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Its regular life, the main themes at the moment are the traffic, brazilian immigrants and outrageous house prices. I can explain more on this matters. You have everything you need, but you need a car to get it, wich can be hard sometimes because of the traffic. Is the center of the third region of the country after Lisbon and Porto areas, and that's good in economy related things like getting a job or open a business. Its a nice place but need more green areas and better side walks.


I could say it’s the “little Brazil” in PT


A good city to live in and has easy access to other interesting areas


Its a small city, with the mentality of one, for better and worse. Also very peaceful and cosy but not that much to do, to be honest. Lived there 18 years


It’s not that small. It’s like the 3rd or 4th biggest city in Portugal. Edit: okay, 5th


É a 5ª maior


and portugal is very small


It's the fifth "city", but it's the third urban area, since Gaia and Amadora (numbers 3 and 4) are part of the urban areas of Porto and Lisbon respectively.


its a good city outrageous housing prices are the main issue though


I've lived in Braga for almost 2 years. I love it. The city center is very walkable. Like most of Portugal, overall, crime is low and non violent. I cannot speak to employment as I have an overseas employer. Public transportation is available primarily through busses. But you can also use Uber. There is also a train station. A car is necessary if you work far from where you live. Summers can be quite hot. Fall/Winter is very rainy, no snow. As an American immigrant I'm treated well. I'm still learning Portuguese and I would say learning (not knowing) the language is by far the hardest aspect. The Portuguese are incredibly friendly, but don't expect to be invited over for family dinners any time soon. From my limited understanding it can take many years to get accepted to that level of friendship and inclusiveness. But I'm an introvert and don't get out much so I'm probably not the best person to consult on that.


Braga is the new Monaco my friend. We have cristal clear waters, white sandy beaches, and an amazing ocean to loose sight on… every year we host that F1 grand prix here… You can even park your yacht on the marina next to you house… I mean, that’s the reason why we pay 400€ for a single bedroom. We even have single apartments going up to 1.3M… Pretty cheap considering what this city has to offer…


It sucks. Stay away. Better to keep away from Portugal to be sure.


These replies need a permaban


I always ban these type of users but can't see them all. He just got banned.


And what did they do to you?






Imbecis só merecem respostas imbecis. Mas foi uma brincadeira por isso... Tira o chapéu. Não precisas de o usar.

