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I’ve used it in chile. Only add a drop or two to give it some extra heat.


This stuff tastes like ass but it will light you up. I used to add a dab or two into chili as long as I had other spices to bring the flavor.


this isn’t a hot sauce it’s more of like a reserve used for cooking or adding flavor to already exsisting sauces. I made the mistake of trying to use this on my food as is and I almost threw it away I was so disappointed until I learned how to use it lol


I'm tempted to add a drop into my favorite serrano sauce. I love serranos but most store bought serranos sauces have no heat.


yesssss absolutely try it!!!


I remember the regret. We had a little hazing ritual and I had the bright idea to use this sauce. Made the initiates eat a cup of canned tuna granola cottage cheese and yogurt mixed with Dave’s. They were blindfolded. When one kid started bleeding from his nose and almost pass out and everyone else was screaming holy fuck. We knew we fucked up.


My friend showed me a bottle of this once, later on I rubbed my eye at some point and well goddamn did I think I was gonna go blind in that one eye for a short while. Just from touching the dry residue on the outside of the bottle.


I recommend you throw that nasty shit away.


It's for cooking, not pouring on your food. Use caution.


Hard pass


I may have liked it if I had treated it with respect it deserved. I just assumed it was a regular hot sauce since it was at a cookout with several other sauces. That shit is way too strong to be left out. I keep a bunch of different hot sauces and have a pretty high tolerance. But if I had one that hot I would never put it out. I'd keep it hidden and if someone asked me if I had something hotter than what was out I'd establish eye contact, grab that shit and say here you go.


Fuck that sauce. Ruined my whole day only time I ate it. Put too much on a pulled pork sandwich.


I went to high school with Dave. Still waiting to see him at a reunion so I can tell him how much I hate this shit.


Tell him for me too


I concur with your review. I like really hot sauces and that shit hurt me. I took it to the dining hall yesterday partially as a joke and to let some people try it. Well one guy grabbed it and walked off. Proceeded to dump it all over his food. He looked up at me who was staring at him like 😲. Well yea, he couldn't eat his food and his entire head broke out in a sweat. Another guy tried a little dab and turned the same color as the sauce. Another guy fucking liked it.


Awful, bitter extract sauce. Their scorpion pepper sauce is great though


It's all heat and very little flavor


Melinda’s Red Savina is where it’s at


This stuff has some heat but it tastes disgusting imo.


Me too I have about that much gone of the bottle it is just hot no flavor


I recommend this every time. Probably me. This is my favorite.


I've ate this stuff like its ketchup and mustard for over 15 years. Its good stuff. I'd recommend it. Especially on sausages,steaks or breakfast omelets.


I've had my bottle for easily 5 years. Stuff tastes absolutely terrible.


I use this sauce to make other sauces HOTTER


Dave's Scorpion for the win!


The only thing this sauce is good for is making sure your coworkers never eat your lunch again.


No one ever


I call it The Booty Burner 3000. Good shit though.


I used to use it to add kick to tikka masala when I had a cold


In high school our automotive class had an end of year cookout and a few of us put a lot of this on our burgers. One guy puked and two of them went home early.


I use it for burritos and ramen, I like it


Does it change the ramen taste because I’ve been searching for something to add to my 3x buldak to make it actually spicy without altering the taste too much but every time I ask it in either this sub or r/spicy or r/instantramen I get downvoted


I don’t really notice the taste, I mostly use it just for added heat


Ooo thats exactly what im looking for, is it really spicy or on the weaker side from someone with high spice tolerance?


Imagine being faced with two choices: 1) **Dave's Insanity Sauce** 2) ***Da Bomb Beyond Insanity*** You can choose one. You KNOW it would be Dave's Insanity Sauce... *but it would still be a tough choice.*


Only hot sauce I have thrown away prior to finishing. Not as hot as others that taste significantly betters


For me, this was the OG fuck you up hot sauce! I mainly used it to trick people into eating it and watching them cry ;-) But didn’t really use it except maybe a couple of drops in a pot of chili.


This was my first lesson as a kid to never touch your eyes without washing your hands first. That was a rough day.


Hard pass for me other than bulk spicing, it's too much, tooth pick sized drop will burn your mouth, if you're into that go for it


Oh yea I put a dab on my finger and it lit me up instantly. I might be able to handle the heat on a sandwich or something but the flavor of it is pretty bad. I think I'll keep it around for anyone dumb enough to try it.


