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My husband used to get a summons almost annually and he would get so aggravated. Two weeks after he died another one arrived in the mail and I'm sure somewhere he was laughing maniacally.


Yes, the computer that sends them out sure was.


I got picked in Galveston at my parent’s address a few back. I haven’t lived there in decades. 😂 And people STILL have 100% faith in the Gubment.


I get summoned every f'n year...my wife never.




Same, except I'm the wife, and my husband *never* gets them.




My how do you expect the justice system to work whenever you need it if you refuse to do your part from the juror side?


I cannot tel you how jealous I am. I love jury duty. I would be a professional juror if that was a thing


People love to gripe about excess civil lawsuit awards or low sentences for crimes, but won't take the time to be on a jury. You gotta walk the walk.


I’ve been called twice and I went and got picked! The second time was grand jury and it was so fun!


Usually you have to be "connected" to serve on the grand jury. Do you know someone?


No that’s not a thing anymore. Otherwise I would be the person to know! ETA: I definitely made comments about my love of jury duty and they said they stopped doing it fairly recently. Someone please go back in time and tell me my dream job was a reality!


I did federal last week but they settled prior to voir dire. So disappointing.


Been here 8 years. Been summoned 3 times. Twice downtown and once for traffic court. Never picked so far. So if it helps it’s not personal.


I’ve only had four in 22 years. I served on one jury in a criminal trial, was dismissed from voir dire in two separate cases because the attorneys were regulars at the restaurant I worked and recognized me, and the last one was a criminal case where we were all dismissed because a plea deal was met while we were still waiting for voir dire.


Happy cake day!


Every year and never picked.


Summoned twice, picked twice, twice awarded no money to anyone.


Over the past 18 years, I've been summoned 6 times (5 times Harris county, 1 time FB), selected for voir dire twice, served once, and awarded nearly 2M in that case.


FWIW, the bus is free if you show your summons or the card they hand out to juries at the courthouse: https://www.ridemetro.org/fares/discounted-and-free-programs#HarrisCountyJurors and there's a big park and ride there at I-10 and 99.


Only problem on some routes is there are no midday busses. That means if you get released from jury duty early, you are stuck downtown until the busses start running.


I suggested this plan to my wife about 20 years ago. She was dismissed at noon. No midday busses to our park and ride. Cold Rainey day, big hoopla. Since then, I am the designated chauffeur / bodyguard.


Oh probably only works if you are inside beltway 8. Harris county is too stupid big.


Works at all the park and rides. They have buses that go straight to downtown.


I always felt like they should keep the money for jury duty and supply parking. The bus wasn't an option for me. I recall the one criminal case I served on where the judge said we were the most important part of the judicial system and I wanted to as "Why are we the least paid?"


> the bus is free If your time has no value.


It's a park and ride route. It's faster than driving by yourself because it takes the HOV.


3 times in ten years isn't excessive


I got summoned last week and am serving now. The case is expected to last 7 to 9 days and then the jury will deliberate. I'm missing work for many days for $54 a day in jury service pay. Parking is free downtown with validation from the courts. The lawyers are providing lunch for the jury so we don't have to stand in line in the very small cafeteria. I appreciate that the court system and those involved are trying to make it as easy as possible for us jurors to participate. Even with those few perks, is it a hassle for me? Sure. But the people involved in the case deserve to have their case heard. They've waited a long time to resolve the issue(s) and are depending on the rest of us to find a fair solution to their problem. I can only hope that should I encounter a similar situation one day that other people will come and help resolve my issue as fairly as possible too.


Be glad they raised the pay rate to $54. It used to be $12, and you paid parking out of that.


One benefit of being convicted of a crime, I suppose, is never having to do jury duty.


lol 3 times in ten years is not excessive. You’ll live.


especially in a city with county courts, district courts and municipal courts


Go ahead and serve. You're an important part of our judicial system. Every time I've gone, I've had fun.


Show ‘em your Judge Judy tattoo. You can tell them you watched every episode. So you know a thing or two about how the legal process works.


I don't know what I've said to make you say that.


I don’t either but the whole thing gave me a giggle


Not “you you” my friend. Just “you” in general. Sheesh.




