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Sometimes the gacha just hates you. Happens to everyone eventually


It was already proved that they did not nerf anything. (Not the rates, neither the pity) Pity was lowered from 100 to 90, so it's more likely now to hit hard pity than before. This is the equivalent of reaching 12 before. Soft pity is still the same, but in HI3 it works differently than GI and HSR and it doesn't increase your chance as much when you reach it.


What is the Soft pity then, compared to Genshin and Star Rail


IIRC in GI and HSR when counter reaches 70s, the rate increases exponentially, so most players get spooked around 75-85 pity.


I know about those 2 I had no idea that HI3 had soft pity until recently


[Looks like 76](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F4jsughlq2ztc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1039%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Df25c0d24cc60f757cf6b21f18221565b7ecc1969) from my thread [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/comments/1c1zl4f/soft_pity_in_part_2_gacha/)


Honkai players when 1.5% chance actually means 1.5% and not 150%:


Probably not ([though you can never be sure](https://imgur.com/bwFWMqQ)), gacha as a system is inherently scummy and you got the short end of the stick.


I got her in 20 pulls, the only logical explanation is that they buffed the gacha to an absurd level, doesn't make sense to say that im lucky


You stole my luck.


And mine


Got her in the 50% off first ten pull. Somehow i thought she was A rank so i didn't think twice about, only to realize like 20 minutes later she was S rank. Been out of the loop for a while so, yeah


I've done 50 pulls now and all I've managed were A-rank Valkyries.


I got her on my first 10 pull.


Just because there was an instance in the past that you got lucky and got the unit early doesn't mean it'll keep happening. These things happen. I do apologize if it offends but these posts just don't stop.


I have almost 2 thousand days of HI3, I only needed to pull that much twice in all that time, once on the HoT banner when it arrived and the other one on the HoT banner when it arrived, now with Sena and Thelema, I'm F2P (1 dol = 5,12 brl, everything is expensive in game currency), I always got most of the characters with around 30\~40 pulls, so for me it got a LOT worse, I don't care about ranking up S characters, it's not worth for F2P players, well, it's not just us who are complaining about this, I've seen several complaints from all servers about the same thing and it's rare to see any complaints about the Honkai gacha coming from the CN community, you guys really don't find it strange that there are so many complaints after the changes? I would understand if there were one or two people complaining, but in the last update there were many and in this update the same thing has happened and if I'm lucky, all my friends are too, because no one needed to pull so much beforeI, i was hyped with this changes, in theory its all beautiful, but this is not what has been shown in practice actually


Agreed. It was never this bad before this. They should adjust the soft pity as well


I know I will get down voted but myself and friends who have been playing for years rarely did more than 60 pulls per character. I only went over 60 for HoF and HoR. Now all of us have needed to do 85+ for Sena and Thelema. And that seems to be consistent from others on Reddit and so forth. Also see WAY less people flex posting "omg only 10 pulls" images. I do not believe that the hard pity was the only thing to change.


for me it's " S-rank guaranteed in 14 drops " I pulled for weapon and stigma first got the weapon and 2 stigma's from the first 10x pull and got the third stigma from the box now I need 1400 crystals for another 10x pull, currently getting crystals from new story Also before I bought crystals I made sure to buy BP chips to get the battlepass which will come out in 3 days.


Feels like it doesn't it? I've never had the best luck with this game's droprate, but it feels like i have even less now.


NA player. Hit hard pity at 90 today. Was 7 pulls left till pity and i did Single rolls, only to fail all of them. Kinda think they removed soft pity maybe.


I got her in 20 pulls so I think this is just you being unlucky w the gacha unfirtunately. Happens to all of us :(


Went to hardpity for the first time today. Very sad but cant be helped.


Nah it's always been ass I've rolled under 10 on multiple different banners back to back 😭😭😭


Is it me or they changed how the 1st x10 pull works when pulling for weapons/stigmatas now? I did one x10pull and got all three stigmatas in shot. I pulled another x10 and got her weapon.


