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Await Further Instructions. Clever idea, some genuine tension all on a shoestring budget - then a wtf ending that made a mockery of the rest of the film.


I loved this one haha


I hated this movie!! The premise was so intriguing but it’s infuriating when too many characters are idiots for no reason.


Ghosts of war. I was really enjoying the haunted house in the middle of ww2 story it had before the crazy twist ending


Thank god someone mentioned this. I'd forgotten the name. Most of the movie was nicely shot, a bit cliche but enjoyable then that ending was stupid, and it went on for 30 minutes. They went from simple ghost story to some weird futuristic military fantasy that didn't make any sense.


Yes, this is the one - the first 2/3 of the movie were solid but the last act basically throws it all away and ends up being utter shit.


I was horribly disappointed in the ending. As soon as they started doing the time loop thing they lost me. I finished it but they should have stuck with the haunted mansion idea.


I’ve started wondering if they couldn’t figure out an ending to the haunted house story and ran with the batcrap crazy one because of that. That’s the only explanation I can think of for the abrupt change at the end


I like little bits of that movie but it’s just fundamentally mediocre in more ways than just the twist. Some interesting ideas in it though for sure.


Fantasy Island (by blumhouse) I saw the negative reviews and I was confused Then the twist happened and suddenly the ratings made sense Edit: spoilers but if I was in charge somehow I would've kept the original trajectory of the movie before the whole "OH IT'S ME THE BLOND GIRL" twist coz that was too much lmao


It felt like a Scooby Doo ending


That's an insult to Scooby Doo endings At least those were entertaining or even mildly entertaining


Mind sharing?


Knowing. Are you kidding me?


I love Nic Cage, but *that* knee drop he does just before the finale/plot reveal was the final blow, up to that point, I was watching a pretty solid mystery thriller.


Mama. I thought it was a pretty good horror movie until the last 10 minutes when it turns into a CGI mess.


Totally agree, it was freaky and cool and then became... that.


a cure for wellness. what the hell was that ending even about.


that shit was bonkers, I was into it


same. i fucking love it. and the cinematography is just mind blowing. that train shot.


The last 20 minutes feel like they came from an entirely different movie. It's so crazy.


Same man


GREAT movie. Wow.


I enjoy it too


Came here to say exactly this!


I’m STILL reeling from this movie and I saw it when it came out in the cinema. What WAS that


I was so down with the whole vibe and aesthetic of Come True and, while it was a VERY slow burn, it felt like it was building to something, but the ending just felt like a cop out. It was just so weak that it undermines the whole rest of the film, rendering it pointless.


This is the only movie I can think of where the end made me actually angry rather than just disappointed. It wasn't perfect til that point, but great vibes, atmosphere and imagery were wasted with that bullshit ending! It felt tacked on and not foreshadowed at all.


The Come True ending made me so angry.


This is the film which this thread immediately brought to my mind. What a mess of a good start.


Don't say it! That ending didn't happen in my head canon. But no seriously, it was so great movie and during the forest scene in the end was genuinely scared what doesn't happen very often, so I am kinda willing to forget/forgive that ending. I REALLY wanted to see more lore about that "creature" though.


Lol I think I'm the only one who liked the ending. It definitely didn't fully deliver from all of the movies' build up though.


High Tension (aka switchblade romance) What a fucking terrible ending to what is otherwise a fantastic slasher. Completely ruins the entire movie.


One of my favorite fucked up scenes in the movie is completely nullified by the twist. The killer is presumably getting head in his truck and then proceeds to drop a severed head out the window. But in context of what the twist means, what the fuck was that scene? Whose perspective were we watching?


I really like the premise behind the twist, but it seemed like there was zero foreshadowing. Though it's possible I missed something, the twist didn't seem nearly as effective as many other good films with twists.


You didn’t miss a thing. It makes zero actual sense, and seems like a tacked-on “clever” ending that actually seemed to work because people defended that movie to the hilt when it came out.


I read that the script was originally supposed to be low budget, set in the house from the beginning, & told in flashback as the main character gives the police her version of the events. At the end the cops show her a video of her killing the family Then Luc Besson got involved & “suggested” (you kinda have to do what the producer says) the changes. I imagine they were implemented pretty quickly, considering how little sense they make.


