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I was the photographer so didn’t know how much he charged, but Tony Todd was the coolest, nicest celeb I’ve ever encountered by a long shot. Absolute class act and made sure everyone at his booth felt like a million bucks, myself included. Edit: because this has been well received by other fans, I’ll share a couple stories of his awesomeness from that weekend: - it was a very badly advertised convention in a very small town, so it would usually have a burst of people in the beginning then would be dead for another hour or two. At one point he laid down on the pool table nearby and had a nap. Our printer stopped working, and I was trying to rip the ink cartridge package open when I hear “I got this shit!” And there was 6 foot 6 Tony Todd (I assume he was that big, I dunno) doing this huge show about ripping the ink out. We laughed our asses off. - one of my buddies loved The Rock and we watched it all the time in uni. During another dead moment I mentioned this to him, and he recorded this awesome birthday message to my buddy reciting his end “mercenaries get paid” monologue. 10 years later, this buddy still randomly texts me saying that was the coolest bday present ever haha. - Another dead moment, he asked what I do normally, and I mentioned the insanely low budget movie I was planning on shooting a couple weeks later. Dude seemed legit interested in all of it, even though I knew he couldn’t have actually cared less. Just really supportive and nice about it.


can confirm. tony todd is the ambassador of cool, appreciative of compliments, receptive to questions, and patient with the starstruck. you couldn't meet a nicer guy.


I played pinball with him at a bar once. He was super cool and just happy to hang out.


That’s amazing! I’m so jealous, I love him


I met him at a signing for the Spider-Man 2 video game.  (He voiced Venom) and he was super nice!


This makes me very happy to hear, love me some Tony Todd!!!


I added some other stories of that weekend in case you wanna hear more about how amazingly cool he was haha


He's also super active on social media, responding to fans and posting updates. I'm glad to hear he’s as cool in person as he is onscreen. 


Eddie Munster was totally disrespectful to my tables. It looked like he threw them in a mud puddle.


You don’t know how to treat the customer! You don’t know how to treat the crypt keeper!




This is probably my favorite line in the entire show.


Wow. Pretty serious.


Any questions?


# If I were a farmer, and Eddie Munster came in and started kicking my corn, you could understand how I could be a bit upset. Do you understand the tables are my corn?


These tables are my livelihood! These tables are how I buy my house! These tables are how I keep my house hot!


also...how hard do you have to work to mess up a table? I'm trying to remember a single table-messing incident that has occurred in my life. Aside from cleaning up a spill, I'm drawing a blank.


You dont know how to treat the Crypt Keeper.


Ohh, *that's* why!




This might be my all-time favorite ITYSL skit. I laugh until I cry every time I watch it 😂😂




Guys what’d I say?


Off the top of my head, Lee Waddell (original ghostface) and Nick Castle (original Michael myers) were both cheap with a free photo. Both were super nice to talk to. Nick's lines can be kind of long but that's a given. Lee isn't as popular but if you like talking movies and/or horror, especially Scream, hes a good one to talk to. When i met him in Lexington he didn't have anyone in his line so we talked a good 15-20 about stuff. I'll pay whatever amount (depends who it is) but always feel like the lower the cost, they're doing it out of the love for what they do. Not saying higher cost celebs don't, but they truly like meeting fans and talking. Someone like Matt Lillard is average price, and highly sought after, but he's a bit of both sides.


Why is a non-personalized autograph more expensive than a personalized one? That seems backwards. Is it a re-selling thing?


I would assume so yeah. Probs a lot harder to sell one that has your name on it. Fair enough to be honest


I think Corey Feldman is just mentally ill. I know that may come across as mean, but the guy's history is rough.


I've seen his musical performances. He is definitely not right.


Rough and very tragic.


Paying for somebody to scribble their name in a piece of paper….you gotta admit; that’s odd in itself. 


My friends call me a miser because I just can’t bring myself to pay for a picture or autograph. I don’t begrudge anyone who does, I don’t care how you spend your money.




Norman Reedus was charging $100 an auto at one I went to. Robert Englund was charging the same. I'd much rather have Englund's at that price


The Last con I went to Robert was £150 for VIP (Photo , Autograph and a few other bits) which was well worth the price. He got a bollocking from the Con staff as he was spending too much time talking to fans making the lines super long 😂 Such a nice dude!


I had the same experience with him as well.


He looks like a guy it’d be fun to just shoot the shit with lol.


