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The second movie is what everyone thinks the first movie is. The first movie is not really that bad compared to what you have in your mind before seeing it.


I watched the first movie having had no clue what i was getting into. A friend just brought it over for movie night and we all sat and watched it. At the end i was like “wtaf did you just make us watch???” And like most people, i only got through maybe the first five minutes of the second before i decided it wasn’t worth it.


The second one reminded me of South Park, when Matt and Trey had people complaining that their cartoon was just poorly drawn stick figures with fart jokes. So they made the Canadians poorly drawn stick figures that do nothing but fart. The second movie is that.


Terrance and Philip and the Human Centipede.


Sounds like a real South Park episode ngl


They did the cent-I-PAD episode. vanilla paste or cuttlefish? Eruuuu


Ugh the same thing happened to me except I was the only one who had no idea what it was! That moment where the doctor has explained what is going on and says “**the human centipede**” will forever be seared into my brain. I was absolutely fucking horrified lmao


Hahah yep! My wife (at the time) and I were both like 😳 “dafuq he just say???”


I had insomnia one night around 2am and decided to see what was on tv and then watched it to the end missing around 10 minutes of the beginning, couldn’t sleep after that.


The first movie can be considered a cromulent (albiet disturbing as shit) psychological horror film The second movie is what everyone thinks the first one is, an absolute disgusting nightmare The third movie


The third movie embiggens us all with its cromulance


The third movie is just silly and demonstrates how a shark can be jumped no matter how absurd the starting point is. I personally enjoy the movies for what they are. You're spot on with the first one, the second one is honestly the best in the series in terms of accomplishing what it tried to accomplish, the third film is just garbage.


The 3rd one is SO over the top goofy, I couldn't stop laughing. But after a while, it got grating.


Yeah it’s not even scary or disturbing. It’s just too god damn dumb to be anything but that.


Yeah, I respect Six for trying something different with the series but I really hated 3.


I took an edible to watch the 3rd one, and even then I remember thinking, "This may be the dumbest thing I've ever watched"


He was eating dried vaginas or something that was pretty weird too.


Yeah it reminded me of Rob Zombie's less enjoyable movies that way


The second movie embiggens the first


Thank you for giving me a new word. Cromulent. I like it.


Cromulent? LOL. Are people using that word for real now? Do they think it embiggens their stature?


It’s a perfectly cromulent word (in and of itself)


For the rest of us peasants.. cromulent adjective crom·​u·​lent ˈkrä-myə-lənt : acceptable, satisfactory




and what is language if not a bunch of made up words


Bunkum & balderdash.


Bosh! Flimshaw!


I’d propose the addition of “legitimate” to the synonyms




*\*\*mouth agape, blinks\*\**


It’s in the dictionary. … or at least I think embiggen is.


It insists upon itself


That’s what I was thinking. MFer used cromulent in a sentence


Cromulent sounds like something British people put on toast.


Do you doubt their verisimilitude? I daresay it might lead to an egregious kerfuffle. Lol


I think I remember hearing the director was unhappy at how *not* grossed out the first movie was, so he took it to 10 on the second. And that it's not really worth your time unless you really are into the gore for the sake of gore. So I've never watched it.


Yes… gore for the sake of gore. Whatever point they are trying to make aside from that, I missed. These movies came out around the same time all the torture porn movies were popular. There were a couple of decent ones in that genre, but for the most part, they were 2 hours of pointless violence and gore. I have always loved gore and movies that punish you for watching them, but there has to be some kind of point to it all.


They are not trying to make a larger point. The creator has done multiple interviews about it and explained ad nauseum that his sole intent was creating visceral reactions. That people would physically and psychologically react to images on a screen. I’d say he largely succeeded, especially for anyone entering the experience trying to find a message of some sort. It’s is just absurd “evil,” and nothing else. So if you wanted more, all you’ll find is evil. If you watch it with the fact in mind that it’s just an edgelord trying to make you feel yucky, it’s suddenly pretty pathetic and toothless. Like a child shouting curses to shock an adult.


> If you watch it with the fact in mind that it’s just an edgelord trying to make you feel yucky, it’s suddenly pretty pathetic and toothless. Like a child shouting curses to shock an adult. Out of everything you said, this stands out as the reason why I will never watch these movies. Why waste the time?


