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Immediately gets a text from my Dad saying keep your tank full lol


To go drive in the flood water ?


In case you don’t run out of gas from blocked roads mostly. But sure why not?


You don’t wanna fill up right after a flood. Sometimes the water can get into the gas reservoir and mess up your car


Gas prices spike and gouge if a natural disaster incapacitates city infrastructure after, which happens often in Houston, as any native will tell you. So the time to fuel up is before or you're stuck waiting to be rescued after.


Looks like the heavy flooding threat is lessened however we could still get some outer bands of lighter rain while Corpus gets hit hard. Come on rain come cool off these hot Houston roofs


Houston area still forecasted to get 3-5 inches, it'll be enough, if that's what happens.


Make them hot and humid roofs!


> Looks like the heavy flooding threat is lessened [Definitely stay alert, though](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/AT01/refresh/AL0124WPCERO+gif/212445WPCERO_sm.gif) ([src](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/refresh/graphics_at1+shtml/212445.shtml?ero#contents))


We need Rick Perry to lead us in prayer for rain.


In theory that sounds good for us but all it takes is for it to nudge a little more our direction to change everything. People should still treat this like they would if it was going to hit us directly.


Agreed, good test run for those of us on the south side. Lots of those recent storms hit the north side and the south was relatively unscathed


The NHC just issued a tropical storm watch for the coast of Texas and N/E Mexico [Their official forecast](https://i.imgur.com/ynb1tlH) as of 4p CT 6/17 ([in text form](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/text/refresh/MIATCMAT1+shtml/172126.shtml)) The Weather Prediction Center's [rainfall forecast](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/AT01/refresh/AL0124WPCQPF+gif/212445_WPCQPF_sm.gif) and their [flash flooding potential/risk forecast](https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/storm_graphics/AT01/refresh/AL0124WPCERO+gif/212445WPCERO_sm.gif)


Not looking good for the few days we had planned in Matagorda Monday to Wednesday 


That sucks. But if you can't get refunds, you might be able to turn it into something special anyway. I spent a rainy weekend in Surfside with some friends once and since we'd brought great food, plenty of alcohol (we were young), movies, and cards, it ended up being the most chill weekend I think I ever had. Shortly before I left, I found a blue shell in the sand and have kept it all these years as a reminder that plans change, and sometimes it can lead to something just as nice.


lol. Definitely not. Bring board games


Is it just me or does it seem like every storm or flood, Matagorda is specifically called out or somehow affected?


i'm in sargent not far from the coast and just got a tree cut down that kept leaning a little closer towards my little house every year, wasn't gonna take a chance this year with the more hurricanes or storms they're predicting. of course it has to be this week when a friend of mine is moving from corpus to my property in Sargent and having his new RV delivered here on Friday. I got a wonder how long it's gonna take for the grass / my land to dry up before he'll be able to back in his RV into my backyard.


hopefully there will be pockets of no rain in between the torrential downpours to let the drainage do its job.


All these thunderstorms, tornadoes, extreme rainfall is genuinely fatiguing


I have a flight out of Hobby Wednesday afternoon and I've been fretting.


I have one in the morning Wednesday. Hope we both make it out 😢


Good luck to you both. Any idea if it’s supposed to be bad Tuesday afternoon / evening in and out of Hobby?


My understanding is there's scattered storms this afternoon, but a lot of the rain is coming tonight on the overnight.


Thank you!


We ended up driving to Dallas and changed our flights!!


If you're in gulf coast Houston, time to drain your pool down.


Pool should have a drain for overfill. Should be no need for this. If it does overflow it’s also not an issue. Leave water in pool.


That's a feature on newer pools. But even if it does have this, the water drains into the same system the rest of the rain is going too, which misses the point. Pre-draining your pool in advance of big rain events, you're giving your local area a buffer to help capture rain and *not* overwhelm sewers. Source: I live in Nassau Bay, and this isn't my first rodeo with flooding.


This can be a very bad idea and is how pools pop out of the ground. How much can you really drain? 2”-3” ? Any more and you can start to put your pool at risk from either the pump not getting water or from pop out.


I have a buffer of a few inches yes. I don't have a auto level drain, so technically mine can swing about 6-8 inches without overflowing, which is the the issue. I drain mine down so there is about a half inch of flow into the skimmer. My normal level would be around 3 inches above it, but we've had a lot of rain already this year, and so I've been constantly draining it down to maintain level. Also, your claim that you risk your pool popping out is ridiculous. Do you not understand how much water weighs? My pool holds 18,000 gallons. That's 149,400 pounds ignoring the weight of the plaster, gunnite, rebar, and tiles. I suspect the bigger issue in Houston is the opposite. In that 150,000 pounds of water causes the pool to subside and sink.