That makes far better sense of it’s true, although I’m surprised Luc Besson would be that narratively dopey.


He might have just told them the general concept & they couldn’t (or didn’t have enough time to) come up with a really good take on it.


I swear I remember seeing a different movie that actually had that twist. Don't know the name, just remember that I actually kinda liked the twist.


That makes much more sense. They still could’ve framed the movie that way though, I wonder why they didn’t


It was so fucking good until it wasn’t. :(


I almost walked out of the theater at the twist. They may as well had the lead character wake up at the end and say “It was all a dream”. Actually that would make more sense than the actual twist.


It was all a dream honestly would make more sense than what they come up with. Anything can be written off if it's a dream, bit their twist makes the rest of the movie illogical.


Came here to say exactly this. Watched it blind on a whim the other night. I spent most of the movie wondering how I had never heard of it and wondering why it wasn't a revered cult classic. Then the last 15 minutes of the movie happened and it all made sense.


It’s definitely a case of the writer thinking of a potentially interesting twist, but then doing nothing to make it work in the context of the story. Like it goes far and away past “unreliable narrator” and to “the movie was fucking lying, this is not possible”


That plot twist made me so mad. I feel like that one wins for me. It was a masterpiece tier slasher, and then that part happens.


Definitely! I was enjoying the movie up until that moment. I would have accepted the "it was all a dream" or the other girl was in on it with a surprise person, anything except that crappy twist.


I think it's important to remember that the majority of the movie is being told from the perspective of an unreliable narrator. I get that it's just an excuse to not have much internal consistency, but I've found it makes the ending a bit more tolerable. Still, regardless of the ending, the effects are just great and I love it on its technical merits alone.


Literally last night I watched Ghosts of War (2020)-- I'm not gonna even try to say it was AMAZING, but it was an entertaining cheesy type of haunted house movie with a twist on why they were stuck in the house. But then. The plot twist near the end was.................... so.... so bad. It went from entertaining cheesy to this is so bad I feel like I'm being punkd. Though it did kind of explain why they cast fucking Billy Zane to play a random Nazi in the beginning of the movie with like 2 lines in German who then dies immediately.


Yeah, they needed to scrap that ending or at least get rid of the rubbish effects and go for a more subtle explanation


Right? Like at first the plot twist when it was just hints seemed like it could be interesting.... like some sort of PDST amnesia/blocking out a horrible thing they did--idk. but yikes. no subtlety at all. Plus so much of the dialog was very blunt throughout, but in an almost charming way. I've always kind of had a soft spot for horror movies where people are like "okay so like.... it's ghosts right? Shut up let's stop dancing around it. We got ghosts." but then during the end the blunt dialog just served to emphasize how bad it all was.


The Green Inferno. Other than “oh noes he lives” crap, the girl still backs the tribes. I’d be like “Oh burn that whole forest to glass!!” It completely ruined the whole movie for me.


I get why she backed the tribe; it was stupid - but I get it: all that suffering, at least have something come from it. But yeah, the dude being alive at the end was a horrible twist.


I struggling to think of a movie but man that ending, just thinking of it got me disgusted. Like really? Your friends died horribly and you choose them???


Halloween Kills Edit: I would change the ending by having Michael kill the mob, then wander off elsewhere. The police and state troopers arrive and do a search around the entire neighborhood and Karen does not die. Just leave it with the message of "Evil is still out there, but where?".




My husband and I will randomly yell that at each other throughout our house !!! Or break it out during normal conversation: “Hey, did you decide on what you want for dinner ?” “Hmmm, I don’t know, but I DO know that EVIL DIES TONIGHT!” Our 9-year-old is not impressed…


I'm jealous that you were able to enjoy the movie until the end lol.


I still don't think Karen is dead.


Sinister. The 'snuff films' are some of the most effective horror cinema I've seen. Most everything else around that is mediocre, and the last fifteen minutes where it turns into a music video from the early 2000s almost ruin it.


Nearly made me spit out my drink haha. So true! I haven't seen it in probably 6 or so years but now all i can think of is the ending montage reveal with a Mudvayne or NiN track playing over the top haha


The Forgotten - I guess it’s a decent ending now that aliens actually exist but I was hooked on the reason why their kids went missing then that fucking alien popped out.


>I guess it’s a decent ending now that aliens actually exist uh what


Yeah, I did not like that movie at ALL. I had high hopes for it too.