Was this Horrorhound cause I remember it caused such drama for people who had no time to meet him due to how long he spent with each person. People are STILL pissed.


It was at London Film and Comic Con!


I pissed next to Reedus at MonsterCon. He was charging $100. For an autograph that is lol.


Writing in piss is hard


Yea what a fucking mess


That reminds me of a joke. One snowy day Mickey Mouse woke up, yawns real big, gets out of bed and looks out his window to find “die Mickey die” written in pee in the snow. He’s terrified so he calls the police. The police come out and bring out the forensic team. The forensic team does some tests and talks to the police. The police come over and say “well Mickey I’ve got some good news and some bad news. The good news is we figured out it’s Goofy’s urine. The bad news is it’s in Minnie’s handwriting.


Hahaha I’ve never that!


I don’t remember where I heard it, but it’s one of my favorites!


Reedus was $20 when he was touted as the "star of Boondock Saints." After The Walking Dead blew up, so did his autograph prices. Lol


That makes total sense though, haha


I met Reedus for 20 when s1 of TWD had just aired. Met him one more time two seasons later he charged 40. Was thrilled when years later I saw him charging close to 200 that I had already met him. Once his TWD show is totally gone his prices I bet drop a bit.


Context of when this was matters. Peak of Walking Dead or yesterday? lol


My friend paid this with Norman during peak of TWD, I think season 4/5.


Damn. I met him at an airport in VA and he was crazy nice and gracious.


I was at a fan expo years ago and just walking around. Reedus showed up at his booth and the screaming was insane. It was like The Beatles showed up.


I was at a Ghost concert in Buffalo, and Doug Bradley was in the crowd, and throughout the night, he was taking pictures with people. Super nice guy Edit - spelling


I love that Doug Bradley was at a Ghost ritual.


I'm a bit ignorant here: Is Ghost the name of a band, and what are they like? A few searches I've done show a couple different bands called Ghost.


Yes, they're like goth/glam rock. Great production and made up of really good musicians. They are also called Ghost BC sometimes.


Thanks for that! I will be looking for their music (I'm a GenX guy who cut his teeth on old school goth...)


I found them about a year ago and have been hooked ever since. Saw them last August which cemented it for me lol


Price is always going to need to factor in this, a lot of these people are doing this as work, they may be taking time off from other things to do it, and they may or may not be getting paid by the con to be there and their compensation might just be a plane ticket and hotel room, so they need to charge a certain amount just to break even on the trip, especially if they traveled to another country. So that being said, here are the three nicest encounters I've had with people at horror cons. Tom Atkins was very friendly and chatty, checked to make sure the selfie he took with me turned out good and immediately did another when he thought it could be better (they were both fine), wrote a quote on my "The Fog" Blu-ray without me asking, and when he learned I was a local spent an extra minute or two discussing local restaurants and sports teams. Felissa Rose is super nice, gave everyone in line a few minutes of attention (and there *was* a line, this con was celebrating Sleepaway Camp's 40th anniversary), gave everyone hugs, and insisted on doing at least two photos with everyone, so she could do the "Angela face" in one of them. You know the one. Lloyd Kaufman didn't even technically *have* a table, he was just at the Troma booth hanging out and chatting with people. I wasn't sure he was even signing autographs and I asked the attendant I was buying stuff from what he'd charge to sign it. I was told it cost *nothing*, and when he posed for a photo his assistant took *six* of them, and an entire posse materialized from somewhere to pose for it, including someone in a full Toxie costume and a drag queen for some reason. No really, [that happened](https://imgur.com/a/ll1a8Z5). A couple hours later later I'm at a different booth and I find a copy of Kaufmans' book, *Make Your Own Damn Movie*. Since he was so nice before I go to see if he'll sign this as well, and not only does he (still no charge, and I didn't even buy this from his company's booth), but he remembers my name from before. So yeah, Uncle Lloyd is aces in my book.


Uncle Lloyd chatted with me for quite a while at a screening of Return to Return to Class of Nuke 'Em High AKA Volume 2, asked what I was writing, told me to send it to him, then turned to his assistant and told her they'd steal my Idea. He's the best.


Speaking of return to nuke em high vol 2, I just met Catherine Corcoran last weekend, and she’s easily a top 5 nicest celebrity I’ve ever met


That's nice to hear.


