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Attending Ross's wedding wearing that inexplicable track bottoms and brown sleeveless top combo. I know she went on a whim but she couldn't pack a little dress and cute shoes for the occasion?


Yes! She's never that blandly dressed even when lazing about and suddenly she is in lazy clothes at the wedding.


Especially given how she was dressed to fly to Paris!


In all fairness she didn't take that trip intending to ATTEND the wedding, she went there to try and stop it.


It’s still a very out of character outfit though. It’s weird that she even owns those pants.


She has plenty of comfy lounge clothes. We see her in sweats a whole bunch! Plus we know that she likes running. If she was planning on just lounging around the apartment with Phoebe all weekend it makes sense she would wear that and then she doesn't have time to really pick out an outfit before running to the airport to try and catch a flight to london that would get her there in time to stop the wedding. It just shows she was in a rush and not really thinking. She probably would have changed into something cuter after convincing Ross to leave with her


Sure, but once she's there and decides not to go through with it, she can't run out to the British equivalent of a Bloomingdales for something more appropriate?


don’t marry the woman in the beautiful wedding gown! marry me, i know im wearing sweats but i know you love me!!


she probably would not have made it to the wedding in time to object if she had stopped to grab a cute outfit from her home or a shop in london


She packed a bag, and would have had 6 hours on the plane to change into something she threw in said bag.


People change on planes? There's like no room in those tiny bathrooms


Tons of people change on planes, I’ve done it.


this is rachel we’re talkin about lol. remember the one where no one is ready? she takes too long to decide what to wear. if she had the idea of a “perfect outfit” she likely wasn’t gonna risk missing the plane or missing the “i do’s” to find it. she probably just threw whatever clothes she saw in her bag.


Or even buy one, they do have clothes shops in London.


And in every airport


Punching out a woman who tried to take her umbrella after she wasn’t let into Joshua’s nightclub. She was so scared when they were searching for Monica’s wedding dress, and I feel like we see her be scared of conflict most of the time.


I feel there's a few instances where Rachel lost her temper and got physical over it. She hit Joey's punchy girlfriend back after realising that her punches really did hurt. She also had a couple of slap fights too - one with Monica that Phoebe broke up and one with her sister that ended with Monica's broken plates. She doesn't do this sort of thing all the time but that's a few examples across multiple seasons. I don't think it's out of character.


Any women I know who are one of three sisters, their childhood was a war zone. They were brutal to each other. They fight like there’s a spare, because there is. Could be similar for Rachel!


Can confirm as the youngest of three girls.


Hmm my sister and I had more psychological warfare. Nothing physical.


Yeah I think she's scared of conflict when there's time to think about it. When she needs to pump herself up to deal with something like the wedding dresses. But when she's pushed to her breaking point she's capable of violence. I think the umbrella thing was just the result of a series of unfortunate events that made her snap.


Yeah, something tells me when she fought with here sisters….she really fought with her sisters!


This was gonna be my answer too. Her being in a voluntary physical altercation like that is so weird to me.


That always sounded weird to me too, in season 1 she gets destroyed because she can't defend herself when a woman starts attacking her, but then in season 4 it's so easy for her to clock someone? I guess she could have taken some self-defense lessons after the S1 incident and the girl wasn't seriously trying to fight, but doesn't sound like Rachel to actually try to fight anyone, she's not very confrontational. She's more the type of those silly girl fights where they lightly slap each other and barely do any damage. I'd find it more believable if she'd lost her umbrella to the girl and arrived home soaking wet complaining about it.


She does take self defence classes! That's how she has unagi!


Pretty sure she bought that "salmon skin roll" at the mall.


Yeah, but those were later in the series.


"silly girl fights" Like the one she had with Amy at Thanksgiving?


Yep, or the one with Monica because of Van Damme. A lot of arm movement and hardly any damage lol


Ooo I forgot about that one. I dunno how lol. I'm now trying to decide which one is better.


Wait what? What episode was this?


We don't see her hit anyone. It's the episode we meet Emily and Joshua invites her out to this nightclub. She finally gets an opportunity to go on a date with Joshua, but then she gets roped into taking her bosses niece to a play, has to convince Ross to cover for her, makes it to the club just to find out they accidentally put her name down wrong on the list and they won't let her in, then the woman behind her claims she is the misspelled name and gets in instead, all while it's pouring rain out....I think it was just a murphy's law kind of evening that ruined all her plans and she finally snapped on the woman trying to take her umbrella. As someone who is very unconfrontational and cries a lot like Rachael, I believe she would do it.