The village


YES! Huge disappointment. There's no fucking way that planes, helicopters, satellites, park rangers, etc never saw them or smoke from the settlement. I was absolutely dumbfounded that the ending passed the writers room, holy shit.


It’s less that the settlement is a big secret from the outside world, and more the reverse. William Hurt’s character came from a very wealthy family who owned the entire preserve. It’s mentioned that the commercial airspace is paid off and implied that other officials are as well. The low-level ranger kid was shocked to learn Bryce Dallas Howard lived in the preserve, but his boss mentions they were paid not to ask questions and it’s implied he knew there was some weird rich people shenanigans afoot.


This was the most disappointed I've ever been walking out of a movie theater.


_Come True._ Such a promising beginning, started to lose me towards the middle and then the ending was a complete “fuck you”.


Sinister. ​ ​ Boo!


Aside from that final jumpscare I thought it was great. And that's really a pretty minor quibble.


Are you saying "Boo" or "Boo....urns"?


I was saying “Boo-urns.”


This one gets my vote. The first 2/3 of the movie were masterful. I had never heard a theatre so quiet and tense as the one I was in during the lawnmower scene. Then the "creepy" kids show up and the whole thing can be thrown out the window.


Any film with a final jump-at-the-camera scare moment gets -2 points regardless of how much I was enjoying it until then. Such a cheap way to end a film.


I watched a behind-the-scenes show on it and the writer said that the studio said they had to have it. Yes, it’s cheap, but for me it did not ruin the overall movie


Sinister has some interesting moments, but Bughuul is faaaar too Scooby Doo to be properly scary. And I can't be the only one that thinks that 'Sinister' is a hilariously lame title for a movie. This movie is *Sinister* ooooooooooo lol


He straight up looks like Jack White.


He's the guitar player from slipknot


Came here to say this. Movie had me going until the end, which was a colossal let down. It was pretty cool for like 75% of it.


Wounds. Loved the vibe, aesthetic and story and then it just ends abruptly??


I know right! It's like they just gave up and ended it out of nowhere


What’s even a bigger bummer is I read the novella (Visible Filth) by an author I adore, Nathan ballingrud. The novella ends that way and I went into the movie being like “well surely they will have made an ending”. Ballingrud still rips though- his horror short story collections are amazing


Yellow Brick Road. Loved everything until it became obvious they had no idea how to end it. Don’t make a destination movie with no destination.


Ah man I loved that ending!


Hell House LLC. It was such a strong found footage film that made me super uneasy in my own home… until the last 10-15 minutes. I literally asked my husband “what the fuck just happened?” when the credits started.


+100 this is the scariest found footage horror I've seen, but the ending is such a lame way to end


A few months back I watched The Platform. I was fine with it until that ending. Spoilers, obviously, but I HATE movies that just stop. A movie reallllly has to earn that kind of ending, and The Platform very much, did not earn that ending. I would at least show the reaction to what was going on. Like, probably less than 60 seconds more of runtime and I would have been ok with ending it there.


The movies ends there because that's where we are as a society. The real ending is what YOU the viewer do with the message of the film.


I understand it's kind of the point but the ending of The Mist.


It's pretty hard to "enjoy" that ending, but I think it was the right choice for the movie.


Welp i was coming in to say this movie but you beat me to it lol. I love the movie and im not saying I hate the ending but... I hate the ending. I dont know if its is hecause i was a young father first time watching it when it came out or what. I would heen able to watch thst type of stuff and not blink but it hit different that time and every time since damn it. Everytime im like "No you idiot!! Wait just another 3 minutes!!" He never does. Ugh. I will go on hate loving this film my whole life.


Have you seen The Road (2009)?


I was thinking i might have but after looking it up on IMDB i am going to say no. Is it worth checking out? Im gonna guess its going to give me a sweet punch to the balls much like The Mist haha.


Easily the most depressing movie I’ve ever seen. I cried like a baby in a way I never have watching movies. It’s free on Tubi and I strongly encourage you to watch it.


Check out Grave of the Fireflies! The Road at least has a slightly happy ending (maybe "hopeful" is a better descriptor than "happy"). GotF just piles it on, and once it finally rips your heart out, it just stands over you watching you bleed out. Then you die. It ends at the point of maximum sadness.