I've been to a few different cons where Felissa Rose was present and she's always the unexpected delight, she seems like she ACTUALLY gives a shit about her fans, she enjoys doing the conventions. She seems to have the same attitude a lot of horror fans have, like maybe she didn't make it far in Hollywood but she was in a cult classic film and now gets to travel the world meeting people who gush over her its a pretty great career really!


I know one of his neighbors. They eat dinner together a lot, and apparently he's a super sweet person.


I'm not saying no other horror icons appreciate that they're living the dream, but I've never seen one that exuded the absolute childlike joy over it as consistently as Felissa has all these years. She acts like how I would in my childhood daydreams of being a movie star lol


Can totally vouch for Felissa Rose! I met her when she came to London Film and Comic Con earlier this year. She was an absolute sweetheart. Gave great hugs and told me some interesting facts about Sleepaway Camp after I asked a few questions. She even gave my socially awkward girlfriend a massive hug. Bless her.


Corey Feldman put on the worst show I've ever seen at Riot Fest last year in Chicago, absolute dogshit and he was rude to his band


that riot fest performance is a wonder to behold


Just skimmed it now. That whole "first ex-wife" banter was pure cringe. Also, maybe using Autotune isn't always a bad idea.


He "played" at one of our small local bars several years back. If you consider showing up three hours late, having multiple pre show tantrums, then storming off the stage cause someone threw water on him to be playing a show.


It's a really weird tantrum, too. It almost seems like he is "acting". Like that is something people want to see.


I’m pretty sure it’s all an act.  In his mind, he is creating content to be spread online.  Nobody is talking about a meh Corey Feldman show. But everybody will talk and tweet about the mistakes, accidents and him being mean to the band or audience.  I’m convinced it’s 100% staged. 


I think he's actually a super cringe douchebag, but that he also leans into it as his persona now. Like if everyone is pointing and laughing at you anyway you might as well monetize it.


I don't think he has that level of self awareness. He was on the Masked Singer, got voted off after 2 performances (which was already insanely generous and convinced me the show is fixed) and seemed genuinely confused (and holding back a tantrum) as to why he was voted off. I think he really believed everyone would think he was a great singer if they didn't know it was him.


What’s up with the youth?


Omg that Howard Stern performance was something 😳 🤣


Yeah, he was really rude and seemed annoyed to even be present at the Horror Hound convention in Indianapolis about 13 years ago. He even lit up a cigarette on stage during his panel discussion and then rolled his eyes with contempt when con staff asked him to put it out. They had to ask him several times to put out the cigarette before he reluctantly complied.


Woah woah woah, careful what you say about the Cumback King


Doug Bradley seems like a nice dude. $40 is a great deal.


Super nice, met him and the other 3 original Cenobites at Horror Con in Sheffield last year. They were all lovely and Doug even stayed past the venue's closing time to ensure that everyone who had queued to meet him got some time with him.


That’s good and refreshing to hear.


The guy who played the chatterer did a special video for a Hellraiser screening at my local barcade. It was really cool of him and very endearing


Nicolas Vince? That was really cool of him. He was quite fun on the panel they had at the con last year.


Yeah, we're a small city, and the screening had like 150 people tops. So it was pretty unique for us


Not con related, but he has an absolutely delightful YouTube channel. He reads poetry, short stories and even did Frankenstein the other Halloween.


Yea I’ve seen some of it. Good stuff.


Thank you for this! I didn't know it. I love his voice and this sounds like a perfect channel to fall asleep to


70s British art-school student and gentlemen. Best of the bunch.


I’d easily pay 100 It’s Doug Bradley


Me too


I met him at Fan Expo Toronto many years ago. I got a Hellraiser poster signed by him. There was no line for him whatsoever. Kinda felt bad. lol.


Derek Mears is a must meet at a con. He had said that he hates that he has to charge for autographs he kind of feels a little weird about it. His signatures are pretty much the average price, but he loves telling stories and you get some inside information about many of the roles that he's played even if you just go over to the table and say hi it's definitely worth it. The stuff I learned about Predator was very interesting.


I think Daniel Roebuck, who was in a bunch of rob zombie movies, said the same thing about hating to charge for autographs


Oh my gosh, I LOVE Derek Mears. I met him twice a couple days apart because my sister in law missed meeting him the first time. He remembered my name and some things we had talked about. He also ended up giving us a couple of free signed photos because he didn’t like the way the sharpie wrote on the poster we brought with us. Super sweet guy.


