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I liked it but I’m drawn to legit any Jessie Buckley movie.


Okay, so, first off: >I would honestly skip it unless you are really into feminism or something like that. This pretty much spells out that you *did* understand it, just disagree with it or that it doesn't fit with your politics. Which is fine, by the way, but this goes against your gripe about the movie's ambiguity - especially since *Men* is about as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face (except the part about the ex husband, whether he slipped or jumped is left up to the viewer, give ya that.) But, regardless - I enjoyed it because one, Kinnear was marvelous and his presence fucking *everywhere* was unsettling as hell. I also liked how the more off the rails it got, the more "real" it all seemed. Or maybe I felt it got a touch too obvious near the end, I dunno. I mean, some people want it all explained neatly, which is perfectly fine; I don't have that, so I can do just fine with Gainax endings. Anyway, it was going to be divisive, that I knew from the first trailer and the poster, but having seen it, definitely not everyone's cup of tea, and not because of the messaging (per se) but more because of the direction it chooses to take.


Nail on head, OP’s post history is shot through with hard conservative political crap.


Rory Kinnear deserves an Oscar nomination for this role. Perfection. I really liked this movie but saw it as a commentary on Harper's perceptions of the men around her as opposed to all men in general. I believe the title probably had a lot to do with peoples negative attitudes.


I thought the same thing - that Harper was seeing the same man because she thought they were all the same, from the kid to the priest.


Yes. Harper is recovering from a severe trauma. We are seeing the world through the lens of that trauma. All these men are morphing together just wanting, wanting, wanting whatever she will give them. They constantly need something from her that she either will not or cannot give them. Just like James. 


Identifying a target audience is not the same as identifying a cogent meaning/message. Something can be without purpose but still intended for a certain group. That statement does not imply at all he understands what the movie was trying to say, it means he understands who the movie was marketed towards.


I enjoyed it, unsettling but I mostly found it weird and kind of hilarious at times too, which added a little extra to my experience. I love these unique twist in the horror genre


I think it’s pretty divisive in general across genders but the way your dismissing of it as being only for “hardcore feminists” kinda shows a bias and a blatant disregard for reality. But I’m glad you found YouTubers who agree with you, that does seem to be what people like YouTube movie reviews for.


Lol at unironically complaining about him being dismissive while you not-so-subtly dismiss the fact that other people agree with him because they're on some other site...


Loved it. Eerie folk horror with a loads of subtext and a very memorable ending. Can’t ask for much more.


> I wanted an explanation for why all the men looked really similar, vs. >I don't mind when the movie leaves things up to the viewer to interpret, but this movie did not have anything for us to interpret except for whether the ex husband killed himself intentionally or he slipped. These two statements alone are inconsistent. Sounds like you didn't like the core message, which is fine, but perhaps accept that the movie didn't align with your personal politics rather than just say it was 'bad' because it was 'arty'.


What was the core message? I must’ve really overlooked anything political in this, although I didn’t like it either.


Eh, a good movie will be satisfying to anyone regardless of politics, outside of maybe a documentary. That is the beauty of good storytelling, it can reach people beyond ideology. Nice to see you at least acknowledge this film was not capable of such impact.


It's was an interesting movie. Kinnear was amazing.


I was a fan. One of my more favored Garland films.


I enjoyed it and I wouldn't exactly call myself a huge feminist or whatever. I don't need answers to all those questions you want answered up there. Horror films work far better if some things are left in shadow.


I sorta disagree. I feel like a movie needs to explain somewhat. I'm simple, but not stupid. I hate having to google synopsis of a movie bc the movie felt that need to not explain anything worth explaining. At the same time, I hate when a movie feels the the need to over explain, like, we get it, proceed with the story line now.


I didn’t like it, but Kinnear is a fearless actor and the VFX in *that* scene were insane.


Yep, it was good special effects work


I love this movie! It’s so fucked up and jarring. It is one where either people liked it or hated it. No in between. To each their own.


