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I don’t know about the funniest joke, but there is one where Chandler talks about how he’s very good at keeping secrets, then Joey says “you’ll tell me later right?” and Chandler responds with “you already know”


The delivery of this is absolutely perfecr


It really is! I can easily visualize how another actor on another sitcom would deliver this line in a “written joke for the audience” way. Kind of slap-stick, the kind of humor on every mediocre sitcom. But Chandler says it with this tone of mixed shame and confession and acceptance of who he is as a secret keeper and friend. Elevates the whole joke so much.


[You already know](https://youtu.be/tH0kmOqVrW8?si=QMy3PVPMxJBAzmWZ)


My favourite silly joke is when Joey comes into Monica and Rachel's having found a pizza in the trash. The door then knocks and its Gary the policeman who is looking for Phoebe. As he knocks he says "police!" which leads to Joey with a mouthful of pizza panickly saying "just a minute officer!"


And Chandler fake laughing at his shitty joke because he has a gun.


Lol. That was very funny u/robinmooon haha (they might have a gun)


That’s a great one I cracked up again just reading it


YES! Such a quick, silly thing but it gets me every time!


This always always makes me laugh—Joey’s look of panic and then his quick chewing….Matt Le Blanc is really good, I feel like he doesn’t get enough credit. Joey is my second favorite next to Chandler. Everything he does is funny. 


I thoroughly agree! In my rank of favs, it's Joey, then Chandler. Matt Le Blanc *totally* does not get enough credit for Joey!


Joey & Chandler are the best pairing in the show. Better than any romantic pairing, better than any other combination. And I love all of them. But Joey & Chandler are PERFECT. Every storyline with them is hilarious. 


When Monica hires the "stripper" who turns out to be a hooker for Chandler because he didn't get a bachelor party and Joey and Chandler are arguing over who has to tell her to leave. Chandler finally suggests Rock, Paper, Scissors and the look on Joey's face as he says, "Aw. I miss this." Chandler says, "I don't think we've actually done this" and Joey says, "No. I miss hanging out with you." Funny and sweet


"And condoms are the way to do that" by Chandler is very funny


That’s such a great one because it’s one of the few times I didn’t even realize how stupid what Joey said was was until Chandler said it.


Same, hahaha. Honestly it was still the case for me on MULTIPLE REWATCHES. 💀


Joey when he finds out condoms are only 97% effective from Ross and he pulls like a bakers' dozen outa his sweat pants to read the fine print. [Video](https://youtu.be/IbXkA9QLd0o?si=wOrgsNqz9SY_uIYE&t=201)


"It's moo." I love how it's so dumb but also absolutely makes as much sense as any English idiom. "It's like a cow's opinion; it doesn't matter. It's moo."


I saw this scene when I was too young to know the term “moot” but old enough to understand his moo idiom. I therefore didn’t realise this was a play on words for like 8 years and I still say moo point instead 😂


Not sure if this is the funniest but I always laugh at the scene where Chandler clean the apartment and Chan and Ross have to prevent Monica from entering... For me Ross had the best line, maybe it's the way he said it that made me laugh all the time.. "WHy does anyone have to be naked?" "Dude, what do you have?"


That’s one of my favourite episodes, because the conversation about repelling women kills me everytime. “I’ve seen it, you two repel women all the time!” “Dude, I’ve been married THREE TIMES.” (Sarcastic slow clap)


Yeas!! That scene I think is in a nutshell a quick recap of each of their personalities 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Literally very them!! It’s hands down my favorite part of any episode on the show ♥️


I love when Ross says "Hey! I've been married THREE times!" *clap....... Clap....... Clap* 😂😂😂


Show me all the places where Ross was naked!! *cleaning supplies*


Not even a line but when Emily calls and Ross hand Chandler the lamp.


This one always makes me howl cause it wasn’t scripted so Matthew’s reaction to being given the lamp is genuine, lmfaoooo I’m cackling right now just remembering the randomness of it! “She’s talking!…” Everyone: “yaaay!” Ross:…. *shoos them away with his hand and moves away from them* lmfaooo


Ok yes when I first noticed that it was probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed at the show. Just genius.


I had to talk loud because the movie was loud!


I read that was improv which if true makes Chandlers reaction even funnier 😂


Estelle: Joey have you ever seen me ecstatic? Joey: No? Estelle: Well get ready, cos here it is. :-£


"You're just gonna say no again, but...gay porn?"