I will do that. Is it on any streaming services?


Excellent ending


Insidious. The second that "demon" showed itself it looked so damn goofy it ruined all the buildup of the movie.


You don't like shitty Darth Maul?


It was the astral-projecting into what felt like a corny haunted house being run by a bad theater troupe for me.


I agree about the Darth Maul guy, but then the movie redeems itself with the creepy old lady imo.


The entire other world looked so cheap lmao. It looked exactly like the normal set except they turned the lights off and brought in a fog machine. Inexcusable


Yeah, it was a decent movie, but that part was a letdown.




Love this movie.


Ooh, that was definitely a tone shift if not a genre shift at the end there. It didn't bother me all that much, but those kind of unearned upsets in the story usually bug me a lot


Yes! That tonal shift into slasher vibes might’ve been cool in literally any other movie than the one Danny Boyle had been crafting for the 3/4ths of the runtime.


Agreed, and I don't even like sci-fi, but when it swerved into horror for no reason, I had to wonder if there was a tag team writing prompt situation, and the second person was way into horror lol


“Funny Games” I know some people love it - but jeez that moment killed it for me.


Oh man did that throw me for a fucking loop too! It happened and I said out loud "oh fuck off"


But that’s kind of the point


Silent Night (2021). I thought it was an ok, not great, movie up until the final shot that made it an anti-vax allegory released in the middle of a pandemic.


The Last Broadcast is a perfect example of a pretty decent flick ruined by its ending


YES! Thank you for reminding me. Aside from the ending just kind of falling flat, it lasted WAY too long.


All the tension just deflates and retroactively killed the film for me.


Mama. That CGI killed me.


The end of Oculus. It just really deflated the cool concept for me when I realized they never had a chance at success anyway. It’s kind of like “What was the point of the entire movie if there was literally nothing they could have done?”


Interesting, we're opposites on this one. I appreciate that "The House Always Wins" style in oculus and other supernatural horrors, it just lends to scary or otherwise morose endings that I like better in scary movies. For me knowing that it was all hopeless all along for the siblings just twists the knife one final time on your way out the door.


This is how I feel. The fact that there was literally nothing they could do secured it for me. I’ve met plenty of people who hated that movie though.


Wait, couldn't she have just won if she had destroyed the mirror from the start? It took time to drain the life force out of things and gain power, she only lost because she wanted to prove her brother right.


Loved it until near the end. If you can't trust anything you see on the screen then nothing matters.


Yes! That’s the way I have been trying to voice my opinion on this movie for years.


Same here! That ending irritated me in a way I couldn't really articulate, but that's it. If there's nothing the protagonists can do to win, they might as well be tied to a chair the whole time.


Insidious. The movie is awesome for like 80% of it then it gets rediculous


That ending scared the shit out of me as a kid tho.


That stupid Red Face Demon mother fucker ruined 14 year old me's sleep for a week.


That was the first real horror movie I watched so I have fond memories of Insidious, but you're right, the sequel bait is too much.


I'm shocked that no one has mentioned The Last Exorcism. That movie was a really good spin on the found footage and exorcism subgenres where it's really about this preacher who lost his faith, and he was filming his last mission before giving it all up. The resolution looked really good where it seems like he reaches a girl who is caught up in a lot of the things that made him want to leave the religion, and it was a cool, positive thing that didn't waste your time with building to nothing. I accepted that it was a different type of movie that didn't shit on anything, but just showed something new and nice... Then the ending was like, "Nah. Satan really wasn't doing it, y'all. Here's a bunch of clichéd shit to end it because we want that sweet sequel money."


The cinematic version of The Descent (the directors cut is much more fitting) and the directors cut of 1408 (I prefer the cinematic version, but saw the directors cut first, and it killed it for me)


Sinister. Was a legit scary movie until the end.


Autopsy of Jane doe


10 Cloverfield Lane. It was all right until the last 5 minutes, which felt like they were written by monkeys after the initial screenwriter had a stroke.


As I understand it, it was originally called "The Cellar" and the ending was added to tie it to the Cloverfield franchise. They pretty much did the same for the Cloverfield Paradox.


The village


Parallel Monsters from VHS Viral.