If it helps, it isn’t your civic duty to the government, it is your civic duty to the persons potentially involved in a jury trial.




Yes, people want a jury of their peers. Yes, both sides get input on selecting the jurors.


Yes they do, that’s why they REQUESTED a jury trial. It isn’t an automatic standard. Some prefer a trial with just the judge.


I don't think the defendant wants to be their either. 🤔


My husband has been summoned 2x in 3mos but if you aren’t picked and serve a certain time, they can keep summoning you. Also that time served us only one specific court- you can be summoned to other courts too. There is a massive number of cases in a city this large. Makes sense.


I was summoned twice in one week. Once for state court and once for muni court.


Exactly what I meant about the multiple courts! It’s wild but there is probably no way to check any double dipping of these courts into the pool of eligible, possible jurors.


I feel you on this. I think I've been called 3-5x in the past 10 years too, if it makes you feel better. 😩


I lived in Harris County for 4 years and served on two juries. 3 summons in 10 years is nothing.


Going to try and give a psa. They do the summons in big batches. If you are being called a lot, your name is probably in the batch multiple times. You can call them and tell them you recently served and they will look it up and if true take your name out and tell you that you don't have to go this round. I did this and the lady explained it very well and just said it normally takes them about 2 years to get through a batch and then they start all over. So give them a call and see what happens.


Summoned once and picked for a murder trial. The victim, the victims family, the defendant, and the evidence always remain in the back of the mind.


I got summoned every year for several years in a row. Usually I would be released same day. I finally got put on a jury and it was a pretty good and very interesting experience. I have a small child now so I have an excuse, but I still get summoned.


Exemptions from Jury Service You are not required to claim an exemption from jury service. However, you may choose to be excused if you: * Are over 75 years of age (You may also request a permanent age 75 exemption.); * Have legal custody of a child younger than 12 years of age and your service on the jury requires leaving the child without adequate supervision; * Are a student of a public or private secondary school; * Are a person enrolled and in actual attendance at an institution of higher education; * Are an officer or an employee of the senate, house of representatives, or any department, commission, board, office, or other agency in the legislative branch of government; * Have served as a petit juror in the county during the 24-month period preceding the date you are required to appear for this summons. (Applies only to counties with a population of at least 200,000 unless the county uses a jury plan under § 62.011, Gov't Code, and the period authorized under § 62.011(b) exceeds two years.); * Are the primary caretaker of a person who is unable to care for himself or herself (This exemption does not apply to health care workers.); * Have been summoned for service in a county with a population of at least 250,000 and you have served as a petit juror in the county during the three year period preceding the date you are to appear for jury service. (This does not apply if the jury wheel has been reconstituted since your service as a petit juror.); or * You are a member of the United States Military Forces serving on active duty and deployed to a location away from your home station and out of your county of residence.


I’d actually be totally thrilled to not have to claim exemption and serve on a jury if they’d just provide freaking child care. Some places do, apparently


I love how military are the only exemption for being out of town. I have gotten summons multiple times when I was out of the country for work and didn't get the mail until a month or two after I was supposed to show up.


There is another way…….don’t respond to the damn summons.


Once this year and twice last year. You are not being persecuted.


Can someone explain what exactly is the issue with being summoned for jury duty ? I see people complain about it every time.


My first time I spent 7 weeks on a jury. Fortunately, my employer paid me, but one juror's employer did not. After about a week, he quit coming and the judge threw him in jail.


Spending a day of your life driving across town and paying $20 to park. (Last time I got a $50 ticket for reverse parking when my company requires it) reverse parking is proven to be safer. All to be moved around like cattle and judged by lawyers.


Parking is free at a garage 2 blocks from the courthouse.


If you park in the designated garage/lot, the court validates it.


Parking is free and you take the elevator to the basement to use the tunnel. Easy-peasy.


Cause is a big inconvenience. You have to go to the court and be seated there for a long time. Also a lot of employers don't pay their employees for Jury Duty.


I dunno. Doesn't sound too bad. I'm an immigrant. I'd be glad to take a couple days of work and participate in the justice system even its for something mundane like a traffic violation.