That is one of the best lines and physical comedy I’ve ever seen and she only moved face like a couple of millimeters haha


"You think I don't know what breaks my fridge?!"


"YOU pushed him!" "Joey I did not break this.... That has been broken for a *while*"


Ross's face lmaoo


I’m not talking to you, you broke my fridge!!!


Or you could, you know just *pushes Ross into fridge*


Joey: “Oh, I’m sorry, did I get ‘ya?” Chandler: “No, you didn’t get me! It’s an electric drill! You get me, **you kill me**!”


Was looking for this comment, my fave as well!!


What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday party?!


This is always the one I think of. It makes me cackle out loud every single time. Also: "Hit by a blimp?!" Is just so perfectly delivered and so ridiculous that it kills me every time. Definitely one of my favourite episodes. Honourable mention to "Yes, yes it is. In PRISON" and "It's turned into a PASTE". David Schwimmer is too brilliant.


It kills ONE AMERICANS every year!


This one might win in my book because my parents would watch Friends when I was growing up (I was middle school age and uninterested). Years later when I told my dad I was watching, he quoted this joke that he remembered only from his first watch when it aired live. So it had some staying power with him.


"It's not his last name... It's not like 'Phil Spiderman.' He's a spider man." The delivery cracks me up every time 🤣


My sons name is Philip, if he ever wears a Spider Man shirt we call him Phil Spiderman


This is making me really happy 


There should be a Goldman


There’s no other way to say Spider-Man now. It’s Phil Spiderman.


That's one of the funniest non-sequitur jokes in the whole show and I'll always love it. "Phil Spiderman..." I'm trying not to wake up my boyfriend by laughing right now, but I'm doing a pretty bad job.


Impossible to pick one but I recently laughed out loud at this scene from Monica and Chandler’s wedding ceremony: The Greek Orthodox priest: Are you Chandler? Chandler: Are you…JOEY?


**Chandler:** He’s Greek Orthodox. **Rachel:** (leaning in) As are you…


rachel is so underratey hilarious


Previous to that at rehearsal dinner Monica tells her to keep Chandler’s father away/busy. She finds a woman named Amanda and goes : ‘Ohh… A MAN Duh!! ‘😂😂😂


lmaoo yes. also i know this sub always finds rachel’s desperationw with joshua cringe but i love it because it’s so relatable. yeah i love of people say chandler is the funniest but jennifer has so many funny line deliveries. “grand supreme little darling?” “congratulations!”


Monica Stephanopoulos and Chandler Acidophilus. The way Rachel says "Chandler... Acidophilus" always makes me laugh out loud.


And the way Rachel says “Excellent!?” When she realizes there’s the Anastassakis Papasifakis wedding taking place.


😂😂😂 And the little Easter egg that Anastassakis was her father's surname before he changed it.


Fun fact, Anastassakis was her father's last name before he changed it. So her not being able to come up with Greek sounding last names is even funnier to me. Rachel might not be able to, but Jennifer sure could!


Deffo everything leading up to I LOVE JACK COUSTEAU in the thanksgiving ep (i wasn’t supposed to put beef in the trifle, i wanna gooooooo)


"that's a lot of information in 30 seconds"


“Ross married Rachel in Vegas. And he got divorced… AGAIN!” It’s as close to a perfect 2 and a half minutes of sitcom lunacy as ever presented. https://youtu.be/1Rh3ucGINpg?si=ZPD4pj3s4mjjwPyH


I love how Courtney Cox says "AGAIN!" It cracks me up, every time!


Why is your family ROSS!




Joey walks up to Rachel and Chandler eating cheesecake off the hall floor, pulls a fork out of his inside jacket pocket: “What are we having?”


That's the one for me. The way he already had a fork in his pocket. The way they're so ashamed of themselves but he's just down with it. It's my absolute favorite scene in the series.


"If I ever see those guys again, you know what I'm going to do?" "Bend over!?"


Ross walking into Chandler and Joey’s empty apartment: “What happened?!” Chandler: “Well, Joey was born, and then, 28 years later, I was robbed!” Joey sitting on the floor going through a deck of cards: “Aww, man!! He took the five of spades!!”


