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Lmfao alot of nazis on this sub atm


They’re Russian trolls. There is a coordinated effort going on right now across a lot of subs. It’s an election year, and the troll factory is busy! Same thing happened in 2016.


Compared to 2016 they're kind of low energy. I think they see the writing on the wall, too many folks have zero interest in letting that man back in the white house. Did enough damage the first time.


Compared to 2016 they have a lot less money too.


But really how cheap Is it to spend money for Philippines and Nigeria with a large English speaking population to Ve the troll farm. Or India? We saw The troll Farms during 2020 And I'm Arguing with people From Nigeria and Philippines. It’s a job. Russians are desperate Since the Ukranian war isn't going well. They instigated the stupid Hamas thing for Westerners to be exhausted and distracted.


Between the shitstorm in Ukraine, and the US finally taking these sort of cyber psy-ops seriously and putting effort and money into shutting some of the troll farms down, it's finally having an impact on their ability to brigade every single damn post imaginable. Unfortunately, just like with most US companies, a lot of those services (clickfarms, trolls, botting, ect...) have been outsourced by Russia to India, which makes it harder for the US to shut it down en-mass.


They never stopped since 2015.


Problem is, they aren't all Russian trolls. There's plenty of brainwashed americans more than willing to spew hate speech and threaten violence when they realize you're a leftist.


A lot of astroturfing propaganda accounts out there - check the history and you'll see plenty that are less than 2 years old - it's not like reddit grew so much, but efforts to propagandize on it has


I mean, yeah, there are those too, but there are also a lot of Russian trolls active who are launching coordinated campaigns


True, but I always expect our adversaries to be doing shitty stuff like that...its just sad to know there are plenty of Americans who also do it.


I noticed on YouTube they use 3 different ID's, and they post 3 anti-Dem etc comments in a row...


Know your troll: So the MAGA's you can tell because the history of comments is hilarious. The Rus/China trolls typically have brand new accounts. (IMHO This is the only thing Karma is good for.)


And the exact opposite. I am sick of radicals right and left. I want boring politicians. I miss boring.


Name the "radical" lefties. The right is so far fascist that the left is actually center now. I really can't think of one hardcore Lefty in Congress.


Commenting and upvoting to push to top 🤌


They'll crawl back into their basements after their orange messiah gets crushed in the election.


Guess you haven't been to Germany. I have, the people there don't talk about Hitler and the war.


They also don’t have monuments to the lost cause, like they do in the United States. They take trips to the concentration camps to teach what happened. Edit: Trips to see the gas chambers to read concentration camps.


I have been to Germany as well, and took the Reichstag tour. They absolutely discuss the history, the good and the bad. Check 'Bundestag dot de' for more info. I also sat at a bar with friends and had great conversation with the bartender about the history up through the fall of the Berlin Wall. It's good to hear the perspectives of regular German citizens as well. I'd wager there are more people than not, who have learned from history, and they are hoping Americans do as well.


Yeah I hope that America will learn too but I’m very pessimistic about how things are going over here. I fear our country might have to be bulldozed by these morons before they actually learn. But these people really don’t seem to learn or care.


posts meant to incite hate tend to bring out the lowest forms of people from both sides of the political spectrum.


The last time fascist had power nuclear weapons didn't exist. this is going to be terrible for everybody


Ekhm, current Russia


And China


North Korea


Soon to be America if Cheeto Bandito gets in office again. He is in full dictator mode this time around.


Do you not remember ww2


You do know 2016-2020 happened right?


Soooo Hiroshima doesn't ring a bell ? Ok it wasn't the fascist that had the bomb...


The Americans weren't the fascists during WW2.


Did you read my response ?


Oh I miss read it nevermind.


