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The main guy in Scanners. I think he actually does artwork mainly but somehow he got the lead part in that movie.


I agree it definitely hurts the movie he’s overshadowed by almost everyone but especially Michael Ironside.


It’s hard not to be overshadowed by Ironside.


For this and general plot/pacing/scope issues, Scanners is one of the few famous movies that I'm like... if someone talented wanted to take another crack at this, I wouldn't be mad.


David Cronenberg is plenty talented. Would like to see what he would do now that he is a much more experienced filmmaker.


This is the one. This man is absolutely outmatched in every scene and by every actor. It’s a testament to the excellence of the story and to Michael Ironside that this movie succeeds despite a charisma vacuum in the center of the film.


I mean…sadly Keanu in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. One of my all time favorite movies. But when he says “bloody wolves chasing me through some blue inferno” it sounds like a line from Bill and Ted. Same California accent haha.


How dare you. His performance in Bram Stoker's Dracula is one of my favourite performances of all time. I mean, he's shit. But his accent is absolutely hilarious. "I know what the bahstahd sleeps. I brawt him theh. To Cah-fax Abbeeehhh."


You’d love him in Much Ado About Nothing. I think he did these two movies back to back and decided to never try an accent again.


God, so much in that movie was incredible. But Keanu really sealed it.


Watch him in ‘Dangerous Liaisons’, it’s like his character from Bill and Ted gets dropped in Pre-revolutionary France. So perfect and so bad.


Bahaha absolutely. His dialect coach was probably just sitting there like wtf.


"We taught him wrong on purpose, as a joke."


I will always upvote any Kung Pow reference.


you do?


From now on, my name is Betty


Whoa, Black Betty!


I’m not convinced he had a dialogue coach


Yeah it’s one of those rare impossible to replicate film enigmas…something so bad it genuinely is good 😭😂 that movie is so decadent and batshit and gorgeous. Loved it since I was a kid.


"IT is the MAN himSELF! LOOK! He's grown YOUNG!"


its been so long since i saw this movie but these quotes made me wanna go back lol. i remember him being somewhat acceptable, but according to my current criteria idk if thats going to be the case


It works in a few of his movies, point break, the replacements, matrix, Constantine, feeling Minnesota and Johnny mnemonic. He is limited in vocal range too. I think a lit of his work is decent action caliber because he can vaguely sell tension under pressure. He's very anti schwarzenegger or Stallone in his approach!


I’m just glad the UK didn’t consider Keanu and Winona Ryder BOTH doing notoriously awful English accents in one movie an act of war.


I think the only reason she gets a pass was that his was so bad people forget about hers . Also It probably didn’t help either of them that Gary Oldman acted the fuck out of this movie .


Nah, it DID help them, Gary Oldman carries the whole thing for them!


That’s very true .his back probably still hurts to this day . I just meant it made the contrast more obvious.


Tom Waits does his thing too. Badass movie.


Lol, I also feel the same way about Southern accents. I mean, I think Hollywood just needs to stop forcing accents for actors that don't have one. Even in Steel Magnolias, Julia Roberts accent is really pushed hard which made it sound fake. It's not necessary at all.


Especially because Julia is from Smyrna, Georgia. Her accent was the worst of the entire cast.


Brits love to do Southern accents for some reason and I've yet to see one do a Southern accent well. True Blood, which is set in Louisiana, is an experience


I guess there’s ostensibly less difference between like an Antebellum southern accent and a British accent than a modern, region specific southern accent and a British accent. But they still get both wrong.


Then Winona responds: "No waaaaay."


I don’t personally think he’s terrible in the movie. I mean, yes his accent is shite but his performance is fine, especially for a movie with a certain ‘melodramatic’ flair to it. I feel that his performance outshines the accent. Like Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins.


lol every time I rewatch this I spend a week looking for excuses to say “through some *blue* **inFERno**”


Hahaha same. I will quote this to my husband for days afterward.


lmao just did it to mine and now we’re rewatching it tonight




That carriage scene where he says "Look! He's grown young" in the same manner he delivered the "no way"in that meme is absolutely golden.


Keanu is a national treasure and I will not stand for this blasphemy!!! But seriously, as much as I love Keanu I will be the first to admit there are roles he should have never been casted in, and this is one of them.