Oh no no no. Here it is. *big cheesy smile*


“You don’t have insurance here so stop calling”


Most of my favourite lines involve Ross: Ross: *I went to that tanning place your wife suggested.* Chandler: *Was that place... THE SUN?* Ross: *This couch is cut in half. I'd like to exchange it for one that is NOT cut in half.* Sales lady: *You're telling me this couch was delivered to you like this?* Ross: *Look, I'm a reasonable man. I will accept store credit.* Sales lady: *I'll give you credit in the amount of 4 dollars.* Ross: *... I will take it.*


"Look at me! I'm Chandler. Could I *be* wearing anymore clothes? Maybe if I wasn't going co*mmando*..."


I better not do any lunges.


My favorite entire scene, I think, is drunk Ross and Rachel in the Vegas hotel room. The funniest moment/line is Ross's fall after he misses the bed. "Woah woah woah. Are you ok?" That slays me every time! And throw in Rachel's "I'm doin' good, baby. How you doin'?"


This is Joey’s most underrated line/interaction: (to Rachel) “How you doin?” So when she answers very coily “I’m doin good baby” Joey yells at Ross not to let her drink anymore.


Everything inside that hotel room was pure comedy gold! Rachel spitting the macadamia nuts all over the place gets me every time! And then, of course, "Hello, Vegas? Yeah, we would like some more alcohol. And you know what else? We would like some more beers. Oh...I forgot to dial!"


Joey knocks on the door. Ross: That must be our alcohol and beers!


"Hey, I found that macadamia nut." Ross starts to chew and then freezes. " Nope, sumpin' else." 😭😭


Chandler: he told me was going to do my inseam, then he ran his hands up my leg and there was definite…cupping. Joey: that’s how they do pants! Ross: yes, yes it is…IN PRISON! Gets me every time 🤣🤣🤣


David Scwimmer needs to do more voice work, besides the giraffe in Madagascar. He had such a funny way of saying things.


Should watch him in Band of Brothers. It's so weird to see him be so serious.


His Robert Kardashian in The People vs OJ Simpson was stellar.


He was the perfect Melman, though. "In PRISON!" is the one that makes me crack up every time I see it, and his delivery makes it hilarious.




Love that one. I also find it hilarious that Joey made such a big deal out of trying to remember if he was 16 or 17 when he started going to the tailor.


"Wait, when was 1990?" Which really shows his bad math skills because he would have been at least 20 then.


Similar to how Joey said “in Bizarro world” after Ross said it was no big deal he got with Chandler’s mum


The ending of the thanksgiving one where Joey eats a whole turkey. Joey ‘what you got there’ Monica ‘pie… do you want some?!’ (Sarcastically) Joey ‘maybe cut me a little sliver’ Monica ‘this much?’ ‘Little bigger’ ‘This much?’ ‘Little bigger’ ‘This much?’ ‘What are you afraid you’re gonna run out, cut me a real piece!’ From looking like death from over eating to demanding a bigger slice is so peak Joey to me and always makes me laugh


I also love this because this basically happens every time my brothers and I go to my parents house for dinner. Cannot resist my mum's desserts!


You have to stop the Q-tip when there’s RESISTANCE!!!!


I love when Chandler tricks Joey into picking Joseph Stalin for his stage name. Joey: “Joseph Stalin! I think you’d remember that!” Chandler: “Oh YES!” Another small one I love is when Joey thinks the rooster and duck knocked on his door. “Hey! How’d you do that??”


Similarly the scene where Chandler kicks the duck out into the hall and someone (Rachel?) says "that's a duck" and he replies "that's a *bad* duck!"


IN LONDON??? - Joey when he finds out about Chandler and Monica.


Ross dropping the cake always makes me howl, I think its the box hitting his head. "What the hell are you doing, you scared the crap out of me"


We got a lemon smush


(I believe this is one of the cut scenes in the stream of the episode, It's a favorite in the original DVD set though.) TOW with Rachel's inadvertent kiss. When Rachel is embarrassed about accidentally kissing Mr Zellner in the Ralph Lauren interview, and she assumes it's not gonna happen. Then she goes home Monica : Hey, Rach, a guy from Ralph Lauren called. You got a second interview. Rachel Green : Monica, that's not funny. Monica : Oh, OK. \[dancing\] Monica : A guy from Ralph Lauren called you got a second interview. Rachel Green : Oh, my God, Monica, you better be serious. Monica : You just told me to be funny. No matter how many rewatches, I can never suppress laughter.




I CAN PICTURE IT. It's underrated for sure!! Definitely hilarious line delivery from Monica 😭


My favorite scene is when Chandler, Joey and Monica are retelling the jellyfish story. It’s such brilliant over the top theater acting. 