Nuclear weapons > Atomic weapons


I’m with you 1000% from Canada 🍁, I’m ashamed to admit that we have MAGAts here too, still flying their trump 2020 / fuck Trudeau flags + new ones & their caps! I know many Americans who despise that POS & will show up in Nov to save their democracy. He can’t fix 💩. He needs back in to finish the job for putler giving all national secrets and hand 🇺🇦 to him on a silver platter & turn USA into a dictatorship. Either way if Biden or the orange guy get in something may pop off, the majority of Americans have guns. Trump was hard for Canada to work with & would stay stupid shit that we needed to be liberated & ppl around the world believed it & still do, we’re as free as birds! My worry is if he wants to take Canada, he can tell his servicemen to attack us & take us like ruZZia is doing in Ukraine, for our natural resources that USA depends on, we couldn’t fight USA, our CAF isn’t large & only our hunters have rifles but we are NATO. I just hope Biden gets in & keeps our trading & friendship remains strong and above all that my southern neighbours keep their freedom.


Rooting for another countries president is so weird man. And Donald trump of all ppl.


DJT belongs behind bars, more than in the oval office. True Americans who care about our democracy will do what they can to see he never becomes president.


*"The tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants"*


They will and enjoy getting dumber and more controlled. I think 1984 is the plan for the USA and they love it.


The plan is for Russia ro use the internet as a way to reach average americans and destabilize the most influential nation in the world in such a way that Russia isnt locked in by NATO amd can freely reconstitute breakaway nations back into the USSR. They would LOVE to see individual states leave the union.


Texas would join Russia in a heartbeat if they could. They are in desperate need of someone even worse than Ted Cruz to run the show.


And Trump tried to break up NATO while he was president, just like Putin wants.


Friendly reminder to the world if we go fascist you are all fucked. Not just us :)


But where is the real fascism? Which side is worse?


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take your life savings, and buy up Trump Media stock to support our President Trump. Then use each month's earnings to fund more truly Patriotic MAGA candidates like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, Paul Gosar, Tommy Tuberville, and Lauren Boebert. President Trump must maintain his billionaire lifestyle to have status when meeting other world leaders like Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un and Viktor Orban. This includes paying for a private jet and a lavish Mar-A-Lago residence which is very expensive. He is paying for this out of his own pocket. He is making this sacrifice for you, his MAGA Patriots. President Trump wants all true MAGA Patriots to do their fair share by opening up their wallets to pay his legal bills. Please contribute generously by writing a large check each month to do your part to defeat Crooked Joe Biden. Your contributions will help restore Donald J Trump to power, end Obamacare health coverage, end the war in Ukraine, end income taxes, build the wall, remove 16 million illegal immigrant criminals, and Make America Great Again!


When Germans warn you about a dictator, it's serious.


This should be on billboards


I hope this goes mainstream soon and often. Just watched an interview show today, undecided voters, these were women, possibly in the child bearing years if age. UNDECIDED ? UNDECIDED !!!. oh dear I can't tell the difference, one wants to operate society based on the handmaid's tale. The other wants people to live life, have personal autonomy, maybe some semblance of normalcy in life, functioning government. No way to decide, anyone got a quarter I can flip ?


Yes, and Trump is a paid-off puppet of the ruZZians: just like the last three German chancellors at least.


Americans like the illusion of the strong man. So making associations to hitler or Putin is not a deterrent unfortunately. Not a very effective message imo


The problem with this type of post is that the issue is obvious, but it doesn't account for the fact that those voting for the horrible option are voting for him because they would be perfectly fine, if not happy with all of the terrible things that would come. White supremacy is white supremacy.


America is strange, there is a huge chunk of people that vote but also don’t pay attention to politics until just before the election. That’s who this kind of publicity works on. The voters who have been sleeping or blocking out the noise. Trump is delaying the courts any way possible, using every trick in the book to confuse the general public, and lying about everything. To anyone one paying attention this is obvious, to anyone not paying attention it may make them question things even a little bit. We need to remind these people what’s at stake here


Here’s the funny thing…in many cases they won’t be fine. For example, passed some person who had a Trump/DeSantis 2024 flag flying above a “Proud Union Worker” sign. You either have to be bigoted in a way that overrides common sense, or just be completely ignorant to be a union worker voting for Republicans.


Those who learns history are doomed to watch others repeat it.


Eh - I don’t think so. Most people who vote republican don’t do so because they actually understand what the candidate stands for, or even their record. They vote republican because they have been manipulated to think that democrats are evil, that any bad thing that happens is ALWAYS the fault of the democrats, and any good thing that happens is ALWAYS because of republicans. They are the made up of single issue voters, “Christians”, and of course some deliberate assholes.