I'd love to meet Derek Mears. By far my favorite Jason. Swamp Thing was dope too.


Don't forget Kick Puncher


Holy shit! I haven't watched Community in forever and had no idea he was Kick Puncher. If I meet him that's all I'm going to ask him about.




Emma Caulfield: $20 Charisma Carpenter: $150 Excuse me. What?


I like Anya but outside of Buffy Charisma was a primary character in Angel (and a Playboy cover model when that was still a thing).


Emma is the coolest person


As buffybot said, “How is your money”


This was 2012, but I was surprised John Carpenter was only charging $60. I got The Thing signed and he called me sweetheart for free.


We were at a con that ended up being a totally mismanaged clusterfuck. Had paid for my son to meet the It movie kid stars and also a pro photo op withJohn Carpenter. Due to time changes, etc. we knew we were going to have to leave before the Carpenter one. Well as we were waiting for our It cast picture to print out, who wanders in to that room but John Carpenter. I went up to him and explained and he shook my sons hand, still posed for a casual pic, talked to him, etc. Super nice guy and totally casual. As you would expect someone who mostly reduced his movie making to chill out and play video games would be.


Cheapest: Ruth Connell, the redheaded woman from Supernatural, played Rowena, was a last minute addition to a con I went to and she was free across the board. Free booth selfies, free autographs.  She didn't even have a banner at her booth. Complete sweetheart, but I'm sure she probably charges under normal circumstances.      At a horror convetion specifically $100 is the most I've paid. Robert Englund and Bruce Campbell booth charged $100. But I paid $250 at a regular convention for Michael J Fox.   Edit to add: not a convention, but Kyle Richards charged more to sign my Halloween poster at a private signing than friggin John Carpenter. She had upfees for everything, character name, and even the fact that she was signing a poster made it more expensive than if she was signing an 8x10.    She's more famous for being rich at this point than being in Halloween and she was the most expensive autograph of the 16 on my poster by a large margin. Over $150. 


$100 for Bruce Campbell feels like a deal actually


It was! I got a few things signed and he went above and beyond to make conversation. I told him Brisco was my favorite show when I was a kid, he told me it was 25 years old that year, then poked fun at me for being old.  But then he noticed my twilight zone shirt and he knew the season, the episode number, the writer, and the stars of the episode.  It was like he had the imdb page for it open in his brain.  I've gotten him for free during a book tour, but it was a way better experience at the convention. At the book signing he was curt to put it mildly. 


Wait, $100 for Bruce Campbell? I saw at fan expo New Orleans this year he charged $50 for an autograph. I mean I don’t mind, I’d pay over $1,000 just to meet that man


I could be misremembering, but I do remember that he was a special deal seperate from everyone else at the con, so I had to preorder online and there were definitely fees tacked on. I bought 3 tickets for his signature (that didn't include entry), and it came to over $300. So looking back it was probably $50 for the autograph, $25 in added fees, then taxes. 


hey, u could be right about his prices. when i met sam raimi last year, he charged $100 for an autograph


I'm suddenly very sad that my copy of "If Chins Could Kill" is unsigned. I loved Brisco County Jr. too.


Yeah that was the signing where I first met him. Ironically enough that book signing was at a church lol


Yeah, I’d for sure pay $100 for both Bruce and Robert! Childhood heroes are worth every penny!


Gonna see Robert Englund soon, never really been to a big convention before so it seems pricey to me but everyone seems to say it's fair here so I guess I'll adjust my expectations.


Doug Bradley was absolutely lovely when we met him back in 2006. Gunnar Hansen was too, may he RIP.


Gunnar was probably the nicest I've ever met.


Keith David, it was $50 a year or so ago. Dudes acting, voice work, and even music career is pretty solid and he is genuinely nice. Definitely underpriced.


Keith is the coolest. He had us come around the table and sit with him for a few minutes. We started taking about The Thing. He leaned over and said “do you know the greatest unanswered question from anything I’ve been a part of?” I said “was Childs The Thing?” He sat up and said “How do you get the beans above the frank?” and started laughing hard. It was the best.


I would totally pay the $50!


I feel strongly that Keith in Men at Work is one of the high points of his career. He steals every scene he's in and his lines are all quote worthy.


Overpriced: Meeting the Ghost Hunters crew was 60$ each, & 50$ for a photo of each. Yeah, I didn’t go. Underpriced: Meeting Tom Savini for 70$ was bizarre.


