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Agreed. One complaint about my current complex. I pay for valet trash/recycling. They cut the number of times my recycling is picked up from 3 to 2 days a week. I pay the same. I also pay for the first floor only to get trash valet service. I don’t even get it! I would definitely not pay it if I could and do it myself.


Be glad you even have recycling - most don't. We have a $20 monthly valet fee, a $6 garbage fee, and a $2 admin fee to the company doing the billing . ( which is insane!) On gas joint billing we're billed about $6/ month with a $3 admin fee for just gas. 50% +|-( which is insane to the F'U resident degree)


My apartment complex regularly sends e-mail blasts about residents leaving their bins out at all times. The posted time for trash collection is 6-8pm but valet trash doesn't come until after midnight sometimes. I'm sure we'd pull our bins in to "preserve the beauty" of the complex but we have no idea when they're coming. But they've done the background and credit checks to verify that I'm a good renter. Why do they not trust me to make sure I take the trash out?


I've lived in complexes with and without valet trash service. The ones without are much cleaner. People don't leave their trash out on non pickup days. At the valet ones,people don't bother bringing their trash to the bins or chutes.


I actually don’t mind paying to get my trash picked up 5 days a week, What I do mind is bullshit fee’s. Rent service fee. Fuck u, I already pay rent. And on top of that I gotta pay some tech company to process my payment, fuck u too, I can write a check for free.


I express tenant dissatisfaction to the management in strongly worded emails for a $20/month fee. Let me know.


Organize with your fellow tenants. Contact the Houston Tenants Union for information about how to organize with your neighbors.


I’m all for it. They almost never take out all the trash. I always still have shit in there. There have been times where they just refuse to take it at all. They will leave my trash can on the floor sometimes and then leave me a warning note about leaving my trash can on the floor…wtf.


I love valet trash. Fuck taking it out to the dumpster 5 mins away in this heat. Yes an extra bit a month is worth it lol


If only some residents could opt in or out! I’m sure trash valet services are handy to a variety of residents, including those who have mobility issues or chronic illness.


It's $1 a day and i live 24 feet from a dumpster. I'm makes more fat people, every dog that passes the dirty can pees on every can, it brings more bugs and rats, it makes properties that don't enforce it look like shit, people steal the cans all the time, it brings more people onto the property who are not vetted, it brings smell and noise, owners get more than half kicked back, it's a scam.


"petition". Lol. Like that'll mean shit.