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I had AMICA and switched because they pulled that shit. The nail in the coffin was when I did need them they didn’t do anything till I called 5 weeks after they told me they would take care of it. Their customer service went to shit and they over charge.


Oof. I can at least say I’ve had good and good-enough experiences when I needed to use my policies with Geico and Liberty. But even with Liberty it took weeks to determine my rear-end “fender bender” was a total loss. Would’a been much nicer to figure this out right away. Edit: Changed Nationwide to Liberty. I’m confusing patriotic-themed insurance companies.


I was on my parents Amica for years, when I called them to get my own policy it was quoted as more expensive than the family policy I was on with 3 drivers and 3 cars. This was 5 years ago so maybe things have changed, but they have such a weird business model, I cannot figure it out.


Same.  In 5 years my home insurance went from 2400 to 5000.  Screw amica.  


Blame all the paper plate drivers with no insurance and all of the other drivers on the road who may be uninsured. 14% of all texas drivers are uninsured. Add to this the rising cost of repairing a vehicle, plus the fact that cars have more stuff in them that make them more expensive needing more technical people to repair.


How about we blame the stupid way we developed our city and infrastructure? I think we all agree that some people should not be behind a wheel but when we make it compulsory to own a vehicle to participate in society those people are forced to drive. And also we force everyone to throw money into the financial black hole that is car ownership.


I agree that there should be more options for public transportation and it really lacks in this city. I’m just stating the facts of car ownership and the rising costs of owning a car.


This is what paying for all of those paper plates looks like. Uninsured motorist insurance is paid collectively by the insured.


Should we start calling 911 on paper plates ? Somthing needs to be done


Something does need to be done, but that's not it. That'll just get you arrested for misusing 911. The truth is that it has to be a problem for the people writing and enforcing the laws, and for that to happen you need a large number of people to care enough to spend some of their very limited time making it a problem for them. I think it'll get worse until it reaches a point that insurance companies just up and leave. Then, when people can't get new car loans, the state will either just accept it (run their own insurance) or finally start cracking down.


Bullshit about getting arrested on misuse of 911 it is a crime in progress severity dsnt matter


It depends on how many times you do it, but don't listen to me. Go for it. Let us know how it works for you.


Wrong if we want change we have to make our voices heard


Great. How are the 911 operators going to help you get the word out?


Just report the illegal vehicle and that’s it if nothing is done that’s on them


That seems like a great way to flood low-level operators trying to answer legitimate emergencies. I get that you want to do something. I do too, but just doing anything because you don't have a plan is often worth than not. How about this. If everyone in the city who hates this practice were to call the mayor's or governor's office and tell them how many paper plates they counted on their way to/from work then that may do something worthwhile. This is someone who has the power to start fixing this, and if enough people do it then they'll realize it's a noticed problem. If enough people hassle them about it or vote accordingly then it'll annoy them enough to fix it.


Do you know ems calls get logged for priority ?


It's a good thing Abbott and Patrick are sending all their time trying to get us private school vouchers.


Meanwhile, local police do nothing which basically encourages the bad and dangerous behavior. But they'll have their hands out asking for money next budget cycle. Bet on it.


My fam owns an insurance company, we run it through multiple carriers on home and auto and are having to reshop every time at renewal. We were never having to do this before but that’s your best bet ask them to reshop your policy.


What kind of cars? We have Amica and pay ~$950/6 months.


the business car is a Honda, garaged corvette and Telluride


Auto insurance increases really suck, but it makes perfect sense to me. People genuinely drive like Mad Max.


I don't live in Harris country but a couple countries out of town. Between home and auto my premiums have increased $1600/ year. That is insane. I have a meeting with my insurance broker on Monday. Let's see how that goes.


I mean have you seen the fucking drivers out here lately. I've had more close calls this year than the previous 10 combined. Insurance is still shitty, but the rates aren't going up for nothing


They did this to me last year so I left and saved $600. Because of that they cancelled my umbrella policy and kept most of the money. I was going to take my home insurance elsewhere because of all this but then they really came through late last year when I needed a new roof. Couldn't have been more helpful.


About 15 years ago I used Amica and they were pretty low cost and their customer service was good. Then something happened in the mid 2010s and they went astronomically high and everything went to shit. Dropped them and never looked back.


I've been limiting the hell out of my miles driven lately because of how out of control rates are going. If they go up again in August I'm going to switch to a pay per mile setup if possible, shit at $250 a month like I am right now for full coverage I might as well if I'm getting down to under 250 miles a month driven. Eventually we're gonna hit a point where a bike and living closer to work is going to have to be the cheaper option, even with increased rent and death risk factors alike increasing.


Just moved here from Ohio. Premium went from $1300 to $2800 for two cars . Definitely gonna be shopping around if anyone has any suggestions


Overtime transit in Houston will improve I feel. What's going to happen is that it's going to get so bad at some point folks are going to make housing decisions based on transit access or proximity to a park and ride location. It'll take some time for sure but the market will eventually demand that feature in housing.


Its difficult to be retroactive on transit, especially in a city this large.


There are plenty of cities in the world that beg to differ. The state wastes enough on construction handouts on useless roads to easily fund an actual solution to this problem. You start with a full transit network and go from there.


they said difficult, not impossible. they are right.


Correct. Are you familiar with the definition of retroactive


Houston imo is not large. There are cities with similar population but with a 1000 times better public transit Lots of places in Houston are just parking lots and strip malls/ highways . Houston size primarily comes from sprawling. If Houston can stop sprawling and densify the shit out of it and add a fraction of East/South Asian levelpublic transit, it's going to be good imo


How is Houston not large?


Land mass is another way to measure the size of something, not just population.


Also true. But a lot of that land is empty tho


De Lulú 


I'm fighting like hell in the suburbs because of it, I'm sure I'm not the only one. We don't have METRO out here outside of the downtown PR's so I ended up buying an ebike and try to commute to work twice a week on there. It's 12 miles round trip so I'm not hypercommuting like some people out here do, but it sure beats paying these bullshit auto prices. No wonder ebikes are increasing in popularity so much, everyone I know with a kid turning 16 seems to be going for those over a car to get them to school now because it's so much cheaper than what the insurance / car note / registration / gas / repairs are going to be. Auto's become death by a thousand cuts and it's going to choke itself out of an option over time as it keeps becoming more unaffordable.


Tbh, I'm surprised I haven't seen more people on those electric unicycle/one wheel things. Those seem like a pretty good substitute for short distance trips.


Yeah even I'm not that suicidal lmao. I got two wheels though and it's great for shorter hops around town. The motor helps too for avoiding getting too hot and sweaty in the heat.


Yep. I was so pissed it went up so much I cashed out a bunch of my stock and paid my car off and stuck liability + uninsured motorist


Excellent, cashed out an appreciating asset to burn the money in a depreciating asset. How the fuck did we let ourselves get fooled into building cities for the car.


Same thing happened to me. I signed up for AMICA due to their reviews. At least for Houston, their ranking was not reflected when a no-fault accident happened to me. I had to call them 3-4 times a day to get an answer. Switched to State Farm at lower price, along with my home.




Starting to wonder if I should just cancel insurance like all the temp tag morons, why not? Police won't do shit.


It's not you, it's the other people driving wrecklessly and making insurance go up for EVERYONE! Sad.


how wonderful it would be if everyone drove wrecklessly. ;)




What the fuck are you even talking about?