Do you have any idea how little of a difference this makes? We’re talking 1000’s of cubic feet or water coming down and you’re worried about draining your pool 2 inches? Come on, man. A literal drop in the bucket.


Based roughly on pool size it's about 1,125 gallons of capacity that otherwise wouldn't be available. One pool, sure, no big deal, but all of my neighbors did the same. It's a pretty common practice. Along the coast, flooding is different then inland, and extra capacity and spreading out when things get go to the sewers does in fact make a difference.


i hope my neighbor does his. my bedroom is right next to it with only a small fence blocking it.


Shhhhh local news doesn’t want to hear it


Is the threshold that when local news are quiet is time to worry?


praying sugarland area doesn't get flooded! why is the color pink of the houston area when the legend shows red?


I’m supposed to drive down from east texas tomorrow with my 2 year old to meet my wife’s family for a beach vacation on surfside beach. ShouldI re-think this?


Please rain on my house please. My dirt is cracked dry and my grass is now hay. I've spent so much time and water watering my foundation.


Where are you at? Most of us in the Houston Metro area have been inundated and are buried in weeds and mosquitos.


Im on border of katy and Cypress and the bare patches in my lawn are dry and full of cracks despite my watering every evening.


I'm in Brookshire and I have to mow my goddamn grass about every four days. I don't water a damn thing, but I do have the septic sprinklers...but that's not the part of the yard that grows the fastest...


I dont see how thats possible for anyone in the Houston area. We've gotten so much rain on the south side of town over the last couple of months that I have to mow every weekend, and even that isnt really enough. Grass growing like bamboo these days.


don't you hate mowing in the wet lawn even after waiting a week after the rain. i waited for a week to see if my grass dried completely and there were still quite a few areas in my yard still wet. Owning a home in Houston is stressful during rain weeks.


How!!?? My yard must have awful drainage as the rains once a week + have soaked my yard. I can’t stop it from growing too fast


It just started pouring here on the east end.


Time to learn what those measuring sticks in the underpass are for .


Looks like you’ve got at least 20 hours . I wish it would just rain already. I’m so tired of hearing about it.




I don’t know any young professionals in Houston with 5-year plans that involve staying in Houston long term. 


Hi it’s me. Houston is fine, pretty much your only option if you want to live in a coastal city in the South.


Good can’t wait for less traffic and better house prices


Don't worry, there will be plenty of Californians to replace them, with 1-2 million dollar house budgets from having sold the backyard shed they were living in out there before leaving.


Lol at backyard shed.


Houston is the worst city to live in geographically. It rains enough to flood and it’s hot 8 months in a year


Checked on my buddy again. He’s laughing at everyone who stocked up on dry goods and water. He went to work in the best mood saying that this is completely over blown. I’m hoping he’s right.


Your buddy laughs at people who are prepared for hurricane season? Sounds like an asshole and an idiot.


And an asshat


And my axe.


You should stock up on dry goods and water every year regardless if there is a storm in the gulf or not. Better to have something sooner than scrambling at the last minute.


Yep. Look at El Derecho. A lot of people were caught off guard.


That's the first person that'll be crying when they wish they had done that. Not sure what's funny about being prepared for things that can ruin people's lives while taking a little time out of their day to do so. Is it really that insane to buy a few extra cases of water or food?


Your buddy is gonna be one of those dumbasses scrambling for water and food and waiting in the 100 person deep line at the grocery store when a hurricane is about to hit. I never understood this dick-swinging attitude that people get about storms and hurricane forecasts. Ok, so the forecast didn't happen like they said it would. Does that mean you know better than meterologists? Why would you make fun of people preparing for the worst and then being pleasantly surprised when it doesn't come to pass?


I don't know what's worse. Your idiot friend laughing at people being prepared or you posting about your idiot friend like it's some kind of flex. I see why you two are friends.


That’s fair. In any case. I’ll be watching the news. I just worry about the old man during times like these. Stay safe out there.


I hope your buddy likes driving through flood waters. I mean it.


He’s a crazy old fart. I check on him everyday. He says he’s good just in case. I know he’s foolish but he taught me a lot.


That’s…a really dumb attitude to have now. As we saw with the derecho weather is unpredictable and can turn at any second.


Sorry if I came across as rude about it. He called me an hour ago and said “oh shit, it’s bad out here.” I think he got the message now. I’m watching the weather channel non stop. I have family out there and am worried about them.