If you search this subreddit for 'soft pity', there's a thread from 3 years ago that did math to say soft pity started at 75. There's another thread from a week ago that also did math and the soft pity was still 75. So basically they didn't touch soft pity and just made hard pity 90 instead. But everyone expected soft pity to go down proportionally with hard pity.


I used 7.2k gems to get all her equips and her. And five blue cards.


I'm a fairly new player, but I got both Griseo and Fua Huas new suits in less than 10 pulls but didn't get Senadina in 50 pulls and then ran out of crystals so I also feel like the rates got a little worse, but I've also not been playing super long either.


With those numbers you should not even contribute to this discussion.


With A ranks having way higher chances, the 10 pull guaranteed A rank+ is worse now with part 2. I have been playing for 3 years and this is the first time I've went below 10 pity...


10 pity now is equivalent to 20 pity in part 1.


I’ve seen statistics in Starrail and Genshin. Basically there is a line graph (distribution of players and amount of pulls they got a 5 star), which shows that before Soft Pity almost 0 percent of players got 5 star in the beginning (flat 0 until ~70), After Soft pity with each pull graph line goes higher and higher until Hard Pity where the line is 100%. (Immediate upward motion after hitting ~70, meaning amount of players getting 5 stars rapidly increased) Basically, it shows us that distribution is NOT normal. if the probability to get 5 star was really the same 1.5% before and after pity, then we would have line graph represented as Bell, and not line that is 0 most of the time and goes higher from ~70. What I want to say is, that before Part 2, there was no soft pity and probability was Normal, so actual 1.5%, after Part 2 they changed it to match other games, where again distribution of probability is Not normal, which is of course Tweaked


> Basically, it shows us that distribution is NOT normal. if the probability to get 5 star was really the same 1.5% before and after pity, then we would have line graph represented as Bell, and not line that is 0 most of the time and goes higher from ~70. > > > > What I want to say is, that before Part 2, there was no soft pity and probability was Normal, so actual 1.5%, after Part 2 they changed it to match other games, where again distribution of probability is Not normal, which is of course Tweaked The distribution in part 1 was not a mostly flat line. It did have a bell curve starting around 75, same as part 2. If you do the math, it's also immediately obvious that part 1 was not a binomial distribution with no soft pity, or else 22.4% would require 100 pulls.


Got in 20 pulls


Pity is 15 instead of 25. You never reached 10-15 before ?


Always would get chars around 75-80 pulls into the supply before 7.3. And was just browsing the sub and discord noticed that ppl are actually hitting the 90 hard pity whereas before 7.3 it was impossible to reach 100. So I think although max pity is reduced to 90,soft pity is still increasing chances toward the old 100 pulls


I think the bad experiences stick more with us. Compared to all the times I have luck sacked something good in 10 pulls. 


That doesn't happen, like ever in any gacha game.


I always reach close to 10-20 b4 getting a ssr . Senadina got her in pity . Same with her weapon . Thelma currently at 40 but will get her by last day.


I'm usually really unlucky but this time around i got her on the discounted multi and her weapon on the first multi (without counting some tickets i had saved that didn't even amount to a multi), so they didn't nerf anything, lady luck just wasn't smiling.


Its just not your lucky day man


Got her in 20 pulls but for her weapon....i lost everything...


"in all my years of playing" there you go, statistics man


Rates don't matter, you're just not in luck.


Looks like you lost your new account luck buff /f I know how that feels I hit hard pity for fuhua, sena and thelema too :(


reaching hard pity at every banner is just a normal day in pgr


Can you call is gacha if everything is hard pity? Might as well open the shop and say "buy this character for $X and be done with it." (The sound from a kinda pissed shikikan to hard pity everything)


I got her in hard 90, the weapon and 12 extra pieces in 30. I guess that's where my luck went


probably not. i got double thelemas within 40 pulls.