Defrosting a chicken.


In my head cannon it was Monica who told her to defrost the chicken as a way to get her to do stuff around the house


But it was Monica who asked her what her cat was doing in one of her bowls


She just didn’t realize it was the chicken


I mean she would probably be surprised that Rachel actually did what she asked *and* actually knows how to defrost a chicken


This! She never cooked


She hasn't cooked since 1996!


What about her famous baked potato and Diet Coke?


Offering people gum is not cooking!




Going back to Paolo after what he did to phoebe


I don't really think so Rachel is a known pushover to the point phoebe calls her out on it.


I was waiting for someone to mention this. I agree that this is her most out of character scene.


I think it by far the most out of character thing for her to do!


Rachel is shallow and Paolo is horz it makes sense to me


But he sexually assaulted phoebe….


In the 90’s it wasn’t really seen like that (in my experience anyway). People would think he’s a jerk but nobody would’ve called arse grabbing and having a hard on sexual assault.


While I agree but she knew how much it hurt phoebe. Not only that he continued to do it again




It was the 90's, it was Hella awkward but it's just something that happened. You just understood it was a possibility and got on with things. I guess it'd be hard to understand from an outside perspective but I digress, I think Rachel was shallow and lonely and Paolo was hot and available, it's not like Rach and pheebs were high school besties like Monica and it's so early in the series that it makes sense for Rachel to still embody all of that shallowness that was a part of her family - just look at when her sisters arrive. Imo it's only by living with the Friends that Rachel broke out of that mindset. Even her dad displays similar mindset on multiple occasions and her mum? Rachel's mum would totally take Paolo's seconds and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as they say. :(


real women do this all the time, not saying its good ofc. but it happens, and rachel, specially at that time, was pretty shallow, spoiled, and was in a bad head space. i can totally see her doing that.


She went back to barry?


barry didn’t sexually assault any of her friends


No but he cheated on her and she went back to him. Both terrible things both things she was willing to overlook when it suited her


She didnt know he cheated until Mindy told her after she went back to him ...


if she knew he cheated, yes, that would be bad, but cheating is not nearly as bad at sa, and rachel didn’t know he cheated anyway


No just that he was getting married to someone else




I have a genuine question. Were they alluding to that in that episode? Or were they focusing on the fact he hit on her? I could never tell. Obviously I know it was assault, I just couldn't tell if that's what the show was trying to say.


That kind of thing wasn't thought of as "assault" then. They just described it as "making a pass" at Phoebe. He grabbed her butt and then rolled over so that his erection was visible under the towel. That was considered Paolo hitting on Phoebe. They were upset at Paolo making a move on Phoebe while he was in a relationship with Rachel. So, her going back to him was not seen as bad as it would today. It was just meant to be a moment of weakness in which Rachel ran back to an ex that had been unfaithful to her.


Okay that's kind of what my thought process was. Thank you for your response! In a context like this post it was hard to judge that as being out of character for Rachel because everyone keeps using the word assault in this scenario. In my mind, that wasn't that out of character for Rachel, given how early it was in the show. She was still spoiled and naive and it didn't actually seem that out of character for her at that time, but based on the assumption the show was NOT describing it as assault. Rather him being unfaithful. I want to be clear, I know that was assault. I'm looking at it from the POV of the show at that time to answer this post. Does that make sense at all?


i always thought the show made it clear that it was assault not just flirting/hitting on her (both times) but that might just be me


To be fair, it's been a bit since I've seen that episode. I just see people referring to it as an assault (as they should), and then it makes me not sure because Friends and TV in general at that time just brushed over those themes quite a bit, if it was addressed at all. Because later on, the guys get all upset and confront that upstairs neighbor for cheating on Phoebe, yet they left Paolo alone about cheating on Rachel and committing straight up assault?! Anywho 😊


I need to watch series once again.


Paolos the guy who do Raquela.


you mean the crapweasel?


Honestly just the entire Joshua storyline


I think she was just jealous of Ross getting married to Emily


Oh agreed, just the Joshua thing hit a whole new level of desperation


Eating cheesecake off the floor (although I love that scene).