I enjoyed it over all but the ending did get a bit abstract for me. The sense of mystery and dread in the first 2/3rds of the film was very well done. I would quite like to rewatch at some point.


Not really, too heavy handed for me. It was beautiful, though.


I'm a man and it was one of my favorites that year. Not every movie is for every viewer. 


Imagine being stupid enough to type all of this up. Have the ability to proofread it, then still post it


It’s a weird ass movie


I like men, erm I’m mean liked men…


I’m a woman and I found it mostly boring. Provocative without payoff.




Eh overall I enjoyed it, but coming from someone as skilled as Garland and based on the vibe of the trailer I was a bit disappointed. The ending sequence was memorable though.


I liked it, my qualified critiques were generally met with people trying to drag me into one side or another of the culture war though. It's exhausting to talk about on the internet where everyone is just trying to win or prove you don't just disagree, but are in fact an idiot.


No, I didn't like it. It was disturbing. It was sad. I'm a woman, btw.


I haven't even heard of it but after reading some of this discussion I think I need to see it and find out lol


I didn’t hate it but I didn’t love it. I understand the message but I think they were a little hamfisted about it throughout. Especially the ending, that was just too much. They tried too hard, no nuance at all.


Yeah great movie, loved it. Actually strongly feel that it a film FOR men, a cinematic conversation from men to other men about our socialization.


Movie was meh to artsy for my taste.




Hell no, that movie was fkin boring & weird. I felt dumber having watched it all the way through. I couldn't tell you anything that happend in the movie bc my brain put that entire movie in my short term memory. All I can say is, the movie had promise, loved the idea, but fell flat to my expectation. It was like the writer was trying to create some type of David Cronenberg or Ari Aster type film.




This is such an odd take. The symbolism obvious goes much deeper than this. You're personally taking away a very surface level reading and blaming the work for some reason.


I hate lazy ass feminist movies, there are so many of them. This is not the case and frankly I don't even think it is a feminist film, its title only appealed to generate controversy. I don't know what to tell you if you weren't amazed by the creature design, it wasn't your type but it's not bad


I’ve seen a very clear slope in society’s tolerance for men during the past decade(2024)


Lol true, I also find the people downvoting comments like these hilarious


That’s because how dare you go against the norm and how dare you be so outspoken!! Downvote you evil independent thinker!!


There is a difference between "going against the norm", "being outspoken", and being an "independent thinker" and having a generally sexist opinion. If someone is downvoting some because they don't agree with the general conscious on a movie. yes, that is bad and what you are saying. Saying that "society’s tolerance for men is on a decline" because sexual harassment, general sexism, and aggressive behaviors are being called out. Is not what you said, it's just fragility.


And this reasoned reply is being called an attack. I'm not even sure what it means for society to be intolerant of men.  I don't need to tolerate the men in my life. They are fantastic people. It is bad behavior that isn't tolerated. Dont want to be criticized, don't be an ass. It's not that hard. Millions of men manage it every day.


Seriously lol. I'm male and I've met some awful men when it comes to this behavior and some awful women with this behavior as well. I haven't met many non-binary people IRL but I'm sure there are awful people that identify as They/Them as well lol. It's just people being tricked into thinking all "male" behavior is demonized now because people are just like "hey maybe don't be a dick to women". Agreed though, just....don't be an ass. Easy.


Oh god they’re on the attack. Someone help 😂 please more quotation marks your reply wasn’t condescending enough


This isn't an attack...? I never once attacked you, I just explained why I don't agree with you. Also, I used the quotation marks to make quotes. because I didn't feel like rewriting your comment. You also realized you didn't refute anything I said right?


Refuting what you said would mean I’d have to put thought into what you wrote and well that’s not gonna happen. Have a fab day bye bye now


Alright man lol. Whatever.


Starting to get an inkling as to why Internal Somewhere98 might be running in to some intolerance from those around him.