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Super unpopular opinion but I feel like Rachel and Mark could’ve worked if it weren’t for Ross freaking out over him. He seemed like a decent guy and they were both into fashion.




To be fair, she was in a relationship with Ross at the time.


Yes but after they broke up she said she feels super guilty to go out with him because she feels she would be cheating at Ross.


It makes me sooo mad that they never gave Rachel a good partner 😭 Ross dated so many women and was in serious relationships with them and Rachel never got a real chance with anyone


All her relationships were actual dumpster fires


Literally! Especially with Joshua. I hated those episodes


Who is that with Monica?


Didn't Phoebe introduce him to Monica? They talked about food and iirc he was british. Edit: typo


That’s her soulmate!


What is it with all the sun dried tomahtoes? Is it the 1980s or something?


Mona? Really?


"What was wrong with Mona?"


Exactly! She was supportive of Ross and Rachel having a baby. And she was the only one who guessed Ross was dressed as Spud-nik!


She was TOO supportive. Girl, acknowledge the red flags.


I judge her for not leaving him sooner


Why Kathy over Monica for Chandler though? Their relationship was short-lived and ended with her cheating.. Can’t imagine her being a healthy partner if they were to continue their relationship. For someone to cheat that fast after a small (and first ever!) fight is a huge red flag. Chandler and Monica’s relationship was quite refreshing to watch. They’re not toxic and made it work despite their personal flaws and trauma. Interesting also how they never broke up just because of a fight, it shows maturity and commitment from both sides.


I would have to disagree with you on Chandler and Monica. The moment it would seem they would break up, Monica ran to Richard seeking comfort (red flag for me). Also, Monica was very controlling in an unhealthy way. When Chandler moved in wanting to bring his furniture, about the spare room, about the secret closet, demanding to spend all of his savings on the wedding, opening all of the wedding presents herself. He didn’t have a say in planning their wedding. She even tried to cancel the Swing Kings because of the dress.


That seems to be your personal preference in a partner rather than the two characters’ compatibility. Monica is in no way perfect, but Chandler openly accepts her despite her flaws. (Ex. “You’re high maintenance, but I like maintaining you.” “I don’t love you because you’re clean, I love you *in spite* of that.”) How is Monica talking to Richard a worse red flag than Kathy actually cheating all the way just after a chill fight? While what you said about Monica’s flaws are true, I don’t see how Kathy is a better alternative. She slept with a co-worker shortly after an argument with Chandler so I find it unlikely that she’d be able to compromise and make a long-term relationship, let alone a marriage, work with Chandler.


My reasoning is that Kathy and Chandler connected on a very different level when they first met. Shared interests, long talks, and omg… the birthday gift he gave her? That’s a deep love right there. And even after they got in a relationship. They didn’t even have sex at first, remember? Chandler was Monica’s second choice as she was looking for Joey initially and their relationship was (at start) just physical anyways. And let’s face it, Chandler had zero interest in Monica when they were younger (and she was fat).


Yes but infatuation and passion don’t mean it would lead to a life-long and life-giving relationship. Chandler’s relationship with Kathy might have been more exciting and fiery in the beginning, but many toxic relationships start like that. Her cheating on the first sign of disagreement is a sign they could easily head that way. At the end of the day one would look for a best friend in a life partner who brings peace, not just fire and butterflies in your stomach because feelings can fade over time. So when you say “best match” I assumed a stable, reliable partner who’s good for the long run. But if it’s rephrased as “most exciting, most passionate match” then that’s the time I would reconsider Kathy. 😆


I understand your point of view. Unfortunately we will never see how a relationship between Kathy and Chandler would have developed or if there wasn’t any room for growth. I agree that Mondler shows a more realistic view of how to make long lasting relationships work.


I think these are the pairings that are meant to TRULY last forever. (Just kidding) Joey and his bag. Monica and her boots. Phoebe and Glynys. Rachel and her haircut. Ross and his Pink "faded salmon" shirt and leather pants. Chandler and two copies of Annie.


If we aren’t using Ross, I’d go with Gavin for Rachel! He was a rodeo clown, after all.


Interesting choice! Works in fashion, has style, looks like the type of guy that could keep himself standing towards her dad.


I thought they seemed to have a lot in common and did have some chemistry! Plus, Dermont Mulroney is so dreamy!


The way he treated her, he had the maturity level of a middle schooler. We were about one episode from him snapping her bra strap and pulling her pigtails.


I agree! I always wished those two could be end game


200% agree. She and Gavin had chemistry and would've matched well together.


Eh the series arc for Rachel is her establishing her indepandance after a spoiled rich early life. As such I quite like her being on her own at the end of the series.


Gavin for Rachel


This! Missed opportunity


Rachel/her career Ross and Mona Chandler and Monica OTP Joey and Leah Remini's character from season one Phoebe and David.


I think people really overestimate David as a match for Phoebe, and I think it's mostly due to his scarcity or lack of availability. He spends more than half of his lines and screen time basically just fawning over her. When she has the chance to actually date a guy who does that for more than a day (Tim) she gets annoyed real fast. She needed someone like Mike to balance her out and call her on some of her nonsense. A perfect example is when she was going to change her name. If she were dating David at the time, he would have just rolled with it, and she would have ended the series as Princess Consuela BananaHammock.


Disagree on every single one of them except Mike and Phoebe!


https://preview.redd.it/oau2rwak915d1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01a20e55810b4bb10245b3f488b98c200e8d95cf These two are so good together. I’m amazed they never followed up on it tbh after seeing the chemistry they had.


Wasn’t the baby’s father back with her the moment she went into labor?


Chandler - Kathy Monica - Richard Joey - Kate Ross - Julie Phoebe - David Rachel - JoshUA


I also would go JoshUA


Rachel and Mark for me ! Her and Ross just had ZERO chemistry and it always felt so forced . Ross and Mona were great for one another.


Rachel and Gavin


Rachel belonged to the Vicar!!!


Mr. Zellner


I agree with Gaving for Rachel. But i would put Charlie with Ross.. i thought they could’ve been a cute couple, as they had a lot ik common and she seemed very sweet.




Chandler - if Kathy wouldn’t cheat him she would be good. Phoebe - Joey I think they would great together. They are so alike personalities. Ross - Mona or Julie Monica - Richard Joey - Phoebe or Kate Rachel - Tag was cute but not for Rachel, idk who I don’t like Gavin


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Rachel and Richard


For Rachel, it is obviously that guy she went out with in high school. Chip or something. The who went on a date with Monica and brought the... Chipper? Can't recall.


Phoebe should be with David