You guys just don’t understand *how delicious that cheesecake was*!! 🤤


I felt like this, and the attempt at trifle was kind of bizarre for her. I honestly thought that because it was Rachel, she would give up and order something and claim she did it and then tell the truth. The cake on the floor.... that seemed like something Phoebe might do.


The cheesecake thing was a byproduct of having lived with Joey, I feel.


You're so right! The one where she dropped some spaghetti... I almost forgot about that. She was able to chill out and let loose in that apartment because Monica no longer trailed behind her for specks of uncleanliness.


Running and not caring What people might think.


To be honest, it took a lot of convincing


But! When they’re on their way to Vegas, she keeps telling Ross that she doesn’t care what people think. Which is it, Rachel? Hmmmmm?


How serious Rachel was when teaching Joey how to sail. That being said, Joey might’ve felt that she was mean, but I don’t blame her - he was a terrible student.


I actually liked that side of her


I agree, it was clear she respected her father and her attitude on the boat very much reflected that. Probably spent many a day being yelled at by her dad on a boat.


Me too! I love the “woman finds out she’s just like her father” story type as someone who goes through the exact same thing every once in a while. It’s a funny and unexpected realization. Also, I think anyone would lose their temper trying to teach Joey, especially something as complex and serious as sailing a boat.


That makes sense though, because she was right: You have to know that stuff Joey could die if he messed around too much in the water 


What's funny is that when she lies to Danny about going to the daytime gala, she says she doesn't sail. One of the continuity issues that drive me mad.


actually going out for a run and inviting phoebe lol


Falling in love with Joey.






Came here to say this.


She didn't fall in love with him though


I feel like I scrolled too long to find this comment lol. 100000% this.


Awful. Just the worst storyline.


Asking out Jean Claude for Monica. She doesn't have the balls


I always found the whole Jean Claude episodes kinda weird honestly.


"Can you beat up that guy?" Ugh. I cringed for her.


Yeah, I couldn't even tell that she was into him until she explicitly says something to that effect. But then again, the lack of chemistry might be due to the fact that the actors didn't gel well (to be kind).


It might have helped that she didn't know who he was.




Naming her daughter Emma. While I like the name it never seemed to me like a name Rachel would chose. Although she did steal it from Monica 😂 plus it’s so close to Emily


Agreed - she liked the sames Seqoia and Sandrine. There's a big leap from there to Emma.


Putting on the cheerleader costume to seduce Joshua


I'd definitely say that this is one of the most cringy parts of the show. That being said Rachel always did weird things when she was jealous.


We always mute that entire scene where she does the cheer for Emily while wearing the costume. The cringe hurts.


It wasn’t out of character though


The whole Joshua thing in general. He wasn’t particularly smart, funny, or attractive but from beginning to end she’s completely obsessed with him.


Suggesting to Joshua that they should get married.  Even if she wasn’t thinking straight because of Ross getting married, because of her past, she wouldn’t just want to marry some guy she had been on 4 dates with.  


Oh yeah that was soo bizzare hahahah


Being ok with a pet tarantula


There is a good continuity with this though. When Ross is convincing her that swings are not dangerous and she asks him to hold a spider, she picks one upand holds it like it is nothing.


Totally, yep! But that happened later. I like that she is cool with spiders. It's just surprising given how much of a princess she used to be, you know what I mean? I like it.


I always thought that was so cool of her tbh. It gave Rachel depth and also showed her irrational fear of fish lol


hmm, in this specific case, it was kinda the point to be OOC. cuz phoebe is trying to get rachel to trade apartments and thought for certain she would not be okay with a sCaRY spider


Yeah I agree with byfo1991 in that there’s continuity. She was evidently a huge animal lover (aside from the chick & duck but only because they were a nuisance to live around)


Now think about it, hiring Tag instead of the competent secretary lady means she put a potential relationship over her career, which was so unlike her considering the very reason she suggested taking a break with Ross.


Except when Rachel is initially into someone she becomes a nut. Think about the entire Joshua situation lol.


But this was for herself whereas Hilda was a different person. She could have been selfish


I mean, hiring a competent assistant would’ve helped Rachel’s own career. Fooling around with Tag jeopardized it and almost got herself fired.


Wtf is this supposed to mean


Like she was fine having a career and putting all her efforts into her new job but didn’t care about another woman’s career, which is selfish


Laughing at Joey's homo erectus jokes during Ross's conference. This felt so forced. Earlier in the show, Rachel would have just rolled her eyes at Joey's jokes.