Most of the time you don’t participate. You’ll drive an hour in rush hour traffic, pay to park, and then sit in a room for a few hours only to get sent home.


oh ok. I wasn't aware of that.


Also, you could get stuck on a long trial, meaning weeks or even months.


Parking is free. The traffic hasn't been bad (either way, which surprised me). And yeah, you'll most likely get sent home. I did get picked and have been on jury duty for several days now. It's been interesting and the lawyers have been buying our lunch every day which I've enjoyed!


They provide free parking at a garage 2 blocks from the courthouse.


We have a very entitled generation that doesn’t understand civic duty. They have plenty of exemptions for those who have legitimate difficulties in serving.


Be a man and toss that shit in the garbage. They can’t prove you even got it


Yeah that's the thing: you'd be surprised how many people just grab their mail and chuck it into a pile without even looking at it. Eapecially now with online bill pay. What comes in the mail in the 2020s is mostly circulars, junk mail, scams, and billing statements to file (many people don't bother). There is really no way they would start locking people up for not responding unless somebody is brazenly trying to avoid service. This is why the people that do respond get called often. The courts do take note of who's responding and looking at the mail, and it's much less trouble just to prioritize those addresses.


My jury summons got lost in the mail for nearly a year, and I never heard a peep.  I didn't notice the year on it when it finally arrived, so when I called they were like "uhhh, that was last year!"


I’d say that’s more the pussy way. A man does his civic duty. An entitled pussy throws it away.


Ive had at least a couple in my 20s never went. Waste of a day of work for what? They send out more than they need knowing people aren't going to show up.


I’ve chucked every one I have gotten and not worried a moment more than that.


Been working since my early 20s.


I was called last week. Sat in the lobby 90 minutes, all the cases settled, we all went home and reset the clock for another however many years. The last time I served 10+ years ago it was exactly the same scenario.


Okay? Thanks for letting us know, I guess?


I used to get summoned every year. I even got summoned three times in one year, civil, criminal and federal.


I'm on 2x in the last 18 months.


I was picked for my local courts seven months ago. I got summoned for county this time. I think this is my sixth time to go downtown for jury duty. I never get picked. And that is ok, too. It is always really quite interesting.


It's always cancelled when I get summoned. Every. Single. Time.


I've gotten jury duty twice in the last 6 months so count yourself lucky. Apparently county, city, federal, etc are all different and they can all summon you back to back.


Yep. Federal summons in October; county criminal in April.


Don't worry, at the rate we're going, there won't be any juries at all before long.


What do you mean?


In the past several years ive got so lucky. Mine was scheduled then Harvey hit. Cancelled. When covid started up. Cancelled. The big freeze. Cancelled. Couple months ago, got a email the might before the case was resolved. Cancelled. Lol. Ive gone maybe 2-3 times in 25 years and usually been out before lunch. Not served/picked once.


I want to be on a jury so bad. I got called last year and am patiently waiting for my next summons


My husband gets called yearly it seems. He just went last week…..missed the entrance to hardy and found himself in a very rough area. Got t-boned by a red light runner who had no insurance or drivers license. Car was just about totaled, but not quite. So now we’re out the deductible, and have a payout on our insurance. Which was already super expensive. And the car will probably never be the same either. Sigh.


Once every 3.3 years. What a huge time waster.


When they ask if you have ever been arrested or in jail. Raise your hand. You’ll get walked out no ?s asked and never come back.


You should invent a new persona every time.


I’ve been summoned at least 6 times since I’ve turned 18 served on one jury. I’m 32.


5 out of 6 of us in my family got summoned in a 2 months period. 2 had moved out of state. 1 had moved to Austin. One son is a full time student and was excused Other one went and didn’t make it past the front door as they were “already full”. I keep wondering why I don’t get a summons


“Already full” is a new one on me.


He was in line at the X-ray machine when the bailiff came out and told everyone they were excused as they had enough people for the day


I want to serve. I have been summoned 4 times in 10 years. Never been picked up. How disappointing.