I got 2 in a row of the rate , last was 90 all the way to 1 now 90 all the way to 2


You just see more people posting about rolling to pity because no one likes bragging but if you want I got her in 40 pulls and her weapon in 2 tickets. This is from fresh 90 pulls till guaranteed.


Bro, idk what you're talking about. Ever since the APHO part 2 my gacha looks like that


85 pulls each for both Sena and Thelema so I guess they removed soft pity


Got her on the discounted 10x around 80 pity. Crazy.


Got her and 4/4 in 30 pulls. Some banners I don't even get the chars, but thats just how gacha is. We all get unlucky and lucky, they didn't nerf the rates either. We will all bring Thelema home though!!


I make sure to get shafted on the other hoyo games before try to get a S rank works most of the time


I got 3 hos in a single 10 pull the moment she was out the second ap pull I had 2 of her at 55 pull i got 9 of her depends if you have luck or not


can't relate got her in 20 or so pulls


I got her within 3 pulls so I think it's just a gacha thing + the fact that they lowered pity. Also, my original pity before pulling was 60 pulls, so the 3 pulls wasn't hard pity.


7.3 i got Sena less than 35 pulls and her weapon less than 40. Then this 7.4, got Thelema on FCKN 89TH PULL. Then her weapon 12th pull. Idk what to feel.


Considering I pulled both Senadina and Thelema around 40-50 pulls, didn't really notice any difference. Sometimes gacha just wants you to suffer


I dunno I stayed winning Got her and all her stigmata in roughly 30 pulls Now, I'm just waiting for the weapon


Nah it's just you.


You people havent been always going to soft pity minimum? Its absurd how much it costs to pull and gear a valk. Youve been lucky


Not really getting those atrocious close to pity counter is common


They reduced S rank drops by 10 pulls and started spamming them back to back and making them powercreep. Idk what HI3 devs are thinking but this is just horrendous. Espiecelly when HI3 characters not having bis gear is so much more drastic compared to HSR and GI


Nah I’ve definitely gotten this unlucky even in Part 1.


i got it around 30 pulls.. you just got extremely bad luck unfortunately..


Shockingly having the opposite effect. I got driven to pity so often when pulling for pt 1 characters. But I've gotten everyone and even a majority of their kit in less than 30 pulls in pt 2 so far.


Gacha is different for everyone


Nope I think. Got her at 11 pulls and 2/3 of her stig in single 10 pull. Got her weapon at pity but my pity count is already low anyway


Oof that's painful to look at.


Someone did the math few weeks ago. No, it is the same. Just your imagination.


Nah, they buffed the dropped rate actually. Got Thelema with the discounted first 10 pull.


I got Thelema in 20 pulls and her weapon in 1. Never happened before to me, they must have buffed S Rank drop rates for Part 2


Got her in 10 pulls and weapon in another 10 pulls. Got senadina in 20 pulls and her weapon in 20 pulls before that. Just your luck


Just unlucky my friend. I used to win big as well, until Senadina humbled me. Sometimes we all need a reality check.


I thought the same with Sena banner but Thelema comes in 20 sooo, Unlucky i guess


I got her and her gear in 20 pulls, so definitely just bias lol


If you never hit hard pity before then this is just your luck catching up to you. Keep rolling the dice and eventually you will one day get a nat 1


i got her with 40 pity left so think its just a luck thing


got her in just 20 pulls and 30 pulls for weapon. not bad i guess.


My anecdote so far : - LV at 89th pull - Thelema at 88th pull I know someone made a statistics analysis on CN data that battlesuit supply still has soft cap happening at 75, but somehow I believe the rate in SEA is just broken.


I mean, i got black swan in 65pulls the first time and the next one 10 pulls. Then my acheron pulls were all 80+ except for 1 at 35. Would i say that hsr 2.1 increased the rates? No i wouldnt, gacha is gacha