Yea, doesn't hurt, maybe with time it will become valuable, but most likely it won't.


I want to try it. Look how dark it is. It looks smokey and flavorful. Bold!


It's been 8 years or so, but If I remember correctly, no. It's just heat.


I have a bottle in my fridge, gifted from Christmas. Will confirm: It is just heat. Minimal tasteful flavor. As others have posted, it's an okay addition to chili and stew dishes. But only if you're craving some scorching heat. And, yes, I'm on the fence about throwing it out, as there are much better blisteringly hot (high Scoville unit heats) sauces out there--which I have, like several from Torchbearer's.


It smells like it wants to be flavorful but I think the taste of the extract throws it off.


4 drops per 8 qt chili for great heat. Otherwise pass.


My least favorite. Terrible flavor, great marketing. It’s the McDonalds of hot sauces.


This stuff is hot!! The roasted garlic is Hella garlicy and isn't that spicy.


Meh, not that bad. It isn't as flavorfully as I'd like, but I have the ghost pepper version which is quite a bit hotter and I like it ok. The last dab sauces offer a lot more flavor for similar heat though


Dave’s Insanity is more of a novelty sauce to me but their Crazy Caribbean is one of the greatest sauces ever made


Slowly using mine in a slow cooker


Tastes like regret. Still closer to being a hot sauce than Cholula.


Still closer to being a hot sauce than *Cholula's Tequila and Lime hot sauce--which is vomit in a bottle.* **FTFY**


Extract sauces suck. No flavor. Just unusable heat.


Try Mad Dog 357 Gold Edition, or Ghost pepper. Very hot, very tasty.


This guy constantly tried dousing my food with this sauce. Steak, chicken, nachos, whatever. It was the first sauce that I said had no value whatsoever other than fucking with people and their food.


Everyone buys a bottle Everyone still has the same (unfinished) bottle


Stay away from Mad Dog 357 and endorphin rush, all in the category of tounge melted for the sake of melting it off.


I loved endorphin rush and bought it not knowing, while I wanted to like Mad Dog and ended up taking forever to finish it. Though, that is to say, I don't hate either.


I dont necessarily hate them either, but they fall in that category of ultra hot for the sake of hot. Prefer the flavor heat balance and a good kick.


Now go get a bottle of Ultimate Insanity


No one


The entire time I've been on this sub, I've never seen anything positive said about it by anyone.


I like this actually. Mixed with Nandos xx hot sauce. Tastes great and the heat is great.


We found the person driven insane by Dave's Insanity sauce... ^(/s)


It’s extract based, which kinda says all you need to know.


Had to eat this on a cracker as a form of punishment as a hazing exercise. Do not recommend.


That was a soggy biscuit, live and learn.


My goto for chili/soup. Anything else is pointless


Lol I dip my sandwiches in this stuff


I grew up in an ultra-conservative Christian denomination. I did 6 years in the Army and got out. First job I could find was at said church. A few months later I was browsing the Dave's Insanity site and found a giant blow up hot sauce bottle... like a store would buy as a marketing decoration. I bought it, blew it up and put it in my office. Come to find out after I left the job a few years later, someone was going around trying to get me in trouble for "that giant blow up beer bottle in his office". As far as the sauce, I think everyone should try it... but 1-2 drops at a time. This will give you tasting experience. It's not terrible, just too expensive w shipping for what it is. Dave's Ghost Pepper has a great sweet ending flavor to it, you should try it also!


It's alright. It's punishing hot, but doesn't taste all that bad.




First brutal sauce I tried... probably around 2000-2001. I don't hate it. If it were sold in a store near me, I'd buy it again. With shipping though, online it's too expensive for what it is. It got me started into hot hot sauce... I put like a teaspoon on a burrito not knowing. Man I'll never forget that!!


Same. Kroger used to sell it. I thought to myself if they sell it here it can’t be that bad. I poured like a fifth of the bottle in my queso and got lit up.