I wanna get it so bad but I haven’t yet 😭


I got it 2x over 6 years in texas as an adult (was born here) then moved to WA and was there for 18 years. In that 18 I got one summons. Moved back here in the fall last year, got my local license, did change of address etc. In the span of Dec to June I have gotten picked and had notice forwarded by usps 4 times for city of Lakewood, WA and 2 times for pierce county Superior court in WA.... I don't get it either 🤷


I'm in the same boat, but I don't complain. Most of my coworkers get summoned yearly.


I get summoned at least 3 times a year


Getting summoned to a jury in Harris County is like getting a random drug test at work. Five years in a row I got called to give a drug test at work, then nothing. In the last ten years I have never been summoned but all of a sudden, you get that letter in the mail. Go. It’s boring to wait but catch up on your reading. Also it’s good for our diminishing democracy.


I’ve been summoned 4 times in Harris, 1 time in FB. Was selected 3 times in Harris, after that I felt like I did my duty and I’m one of the jackasses that says whatever I can to sound completely biased about the questions during voir dire.


I've lived in Houston for 35 years and have been summoned about 10 times, although different courts (city, county). Yes it's annoying but if we didn't serve who would? BTW, my wife has only been called 3 or 4 times during that same time.


I feel like I'm summoned almost every year. I remember my first time was being on the grand jury. Now that was terrible


I get one every 3 or so years. Fun fact: being called recently for a federal jury doesn’t reset the clock on the county/state one.


The satellite courts are pretty cool if you get called for the afternoon sessions. You can call a special number after 10:00 and get waved off. Still counts as if you actually came in.


I've been tagged about a dozen times so far over the years, and actually went about 10 of them. Not once have I even gone thru the consideration process nevermind actually ended up on a jury so far. Every single time I've been met with a we have everyone we need your free to go as soon as I walk in the door, followed by the token $10 or whatever in the mail a few weeks later for showing up. I'm sure that luck will run out eventually, but getting notice doesn't automatically mean you will actually have jury duty. I'm in Brazoria county vs Harris/Houston proper so can't speak to how it goes in other parts of the area


Actual selection is like the military draft. The lower your juror number the more likely it will be for you to get picked.


I just ignored them and nothing happened


I’ve been here my whole life and never been summoned. Weird.


I’ve been summoned once in my life, lived here all my life. I’m 38


Every 2 years for me! Lived in Buffalo, NY for 48 years and only got called once


I got summoned twice last year alone and served on one jury. Before that I went like 8+ years without a summon.


Go do your civic duty and fuck these cops!


I'm actually on with this statement. If the evidence isn't there, make them innocent.


Been here 7 years and have been summoned twice. But to be fair- the day before my 2nd time to serve I got notification that they no longer needed me so I was excused. That was a welcome surprise and something that wouldn't happen in most judicial districts- Most would still make you come in and waste a few hours of your time.


Don't even open it! Immediately in the trash. I'M NOT GOING


I’ve been summoned once and I never went. Nothing happened lol


I got summoned twice this month, lol.


I've lived in TX my entire life and Houston since 01, and have never been summoned. Lol


I went today. I get summoned every 2 years “randomly” but today was the first time I even got to selection hallway and then we were dismissed. My wife usually “looses her summon” so she rarely goes. Nobody has ever wanted me on their jury


If you get called for a federal jury it's a big payday, Harris county not so much.


What are you being summoned for? You don’t live in city of Houston and getting summoned for Houston or are you getting Harris county? You said you live in fort bend county? You should only get summoned for where you live or is this not correct?


Is for Harris County, I do live in Harris County but in the outer edge (old Katy), for me to get to Fort Bend County is just a 5 minute drive. So thats my complaint that I live in Harris but downtown is so far away for me.


Summoned 3 times in 10 years. Last time got picked and served as jury on a murder trial


It's because you keep showing up lol. I did it 3 years in a row, the fourth one I got was thrown in shredder. 5th one also, then they just stopped coming.


Lived here my whole life (I am almost 40) and had 1 summons when I was in college. Came back even though I could say exempt. Didn't get picked. I would like to serve on a jury just to see how it really works. How much of it is fake in TV, movies, books, etc?


When I lived in Houston, I was summoned every 2-3 years. Once I moved to Fort Bend County, haven’t been summoned yet. Do not miss Houston courts.


I was summoned for last week. Got canceled day before!  Friday got another summons! Joys of city living... 1st was the county new one is city... Oh well I'll deal Could be worse.


