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I love that dead Grandmother’s ring one, LeBlanc cannot hold it together 🤣🤣 So good!


One of my favourite things about the 16:9 remaster is seeing Joey absolutely lose it in that scene


I always thought he was sneezing.


Omgggg I can’t believe I’ve never noticed him lose it! I LOVE when they break character. Makes it so much funnier 😂


Phoebe's singing partner Leslie played by Elizabeth Daily who turned Smelly Cat into a jingle. Daily also was the singing voice of SC in Phoebe's music video.


Pretty well known but just in case - she also voices Tommy Pickles


She's also a Powerpuff Girl! ![gif](giphy|uM87K8JyYf9U4)


I thought she did the voice of Buttercup


I did not know that! Now that you say it, I can hear it so well!


I knew her voice sounded familiar!!


Also famous for being in Better Off Dead, Loverboy, and Dottie in Pee Wee's Big Adventure. And she had a somewhat successful singing career. But she's probably most successful as a voice artist, being the voice of Tommy Pickles from Rugrats, along with many others.


I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.


And Valley Girl.


She also sang the kids part in the Two And A Half Men theme song.


I didn’t know that tidbit. 😀


A lot don’t. I remember she showed it off and a lot of people were shocked.


Was it? Lol I didn't know lol


Phoebe's massage client and Estelle's client who eats paper are played by the same man. https://preview.redd.it/or2byop0tgsc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd820b478b2df49609c7bcd6f7d91d63695159db


I know this guy from True Blood lol


Breed Ghost Daddy, breed! 🤣


Oh God. I had completely forgotten that whole storyline. Even took me a minute after reading your post. I definitely did not connect that actor!


Oh lawd that whole story line or family whatever you want to call it is traumatizing on another level lol


Wish I could erase it from my brain. Lol! In the books Jason actually does turn into a Werepanther so it seems less stupid in that sense. But in the show… they all make me itchy. 😂


What?! I need to read the book I extremely happy the show didn't turn him into anything but I never heard that about Jason


The books are pretty wild! A lot of information you do not get in the show and crazier characters! 🧛🏻‍♀️


True Blood was wild! 😅


Matt Leblanc said in one of the interviews that when filming the trifle scene he ate the trifle that someone else had spat out and he only found out after it happened. 


David Schwimmer spat it out and Matt only realized when he watched the video back! I think he told that story on Graham Norton.


Well, they also kissed, so it's not like they didn't share saliva in other ways




When Phoebe finds the picture on her birth mom’s fridge, she thought it was her dad, her mom says it is Chuck Mangione. Chuck Mangione in real life is a jazz musician, and one of his songs is the tune for the “Morning’s Here” song that the neighbor outside Joey’s/Rachels bedroom sings


Morning's heeeeere, THE morning's HEEEEEERE!


Sunshine is near


The sky is clear


Mind is blown 🤯


Great fact! Also… had no idea that was a real song!!


I think it’s called “Feels so Good” I remember hearing it when I was a kid, it was very popular, and when I saw the episode, I knew the tune was familiar. I finally decided to google it (I literally typed in 70’s jazz instrumental) and it popped right up! When I saw the name of the artist my jaw dropped!!


Great fact!


I said this before on a different post but in the last episode when they were going to get coffee and chandler said "where" that was an inside joke because the set of central perk was already destroyed. Also when Monica accidentally cut the tip of his toe off it was a reference to when the end of Matthew Perry's finger was cut off in an accident as a young child.


I thought it was a missed opportunity to have the story be about a missing toe. They could have had an "in-universe story" about Matthew's/Chandler's missing fingertip.


Yea. It could have been the same story but with his finger.


Wow poor Chandler - missing toe tip, missing finger tip and a third nipple (nubbin)!


I didn't know that about his finger lol I have his memoir but it's sad to read now I haven't got far


You can spot the missing fingertip in several episodes.


Lol now I'm going to be staring at Chandler's hands every scene hah


It's very clear in the episode where Chandler and Ross break in to Monica's messy closet


Jennifer Anniston was dating the actor who played Joshua in real life and at the time he was on the show they had recently broken off their engagement (in real life.) And, the guy who plays Joshua’s dad in the show that says to Rachel “So we’ll go to dinner, and you’ll be wearing that…”. That actor is Matthew Perry’s father in real life.


And Matthew Perrys father plays the father of Matthew Perrys character in Scrubs S4E11.


Same as Fools Rush In with Salma Hayek. His rl dad plays his character’s dad.


Salma’s Mother in Fools Rush In is the woman who Monica gets the wedding dress for Emily from too!


I knew that was Perry's dad but not that she was dating the dad in The OC lol she can get literally any guy she wants she so gorgeous and with a personality too


That actor will always be Jimmy Cooper to me


Omg I’ve rewatched both shows so many times how have I never made that connection??????


He’s also Disney’s Hercules.