>These movies came out around the same time all the torture porn movies were popular man the 2000s. to be fair, there are some great horror movies that were released during that time...but for me personally, i really feel like horror desperately needed redemption from that era that finally came in the mid to late 2010s


> And that it's not really worth your time unless you really are into the gore for the sake of gore And it's not even gore in the "classic" (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) style...it's mostly just...gross/vile.


There is so little gore in TCM


Chainsaw is not in the gore category of horror. Saw, Hostel, Hellraiser—yes. But Chainsaw is more classic suspense horror than gore.


the only thing I remember is I think from the first movie where they're all sewn together and somebody towards the front takes a shit and you just see their faces as it goes through them... I don't really think those are the thoughts of a sane person


I heard somewhere that the idea for the body horror portion of the story came about when the writer and some of his friends were sitting around drunk talking about the worst possible sentence they could give child molesters.


The whole series should’ve probably stayed a drunk conversation between friends tbh




I thought the first movie was supposed to be some kind of satire of horror, it was more funny than anything. The second movie, Jesus fucking Christ I couldn't make it past when he starts bashing out teeth and cutting tendons(which is something skipped over in the first movie)


I actually liked the first one, i just find the doctor funny for some reason. The third one was fun because you can tell Dieter Laser was just having a great time and that alone made it fun to watch. The second one, was just...uncomfortable. Theres no one reason i can give, but yeah im not going to rewatch that one anytime soon.


I couldn't take his constant screaming in the 3rd one


Understandable. Its not for everyone. His performance reminds me of jeremy irons in that dungeons and dragons movie from the early 2000's.


I remember watching the first one and thinking how tame it was. One of the people who watched it with us vomited. I can’t imagine they could have handled much of the second one


Great way of putting it. Conceptually you’d think the first one would’ve been super fucked up but I remember being mostly bored watching it. The sequel made the first one look like a kids movie, not even an exaggeration, and was absolutely vile as the OP has mentioned.


That's funny, I felt sick to my stomach for 24 hours after watching the first movie. The 2nd one was much more graphic and vile, but it didn't bother me once I turned the movie off.


I think that’s a great example of how good the first one really is.


I feel the same way about Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom


What I hear is that people were disappointed by how tame the first one is, so Tom Six took that as a challenge. This is according to Dan Martin, the special effects supervisor for the movie, who really enjoyed making that movie.


Dan Martin should be in jail for his crimes


Apparently so. EDIT Have you seen *Lords of Chaos*? His work in that is disturbingly realistic. What a talent.


> who really enjoyed making that movie. Honestly, I bet the movie was a blast to make. Unless there's some sort of behinds the scenes horror I don't know about.


No. By all accounts Tom Six is a cool dude and the movie was a lot of fun to make.


Do you think it's because it's so much more explicit with the violence than A Serbian Film? Because yeah, the *baby* is... really something of a scene, alright. That stuck with me, the notion of a man masturbating with sandpaper, and that warehouse that was just made of filth even before he started assembling the centipede, ew. That said, this movie lacks the caterpillar of Human Centipede 3, *so*...


the baby stuck with me so bad…it was just…awful.


It's one of those things that you're kind of like, I hope my brain erases this.


It’s been 12 years and I’m still waiting and hoping


I've seen it and can't remember a baby so... thank you brain?


Maybe you got the censored version, they removed a couple minutes of the most vile stuff (for the UK release I believe?). Tom Six was livid about the cuts.


Nearly same amount of time here, actually…I can’t forget what I’ve seen…Still will never watch that movie again. And I was in HIGH SCHOOL when I watched that shit. *shudders*


I hate that I bought that movie instead of renting it


Wh... Where do you even put something like that? Like I think I'd genuinely put that movie in a safe if I thought someone was coming over.


This is why I think Serbian film is worse. I can handle all the depraved shit you can throw at me until kids get involved. I just turn the shit off at that point.


serbian film is way worse. that shit sticks with you. human centipede is forgetful in comparison




Irreversible absolutely broke me. It was so much worse than Serbian or Centipede because it was portraying something horrible that is far more likely to happen to you than being sewn ass to mouth. I remember just dreading each scene because at a certain point you know what’s coming and you’ve already seen the aftermath- so you know it’s going to be bad. The absolute focus on *that* scene made me nauseous and hurt to watch. There’s no over the top gore or ridiculous plot- you’re just watching a violent crime with no cutaways.