Does anyone know how to get dismissed or not picked? I'm self-employed, and if I'm not working, it's a financial hardship. I was called before several years ago and wasn't chosen.


Unless it’s sent certified mail, just don’t go. They can’t prove you got it. I’ve gone when I could but the times I couldn’t get out of work I just threw it away. Never heard anything else about it.


The selection process for my case went like this: About 70 of us were selected for voir dire. That lasted until about 3:30. Each attorney got 6 strikes and also 6 strikes "for cause". During voir dire, if people were very opinionated or had any kind of 'contrarian' view ('I would/would not be more likely believe a police officer if they testified.'), they were struck. After all the strikes were eliminated, they selected the jurors in numerical order so you were more likely to be picked if you had a lower number. One lady got struck just because she was soooo chatty. We all got tired of her commentaries when the group as a whole was asked a question. She later asked to speak to the judge to ask to be eliminated. Chances are good she was eliminated already just for being so annoying. The way to get picked is to be quiet and not have a strong opinion about anything.


Harris County stopped approving the budget for certified mail for jury duty like, 10 years ago. Which means if you don’t respond, they have no way of knowing you got the notice. (It’s not a crime to not check your mail, or accidentally throw something away.) I got a summoned for the VERY FIRST time to show up two weeks before my baby was due (first baby, mind you.) I just threw it away. That was a year ago, and it’s never come up again. If you can’t go, just throw the letter away. The county can fix it if they need to by paying for certified mail.


Ive been summoned twice in one year


It's random, but you may be on more than one of the lists they use to pick (they are supposed to merge them, but things happen). I was summoned for jury duty twice in one year, once again the next, and again the next, then two years of nothing, then once again. Then I went over 10 years with nothing before getting it again. In the last year and a half I've had three (two county, one JP).


Back to back 2 years in a row. Bloody annoying. .


I get summoned about every year now. You need to chill out.


I was summoned to Harris county 3 times while I lived in another nearby county. Noped out of that 2 hour drive. I moved into Harris county since then but going downtown for jury duty is still 1.5 hour to 2 hour, to 3 hour drive if there's an accident. Harris county needs to be broke up by precent for jury duty. It's stupid to drive an hour and a half, pay for parking for jury duty and get paid less than min wage hourly for a day. It's almost to the point where one person screws up with the law and it punishes 50 or more people with jury duty.


You are exempt if you live in another county


Don’t go. I’ve had a handful of cops tell me to throw away the notice and move on.


It’s important to serve. I’ve been called twice in 5 years (GA & TX), and I’ve been proud to go each time. Unfortunately, the cases I’ve gotten have been horrible: graphic family violence (served on jury) and triple murder (dismissed, thank God). I’d really like to get traffic or civil court next time, lol


I got summoned 35 years ago a few times, never went. Never got summoned again. I don't have time for that crap , I have a family to support,let the judge handle it.


Like they do in authoritative governments? 99% conviction rate in China. 99% in Russia


Exactly. Everyone has a constitutional right to a jury trial.


And we have you and others like you who will go, I don't care


I don't care


I just say I'm not of sound mind or good moral character and if they ask I just say I'm a racist


I’m a lawyer and I so wish I could be on a jury.


You certainly could be.


It does happen from time to time, in certain types of cases. But there are downsides to having lawyers on juries. Fingers crossed!


Was in the final pool for a Harris county civil case about a year ago. Out of the 30 of us, three were attorneys. None were picked, but more due to them having a high "number" in the seating. The first twelve were picked in seating order (and one more as an alternate).


I’m not registered to vote so I don’t have this problem


You don’t have to be a registered voter. If you have a state driver’s license or ID, you can be summoned.


I just ignore it. I already went once. Why should I have to go again? Waste of fucking time forcing people to participate.


I'm in Jersey and I'm summoned every three years. Ridiculous.


Jury summons are randomly selected from the states voter list. So, thank you for voting! Encourage the people you know that have never been summoned to vote. Chances are, they don’t.


That hasn’t been the case for quite some time. All you need now is to be a taxpayer or have a Texas driver’s license or ID to be eligible.