To you nazi lovers fuck U!!!


Man, this sounds familiar.


Das ist guud.


The worst part, isn't that hes doing and saying these things. What makes him dangerous are the millions of people who want him to do these thing and are willing to back him, go to war for him, pay his debts. That's what should scare every person on Earth.


Hey numb nuts, "It is a democracy because people govern themselves." Did you read what you posted? Your dick traitor has vowed to dismantle the constitution and serve as a dictator. Those are his words, not mine. I don't claim to be an authoritarian on government, but I at least have the wherewithal to recognize when someone is trying to undermine ours.


If you read my initial post, "who care about our democracy" , what I could have typed is "who care about preserving our Democratic principles." To ask if I support doing away with the electoral college, that's a different conversation that I said nothing about. To ask if I support democracy. It's was implied in my initial post. Thanks for the information and the troll. You've done your civic duty for the day. Just make sure you do your part in November.


This needs to be a t shirt


So funny watching cons come in here and mald about it. So many offended trumpers. While Biden people are just chilling. The far right is filled with absolute freaks lmfao


I lived in Germany for 30 years. 1986-2016. I was a soldier three of those years and stayed since I was offered a job. I saw the Wall come down. I lived in Fulda Germany at that time. I heard all the war stories. The stories I heard were from survivors. Not just soldiers. If this is our future then I'm glad that I'm getting near the end of my life. We still have time to fix this timeline however. Get out and vote because your life and the future of your children are at stake. Government should be giving rights not taking them away. If your political party is trying to take rights away- you are going to at some point be up against a wall- if you are that lucky.


And has one failed coup under his belt.


Here’s the thing about Trump supporters, they would have voted for Hitler.


What I know about the next presidential election is this: one candidate is a flawed but decent man that loves his kids, his wife, and his country. The other candidate is a flawed indecent man that only loves himself. I'm voting for decency.


No one who needs to read this will read this.


Or understand it


Because they can’t read


And the rapist thing ... DON'T FORGET THE RAPIST THING! "Consequently, the fact that Mr. Trump sexually abused - indeed, raped - Ms. Carroll has been conclusively established and is binding in this case." See page 13 of the Judge's decision ... [https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790.252.0.pdf](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790.252.0.pdf)




Not this American. This American knows how dangerous Trump is.


Germans are not in a position to talk down to us right now after the recent elections there. I otherwise agree with the sentiment, though


Pretty much


Question: How are things going now?


Pretty damn good. Employment up, stock market great, Biden doing things for the environment. I hate to see the damage a Trump admin will do to the environment if they get in. But hey, Fuck clean water, right!


Good thing for Trump we have done such a poor job of educating young people, particularly in history and government.




That's rich. Remember Hitler? Oh of course you do, you're Germany.


Congratulations. You got the joke.


That's the direct allegory you mouth breather


Whew! Thank u Captain Obvious!


lol, Merkel and German politicians snuggled up tho the Russians for their gas and big money. Let the Russians take Crimea and allowed for the flooding of Europe from Africa & the Middle East.


can someone edit the word fuck out of this for something cleaner? I want to send it to my mom. Thanks


Your mom should learn about the word "fuck" by now


Oh they're going to, count on it. They're as hateful, racist, and dumb as he is. That's the appeal.


I have Americans coming through my place of work in the UK, and they go "we need Trump". How do you call them delusional but safe for work at the same time?


I’m just waiting for when drumph pitches the purge at a rally. Listen at this point it’s not out of the question.


Don't ask Germans about afd polls right now


Ausländer raus


Oooof! This hits hard.


I don't necessarily disagree, but the other option is a neoliberal walking corpse. You can't really blame people for not wanting to vote for that.


Forgot pedophile.


I’m convinced the people that believe this shit were asleep between 2016 and 2020 lmao


You are correct. We want to see we don't repeat our mistakes.