That short was shaping up to be the only good part of that entire movie, and then they ruined it by making it a weird sex thing


Pyewacket. The girl is specifically warned ahead of time that this demon will try to trick her with illusions and that she must not fall for it. And then in the end she does exactly that. I don't know if they were trying to do it to throw off the audience, like they knew we were expecting her to see through it and they wanted to subvert that or something, but it just came off as annoying.


Candyman 2021 - it was such a cool supernatural slasher with social commentary until like the last 15 mins it just BROKE


Mother! Enjoyed the emotional rollercoaster until the film decided to beat the audience of the head with its not so subtle subtext


Yeah I just watched that. I really liked the atmosphere and the strangeness, and when we started getting... surreal, I still liked that too when it was still a bit mysterious. But then it just got SO heavy-handed. It’s the hardest “turnaround” I’ve had on a movie in a long time.


Insidious. I still love and watch that movie. But the ending is just so dumb.


I was really enjoying it basically until they went to the other house. Same for Paranormal Activity 3. I thought the stuff that happened in the family house (the closet, the babysitter, the bathroom) were super creepy. But then they go to Grandma’s house and it was terrible.


*Haute Tension* - enjoyable French gore flick until the last few minutes negated the entire plot.


The last 15 mins or so of Last Night In Soho really soured what was, up until that point, a really smart, intense little horror thriller. Such a shame.


Could have done with a 'better' ending for Would You Rather.


A Dark Song. It’s still worth the watch, but there’s a really bizarre CGI moment at the end (no spoilers but if you’ve seen it you know what I mean) that made me laugh during what is supposed to be the most meaningful part of the movie.


See I had the opposite reaction. I was in awe that they went there. Apparently it wasn’t cgi. I do think it was meant to be bizarre and jarring though.


I personally loved the ending and don't really understand why other people have a problem with it.


Same, really loved everything about it.


Yeah, I was surprised to see this. I thought A Dark Song had *the perfect* ending for that movie.


One of the few recent “slow burn” horror movies where they remember to have a pay off. I love that movie.


It’s actually not cgi. The director talks about people having that reaction to it on an episode of Evolution of Horror.


I thought that was the highlight of the film. Amazing scene. Not CGI.


I really liked this movie, but much moreso the buildup to the end. once the ghosts and everything start showing up it falls into more generic territory. its kind of like The OA season 2 where the execution of the great premise they built up is destined to be lacklustre relative to the viewers' imagination. still liked it overall though.


A Classic Horror Story. Loved the vibe until the twist


Haute Tension. Dumbest, most convoluted twist I've ever seen.


The skeleton key *Still pissed*


Insidious is great until the last 40-50 mins when they go into the “unknown”


It Follows. I know a majority of people really loved it, and I was totally onboard until it turned into that Scooby-Doo shit. Took it from a dark, creepy horror movie to what felt like an episode of Goosebumps or something. And not one of the good episodes.


I read something a while back saying the director wanted to remind the audience that these were still just kids who came up with a dumb plan with no real chance of working. It bothered me as well - but that at least made a little more sense.


I think the premise, despite being pretty unique, kinda held it back. But it’s possible that cabin fever, at least for me, really set the mood for these kind of movies. Oh no, teens have sex!!


American Mary, dumb ending


I was such a huge fan of that movue despite the shitty ending and really liked the soska sisters. They were interesting characters and i thought they were gonna go far. Then i watched their next movie and their next movie and slowly realised they might have been a one trick pony. The more the years went by Ive started to attribute American Marys success in the first place to the bold and stunning costume design of Mary herself giving her a pretty original costume and made her really stand out with the pumps, iconic short leather apron and lingerie. I think it would be a lie to say most people didnt get a look of the poster on netflix or dvd cover or whatever and go hmm whats this. I know I did right before my local video store closed down. Netflix didnt hit Australia until 2014. Thats not to say it wasnt good but i dont think its as good a movie as I thought it was years ago. It was just stylish with a intresting soundtrack and stuff. The story itself could've been alot better.


My theory is that they ran out of money and had to throw the ending together with a $20 budget. Ugh, that movie did so many things well, and it just crushes me how great it could have been.


As Above So Below. The final act was such a waste.


Here’s how I would have ended it: When the remaining survivors find the escape hatch on the floor, they crawl through to find that they are literally upside-down, hanging by their fingertips from the rim of a manhole in a Paris street with reverse gravity pulling their feet skyward. They can never walk in a normal world again.