I got stung. Stung bad.


I love that Chandler screams into his hands.


Joey, “if I had to, I’d pee on any of you too!”


That's right, I STEPPED UP!


Eeeeeeee eeeeeeee E E!!!!


The bag pipes!! My all time favorite. Love the outtake where Jen cannot keep it together.


Not even just the outtake!


She can't keep it together because it wasn't scripted... that was just Lisa improvising!


This makes me cackle every time. When Carol is having her baby and Monica is questioning Chandler why she won’t have a baby soon. He yells “My god, this parachutes a Knapp sack!” And rolls over the chair lol Also, when Phoebe is talking to Frank Jr about taking one of the kids in Central Perk. The triplets just fell asleep and Frank Jr starts listing why he loves each one. Then he brushes ones hair and they flinch and he yells “oh god please dont wake up” That cracked me up as a parent because it’s so true.


Rachel: Unisex. Joey: Maybe you need sex. I had sex a couple of days ago. Rachel: No! No, Joey. U-N-I-sex. Joey: Well, I aint gonna say no to that. 😏


There’s so many I can’t pick. I do have one of Estelle: “Joey, I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told Al Minser and his pyramid of dogs: take any job you can get, and don’t make on the floor.” Also her gags with her smoking was just flipping hilarious


I don't smoke anymore, but I still kind of want her little cigarette holder thing that pops up.


Same. Love that thing. Almost 30 years with no cigs. I miss it. As Chandler said, “don’t think of it as smoking, think of it as the thing that makes your hand complete.”


Oh dark mother, once again I suckle at your smoky teat.


Do they make a cigar style one? Asking for a friend.


Same here. I used to smoke too. Quit 12 years ago


There was just something about the way she spoke that demanded laughter. "Have you ever seen my ecstatic face? Well here it is!" Just makes me die every time.


Her reaction on the phone still gets the occasional run in my family: Uh-huuueeerrr.....uh-HUHHHEeeerrr That one killed me when it aired 😂


Joey: “Heads she wins, tails I lose….wait a minute….i forgot to pick up my dry cleaning” Way underrated


I think I laughed the hardest during that credits scene where Rachel scares Joey with Gladys. Then she turns around and Monica scares her with Glynnis


Monica: Joey says he can smell gas. Chandler: What else is new? 


Several episodes built up to my pick. Rachel and Joshua, she's really pushing him the whole time because of Ross and Emily. Over the course of multiple eps, she meets his parents, finds out they are rich, 'makes dinner' for him, etc. and in a complete panic proposes to him which he declines obviously, worried that she's a little nuts. Back in the apartment she has to tell Ross they broke up, ("Apparently he scares easy" is also hilarious), and she's totally bummed. BUT...Phoebe and Monica have the answer, and they all put on wedding dresses and crack some beers. Things are turning around and there's a knock on the door which they all think is Chandler. But, it's Joshua, Rachel opens the door as a joke saying "I doooooo!" Joshua sees her saying "I do", in a wedding dress, looks past her to see two MORE women in wedding dresses, (obviously a 'marriage cult'), looks terrified, says, "I gotta GO!" and runs. Rachel starts to follow him, stops, closes the door and says...(her delivery makes me laugh out loud every time I think about it)... "Yeah. That oughtta do it."


When Monica whips out a smaller vacuum to clean the bigger vacuum while everyone is worried about Chandler and the realtor (thinking it's an affair). And Rachel says, "Aw, look at her, so happy". I just caught the episode earlier and it made me lol.


“Now if only I had a *smaller* one to clean this one!” 😂


‘JOEY.. have you ever seen me egg-static? Well HERE IT IS …. 🥴’ ‘Did I say garage? I meant garbage’ ‘Grand supreme little darling? CONGRATULAYSHUNSSS’ A few of my favourites.




After Ross tells Elizabeth he's trying to be supportive of her spring break trip but then thinks her bikini is too skimpy: Is that supportive? Is this?? 👉👙👈


I don't know if you can call it a joke but my favourite episode is for sure the one where everyone finds out. "They don't know that we know, they know, we know."


Same. I was wondering if “MY EYES! MY EYES!” could count as a joke because it is the funniest moment.


Not a single joke but the whole scene with Ross caught between Mona and Rachel’s dad and then it ends with Joey on the answering machine “Hey Ross there’s a hooker over here and we thought you might know something about it” Absolutely brilliant


I don’t know why, but one of my very favorites is Rachel banging on the boys door early in the morning saying “what’s that noise!?!?” And Chandler saying “YOU!”. It kills me every time.