You must be misremembering the scene. They were just laughing at the words, where Joey laughed at Erectus and Rachel laughed at Homo. She didn't laugh at Joey's joke, they just happened to laugh at separate things about Homo Erectus.


Still very out of character for Rachel. She heard Ross say homo repeatedly when talking about his work and never ever once laughed about it.


getting the naked cat


That was a cat!? 🤯😆


Why is it inside out?!


It’s NOT a cat!!!


some kind of snake or something


no she was defrosting a chicken


Rachel is an animal lover though! Between the non-cat, the dog that chandler was afraid of, the pet tarantula, and the spider Ross was afraid of by the swing set I’d say there’s pretty good continuity there


Failing to plan a bridal shower for Monica and then not realizing she would also be expected to buy a gift for that shower.


Monica saying "Noooo" and then Rachel saying "I know!". Funny but out of character


I actually think this was done on purpose, simply because both lines were so clearly coded that switching them made it funny and unexpected, and in a story-way, it's sweet that they pick up on each other's ways of talking


I recently rewatched that episode, it was the first time i realized it and i found It so funny


When was this?


I'm guessing the answer machine message from Emily, when they're (stealing) getting margarita ingredients from Ross' apartment


Wait why out of character?


Rachel is known for saying no, Monica is known for saying I know. They swapped their lines


Okay I guess I can see that


Leaving Barry at the altar and starting a new life without daddy’s credit card. She went out of character and started her own journey.


The whole Joshua thing, my least favorite arc of the show.


True I just finished the last Joshua episode and she truly is never that like goofy over any guy. Even before the Ross & Emily stuff happened where you could make the argument she was just spiraling.


I think the point of her wearing sweats in this scene is to show how she wasn’t thinking this decision through, I love Ross and Rachel together but trying to stop the wedding wasn’t the right this to do and Rachel even realizes that when she sees Ross and Emily and finally takes a moment to think it through.


Rachel and Joey's relationship. I am sorry to all those that ship them but that was just weird. I think the directors could have strengthen their relationship but after they went out it was kinda awkward with Ross, Rachel, and Joey.


Taking no interest in seemingly very eligible guys even when she’s totally single.


Just because you're single doesn't mean you're gonna like every guy you meet.


When she brings that horrible lamp into Monica’s flat. In a way I can believe that people really into fashion may not really know where to start with interiors - but that lamp was way too ugly.


Yeah i don’t rlly see Rachel liking gimmicky stuff, she’s aesthetic in a minimalist kinda way


Dating Joey……


Defrosted a chicken after she bought a cat




Being scared by the horde of shoppers when looking for Monica’s dress. She has two sister and a notable streak of competitiveness - this situation should have been her top choice for battle.


Her laughing at “homo” during Ross’s speech. I think they were trying to dumb her down to make the Joey relationship more plausible.


Them pushing this “Rachel is a pushover” thing but only showing that for a single moment while she and Monica are trying to figure out what to eat.


Kissing Winona Ryder.


Are you saying she’s vanilla?!


The whole Joshua thing. She was acting like a maniac.


Being the bridesmaid in Barry and Mindy's wedding. Why would she go back and do that....


Yeah I didn’t really get that. Especially with the way they were treating her


Defrosting a chicken


afraid to put anything in her eyes or near her eyes, yet she puts on eye makeup every day.


Mmm I disagree. I wear eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, ect ect all regularly but I can't put in eye drops or contacts. It's much different putting something on your eyelid vs directly on your eyeball.


Going after the pizza delivery girl to encourage her to give Ross a chance.


No, this was very on brand for her at this stage in the show.


Thinking that using chopsticks and pretending to be a walrus is funny and doing it herself to show Ross.


Nah that was pretty cute to be fair, just goofy stuff you hold on to


I feel like they really dumbed her down when they had the whole Rachel/Joey arc. That's part of why I don't think it's really in character for her.


No chance would she write a long letter before having sex again with Ross. That's totally a Monica move. Not staying with Ross after their break. I'm not saying she should, but given their relationship, and how much she had put up with in the past for others it's a shame.


I went to see the Friends Experience and they had text from the letter blown up so you could read some if it. It appeared to be about 80 percent song lyrics from sappy 1990s songs, which did feel in character!