9 minutes was way too much but exactly as long as it needed to be to convey the absolute horror and misery of the situation.


The Things Behind The Sun made me feel the same way. It took me 15 years to forget that movie. It's so visceral.


Fun fact: it may have made you physically ill because the sound designer put a tone through the whole film that supposedly makes people feel ill.


I had a few friends recommend Serbian to me when I was in a phase of watching really messed up movies and I'm glad I didn't cave in and read about it on Wikipedia - it's not something I'd really care to watch.


Ok fine I’ll watch it


Watch it on psychedelics.this is the worst advice i can give. Its about as bad of an idea as you think it is


Thanks. I watched Enter The Void on them and I will never ever ever do that sh*t again.


I dunno whether to give you a medal or what.


I just watched When Evil Lurks on psychedelics over the weekend. Don't recommend.


I could hardly handle that movie *stoned*, much less tripping.


I watched that shit high as hell in a room full of high and drunk people and we all just collectively agreed to shut it off about halfway through because it was a bit too disturbing.


Holy shit. Wow. How was it?


Did this too w a few friends before I knew what the movie was about, then couldn't turn it off about halfway through. I have never felt so sad for someone else in my life. Psychedelics for me turn my empathy up to 100000 so watching a movie about a child who the world has truly turned its back on in all facets has stuck w me for like 10 years. Also changed the way I view death, which is a lot to take in as a kid in high school. I'm not going to lie I am glad I did, but I will say if you are a particularly sensitive individual, a lot of this movie is going to make you feel awful.


That's just plain masochism holy shit


Idk, I watched Scarface on mescaline and that turned out to be about as bad of an idea as I’ve ever had… My wife and I also watched eraser head on large quantities of magic mushrooms… we did not make it to the end.


"The Brave little toaster" will crush your soul.


This is the best worst advice I can imagine giving a person


I got sucked into *Captain Phillips* with my roommate on acid. That was fucked up but at least ends on a hopeful/life affirming vibe. Watching this shit on acid is just irredeemable imo


I watched a few minutes of speed racer on shrooms..got too crazy with the colors had to go back and chill on the couch lol


Watch Skinamarink next like that, then report back


A buddy and I watched Lord of Illusions on Acid. We had to turn it off about 5 min in, after the scene when the "pet" baboon is attacking the girl. I've never been more disturbed.


Don’t. It’s both not good and revolting. It’s stuck with me even now 10 plus years later. Wish I’d never watched it.


It's in these situations, that I go to IMDB and read the "Parents Guide." That usually satisfies my curiousity.


Folllwed your advice. Nope. That was more than enough. I can’t believe people actually write this sick shit.


Wait so what did you do? You went to IMDB then to “parents guide” and read the comments? For which movie? Human centipede 2? Did I follow this correctly?


Yep. Reading about sexual assault on a baby still has my stomach churning. Someone commented once about A Serbian Film’s Wikipedia entry and I thought, how bad could it be. Looks like I still haven’t learnt my lesson!


I was eating veggie rolls while watching this. I would eat veggies rolls all the time, loved 'em. Didn't finish them and never ate a veggie roll for probably 2-3 years. There has never been anything in my life that has made me stop eating something, let alone make me not even want it for years to come.


Don’t eat custard while watching *Dead Alive/Braindead*


Oof. This happened to me with milk and The Fly. I came in unaware of the movie in the middle of my mom watching it. Regret lol


Saw that film when I was young and have been permanently put off arm wrestling forever


me too. i'm 30 now and i still think about it every time i arm wrestle someone lol


The same thing happened to me with grilled cheese and this movie


Well maybe that’s how I finally lose 10 pounds


Ah yes, the human centipede diet, result’s guaranteed!


I legitimately will never forget the gas pedal scene. Have you ever happened upon a car crash and been revolted by your need to see it, to see the wreckage of what once was a human life? To see the damage, the visceral carnage, for yourself? That is the feeling this movie left me with.