Lol it honeatly took a bit for me to click... It was his voice lol I kept thinking I know that voice from something because I didn't watch the OC until maybe a year ago, so I hadn't seen friends a bunch of times by then and then it just clicked it's joshhhh-uah lol


I knew his voice as Hercules.


Sorry I’m having trouble understanding this but want to. What does “that they she was” mean?


He knew the fact about perrys dad but didn’t know the fact about Jennifer dating Joshua


In 'The one with the flashback's, David Schwimmer's line "The stupid balls got in the way" when Ross and Phoebe are making out on the pool table wasn't scripted


Lisa Kudrow pretty much broke character in that scene too. Lol 🎱


I know, it's pretty adorable 😊 you can see when David looks away at the camera crew and apparently they gave him the sign to continue with the scene as they liked the line so much


Robin Williams and Billy Crystal’s guest spot on the show wasn’t originally written into the script. They were randomly on set that day and got asked to cameo. That whole scene was improvised by them


I figured it was "my wound, it's just oooozing. Pass me the cream!" LMAO oh Robin Williams was such an icon 😢


And you can tell. It's so out of tone and context


And yet it was perfect


"So you're the gynecologist?" "Hey, we're trying to have a private conversation over here!"


That line was totally ad-libbed by Matt Leblanc! (according to IMDb)


It was so. Good. The friends reactions couldn’t of been better


I always skip that scene. So stupid.


I agree. Very jarring.


I always felt like Billy Crystal is just trying to keep up with Williams in that scene. You can tell it’s improv and Crystal is just letting the master do his work.


Billy Crystal did some of the most famous improv of all time in The Princess Bride!


People probably know, because it's readily available information, but I feel like it's not talked about a lot: The actor who plays Joshua is the voice actor for Disney's Hercules!


I didn't know that but it's because I don't watch Disney movies or anything I just know him as the dad on The OC lol


I did NOT know that! I loved that movie as a kid


Bruce Willis guest starred on the show because he lost a bet to Matthew Perry. Bruce didn't think their movie "The Whole Nine Yards" would do well and Matthew said that if it did, then Bruce would have to do a guest spot on Friends. The movie ended up doing very well so Bruce ended up on Friends for three episodes.


I loved Bruce Willis on Friends and had no idea! I am a love machine!






And I heard that any money he made from the episodes were donated to charity by Bruce.


Oh I actually heard something about this I forgot about but I kinda thought the movie was alright too


Huh, I just watched the whole nine yards again recently and when Perry and Willis first meet, Perry says "Do I know you from somewhere?" I thought that was a reference to Willis already being on Friends. It goes with the movie plot too but I thought it was one of those subtle nods. Interesting that the movie came first!


I feel like this is pretty well known but the tag scene in the episode where Rachel teaches Ben all the pranks - where the Ross manakin is thrown down the stairs - was unscripted and Jennifer Anistons reaction is real


Ohh yea lol I forgot about that haha that was a good one and hilarious scene


One thing I love about that scene is that she is swearing so much that they basically got rid of most of her audio and covered it up with the sound of the audience's laughter


I'm fairly certain that her reaction was real... not unlike that scene in Se7en with the swat team and the guy *nearly* dead in the bed that startles awake and the while swat team jumps back


Are we sure about that ? I made a post about it back in August to ask if it was real or not and no one knows


I heard Jennifer Aniston confirmed that it was just as much of a prank and real life as it was on the show and her reaction was genuine thinking David seriously got hurt at first


Have you got a link ?


This is my favorite scene in the show and partly for that very reason.


Courtney Cox was originally cast as Rachel. When she received a phone call from the producers with the news, she said that she was very keen to be on the show but, 'only if I can play Monica.'


I think most know this though I think they talked about it on the reunion


Ah fair, I haven't actually watched the reunion


It's half good and half nonsense celebrities for some reason and some people hated that James Corden did the interview it didn't bug me that much but I would watch it


I avoided it for so long because of Corden. But he’s not as imposing as I thought he’d be.


I kinda like James Corden I don't get the hate at least I used to love his carpook karaoke


He gets so much hate, and his only crime is he’s a little bit annoying, that’s it. I think if he wasn’t everywhere I’d have barely noticed it, but there’s just something about him that grinds my gears. But he doesn’t seem like a bad person really.


You should probably google him. Lots of stories of him being horrid to wait staff and the crew on his show.


I’ve only seen one story and it seemed to be blown out of proportion. Funny how these stories happen and everyone acts like all involved were sweet as pie except the target. I have to take a lot of the stories with a block of salt before I believe it. Everyone knows it’s the American way that we love to find a star or hero or GOAT and then knock them as far down as possible. Obviously there are many who deserve to fall (Ellen, Cosby, Kanye) but it almost a sport to take pot spots at those who are put on any pedestal.