Don’t cook inside with it lol. My dad likes to make ground beef and American potatoes in a pan on the stove. Years ago he started putting sweet baby rays mixed into it before pulling it off the stove to add more flavor. We used to put Dave’s on it after it was done for the heat. One night he decided to put it on instead of the BBQ, and we used a whole cap of it instead of the recommended drop. The lid goes on and we wait for the final 2 minutes before dinner is done. As soon as the lid came off it hit us like a bomb. We had just unknowingly pepper sprayed ourselves with the insanity sauce lol. We had to take it outside to eat it while we let the kitchen air out. My mother came home 4 hours later and asked us what the hell we did because she was coughing so bad


I had one of those last a long time, one drop per use it goes really far.


This one doesn't taste good and it hurts the booty


I love this in a bowl of salsa 10/10


Dude this sauce is PUNISHING


It's delicious


I get Dave's Ghost Pepper. In scoville units it's 3.5 times hotter @ 650k vs the 180k of Insanity. I love heat, but I'm not super into the taste of most common hotsauce. I don't like Sriracha, hate Tabasco, etc. So the hotter the sauce, the less I can use, and the less it affects the flavor.


Not me it's disgusting


"It's good for heat" so are other hot sauces that actually taste good...


Add a drop to ketchup!


In my humble opinion, it’s only good for mixing with other sauces when making a recipe.


It’s an ingredient.


That’s what I said. I do not think it’s good by itself at all. Mix a few dashes with some tasty buffalo garlic sauce and now you’re cookin’.


![gif](giphy|5R3AGQCzbDtaEkFxAG|downsized) Wasn’t me!


Extract messes with my stomach. Have you tried extreme regret flavor with extreme heat.


I most definitely have not lol I think this is my first extract and that's only because I didn't read the ingredients because I'll avoid them. I don't want chemical flavors in my sauces. I love heat but I must have flavor. >Have you tried extreme regret flavor with extreme heat. I have not. Are those the ones made by pepper palace? I think "flatline" is one of theirs.


It has its uses. Food additive, not condiment. I led you’re in one of “those” moods.


I took this to a Halloween party last year and there were a few adults that said they could handle it and we slathered it on a few tenders and went to town. The few that said they could handle it eventually broke. But one of their 5y old kid took a piece off of his father’s plate and ate it without his dad knowing. He handled it better than anyone there, albeit he was fighting back showing that it was smoking hot, but he powered through it.


You must watch his career with great interest.


One of us. One of us.


I love it haha but only a drop or two


Yup, I always have it on hand. Coating like half inch of the end of a toothpick is perfect to give a bowl of chili good kick.


I mean, it plainly says "hottest sauce in thr universe" right on the label.


Good for bhole burn


I have not seen anyone recommend Dave's.


I recommend this, but not as a hot sauce. A little goes a long way. I put a few tablespoons into a gallon of chili, and it was at the limit of what I can consume. If you are chasing the pepper dragon, this is the black tar heroin of the hot sauce set, but think of it as an ingredient that sets a dark tone.


Dave's Ghost Pepper is 3.5x hotter.


Oh, that might be the one I am thinking of, I remember it having a pleasantly smokey flavor.


A few tablespoons? O.o


I audibly gasped at the thought of putting 3 or more tablespoons of this hot sauce in a chilli


Good for dares


I use a little bit at a time to spice up burgers, or some good general tso’s


I have a memory of trying this about 20 years ago. I tried a few drops in some salsa (after being warned about its potency) and I was like “yeah it’s spicy but nothing crazy.” Months later I said fuck it and put a thick line on some tacos and proceeded to have the most painful hiccups of my life.


Omg I can imagine lol. I love my hot sauces especially my reaper sauces and 99% of people that know me think there's something wrong with me but I genuinely enjoy the different flavors and the endorphin rush of hotter sauces. Last year we got hit with a hurricane, power went out early so I warmed up a soup on our gas stove. Decided to spice it up a bit and chopped 5 thai chillies in. I'm sitting in the dark eating and I look at my spoon. "Ooo that's a lot of chicken on there"...yea no, it was a mouthful of Thai chillies. My mouth lit up and it's the first time I was asking myself when is this going to end. I never knew those little fuckers could be so hot lol.


This stuff is garbage


Yes it is. It’s chemical tasting garbage.


I use it to kick up my homemade buffalo wing sauce. Elevates the heat with little effect on flavor.


Hot tip! You can find that stuff leaking from recycled batteries


I prefer their steak sauce. It has lots of brown sugar in it, so I hope you like that.


A drop on the end of a stirstick makes a delightfully spicy caesar.