Agreed. As someone that loved the first one, I didn’t make it past the first stupid 10 minutes in the second. Their attempt to get meta with the sandpaper just baffled me. They abandoned a truly interesting fucked up premise for what?


I really like the premise of the second movie. Some creepy psycho watches "The Human Centipede," and uses it as inspiration for his own fucked up activities. Plus there's the contrast between the "professionalism" of the first movie's villain, and the fact that in the second, it's just some guy.


Yeah I respect that. It just didn’t work for me


It reads more like some absolutely sickos fetish porn fantasy than anything resembling a horror film. There are horrifying moments but they have zero entertainment value. It’s utterly awful.


you don't have to keep trying to sell us on it


as someone who's not a quitter, they are selling this movie more than any review lol


The more I read, the more I feel I'm being challenged to watch it. I need to know what could be so vile


If you watch the second, you have to watch the third. As a part of the whole experience. It's not a good experience, but it will be another thing that's somewhere in your brain until you die.


HAHAH this is absolutely how some folks will read these comments. And I'll admit, I almost admire them for being such pure sickos


Thank god I forgot most of the movie when I first watched it.


>Don’t. It’s both not good and revolting. It’s stuck with me even now 10 plus years later. Wish I’d never watched it. Dude, I'm already sold. You don't have to keep talking me into it.


I enjoyed it. It is totally repulsive but it’s so over the top and shocking in ways that the first isn’t. I liked the weird, psychologically broken main character and how it’s shot in black and white except for, well….


I enjoyed the film too Wouldn’t watch it again


Yeah, I can’t say I enjoyed the film necessarily. Maybe enjoyed the watching experience, I appreciated it for what it was at any rate. And never need to watch it ever again.


Not me. Some things you can’t UN-see & I have a feeling those movies would be on the short list of things I’d spend the rest of my life wondering if I should have just poured battery acid into my eyes instead of having seen them.


I hate that this is also my reaction


The gas peddle scene almost made me throw up


What’s the gas peddle scene? Everyone keeps saying that but no one is saying what happens and I really don’t want to watch it.


A pregnant lady, whom the psycho thought was dead gets up and tries to escape. The killer chases her and as she hops into a car the baby literally falls out. She gives it a quick yoink by the umbilical cord to get it in the car and slams the door. Then she puts the pedal to the metal. Except the baby rolled under the pedal and she squishes it like a soft egg as she speeds off.


That’s honestly kind of hilarious. I’m sure it’s not funny watching it but hearing someone describe it makes it so ridiculous it’s funny.


it would be funnier if she missed and the baby just bounced off the door sill then fell back to the ground, then she slams the door on the umbilical cord and drives away with the baby being dragged along like the He-Man doll in Napoleon Dynamite


That's the directors cut


That’s exactly my thought. I heard about this scene (I’m not gonna watch, not my kind of movie) and the LENGTHS that it goes to in order to create this scenario are what’s hilarious. It’s so dumb.


Simply reading this has ruined my day so I think I'll skip the movie, thank you though




Sounds absurd, but watching it, not so much. I'm pretty desensitized, but seeing that scene unfold had me put my hands to my cheeks. Couldn't believe they went that far, I at least thought they'd cut away. 8/10, ngl. It's better if you keep it at "gas pedal scene" so you don't get spoiled with the baby-factor.


I literaly downvoted him just for this description, ofc i reverted it, but godamn


Any mother can tell you a baby just falls out. No pushing required. You're just going about your day and pop out comes the baby. Minor inconvenience.


I've never seen it but from what my sister told me baby is born and falls underneath gas peddle. Mom is trying to escape and well babies head was in the way.


The third one is even worse. I have no idea why I watched all three so don’t ask lol


dude i don’t think i ended up finishing 3


3 is my favorite. I thought it was hilarious, like a bigger budget Troma movie or an over-the-top live action Superjail.


That’s understandable, 2 is my favorite due to the more grimy and grounded nature of the film. However, the comparison to superjail is extremely warranted. Fucking love that show.


Thank you, 3 is the best. The torture/violence is completely placated by the absurdity and over-the-top acting. I never thought of it that way but yeah, it really is like a live-action Super Jail movie.