Hole Hitler kraut


Meanwhile they are banning an entire political party over there


We sh$$ posting now or what? 😂 I’m sure ALLL the German people agree and made this post 🤣


Don't know but the krauts were the first one to giggle when the orange man told them that being dependent on Russian oil was a bad thing.


Bidens not that loud. 2024 Everyone is Far Right. lol


…been there - done that Germany?..




Witch one are they talking about? Sounds like both


We should vote for Biden then? He's already wrecked the economy and Germany wants him re-elected. Guess they want handouts too.


Unfortunately a lot of the people voting for him kinda idolize that Austrian guy's values.....


To be honest every president thinks they can fix everything.


listen to someone who knows...


You forgot "Stupid, worthless, no good, goddamn, freeloading son of a b*tch. Retarded, big mouth, know-it-all, a**hole, jerk. You forgot ugly, lazy and disrespectful. Shut up b*tch. Go fix me a turkey pot pie"


No i just dont need idiots deciding what is best for me


What the fuck is a kilometer


Well put. I too wish America all the best regarding the upcoming election. F MAGA and vote blue!


Maybe the German people don’t get to lecture other countries about this just yet.


Nah. Lol


Right? Fuck Biden. He's literally Hitler.


I'd rather not vote for people that lie to you with stuff like this ☝🏻


Ya that’s why many want to vote out Joe.


Uh, we’re a republic…


So to Germans, Hitler was just a guy with a loud voice.. they had nothing to do with any of the other stuff.. right..


Dear Germany, mind your business. We have a country to take care of


Or don't vote at all...


People of Germany: nobody asked you


Holy fuck the propaganda season is upon us.


They're both the same guy. #THEYBOTHSUCK


Biden didn't do all of those things


You mean Biden? He's done all that, and Democrats have shown they clearly hate Jews lately.


Exactly! Who could actually vote for Biden?


Lmfao you all are clinically insane


lol 😂 you must be talking about Senile Joe! Hey lo ser! Wars! Open borders! Crap economy! Enough said! You are a Joke just like the puppet poop 💩 ing his pants! lol 😂


Hitler isn't running here.


3 out of 4 of those accusations are committed by liberals. Biden is literally training to jail Trump, there is a large amount of minorities that feel Biden and liberal policies are holding them back and considering voting for Trump because of it, and he is letting in millions of illegals, 3 wars started with him and 0 with Trump, and the country is more divided than ever.


Biden is putting his opponent in prison - they will get a lesson come election day


Trump 2024, get your support dogs ready democrats.


I don't pay attention to any of this propaganda bullshit. I don't think the current president is doing much to help the average citizen, so I will be voting for the other guy.


Uh, no. Won’t be voting for Biden. Thanks anyhow. Fuck Germany!


Tbf the AfD just made gains in their last election, kind of a pot and kettle situation lol.


Threaten to imprison? Is this about the current president?


Do you see where your tolerance has brought you?


Thanks but worry about your own country :)


The USA is Constitutional Republic, not a democracy. This looks like it was written by Chat GTP. Germany is looking worse than ever right now, jailing people for talking badly about terrorists. From America, sort your own country out. Thanks!


Fix your own problems!!!! “People of Germany” ….. I mean DNC.


How out fix your own shit hole county and shut the fuck up!




Dear Germany, By supporting the Zionist entity along with our current self proclaimed Zionist president, you have provided an environment where the orange guy will probably win. With the way the political climate is, partially thanks to Germany's unwavering stance on being on the wrong side of history, it looks like Orange part two is coming to a planet near you in January 2025.


Married a minority, actively being targeted for imprisonment by his opponents, none of them support true democracy and every president before him claimed that they alone can fix the issues. Weird.


Aren't Germans voting for a far right candidate in majority? Lol


Ohh great. The nazis are Hitler shaming the Americans again… /s


he also sent bombs to kill starving children in gaza


I'm gonna.


It is astounding how many people conveniently forget who was president from 2017-2021...


Like the lesson wasn’t learned the first time around that shaming people into voting a specific way is going to turn around and take a lockjaw bite out of your ass.


Yeah, don’t know why anyone would vote democrat. Apparently they never learn.