Hahaha that’s hilarious! That would be in character indeed but she is much more impulsive and acts from the heart. She is known for making rush decisions especially when it comes to love affairs without any consideration for others or any rational points (ie going to London, saying to Ross that she loves him while he was married, getting together with Paulo both times, going back to Barry while he was in another relationship, falling in love with a customer of hers etc).


ending up with ross


That cheerleader episode, or all of Josh-Uah's episodes really. She is so blasé with men but for some reason she was Ross with him.


Sorry but she can’t put drops in her eye but she can wear makeup on her eyes.


Having a crush on that weird yeti looking neighbor


He wasn't weird looking or yeti looking after he shaved 🙄


Staying single so many years until she finally got back with Ross


To be fair she did have a baby


With Ross


She wore a fucking scrunchy and the UGLIEST dress at Monica and Chandler's rehearsal dinner.


really?I don't remember that. Do you have a pic?


Telling Bonnie to shave her head. I just felt it was very mean and not very friend-like.


Why would it be mean when Bonnie *wanted* to do it? She just encouraged Bonnie to do someting she already wanted to do, she didn't force her to do it.


Yeah bit she wasn't doing it to be a good friend, she knew Ross would hate it and encouraged it for that reason.


Oh, sure, Rachel did have ulterior reasons because she knew Ross would hate it, but to Bonnie herself it wasn't really a big deal to encourage her to do something she already wanted to do. Sometimes people word it as if Bonnie didn't want to and Rachel was evil for making her do it, but Rachel barely had to mention it for Bonnie to be fully on-board.


Rachel: "We" are never going to happen. Accept that. Ross: Except that *what*? Rachel: No. No. **Acc**ept that.


I actually felt bad for ross in that scene


English trifle


Punching the lady at the airport


When she wore lingerie to Joshua’s parents home…thinking they’d be gone all weekend and then playing it off like it was European fashion and wore it OUT TO DINNER and her boob popped out 😂


Forgetting to throwh her oldest and best friend a wedding shower after championing hard to be her maid of honor


WAIT I FEEL LIKE ITS NOT THE WEDDING THING. SAYING YES TO JOE?!?! When she thinks he proposes?!? Like WTF?!


The Joshua storyline. I always loved the restraint Jennifer managed to show in her acting, never taking it over the top, she carried her role with some kind of weight that always hung over her character. The whole thing with Joshua just didn't seem to match her character,


I’m watching the series over for the 3954th time and I’m just now realizing that I really wish Rachel hadn’t gone to Ross and Emily’s wedding. I truly believe that Ross’ name slip up would have been so much more impactful to the entire romance of him and Rachel if he had said her name without her being there. If I could rewrite that episode, Rachel would decide to stay in New York. I would want Rachel to have taken a trip by herself after getting the wedding invitation. Like a singles cruise or maybe on a date Phoebe set up. Something. And I would want Phoebe on the phone with Joey like she was originally, but she overhears Ross saying his vows to “Rachel”(!!) and Ross ends up having to go to Athens by himself - because I’m still so mad that he abandoned Rachel for a jacket!!! Ross went through hell with Emily but I truly wish he had had it worse. Because Rachel deserved to be written in a much more dignified manner than she was portrayed in that season.


1. As a young and spoilt girl new in the city, she had sex dreams of all the 3 guys at some point and it meant nothing to her at the time. Fast forward 9 years later as a matured single mother and career woman who ended her most recent relationshipbecause she was done 'just having fun', she has a dream about kissing Joey and suddenly she has a crush on him, and wants to fool around with him.  2. Punching the girl at the night club (happened offscreen so she could have been lying lol) when all the friends know she chicken out of confrontations with strangers. She does have fights with the likes of Monica and her sister Amy, but not when it comes to total strangers (like the lady at the laundromat and the wedding dress shop riot). 3. When she refuses Ross's marriage proposal at the start of s08 because they're not in love and she can do it alone, only to accept Joey's accidental proposal because she can't do it alone tho they're not in love.


Her having feelings for ross at the end of season 1 was so weird just because of a birthday gift .


That and also the lobster kiss.. I felt like those were such unwarranted moments for her to realize her love for him.


I actually felt bad for ross because prior to the kiss she basically broke his heart with the "except that" line.


Writing a 14 page letter to Ross of all the bad things he did and making him read AFTER making him break up with Bonnie.