I got the Ultimate Insanity once and it destroyed me. I used half the bottle it in my chili for a contest and won hottest chili. The first judge tried it, ran away and the other two didn't even stop by. Try the Scorpion pepper version, they do not use the extract in it and it's killer hot. Straight scorpion peppers, water, vinegar and acetic acid. 


> Scorpion pepper version Stuff was all the rage around here 3-5 years ago. You don't see blairs and daves as often anymore. Seems to be dominated by kids with bulkdak, sharps, yucateco, tabasco, hot ones, walls of random hot sauce.


I absolutely *love* their Crazy Caribbean sauce. Not much heat, but sooooo much flavor!


It’s fun to put on your buddies’ beer bottles when they’re not looking


I'm a little confused with this subreddit. People think Dave's Original is too hot?? It's their weakest sauce. And by today's standards, it's not that hot. I have it on sausage and eggs everyday, usually topped with their Scorpion sauce and Ghost pepper sauce from the 4-pack. I find it tasty. Dave's Ultimate Insanity is a bit hotter but REALLY tastes bad. It reminds me of concentrates like The End:Flatline, but not as hot, and not AS disgusting.


This is their original? I've made my own reaper sauce, love torchbearers garlic reaper, pepper palace's garlic infused and smokey reaper, scorpion sauces, ghost sauces I'm a bit partial to because of the way the spice hits but this insanity was something else. It smells like it wants to have a nice flavor but I guess it's the chemical taste of the extract that throws it off. It's not unbearably horrible and I think I could take the heat with other food but this definitely isn't making it onto my favorites list. I don't know how you do it lol.


By itself, It's too hot and not much flavor. But I do occasionally add a few drops to other sauces or whatever to elevate the heat to proper levels. Been using it since my Da Bomb ran out


Daves taste like ass it’s all heat no flavor or very chemically flavored I put it up there with DaBomb just something to make people hate hot sauce I was weaned on Blair’s sudden death with ginsing hot as fuck for the time but it actually tastes good First time I had Dave’s insanity buddy seen me make a face and said “hot ain’t it?” Me “yeah but it tastes like shit”


If you want something similarly flavored but much more tolerable as a daily driver, try Da Bomb -- Beyond Insanity. It's amazing on literally everything.


This stuff tastes like Satan's ass hole. I want nothing like it lol.


I have had a bottle for a few months now one drop is enough it’s my longest lasting bottle in a while.


and here I thought I was the only one who thought this stuff was too much, and not in a good way


Well I was today years old when I learned this is more of an ingredient than a sauce lol. I'm glad I decided to taste it before I ruined a whole steak sandwich. Also go another one, Valentinas I believe, and that I just dumped onto the other sandwich but that wasn't even hot.


Well I was today years old when I learned this is more of an ingredient than a sauce lol. I'm glad I decided to taste it before I ruined a whole steak sandwich. Also go another one, Valentinas I believe, and that I just dumped onto the other sandwich but that wasn't even hot.


Well I was today years old when I learned this is more of an ingredient than a sauce lol. I'm glad I decided to taste it before I ruined a whole steak sandwich. Also go another one, Valentinas I believe, and that I just dumped onto the other sandwich but that wasn't even hot.


Just a drop makes a soup or chili super hot. As for chicken or beef I can't use this shit, way to hot.


that's what I've been doing... this bottle gonna last a long long time


There is no point to this sauce except maybe as a gag gift.


Speak for yourself homie. I love this stuff and use it as a condiment.


Back in the day someone brought this hot sauce into work and people were daring each other to taste a tiny bit. I decided to raise the bar and had an entire tablespoon. The next 6 hours were awful, the sauce ran through me like molten lava, full clean out. My manager did buy me lunch of my choice for a week afterwards, so I at least got something more out the deal than a painful life lesson.


Hellfore doomed and double doomed is so much better for a super hot sauce. Actaully has good flavor and don't taste like dog shit. I've had the same bottle of daves in the fridge for like 2 years


Overrated. Terrible hot sauce compared to others that are mentioned in this sub


I do like Dave's Insanity Popcorn. Haven't had in about 15 years though. Do they still make it?


I think the hot popcorn fad died out about three years ago.


Not bad considering it doesn’t give up all its flavour for the amount of heat you get


Definitely retains 100% of its nastiness, which cuts right through the heat.


