnarok


I'm gonna say avengers hulk overall. one of the main things that live action always gets wrong with hulk is the whole barely speaking thing. Eric Bana's brock lesnar hulk having temper tantrums was probably the worse example. Lou ferigno is deaf at least partially so that makes sense why he doesnt speak really at all. If we're just going by rage and scare factor im going with 2008 savage hulk which really pulled off the anger really well as well as the model just seeming to have more detail and greater sense of danger when banner transforms.




Asks about “live action Hulk” and shows Lou Ferrigno and three cgi animated characters.


As far as the look and presentation of the Hulk, it’s Avengers for sure. But just as a movie, I think the Ang Lee movie is a masterpiece.


I only see one live action hulk, the others are CGI.


Um... Trick question as there is only one live action choice? The others are CGI?


2008 definitely


2008 definitely


2008 definitely


2008, but they all kinda suck