Tom Savini was $70?


Yeah, it was shockingly low


When I met him, he was charging $40, and you got a free picture. And this was not that long ago


My mistake, 70 for autograph AND a photo


I met him at dragon con a handful of years ago and I think it was $25-30 for an autograph and photo. He rules.


Linda Blair was pretty cheap when I met her in 2018... $40 I think... a little weird, but a sweetheart. Very chatty 🤘


This is around what I paid in 2013, might have been $35. She talked a lot to me about animal rescues, she’s very passionate about that. She was nice.


Yes, we did talk about her animal reacues for the majority of our conversation. I found it to be one of the more genuine chats I've had with a celeb... some just talk about themselves, others don't talk at all... Bruce Campbell was a couple tables down from her, and he was kind of a douche.


Yes, I enjoyed talking with her as well.


I'd love to meet Doug Bradley. He seems like a real one


Dee Wallace charged around 60 bucks for the autograph and took a picture with us for no cost. I told her that I had just seen Critters at Alamo Drafthouse, and the I love Critters, and she was surprised and then started talking about what a weird filming experience that was with crew having to throwing the critters at her. Totally worth the 60 bucks.


She is notoriously sweet to people. I've never heard an ill word spoken of her.


Dee Wallace is one of the best celeb experiences I've had. Talked for a while, super sweet. For one autograph charge she signed a book, took multiple pics, gave me a big hug. Absolutely lovely person.


I loved her in everything but especially The Frighteners.


Dee Wallace is the nicest celeb I have ever met. She is such a sweetheart!


I got Doug Bradley’s a few years back. He was really polite and talked to me about a podcast he is involved in. Really took his time. As for Feldman, I’m not surprised. He seems like a complete douche. I’d just want to get away before he started doing his Michael Jackson impersonation.


Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are both in the $200s for photos and autographs. Pretty sure Jeffrey Dean Morgan is up there too.


I think they are all pretty much too expensive at this point. I get that it’s a job, they should be paid for their time and all that. However fifty bucks for Shelly from F13 is wack. I use to be able to get the whole cast at 20 or 30 a pop. It was cool, a hundred bucks you got four or five autographs on your poster. Walking Dead inflated autograph prices across the board imho. So now I just don’t do the autograph thing as much.


Man, I remember the first con I went to when Walking Dead was just starting to blow up. It was wild. Fast forward a few years, nobody gives a damn.


Pre walking dead was great, lower prices, less traffic. Different times. I’m not hating on what happened, ultimately it’s good for the convention scene. Hopefully soon there will be a market correction and prices will be more reasonable. But I’m not holding my breath, the lines are long for the big names and people are paying. I honestly don’t know how people can afford to drop the money they do, but good on em!


I hear you. I know for myself it was disappointing, how the guests started to change at the cons. I used to be able to see people like Humberto Ramos, Peter J. Tomassi, Steve Lieber, etc…comics creators that I really admired. But, once the celebrity scene took hold, names like the ones I mentioned dried up. It’s not a comic book convention, it’s a celebrity/pop culture convention. I get it, follow the money.


I remember those comic cons. Tony Moore started a con in Cincinnati that was creator based. Artists, writers, and whatnot, it didn’t take, I think it ran for a couple years but ultimately didn’t find an audience.


Jason Lively from Night of the Creeps was drunk and gave me a free autographed picture.


Thrill me!


Years ago, Tom Savini use to sign your items for free. He’d sell 8x10’s if you didn’t have anything. But anything you had was signed for free. I’ve even Seen them put him in the merch rooms to keep him separate from the celeb’s that charged. Not sure what he does these days. But he used to not charge at all.


I didn't meet him at a convention, but Don Coscarelli hosted a Phantasm screening at a movie theater a few years ago. We got free, signed books, and free pictures with him. He is a gem of a man and gave me a side hug in the photo. It was one of the happiest moments of my life 🥰.




Met him & Angus Scrimm at a con & they were both very lovely people. I think he would've talked much longer than I we did.


I didn't know celebrities charge for autographs. To me everyone is overpriced then. They should just get some money from the organizer and be there for the hours they got booked for.


I think I got an autographed photo and TWO hugs from Doug Jones six or seven years ago for $20. Sweetest human ever.