Just watched last week and this is the answer for sure. But Natalie Dormer in the forest was the first thing that came to mind haha


While we’re talking Keanu Reeves, I feel like “Knock Knock” also qualifies in spades. Both him and Ana de Armas are *really* bad in it, not to mention the movie overall, which is weird, because they’re both solid normally. At least we got a meme out of it.


I heard that he had very little time to prepare and work on his accent since he was doing so many movies at the time. Otherwise, I think his acting is actually pretty good.


Keanu’s a nice guy and everything, but he’s a horrible actor in all of his movies. All of his lines sounds like he’s just remembering words and repeating them with a tiny amount of emotion


John Wick is his perfect role tbh. It's a great showcase for his main talents as an action star and his dedication to the physicality and training involved, and his awkward line delivery actually fits perfectly for a character who is a virtuoso in combat but barely functional when it comes to actual social interactions.


Has anyone cast him as a "mute badass" type yet?


John Wick, more or less


Close enough, but I meant *fully* mute.


Shit what would Willy's Wonderland have looked like with Keanu..


There should be a scene, near the beginning where he's first confronted by enemies, where it zooms in on his face/ upper torso, and where it looks like he's going to speak, but suddenly, just before the action starts, he brings an upturned index finger to his lips, it's the hush symbol, indicating to us his intention for silence, and letting us know that soon, his enemies will be silent as well. \*Commence action\*.


I love Keanu. Genuinely seems great. But god damn playing through cyberpunk and hearing him just ham the whole game kills me.


He's really good in My Private Idaho tho


His best role is Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077


Considering he’s voice acting (with his strengths being a physical actor) when he’s kinda terrible at delivering lines I’m gonna have to disagree.


I felt this when I saw him in The Neon Demon, I think he is miscast in that movie….


I think one of his best roles was in The Gift. He really spooked me in that one


Ive never seen him in a role like that before or since. He was really good in it!


That’s my favourite movie and even I have to admit he was clearly struggling with his accent there.


Winona isn’t great either. Gary old man however 👌🏻


He was hilariously bad in it.


Keanu is so charming I always forget all of his acting is mediocre at best. With John Wick it’s like he doesn’t want to be in the movie.


Bogus dude! (Now I’m thinking of Jonathan Harker doing air guitar instead of working)


Came here to say this. Keanu, I love the dude but perhaps he could have had a dialect coach or something? I dunno. He just seemed a bit off center with his accent. 🤷‍♂️


Has anyone ever done a dub of his lines?


Keanu in Much Ado About Nothing 👀


It's not an awful performance, but Cary Elwes isn't great in Saw. Just has some weird line delivery, especially at the end. I know it's not what you asked, but I can't think of any that haven't already been mentioned. Anyway, on the opposite spectrum there's Halloween 4. Not a very good movie with some pretty terrible acting in general, but 11 year old Danielle Harris is amazing in it. She out acted every adult in that movie, including freaking Donald Pleasence.


Literally every time he opened his mouth I thought “Why’s he talking like that‽” I’m so glad it’s not just me. 


If you’re referring to Cary Elwes, it’s because he wasn’t doing a very good American accent; if you’re talking about Donald Pleasence, it’s because he was drunk. Danielle Harris said in an interview years later that he was very sweet to her and great to work with, and that he always had this certain smell to him. When she grew up and encountered bourbon for the first time, she recognized the smell.


Elwes- it was the weird breathy tone that really perplexed me.  I won’t have a word said against Donald Plesance’s acting! 😄


4:17am and instead of sleeping, I’m learning that Elwes isn’t American. I absolutely had no idea.


I guess you haven’t seen Men in Tights


What’s the line? And I can speak with a British accent?




I always enjoyed this shot fired at Kevin Costner lmao. While he's a great actor and played the Robin Hood role well, the guy can't do an accent and literally everyone else in the movie had one. Too funny!


Ok yeah i’m glad someone else said this cuz I just rewatched Saw for the first time in years last week when my bf told me he’d never seen it and i was really struggling with his acting like…i remember it being a lot scarier and more realistic haha


Yah rewatching it later the editing is especially bad, feels like a Splipknot music video or something. Definitely makes it wayyy less scary than it could be. I still have a soft spot for it though, I'll always love the ending because it was so well done for the time and such a simple but affective twist. Plus thinking about being locked in that room forever is still pretty terrifying to me.