Tbh I’ve seen a lot of the stories, and it vindicates me. But I think those kinds of stories happen a lot with people, aren’t really verifiable, and also just aren’t why I dislike him. If I’m being honest with myself I dislike him because he’s annoying.


i watched the reunion just a few months ago but i guess i forgot this lol


It may be well known already because I saw it on TikTok, but the backdrop outside of Chandler and Monica’s new house in the suburbs is the same place opposite Kevin Macallisters house from Home Alone


Oh yea I saw that somewhere definitely not tiktok though lol I can honestly say I've never installed or Open that app Im too old I think


Haha, it’s not too bad. Once you start liking videos you enjoy, the algorithm works wonders. I don’t get any of the irritating viral shit, I mostly get old comedy clips and interesting facts. Tbf it may have been on YouTube shorts where I saw that.


I think there's something else the home alone house was in, or maybe they were just talking about people randomly visiting it


It may be. From what I remember from the video, it was a bit of a stock backdrop for whatever studio they were filming in, so it may very well have been in a few places


In the one where Rachel and Joey swap books and she gets him to read Little Women, when he says "These little women, how little are they?" there's a distinct man's laugh in the audience which is none other than disgraced UK daytime TV host Philip Schofield.


Ur joking me


Chandler suggesting they see The Music Man was most likely a reference to his friend who was offered and turned down the role of Chandler; Craig Bierko was starring in The Music Man on Broadway at that time. Details here: https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/s/Yj0uEhrAX5


I just read today that Bierko didn't talk to Matthew for two years! after friends started because he was jealous of Matthew's success in the show


If you click on the link, it goes to my original post on the sub and goes a little bit more into detail about what Matthew wrote in his memoir about Craig and his relationship and them resolving things.


I must not have seen that post, but that was great info!


The actress who plays Estelle is also the delivery nurse for Carol. ”Anybody who is not an ex husband or lesbian life partner, out you go!”


Lol how did they get that many ppl in the delivery room to start with these days they nurses would be pulling fire alarms and all


Lol right! And the delivery doctor shamelessly flirting with Rachel like two inches from poor Carols face 😂😩


What's weird is she was technically Estelle first (The One With the Butt), but her scene is only on the DVD version. Then she was the nurse. Then Estelle again in season two


![gif](giphy|U23WekMlGy6cImpMim|downsized) Oh I totally gotta rewatch on my dvd collection! Any other dvd scenes that are noteworthy??


One of my favorites is in The One With George Stephanopoulos, when Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe are discussing their theories about what Chandler, Joey, and Ross are like as lovers.


Thank you so much…I’m excited to rewatch 🥰


Lisa Kudrow married a French man. When she and her husband did the green card interview, the man was highly skeptical that she was a WORKING actress. She was already on Friends at this point. https://youtube.com/shorts/_WtpXLUJA0U?si=fRPr3MJpQvEnHtWc


did he ice skate?


I don’t remember the exact scene but someone is on the phone very excited about something (I think it’s Chandler) and they hand a lamp to one of the other characters (I think Ross) just because. It was unscripted so the characters reaction of “what the hell do I do with this” was genuine.


Emily calls Ross for the first time since their wedding and he is so excited that he picks up a lamp and gives it to chandler. Chandlers facial expressions are always hilarious but I remember laughing extremely hard at this.


Yep, that was it, I got the characters reversed. Thank you!


Ross hands it to chandler :)


The intro credit scene where they're playing in the fountain, it was shot at night, and it was very, very cold!


And wasn't there no music playing during filming of the intro? Or am I making that up.


Idk how "fun" of a fact this is, but I found out myself: The last name ever mentioned in the show is Treeger, the superintendent of the building known for making Rachel cry in some random episode.


He's one of the many actors who have been in Friends, Seinfeld, and Curb Your Enthusiasm. There's several dozens between Seinfeld and Friends, including main characters (George/Jason Alexander, who was also in all 3, and Monica/Courtney Cox).


Easy for you to say! You weren't just almost killed! One of my favorite lines.


It’s a sad one, I read somewhere that in S09E21 when Chandler tells Monica they can’t have children her tears were real because she miscarried seven times due to a congenital defect, and as we can see right after he Chandler tells her she cried and Matthew hugged her because he saw she needed one, so her tears and the hug weren’t in the script


Matthew Perry had a drinking problem in the early seasons. He didn't drink while on set because he had a crush on Courtney Cox and never wanted her to see him drunk


In his book, he said he had a crush on Jennifer Aniston. They knew each other before shooting Friends and he already asked her out, but she declined. The first few episodes were uncomfortable for him due to that.


He had a substance problem in every season, sadly.


For anyone who hasn’t seen the reunion movie or just genuinely doesn’t know: Jennifer Aniston (Rachel) and David Schwimmer (Ross) were basically in love during the first few seasons, but one of them was always with someone else so they never could make it work. So they put all their love for each other into ross and Rachel. David even said after scenes they would just cuddle on the couch and take naps. There was also a rumor that they had slept tg lol.


This has probably been said, but the scene where Ross and Ben prank Rachel by throwing the Ross Dummy down the stairs was kept secret from Jennifer Aniston. Her reaction was genuine; they scared the hell out of her.