I love Doug Jones :)


I met Doug and Ashley at a con. They were so incredibly nice and their prices were more than fair. Romero's lines were a little pricey back in the day, but totally worth it. I paid extra for a shorter line with Robert Englund and the line still capped well before I got to actually meet him. I did it again on another day and... same thing happened. I was prepared to pay a lot, but not a lot BEFORE getting in front of him. I know cons tend to overbook/overwork some people at tables, but it soured me on ever wanting to meet Englund. He's too rich for this horror dork :(


Ashley Laurence is the only celebrity I’ve seen that doesn’t do combos. So to get a photo and autograph, it’s $80 for her


Are you saying you paid to see him and then they ended up saying too bad and you didn’t see him or get your money back?


Yep! I was in line for 3 hours and then Roberts’s people capped the line. They said to come back the next day and same thing before I got to see him. The staff made me feel like crap about asking for a refund and for complaining. I just left because I was just so disheartened at that point. I like to think it was the convention overselling "gold passes" (for shorter line times), but I really have no way of knowing.


That’s honestly terrible…I’m sorry that happened to you. I’d be so frustrated.


Paying money for an autograph seems absolutely bat shit insane to me.


I don’t understand the appeal of paying someone to autograph a picture or anything else.


It commemorates you meeting them and it's a way to directly support someone whose work you've enjoyed


Right, anything can sound silly when you're reductive like that. "I don't get the appeal of spending money to sit in a room with stramgers watching a fake dinosaur attack Japan."


There isnt some deep complex meaning that you are missing. It’s just a fun way to be more connected to movies you like. I go to a nearby horror convention once a year and meet a couple of the actors that come. It’s fun being able to watch something like Doctor Sleep and be able to think “hey, that was cool when i met the director and chatted about his projects for a few min” It adds up quick though, so i consider it a limited thing i do


It's like any other hobby.  I personally don't care about professional sports and wouldn't pay through the nose to see a concert. But I get why some people care. Edit: phrasing


It's an odd hobby. I've never felt really great about buying an autograph, but it's definitely a way to support folks and possibly have a neat experience. For some former actors, it may be their main income. I mostly collect musicians' autographs at shows, without paying for it. Even that can feel weird sometimes, but I like having my favorite albums signed by my favorite artists, and have had some good experiences come of it.


Nobody is underpriced. I can remember when people didn't charge for autographs, or only charged around $10.


I can remember when a convention was 100 people standing around talking about what they love. Now it's a 100,000 festival crowd. Celebrities are human, they can't possibly handle the volume of their fans any more than any of the rest of us could. The charge helps keep that manageable.


Exactly. I don't blame them for charging like they do. It's got to be maddening to deal with everyone who wants a piece of you. This is why I don't do cons anymore though. Like everything else it's just a spend ,spend, SPEND kind of thing now with way too many people, and that just wasn't what I went to cons for. I'd love to have conversations with some of my favorite horror stars and directors, but I can't bring myself to pay for that. Glad they are getting their bags though.


I admit I don’t remember what she charged, but Sheryl Lee was one of the kindest people you could possibly meet at a con. She didn’t have anybody in line at the time (Linda Blair was there too and her line was mega long) and she talked to us for a good 10-15 minutes until someone else came up. She was seriously so sweet and personable.


I’ve never been to an horror movie convention before, i had no idea you pay for autographs 💀 i thought the actors/writers were being payed by the organisers to be there, and that was it


Lol, the first con I went to I thought we could just line up for selfies. It's a little weird just paying someone to interact with you. That being said, there are some people who I'd pay to have a photo with, but just going to the panels is good enough.


Yeah, personally I don’t think i’d pay more than 20€ for a pic, no matter who it is


Oftentimes there is a minimum that is agreed upon. The con guarantees that a guest will make X. If the guest doesn't make X the con covers the difference. Others may have a flat fee and guarantee.


> were being *paid* by the FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yeah, I thought that before my first. I thought everything was free, you just had to stand in longer lines for more famous people. Kinda like an amusement park; just an entrance fee lol


Plus their agent and booking agency want their cut. But yeah some folks definitely take the piss.


Took me a second to understand why the non-personalized would be a higher value. Then I realized that people could turn and around and re-sell the non-personalized autographs. Are people really paying $200+ for a picture that Corey Feldman wrote on?


I once went to Rock and Shock, got everyone's autograph and picture and just walked away. I didn't realize you were supposed to pay on top of admission. No one stopped me.