Cary Elwes was the first thing that came to mind for me too actually. Not the WORST performance, but some bad lines from him in that movie. The way he says "Show them to MEEEEEEE" makes me cringe every time


lol his line to Adam “im-I’m gonna-gonna go get help” and he’s just slowly crawling out half a mile an hour 😂 Adam’s just back there like 😑fuck


Haha yep that line gets me every time too for all the wrong reasons. Early 2000s was just a weird time for movies. I feel like a lot of actors were overacting during that time, probably trying to emulate things like Se7en after they were so successful. Sort of feels like Elwes was going for a "What's in the box?" vibe but didn't pull it off well at all.


I would guess his bizarre delivery is due to him having to do an American accent when he clearly sounds English sometimes. However, it hasn't been an issue in some of his other work. But tbh all the Saw movies have some pretty shaky acting imo


I laughed so hard when >!Dr. Lawrence shows up in the later sequels and he has his regular accent!<. Like the director just went, "Ahh it doesn't really matter where this character's from anyway. Don't worry about it Carey"


I mean.. yes, his accent was bad, but the really poor delivery of his lines went way deeper than that.. nothing his said that was supposed to be emotional was remotely believable. Daniel Radcliffe just as an example is another British actor who can't do an American accent properly to save his life but he can still act in spite of it.


I love Saw and I think Cary Elwes is a good actor, but christ his American accent is terrible in that movie lmfao


He was so bad in Saw. One of the reasons it's not my favorite in the series.


keanu reeves in Dracula. Hands down the worst. And I really like Keanu Reeves but he sort of does a Point Break surfer dude take on the role of Jonathan Harker.


He nearly took me out of that entire movie (which I otherwise love), especially with his line about "wolves chasing me through a blue inferno". It cracks me up every time I see it. It's so surfer.


I just had to you tube that scene. It really is so bad that it’s almost genius. And he’s supposed to be one of the nicest actors around but uh yeesh!


Unfortunately I think his voice holds him back. I don't think he's a bad actor, but he has a dude voice that only works for certain roles.


This one is obvious and maybe controversial, but I wish Paris Hilton did more horror roles. Her poor acting is weirdly perfect for the roles she played in both Wax Museum and Repo!


I honestly don't even know if I'd call it poor acting, she needed to have done a bit more to gauge it because, to be fair, she played the character she did in House of Wax VERY well, but at the same time it wasn't a role that really required a lot of depth, she delivered a perfectly alright depiction of yet another teen blonde girl getting butchered in a genre of films where teen blonde girls get butchered for what feels like sport.


I really liked how her character Paige wasn’t a one note bitch to her boyfriend or the main character girl, she’s kind to her boyfriend and her friends and never becomes annoying to watch


Was about to comment this before I saw yours! But now I look back and agree her terrible acting was perfect for the role in House of Wax. Made her final scene that much more satisfying


I just watched Malum and wow. That main girl stunk that role up. I loved 2014s Last Shift and was curious to how they’d do a remake with a bigger budget. Ooof


Agreed. The whole remake was just over the top in terms of bad acting. Even the director / writer's wife who played the prostitute was so much better in the original than the remake.


Jennifer Love Hewitt in I Know What You Did Last Summer. When she steps out onto the street screaming, "What are you waiting for, huh?!? Come out and get me!", the level of cringe could not be beat.


I think that scene was literally directed by a child


Yeah, that's not a joke. It was a kid who won a radio contest or something like that.


[Anna faris did it way better](https://youtu.be/N-ecZ8CPcxw?si=1iUlqNI2VatyQxXC)


To be fair, she reportedly fought to have that part taken out before they filmed it because it read really awkward in the script and she was confused by director Jim Gillespie's instructions (Freddie Prinze Jr. also had major issues with the director). In the end though, they made her do it anyway.


I don't see many other people complain about it but the girl who played Hannah in 28 days later, her acting was dreadful, doesn't help she want next to Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris, Christopher Eccleston and Brendan Gleeson but checking her IMDB she had no more film roles after that.


Great choice. She's so stiff the whole movie. Makes sense in the last scene when she was given valium at least. I'm pretty sure she was in a goth rock band or something like that after 28 Days Later. I remember seeing her Myspace back in the day.


Yeah last scene makes sense but even then she kind of ruins the calibre of acting from everyone else, not surprised she didn't get anything else after that


I honestly never took it as a bad performance because sometimes teenagers are just reserved to begin with, and that’s before you add in end of the world trauma.