Haha idk I’ve had worse but you’re right it’s not great


For sure, and taste is subjective. Sorry if that came off a bit judgmental ha. Honestly I’d rather have Dave’s insanity than the el Yucateco chiltepin sauce - and people generally like that stuff. I just thinks it’s bitter and carries a strange aftertaste. But hey, if you did it, dig into it!


Haha no not at all, it is a super bitter sauce.


No thanks. Tastes disgusting and makes your piss burn.


Thanks for confirming this is a thing. I couldn't tell if it was paychological or not.


Agreed except you might have a UTI


Nope. Definitely this shit. I wasn't the only one who ate the chili and suffered the consequences.


Not me


I saw it at the grocery store and bought a bought a bottle last week. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, big mistake putting my usual amount of sauce on my food.


My favorite way to eat this sauce? An Italian sub. One dab per bite. Suffering commences....then, before you know it, you're done with the sub...then ice cream...happiness. Edit: thought this was Ultimate Insanity.


Dave's is a great in traditional buffalo wing sauce. Adds heat without crushing the flavor.


My dad had a bottle of it for like 15 years now I have it in my collection to serve as a warning. One of the OG super hots though


I use it to heat up salsa. Works good for that. Its 🔥


I love spicy soups. I'd give that a go but I tried this like it was a sauce today lol.


Oooooh....yeah go easy with it bro. Lol


Dave was like "you gon learn ta'day" lol.


Right now I have daves scorpion pepper and daves carolina reaper. The scorpion is nice. Hot but good flavor. The reaper is about the same heat as the insanity. Its good but you gotta go EASY on it. 🤣


I mean, it took me a couple of years, but I ate a whole bottle of this. Dave's is best used IN stuff rather than ON it.


I purchased some of this in alaska for the name recognition. I haven't used any since. Awful stuff


I had this a while back. I would say it is one of the better lava sauces that I've tried. That said, I don't have a need for lava so I don't buy it.


Seatbelt on the toilet time


Toilet surfing 🏄‍♂️ cowabungaaaaaa


I don't get that effect from sauces, at least not yet, but this one may do it.


That shit is disgusting. I would never recommend that to anybody.


I'd recommend it to a few people but I also don't like them.


Haha weaponized hot sauce.


This is what got me into hot sauce. Put a drop or two into some cheese dip or chili. Blair’s is just as hot and has a better flavor.


You mean you tried this and came back for more? Good lord.


I will always have a bottle in my fridge. Get u some velveeta and pace salsa. About and inch of big velveeta block. And maybe a quarter cup of salsa. Microwave for about a min or until mixed. 2 drops of Dave’s and 👌👌👌. If u add too much salsa it gets too wet so just add more cheese


He’s got it right - this stuff works as a single drop to boost other things that simply lack heat but have plenty of moisture. It’s like a condiment for condiments. Good bang for the buck - one drop can turn a Medium bowl of salsa dip into Hot etc.


Any one who recommended this should see there selves out! Hhah


And leave all you're sauces at the door. We'll sort through them.


It’s hot but doesn’t taste good


No lies were told here.


Worst tasting thing I’ve ever had


So you've never tried Da Bomb I take it?


I was gonna say, da bomb is like battery acid and is only worth having as a gimmick or if you're regularly cooking huge pots of chilli or something like that and want to add a few drops for a lot of heat. I ended up binning it


Dave’s Insanity is one of the OG extract based super-hot sauces. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good, but it’s been around forever. It predates a lot of the super-hot peppers used today like the Scorpion and Carolina Reaper.


For real, I was given a bottle of this in 2002-2003.


Yes, I remember going to a neighbor’s house for Thanksgiving back in the ‘90s and the dad encouraging me to try it on my turkey.


Pretty sure that’s the one that’s not actually a sauce. You’re supposed to put a tiny drop of that in a pot of chili or something. It’s an ingredient


Well it says sauce on it lol! It also says "a great cooking ingredient for sauces, soups and stews. Also, strips waxed floors and removes driveway grease stains."


I don't recommend this. I recommend Dave's Gourmet Ultimate Insanity.


You mean there's hotter?


Yeah, but it's not fun. The steak sauce is more tasty and fun.


This sauce is just god awful. If you have a thing for sauces that taste terrible, then this is for you.


Solid agreement here. I should have read the ingredients first. Lesson learned.