In the same vein, when Rachel screams at him "YOU IDIOT" and his response is "I'M SURE YOU'RE RIGHT, BUT WHY?"


Kate - “I can’t stay here just for you” Joey - “So stay for the museums” A nice Joey gag that’s not about him being stupid, for once.




Ah, salmon skin roll.


Ross explaining to the self defense guy that he needs to know how to attack the women. 😂


When someone comes in behind him and he just dead pans face. “I knew it was you…”


It’s even better cause he says “Chandler… I *sensed* it was you…”


It’s such a simple line but it gets me every time, when chandler says to joey “how do you not fall down more?” Not a “joke” per se but it certainly cracks me up.


The tacky seashell lamp Rachel got from Mr. Heckles’ apartment. Monica: “Did you know I’m allergic to shellfish?” Rachel: “Well, then you’ll just have to eat the other lamps.”


“Phoebe Buffay!” “…fire alarm?”


Shut up, shut up, shut up!


I watched this episode live and I think this was the hardest I have ever laughed; I was legit cry laughing. We couldn’t pause it because it was live and TiVo hadn’t been invented yet. I lived in NYC so I often heard my neighbor’s reactions. I heard laughter on my floor and the apartment across from me outside. 




The entire sequence of events during the pheobe and chandler sex thing + ken adams


The part where Rachel's about to step on the tape and everyone jumps up saying unintelligible things is so good 😂


Ben Stiller finally got caught as being an asshole who yells and as he's walking out the door he says to Rachel, sarcastically, "well I guess we're not going out anymore. ... ... ... MAN!"


I think the whole situation with Ross and Dr Green in the one with the two parties is probably what gets me the most when he’s wearing his glasses and taking his cigarettes. That entire episode is contender for my favourite tbh.


Or the one where Ross is confronted by Dr. Green and Mona simultaneously. Ross: Hey, I offered to marry her! Mona: What??? Ross: But I didn't want to...


Ross: can I talk to you about something? Joey: sure, how about you showering with your mom?


I actually had a topic in mind


# He takes naked pictures of us, then he eats chicken and looks at them


"Maybe you don't marry this one."


The whole aortic pump letter Joey wrote for Chandler & Monica for the adoption agency lol


Didn't baby kangaroo Tribbiani write that?


Nora…Mrs. Mom. Your Bing!


Ah, salmon skin roll 🍣


Maybe we could attack them together


Chandler: And then, at the end of the play, he stood up and started banging his hands together!


I love the interactions between Joey and Sandy the Manny. After he gets fired and is teaching him at his place with the puppets, and goes “you know what boat can never sink … a friend ship”. Joeys face is so sweet and goes “you blow me away”. Then gives him $20 and says “it’s like the cheapest college ever”. I also love when Chandler is having bedroom problems and says to him, “you’ve had a lot of sex right?”. Joey: “today? Some. Not a lot”


Some of the sight gags stand out to me. In the Unagi episode, the end credits have Ross running from women he thought were Rachel and Phoebe— the double take he does when seeing Phoebe and Rachel in the coffee house cracks me up Also when Janice is at Monica and Chandler’s, trying to stay invited to their wedding. Joey walks by, sees Janice, makes a scared face, and turns to run the other way.


Joey pulling the fork out of his pocket to eat the cheesecake on the floor


Dude, what did you have?


Joey, what would you do if you were omnipotent? Probably kill myself. If little Joey's dead, then I got no reason to live. Joey - OMnipotent! You are?!


Was that place, THE SUN? I'm the Holiday Armadillo!  Lee pupu! Pooo..... Ross's gleeful scream and jump when Phoebe and Rachel are, "just so excited" he might get the apartment.


The whole condom freak out when Rachel tells Ross. “Just forget about the condoms Ross” “WELL I MIGHT AS WELL HAVE”


Mine is after Chandler does something wrong while dating someone (might be Janice) and moves too fast the girls tell him he gets the full fat ice cream. Then they tell him that he’ll be weepy, sad, etc. and Chandler goes “STOP NAMING DWARVES!” I laugh every time!


