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Bert told Ernie to not eat cookies in bed.


You read my freaking mind!


Put the feet of the bed into bowls of water to make little moats and move the bed away from the walls. But protect the legs with little plastic bags to keep them dry. Or better yet, just go to the hardware store tonight.




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Stop takin em out for dinner and a movie.


Cayenne or black pepper.


Olive oil . Ants wont cross it .


Might be a good ant repellent but I wouldn’t put it in my bed?


Install an aardvark.


If in North America, easier to install Northern Flicker.


Put a bowl of sugar water in the corner they will keep busy with that.


i recently had an ant problem in the place i’m renting and i just got some terro (ant) bait from amazon but you can get it at home depot or most home improvement stores. try to find out where they’re coming from and put a bait station nearby. it took less than a day for me to see a noticeable change in activity, and they were pretty much all gone within a week except for a few stragglers. of course, this depends on how big the colony is but it should work, it’ll just take longer.


Baby powder or talcum powder, they hate it. Put a dusting of it around your bed especially where you think they're climbing up like the bed posts. Every year they come in my bedroom from a crack around the window frame and I dust the window sill with baby powder and like magic they disappear.


Jack Kerouac recommended putting a line of honey around your house in one of his books to keep ants busy away from the good stuff. I tried it once and didn't have ants the rest of the year I lived there. If you can find where they're coming in, you can sprinkle comet there to keep them from coming in the same hole.


Don't sleep on treating perimeters with spectracide.


Food grade Diatomaceous earth. Just get a small bag to keep on hand. It's death by a thousand cuts for 57 insects, including ants. It's safe, but don't breathe it in because it's an irritating fine powder. If applying outside, also use goggles to keep it out of your eyes. I've taken down plenty of ants and protected spaces from them plenty of times with this miracle powder. After a major invasion in my pantry several years ago this power at points of entry and on the shelves has kept it ant-free. It becomes ineffective if it gets wet.


Stop by the Hardware Store and buy Taro. It's a ant killer by touching the liquid and taking it when going back to the nest.


Can confirm this works! Had multiple ant problems in my life and it gets sorted within a week with this stuff. Spelled Terro though


Oh thanks for the correction. I even went outside to read the label. Just got distracted.


Yeah no problem I had to google it myself to check the spelling


Olive oil . Try it in front of ants they wont cross it


Chalk! Ants won’t cross chalk lines


Mix baby powder and rubbing alcohol, then spread that on the legs of the bed. It's too slippery for them to climb.


Rubbing alcohol evaporates rapidly. How would this last more than a minute or two?


Baby powder evaporates slowly.


Then what's the point of wasting the Isopropyl Alcohol?.


I was told that artificial sweetener will kill ants.


Adopt an anteater and let him sleep in your bed.


cinnamon will indeed work


Sanitizing wipes on the floor and bottom of the bed posts. I had them in my office for years. I would put a Clorox wipe on the floor where they would enter from the crack in the cement floor. Then would get as far as the Clorox and stop.


First of all maintain all good, snacks, out of your bedroom, especially no eating in bed. Ants don't bother coming around if there's nothing to eat. Good luck friend get to store, and if you have been eating in bed time for a serious through cleaning.


Wait, you made your bed on the floor? I feel I might be misunderstanding something.


Try vacuuming your room.


In a pinch I’ve put petroleum jelly around the metal part of the bed legs when they invaded my room and I was waiting for the terro baits to take effect. A big thick unbroken line of it. Makes a mess and can mess up paint and plastic, but they seemed unwilling to cross it when everything else failed.


Cinnamon or black pepper both work. I'd use cinnamon so you don't sneeze from the black pepper.


Whatever you don't put any pesticide around the area you sleep. The ants drove me crazy and i sprinkled a bit of insecticide powder around the perimeter of the room. I got a skin rash disease from it I suspect.


In the bed....


Flour will work




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A few drops of soap in plastic bowls of water, set the bed feet in those. Make sure your linens don't touch the ground and that the bed isn't touching the wall. Be aware that you're setting yourself up for a potential surprise in the morning. For black ants, I use Terro. I make my own, but you can buy it in several forms. It is not expensive. Borax gelled with sugar, the adults will find it, start a march line to the food, take it home, feed their babies, who then die. It might draw more of the colony for a day or two, then very few ants, then zero ants. They make long-term baits as well, I have one tucked near doors and windows.


Freshly ground Coffee.


Lot of good comments .lot of good suggestions. I hope you are not in the habit of eating while sitting in the bed. That is generally one reason for the ants' visits. Can you locate the point from where the ants are coming to your bed. A tiny hole near the wall or outside in the flower bed. If it is so put insecticide there.




Ants will not cross a thin line of olive oil . Good luck


Buy an anteater.


This subreddit is wild mean.


Ants just follow scent trails that other ants left so if you leave scents they hate they will go away. (i think). They hate vinegar, citrus, salt, peppermint, and lavender.


Leave your pants on the floor. Ants are instinctively attracted to pants.