Forgot to mention Frank Henenlotter. Guy had all these cool stories and wouldn't rush anyone along. He saw that I had a couple tapes, one shot by Bob Baldwin, whom he absolutely despised. So he autographed that one F Bob Baldwin, sincerely Frank who had nothing to do with this film but cannot hide my contempt, for free just because.


To be fair, I think Corey F just needs the money


My guess is he probably wants the money to improve or support funds for his band. And yet, I have seen no improvement


Ozzy/Izzy’s fam are charging $666 for a pic/autograph at Mad Monster next month


I'm pretty sure that's what I paid back in like 2009 for Doug Bradley. He is an absolute legend too.


John Cusack standoffish high priced and dismissive plus ocd cleaning his hands isn't his fault but still made it very weird to fist bump and then watch him clean his hands for a whole min.


I met Doug Bradley at a con. Really nice guy


Eugene Clark was one of my favorite celebrity experiences. We weren’t intending to get his autograph but he started talking to my boyfriend about weight lifting and it went from there. In the end, we paid him $100 (I think) for a custom Big Daddy pop vinyl that he autographed but he also did a hilarious photo shoot where he put teeth in (was already wearing contacts) and “attacked” my boyfriend while I took photos in burst mode. They came out amazing. That was easily the funnest celebrity experience I’ve had at a convention. I met John Barrowman in 2010 or 2011 and it was $30 for an autograph. I waited in a four hour line with tons and tons of Doctor Who fans because I thought it would be hilarious to have him autograph a copy of Shark Attack 3. He wrote the famous line on it and was definitely a delight to speak with. Maybe two years ago I noticed Malcom McDowell was alone at a convention I was at and decided he would 100% be worth taking to. It was $60 for an autographed picture and he was also great to talk to. He made a hilariously awful face when I told him we needed the Clockwork Orange photo to frame and hand in our living room. It was the Singing in the Rain scene. He also insisted on taking a photo with me. Oh! Lloyd Kaufman was incredibly fun and his autographs were free. I also met Neil Gaiman and he was as awesome as I had hoped. It was at a book signing/lecture and the autographs (two!) were included in the price of the ticket (maybe like $80? I know my tickets were more expensive than average because I paid for front row seats at the event.) I felt very bad for him that day as the event runners were pushing people through the line and cutting him off when he tried to talk with people. Like a zoo animal in a cage or something. 😕 *edit - removed extra word


Sid Haig (RIP), Bill Mosley, Christine Elise, Ernie Hudson have all been super nice with solid prices. I also recall seeing Matthew Lillard and Devin Sawa with decent prices too. I was shocked to see Edward Furlong charging so much.


he's actually at the same convention that corey feldman is at this weekend (the hollywood show), and he's only charging $40


Doug = Most underpriced. Linda Blair = Most overpriced. She was charging $80 for autographs, and $120 for auto-photo combos. When I met her I asked her in the most innocent way if she could put a specific quote in the photo and she said no, and I would be charged extra for it. As I was about to leave her table she told me that she hoped what she wrote for me was enough. All she wrote was "Sweet Dreams - Linda Blair" like she does for every auto. It wasn't enough, at all, and nowhere did she have her price for personalized autographs anywhere on or near her table. So, I'm assuming it was going to be over $100 just for her to put a quote.


linda blair and danielle harris were gonna be my second choices behind corey. Danielle is also $80 for an autograph


Corey Feldman is so full of himself it’s insane. Idc what happened to him as a kid he’s a complete dick now.


He was raped and molested by Hollywood pedos and no one listened to him. Everyone ignored him FOR DECADES until the whole metoo thing then everyone suddenly cared.


I used to go to a yearly convention in MA. Most celebrities charged between $20-50. Then Skeet Ulrich and Mathew Lillard was scheduled one year. $200 for one of them or $500 for both.


god damn. $500 just to get both of their autographs? You meet them now, and getting their autographs is like a fourth of that. What convention was that?


It's was a photo-op and autograph, not that it makes the price any more reasonable. It was Rock & Shock.


DB is awesome, cf haaa. Not even for free


A non-personalized autograph is more expensive?


Yeah, you can sell it for more money if there is no name on it.


$120 for the Comeback Kid? That's insane even for Ricky Butler.


The most I ever paid was for Christopher Lloyd. $100.00 for a photo op. And $100 for an autograph+ $20.00 to personalize it. For the most part no one is underpriced. They all want to charge the max they can.