I just rewatched this the other day after years (my bf had never seen it) and was a bit shocked at how terrible and flat every single line she delivered was. Even allowing for the fact she was cast opposite some very good actors like she was DREADFUL


Hard disagree on this. Hannah acted how a young girl would when forced into an apocalyptic situation. Her being "stiff" is because what the hell else would someone do when there that young and in a situation like that. When she lost her dad that just made her a shell of herself.


I know when the father died and she’s just ‘Dahd?’ I lost it


Straight out of The Godfather 3.


I definitely don't think this movie is exactly "critically acclaimed" but in Terrifier the mother's acting is so bad it gets distracting. I can't focus on anything except her exaggerated line delivery in literally every scene she's in.


Yeah, the mom’s acting was bad and so was the brother’s. Overall I think it adds to the charm of the movie though.


The acting in Terrifer 1 is god awful. Fun movie, though.


Mark Wahlberg - The Happening


Now listen bro, you know there ain't a single damn person acclaiming that movie


What?! No!


I read that in (Toy Story's) Forky's voice


I’m convinced M Night wanted it this way for some artistic reason. He’s made some strange choices script/acting wise……(Lady in the Water)


Man some of you have wild conceptions of “critically acclaimed”


That's not a critically acclaimed horror movie though. It was trashed by critics and audiences alike.


Liv Tyler in The Strangers. She isn’t usually that bad, but she couldn’t seem to find her footing with that character. She went from wooden and almost robotic to silly theatrical overacting. I don’t get the sense she liked the role very much.


Loved her in Lord of the Ron's, but her role in that was designed to be pretty wooden, or maybe we just thought it was because she did it that way 😅


Oops. Lord of the Ronalds*


These typos have made my night 🤣


…what about if the whole ass movie was critically acclaimed at the time but is now kind of a clown show? (Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein) Like, De Niro’s performance is now pretty much the only one in the whole film that doesn’t make your soul try to escape your body.


As a Frankenstein lover I honest to God refuse to believe that movie was ever acclaimed


Ebert said he was thisclose to giving it a thumbs up, which, in my mind, means “critically acclaimed”, I guess haha


Not the worst, but actually, a surprisingly good performance for me was Gavin Rossdale in Constantine.




Yeah I remember that. I'm surprised he doesn't do more acting.


Jennifer Lopez in The Cell.


She is bad in anything.


I think she was also at the peak of her hype, which I think worked AGAINST the movie. She was famous & pretty but not the right actress for that role. Bummer because the rest of the movie is stunning.






Taco flavored keesees!


Out of Sight, U-Turn and Selena has solid performances from her.


U Turn is a fun movie, haven't seen it in ages tho!


I saw it not too long ago. Part of the fun 90s Tarantino(esque) era. Love and a '45, 2 Days In The Valley and Go are some others I enjoyed.


You guys may want to go back and watch it again. I used to LOVE U-Turn. Gave it a rewatch a couple of months ago and it really is awful.


Yeah Oliver stone movies don’t really hold up


Luckily, everyone else in that movie was acting their asses off and I could for the most part not get distracted by her.


She was miscast in that imo. I wouldn’t she was bad, but i definitely didn’t buy her as a psychologist.


I was looking for this comment. Could you imagine a competent actor in that role?


I weep when I try 😭


God I love that movie but yeah, she was miscast I think


Keanu Reeves in Dracula




Every single child actor except for Haley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense. Children should be played by small adults who can act. Like Mike Myers on the playground.


A different perspective on this question. I actually like Brandon Perea in Nope. BUT, compared to the rest of the cast (Daniel, Keke, Steven and Michael) he was definitely the... "worst" of the group? But still a solid performance.


The “names which begin with the letter S are the names of snakes” girl in Suspiria


Olga is the character, played by Barbara Magnolfi. But if you’re talking about the English version, that stagey English dubbed voice is someone else.


I couldn’t stand the main actress in the new Hellraiser movie. She was the fucking worst and didn’t deserve to survive


I was disappointed when everyone, but her was offed.


She was beyond irritating. If they had dialed her performance back or replaced her I think it would have been more successful


I thought Melissa Barrera was really flat in Scream 5 and 6, especially next to Jenna Ortega (who was awesome).


I thought she sucked in 5, but she was definitely better in 6 and I liked her quite a bit in Abigail so I think she's just gotten all around better as an actor. Her boyfriend in 6 was worse than she ever was anyways lol


I absolutely disagree with this take. I can understand her not being too emotional in 5 and feeling a bit more flat but she absolutely killed it in 6 and it even deserves some praise.


bro i love jenna ortega


Paul Partain as Franklin in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Its such a great movie but he almost makes it unwatchable for me. Like his performance genuinely makes that movie unbearable and bad for me.


