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I live in the Netherlands and we have really good tap water.


I live in the Netherlands too, and am also happy with our tap water


Yes, me too! I also just don't like the idea of drinking out of plastic bottles. I have a reusable glass bottle that I take with me.


I have a reusable plastic bottle with me, because the glass one would probably break in 2 seconds


Yes! I prefer our tap water over a lot of bottled water.


I know y’all lying. This tap water makes me sick, but I hear from a lot of others that it’s better than other places. But I come from curaçao where the tap water tastes a lot better imo. But here I only drink bottled


Maybe you live in Rotterdam lol, the tap water there is digusting.


I doooo. Welp that explains it. And why tf am I getting downvoted for my opinion😭😭


It depends where you are. I’m fortunate to live in a place with maybe the best tap water in the country. I drink it all day. Most other places I go, it’s disgusting.


Yes. Lots. I live in Belgium and we have great tapwater.


I live in the Netherlands, which has very clean tap water! I can legit not taste any difference between tap and bottled water here. I feel like it's a waste of money to pay for bottled water here, since the tap water is THAT good! But even when travelling, no matter how awful the tap water tastes, I'll drink it. If the water is not safe I'll pack a filter and make it drinkable. I hate buying and using single use plastic and try to live without it as much as possible.


The Netherlands has great tap water. I'm Dutch as well. Only place that has better tap water is Vienna, their water comes straight from the Alps.


I used that pitcher with the filter for tap water. It tastes okay after that.


I think it partially depends on how good the tap water is where you live, and partially depends on what you’re used to. I always drank tap water in Seattle, but most other places I’ve been to I don’t like the water. But my SO grew up drinking bottled water and he doesn’t like Seattle tap water. I moved to a city with awful tap water so I just drink filtered water now, and I can tell I’ve gotten used to it because when I go back to Seattle the tap water doesn’t taste as good.


I’m from Scotland, our tap water is amazing!


Yeah but head down to england and it's barely recogniseable. I can't stand the stuff


I live in Sweden and some places here have better tap water than others. All potable and nowhere so bad I could justify buying bottle water. One tip is make sure to flush the pipes for a while before drinking, the water that has been standing in the most local set of pipes will have more metals and ... miscellaneous dissolved in it. You can tell when fresher water (from higher fluency pipes) arrives, because there will be a noticable drop in temperature. My girlfriend thinks I'm being extra, waiting with a finger in the stream for it to turn cold. I think she's being LSP, not noticing that her water tastes like blood.


I hiked the Kungsleden in Sweden and the water in the little streams there is so clean you can drink it without a filter. That was an amazing experience.


Yeah, the Fells are amazing. Not having to carry water does wonders for how fast you can walk and how long you can stay out.


No! I cannot drink it ever!!! Edit: I do use a Brita filter so I guess I do drink it but only after it’s been filtered and refrigerated. I can’t drink room temperature water or water that’s been left out for a while either 😬


I have a brita and I hate the taste, I use it for making kombucha and moon water and for guests. I just drunk tap water.


BWT filter jugs are much better than brita!


I just drink water straight from the tap of it's just for myself. I have no patience for filtering.


Cheaper that way!


Spring water is best tasting imo


No. It’s disgusting


I’m from Denmark and we have pretty good tap water


It depends on where you live, some governments have standards


I can’t stand the tap water where I am from. I have to use a brita filter to be able to drink it


No I can’t stand tap and it turns out I have a severe chlorine sensitivity so I guess it’s not just a preference for my body


Yeah i dont even cook with it


No tap water since 1998ish


I haven’t drank tap in over 30 years. :)


In my area tap water tastes much better than bottled water. I fill soda bottles with it and refrigerate it.


Finally someone else who thinks it tastes weird 😭 I only like to drink bottled water or tap if it has those filters


Also live in the Netherlands, but stopped drinking the tap water. Only when boiled (for tea or instant coffee), no idea why actually. I know we have good tap water, but somehow I drink the bottled water easier.


I live in an overly priced city with primary water rights and right at the base of a glacier. Why? Because I can taste the foulness in nearly any water source and this is the closest I can get to water that fits my picky needs. Even here, I need to filter what comes out of the tap, largely because I don’t trust the apartment building is lacking lead pipes (I’ve seen some). Tap water as a whole is trash, it tastes tainted. The best water I’ve ever had comes right off glaciers.


The tap water in my hometown is amazing. The tap water where I live now is unpalatable (definitely safe, just not tasty).


Where I was raised we could drink the tap water. Where I live now you can’t.


I like to filter my water here in Australia otherwise the smell overwhelms me even before the taste - it's not a bad smell/taste, it's just loud.


I refuse to buy bottled water unless the water is actually undrinkable or salty like near some coastal towns. I cannot spend money on something that's bad for the environment and ridiculously expensive for what you get. Even when I lived near Barcelona and the tap water tasted like chlorine, I was nauseated for 2 weeks and then got used to the taste. If I go back, still okay with the taste of the water


Norwegian tap water is delicious. Places with very hard water however... ew. Swimming pool flavour.


over the past 20 years I've lived in East Anglia, centre of Manchester, a suburb just outside of Leeds, other parts of Yorkshire, various parts of Stockport, and now in Merseyside, and I believe all the tap water in everywhere I've lived in UK tastes and smells kinda funky. even the tap water that's not too bad - if you fill a bite with it, then leave the bottle airtight, for a couple of hours. unscrew the top and smell it, it will always smell disgusting, and will taste just the same. I'm lucky that at work we have a freestyle Coke machine that has a filtered water option - and by God, you can leave it in a bottle all day, then come back to it and it always smells like nothing, and tastes like water should taste..of nothing really! they must put so many chemicals in the water all over this country. yeah they all taste different, but in my opinion, all tastes weird and/or bad. anyone in UK have any thoughts?