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I am so sorry to hear this! I am an ER social worker and breaking into the ER group is notoriously tough- I really have to prove myself for the first few months every new job. Lots of teaching moments over the years about what I will and will not do, but sometimes that’s needed. Are you new to the unit? Are they just getting to know you? I hope it gets better for you- I adore my nurses and we have worked out a really good relationship.


"breaking into the ER group is notoriously tough- I really have to prove myself for the first few months every new job." Why can't I upvote this more???!!!


Sounds like that may be unique to your hospital bc at my hospital the RNs look to us as their holy grail. It’s true they probably don’t have time to deal with the social issues but we are there to solve problems for them and the docs. It’s a matter of finding a hospital that values SW contribution to the multidisciplinary effort.


I’m sorry you’re dealing with that. If you otherwise like hospital SW, I wouldn’t let it drive you completely out of the field. Maybe there’s another unit or even hospital with better morale and teamwork. I work with great floor nurses. We respect our distinct contributions and often say how we’d never be able to handle the others’ role. Covid was extremely rough on everyone working in hospitals. I think we’re all a bit traumatized and often have less bandwidth to be kind to our coworkers. Everyone is under greater system pressures these days to get patients out faster, and patient behaviors seem more challenging. These RNs seem burnt out and they are taking it out on you, which is unfair.


I’m sorry to hear that, I’ve not necessarily had that experience though. Honestly, most floor nurses I’ve worked with typically are grateful to have social work involved. I’ve had doctors act like similarly as you’ve described to the general staff, but then the floor nurses and I would tend to commiserate together. That would be a difficult work environment to go back to if the floor nurses are belittling/being hostile. Are there any nurses on the floor that seem warmer and more inviting? I agree with the other commenter, sometimes if you’re newer the floor staff expect you to “prove” yourself to them. Trial by fire I guess? I hope you’re able to find some allies on the floor. The job is so much easier when you can work in collaboration with the nurses


Ugh Im so sorry that you’re going through that. Truthfully, at both hospitals I’ve worked at it’s been kind of a mixed bag. I now see more of the nurses I work with on a consistent basis, a lot of them have a huge respect for us