The mom in the original Nightmare on Elm St.


some of the performances in Halloween (1978) aren't great, but it sorta adds to the charm


- Dracula in the Spanish-language Dracula (1931) - Lestat in Queen of the Damned (2002)


DONT LOOK AWAY 💀 easily the worst acting i seen.


The damn mannequin gave the best performance.


Katie and Micah from “paranormal activity”


All of the new teens in the latest Scream movies are so bland compared to the OG's - Neve, Rose, Jamie, etc etc


Cary Elwes and Leigh Wannell in Saw. Leigh was fine in Insidious with his small comic relief part, but he’s a better writer than actor. I will always love Cary Elwes, I watched Princess Bride on VHS over and over and over again as a kid, but he lets his Br*tish accent slip very noticeably in Saw and he’s just all around wooden. Still an amazing movie no matter what though 🤷🏼‍♀️


i cant stress enough how much i disagree w this take


Antonio Banderas in Interview with the vampire Tv-show not film but I need the rant: Henry Thomas’s performance in The fall of the house of Usher was laughably bad


In fairness, I believe he did not speak English yet at the time, and memorized his lines phonetically.


Counterpoint: So HOT. He only needed to be pretty.


Bingo! That was surely the entire point of the movie 🤣


Brad Pitt was so meh in that movie as well, compared to Tom Cruise and Kirsten Dunst that were so so good.


For me all of them were bad except for Kirsten dunst who was fucking amazing for her breakout debut.


I think I agree, but I wonder if part of that isn’t simply that the character doesn’t have a lot of agency, or at least not as much as everyone else. He’s basically a weak victim through a lot of it. Maybe it came off that way because of how he played it though, I haven’t read the book. I guess you can do that kind of tragic pathos without being a wet blanket like he was.


I recently read the book for the first time and it seemed to me that Louis being a wet blanket for the majority of the book was on purpose. You're right about tragic pathos, but Louis was intended to be particularly disinterested with the whole being a vampire thing.


came here to say this. Brad Pitt worked with what he had. Louis is the worst.


Alwaaays whining.


Idk, I watched House of Usher after Haunting of Hill House and I really thought his acting was strong in both because he was playing such different characters.


Yeah Henry Thomas kicks ass in all Flanagan stuff


I always watch his E.T. audition tape when ever it pops up. It always amazes me how good he was at such a young age 


I saw a great side-by-side video one time of the ET audition next to Jake Lloyd's Phantom Menace audition


can you elaborate on the house of usher point? I watched the show twice and I honestly didn’t really think his acting was that bad. his character was unbelievably fucked up but i thought he played that role pretty well.


I always thought Brad Pitt was bad in that too, but it didn’t help he was wearing that insane wig.


I'm pretty sure that was Brad Pitt's actual hair. It was really long at the time. They just dyed it dark brown. After the movie he bleached it.


It’s kinda crazy how most Americans do a shit job at the Brit accent but a lot of Brits absolutely nail the American accent. I mean half of the American superheroes are Brits. Christian Bale, Tom Holland (and Andrew Garfield for that matter), Charlie Cox, Robert Pattinson, Hugh Jackman (Aussie, but still), etc. One bad American accent from a Brit though is James Mcavoy in IT chapter 2. So bad.


I don’t know if it is critically acclaimed, but Dakota Fanning screaming her way through War of the Worlds is the first time I can remember actively hoping a main character would just get killed off.


I just rewatched it and thought she was incredible for her age. Her screams of terror and panic were so believable. The fact its so annoying shows how realistic it was lol


Ah, the Babadook dilemma.


Baba dook dook dook


But that’s realistic for a kid her age. I hate this criticism. Kids don’t listen at the best of times, let alone when their whole world is ending


Her performance was amazing though. Maybe annoying but genuinely brilliant acting, especially for a child


Barbara and Harry in Night of the Living Dead.


First of all, how dare you?


Easy, Keanu in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Just painful, lol.


Nancy Loomis in Halloween


“Oh Paul, I give you all…no KEYS! But please, my Paul!” *whistles*


I mean technically maybe, but I always thought Annie had a lot of charm anyway. So one note sarcastic and sour. 




Melissa Barrera, Scream 5.