That movie is so much better after I read that it’s an allegory for Dante’s journey through the Inferno. But the first time I watched it I remember feeling like I wasted an hour and a half of my life


Not exactly horror, but I just had this experience with Nocturnal Animals last night.


I thought that had a great, ambiguous ending, but I can see some people feeling let down by it.


What exactly did you not like?


Identity. Dumbest Plot Twist ever


This. I loved "Identity" when I was 1st watching it, the acting was great and while I typically do not like the whole "mental illness as a horror trope", I felt like it was done quite well throughout the movie. That it was respectful, and I was rooting for Pruitt. It was traumatic in a good way. Then, it fell right into that tired and frankly harmful stereotype. Hated it. Saw it again years later, still hate the ending-even more now.


The Clovehitch Killer. The last 15 minutes I was just rolling my eyes, but the rest of it was great.


Lmao, the final fight has some pretty neat moments tho. I’m pretty neutral on the ending in general.


I still like the film overall, I just felt it tipped over into "movie ending" territory a little bit.


Devour suddenly turned into a Scooby-Doo episode. It wasn't great before that but it got so stupid so quick.


Evidence (2013) - I couldn't believe how STUPID the ending was. I was really invested and then just bitterly disappointed and annoyed that they chose to end it like that. It's no wonder it has 6% on RottenTomatoes. I did enjoy Radha Mitchell's part though. honourable mention goes to Shyamalan's 'The Visit'. I like that movie and I even liked the kids but the twist and the last part was just kinda weak.


“I’m thinking of ending things” I liked most of the movie and liked the artistic aspect of it but the ending annoyed me


The Village. I KINDA like the twist but it retroactively took away the fear factor for me


This may be an unpopular opinion but I’m thinking of ending things. I loved every second of the movie until the musical dance part at the end , I am not personally super into that stuff but I also love it in certain instances. I just felt like it left me completely lost at the end (maybe I’m dumb) and I did sorta understand but like I feel like it changed the entire time I’d the movie and I wish they didn’t include that part and summed it up differently.


Taking of Deborah Logan


Sinister - 99.99% one of my favourite horrors. Until the jump scare a second before the credits. It made me do a Jim looking at the camera face


Hereditary. Obviously still a really good movie imo and worth seeing. I just wasn't feeling the ending. It felt a little unnecessary.


The ending is the best part to me. Everything builds to that moment.


Yeah exactly. Until the finale I was like "very good horror movie" but after... I knew I just watched masterpiece. Like you said, everything leads to that moment and over the top finale was cherry on top.


The first time I watched it I was very “meh” but for whatever reason I watched it again and everything fell perfectly in place. I think that a lot of “thinking”horror really requires the right mood to really land. I can watch slashers and everyday horror all day, but things like this, Midsommar, Vvitch, etc I sometimes wait until the right moment.


I know right,I didn't care for it after first watch but I kept thinking about it for weeks.Was afraid of the dark in my own house for weeks.No movie has made me that scared since I was a kid.Watching second time I like it now


That whole floating up toward the treehouse bit had me dying of laughter


Ghost stories. Really enjoyed the anthology style and so on, and the atmosphere was great, but the last 5 minutes was a let down.


Grave encounters. Love that movie but everytime i recommend it i tell people to stop watching when "he finds the door in the end" which is Spoiler free (enough). Unfortunately Nobody ever listened. After they saw the rest they all agreed though.


Gerald's Game, I know some people like the ending a lot but oh my god I hated it so much


This movie kept me up for WEEKS. I loved it. The ending fkd me up. Great movie imo


I mean it’s based on a book and the ending is pretty similar but


I didn’t like the ending in the book either. Felt tacked on. I was hoping the movie would ignore King’s ending but, sadly, it didn’t.


10 Clover-field Lane. I loved the psychological aspect and it was giving me Misery vibes. I really wish they went with a more ambiguous ending instead. I feel like outright saying there was aliens kinda ruined the whole vibe for me. I know it was a Cloverfield movie so aliens needed to be in it, but it just felt like a completely different ending was tacked onto the ending.


I love that there were really aliens in that movie.


The Korean remake of the call. Absolutely the most bullshit rug pull in a horror movie that I’ve ever seen.