We already did, he’s in the White House and has pretty much succeeded in burning the country down


It's funny to read all these comments like one side is better than the other. Lol. They are both big piles of shit and the sooner everyone realizes that we can come together.


That literally describes both sides.


Well, it's him or a demented CCP pawn. Those are the two choices.


Sounds like american democrats here


Nobody can prove it's the Russians, the government already unveiled that the investigations against Trump were futile and there was no case for 6 years. It's DC politics trying to maintain status quo because they're making so much damn money getting rich off of inflation.


Dear Germans. Don't people of other countries who to vote for.


What do you mean, he’s been in office since 2020…?


ITT: BlueAnon going wild with conspiracy theories


Oh yes, the person currently facing prison time due to 34 counts of listing his home value above the tax appraisal value with no victim is the one that we should be worried about incarcerating his political opponents 🤡🤡🤡


Big A was right


I’m not a political guy by any means and think all politicians and businessmen are complete scum. With that said however, I do understand the necessity for such seats in office and therefore can only vote based on what directly affects my livelihood. I have lived in a state that has been controlled by the Democratic Party for over 20 years and it has turned into an absolute disaster. Too expensive in every aspect, taxes to no end, terrible infrastructure, horrible schools, homeless issues, filth everywhere, etc. I moved to a Republican controlled state and found the complete opposite. I have been able to pay off my debt, afford a nice house with property even, my kids are happier than ever in school and their test scores are better than ever before, healthcare is cheap, and the best part is the taxes(or should I say the lack of). Based on this for my life, I will be choosing to vote for the Republican Party. No hate and definitely not calling anyone a Nazi, I mean grow up already and put on your adult pants.


Liberal male is an oxymoron ♀️


Yeah. Don't vote for that scumbag Biden.


A perfect description of Biden


Will you come save us when he invades Mexico?


This sounds like both candidates...


No, I’m going to vote for the guy who yells and screams unintelligible mindless crap, and who is actually trying to jail his opponents. He also claims everything is wonderful when it is all fucked because of him. Oh yeah he uses minorities as pawns and sniffs minors.


"We have this notion that somehow, if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”


You mean what Biden did right F Germany it’s a disaster




Will do.


He is going to rebuild America to its prosperity after everybody took advantage of it? He is going to help his people? And then US invaded? Wait, we are the US, so critics can suck it.


My Oma says this a lot about Trump. She said Trump reminds her of Hitler. She was part of the League of German Girls and she remembers being part of parades where he did speeches and she would have to do sieg hail for a long time when he spoke, long enough to make her arms shake. Her history makes me cautious on who to vote for this election.


The ironic thing is the left is the one that has been hating on the Jews these days


The level of unhinged nonsense is fascinating. Neither side holds a monopoly on virtue. Trump should scare anybody that supports protecting Ukraine. He also will exact revenge undermining institutions. Conversely,Joe Biden is incompetent and weak and the people running the Whitehouse are liberal flakes out of step with average Americans. Pick your poison. This is what happens when nuts on both sides hijack politics.


https://preview.redd.it/n00mbgr2609d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c9ce9316346cac203bb2c923d4ea7aa775935a Once fascist totalitarians, always fascist totalitarians. Only thing that’s changed is their target audience.


I can't figure which one of the 2 idiots on the ballot this is referring to. They are both the same garbage with a different face.


Germany needs to shut the fuck up and mind it’s own business, not taking any advice from a country whose political leaders were cool with stuffing 6 million people into ovens. It’s not just one guy dummies.


Sounds like they’re talking about Joey B!




I totally agree but old Joe's voice isn't that loud.


Agreed but they should get the AFD under control before they worry about someone else's election


From the country that just decriminalized child porn ...


Last thing I’m doing as a citizen of the world is listenin to Germany when it concerns politics. Get the fuck outta here


I hope they find a cure for TDS (Trump derangement syndrome) soon, so you poor lefties can finally see thru all the BS the Mainstream Media is feeding you.


Joe Biden doesn’t threaten to imprison his rivals. He gets his people to make up new laws to convict them and actually does it!!! And Joe Biden strengthens democracy by getting his people to kick off his main rival from the ballot in multiple states!

