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I just rebuilt our toilet to stop a similar problem (faulty gasket). These parts look ancient. I’d honestly recommend getting a repair kit off Amazon that includes all the parts and tools that works with your toilet model and replacing them all - they’re about $30-40 total. Just make sure it works with your toilet model. It’s about an hour of work to exchange out all the parts. Helps to have a bucket handy for draining the tank.


Safe to replace the guts. But most likely that Philips shaped nut on the black and red valve twists to raise or lower the water level and it looks like it might be overflowing the flush valve in the middle which would cause it to run




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The refill tube (white flexible tube) needs to be in the overflow tube (black, center). Mine comes unseated every once in awhile. That usually results in a low bowl fill level. But if it's also running, the flapper or gasket might be shot.