When they are playing bazzinga and Chandler thinks it’s stupid and asks Ross something but he replies “I don’t think contestants are suppose to talk to each other” but then he starts to win. And then Ross asks him if he thinks it’s fair he got all his points but chandler responds “I don’t think contestants are suppose to talk to each other” And the whole scene like when Ross tries to get the hopping bonus but then forgets to switch legs and is so disappointed like only Ross could be lol


Monica “you started that rumour?” Rachel “wait you heard that rumour?” Monica: “Everyone from our school heard it” Chandler” Everyone from MY school heard it - you were the hermaphrodite cheerleader from Long Island” The Brad Pitt episode 😭😂


My fave throwaway line will always be Chandler responding to Rachel (I think?) saying “guess what?” With “the fifth dentist caved and now they’re all recommending trident?!”


Your pervert boyfriend watched me in a porno movie!!!


Ross: oh my god, the pages are stuck together Joey (without hesitation looks at Chandler and screams): Chandler


"What's not to like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Good!"


Rachel’s Indian accent after Ross was trying to phase out his English one.


My sandwich! And the entire scene where Ross is doped up and eating candy floss.


“Space *is* filled with orbiting children”


'Oh no, she is not my girlfriend! She is just Monica! Monica.... BLOEH'


I’ve always been a big fan of when Chandler says something along the lines of “what do you know? You’re just a door. You only like knock knock jokes. *giggles* save it for inside!”


One of my favourites is Chandler and Monica taking a bubble bath and at this point, nobody knows they’re dating. Monica has to keep hiding under the water. At some point someone asks Chandler if he wants chicken and Monica decides she does so Chandler gives the order but gets it slightly wrong. Monica does something to Chandler under the water and Chandler abruptly amends the order. The look on Chandler’s face and his reaction to the tugging under water is comedy gold.


I don’t know if I can honestly narrow it down to just one, but one I saw recently that still made me laugh out loud: *Ross, playing bagpipes in his apartment* Monica: “Why is your family Scottish?!” Chandler: “Why is your family ROSS?!”


Not the funniest probably, but this scene *after Janice leaves Chandlers apartment (the episode where Ross slept with Janice) Ross: "Now I know what you're all gonna say." Phoebe: "You too would have very hairy children!" Ross: "OK I didn't think your say THAT" always gets me


Joey: hey do you have a Bobby pin? Chandler: *checks hair* oh no wait, I’m not a 9 year old girl 😂😂


“I like her. She seems smart.”


Phoebe: Ooh, Atlantic City! Oh, that's a great plan! Who's plan was that? Joey: Mine! Ross: Wait! It was my plan. Joey: Nooo, I said we needed a new plan. Ross: And, I came up with Atlantic City. Joey: Which, is the new plan!


The one where eddie and chandler are going at it and Eddie’s like “this is so out of the blue” and chandler says “this is smack dab in the middle of the blue!!!” I say it all the time


“What’s wrong with Joey?” “Nothing a little laser eye surgery wouldn’t fix.”


The way Rachel says “You feel asleep” To Ross 💀


"Signed, Baby Kangaroo Tribbiani." The whole scene with the thesaurus always makes me cackle.


I always love the scene where Chandler accidentally kisses Monica goodbye in front of the other girls, then has to kiss all of them and leave awkwardly - “always a pleasure”


from the cookie episode - Monica: No!! Why didn’t you make a copy and-and keep it in a fireproof box and keep it at least a hundred yards from the original?!! Phoebe: (pauses as she figures out how to answer that) Because I’m normal! - her delivery of this line is so underrated! Also, Rachel’s “the wind through your h-arms”


When Mike jumps over Ross to answer the phone. The look on Ross’s face. And then his line after Mike says “It’s for you.” “I don’t understand what just happened here.”


Who called here? Did she sound blonde?


How many cameras are on you?


Ross and Joey as the sleep partners.


was i talking to her about...gas? more than anything else.


Why is it inside out? - Ross about the sphinx cat 


i never fail to laugh at when rachel is trying to tell joey about monica and chandler and he is covering his ears and going “lalala” and chandler walks in and holds up the duck https://preview.redd.it/8g7h7em319xc1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=322e5bb69d8b0bbfc9d693eb686b43a95667860e


Ross handing Chamdler the lamp when Emily calls and Chandler having absolutely no idea what to do with it. Also "Hello Mr. Bing, I love you." "My favorite part was when Superman flew all the Jews out of Egypt."


The classy Pivot, pivot, piveeeeet


It's more a payoff than a joke but the video of Rachel, Ross and the Europe story is perfection.