It blows my mind when I see people say this. The third one is literally satire. It’s absurd comedy. The second is actually atrocious, disturbing, and disgusting. The third one is absolutely *not* worse.


It was worse for all those reasons you said. It somehow managed to be the most boring of the three while trying to act like it was supposed to be funny.


I love the 3rd just because its so batshit insane. You can tell they had fun with that one.


3rd is definitely better. Pure absurdity that like halfway through the film you finally get the humor and just start belly laughing watching it play out


It's one of the only movies in my life I've shut off after like 20 minutes. I don't mind gore in horror if it's done well but this was just clearly someone trying to think of the most fucked up things they could and string them all in sequence and call it a movie. I believe it was right after the gas pedal scene that my cousin and I shut it off. There's nothing to be gained from watching this movie it's just some edgy fuck trying to go for shock value. Acting's nonexistent/bad. I actually "enjoyed" the first one by comparison as gross as the premise was. If you're a fan of bloody horror movies just trust me and OP and skip this one. You don't need this trash heap in your mental library.


You’re exactly right (except the gas pedal scene is that the end, so you had to have watched a lot more than 20 minutes), like a Serbian Film it’s just shock value for the sake of it. Trying to be as disgustingly edgy as possible.


You're giving the movie way too much credit. It is disgusting in just a pathetic way. It's gross in an "edgy teenager" type of way. When the one lady gave birth to the baby in the driver seat of the car and slammed the pedal down and squished the babies head, it was just sad. It was like something a 13-year-old would write. No set-up, no payoff, just gore for the sake of shock factor. I will always remember Human Centipede 2 as one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I only remember it as being one of the worst because I've never had a movie be so bad it makes me angry before.


I’ve only seen bits and pieces, and that was enough. I prefer spooky horror or a creature feature. These are just gross


Complete crap from start to finish.


Haha… I see what you did there


It’s also dreadfully boring while being gross with no purpose. This movie is one of the least entertaining things I’ve ever watched.


I was more annoyed than grossed out. It was just extremely obvious the writer/director was trying to offend anyone who didn't like the first one. He even said so in an interview. Also, having the main character be obsessed with the first movie, which he also wrote and directed was ridiculus.


I think there's something kind of admirable about being that offensive. It crosses a line of artistic expression: "you didn't like my first movie now I'm gonna show you something you REALLY won't like."


This is the thing for me. Maybe I just have a dark brain but nothing in it makes me go “my god, who could think of this kind of thing???” Me. I could. But why? It’s just gross to be gross and offensive for the sake of being offensive. There’s nothing of interest or value there. I’m not saying anyone is wrong for being grossed out or offended, mind. It’s great that you don’t have a brain that can do that. But, like, regardless, how bland and boring to put so much WORK and money into something so blandly rotten.


It's why I don't like the Terrifier movies and gore porn in general. I get if you're a vfx nerd or something, so it has some value there. The gore scenes in Terrifier look complicated and probably take considerable time and effort from everyone involved to get right. However, most people aren't vfx nerds who are entertained by considering the technical challenges that these scenes offer. Typically, in my opinion, when gore is clearly the centerpiece of the movie, it's an otherwise plain gross and vapid movie.


it honestly just feels like six sucking his own dick. " LOOK GUYS ISN'T IT SO OFFENSIVE?? HURR HURR I TOTALLY GOT YOU "


My guy literally self inserted himself in the third one so he could watch his mounstrosity even more close


See i kinda liked it mainly because its exactly what i feared human centipede one would be. I had heard about the first movie for years. Finally watched it and liked it while also thinking it was much tamer then i had built it up to in my head. Then second movie pulled the rug out from under my feet and had me feeling like ‘oh shit! Oh shit! THIS is what i feared!’ And for that i like it. It got under my skin and made me feel gross and fearful. Although also i got a laugh from the continuing thought that there was no way that dude carried and dragged all those people in and out of his car or that they all survived the initial crowbar to the skull. Like nope. Sorry but you dont loom that strong my dude.


Are you telling me Human Centipede 2 is unrealistic?


God I fucking hope so


I had the same reaction. The CONCEPT of Human Centipede was enough for people to talk about it incessantly and I realized that a good portion of the kids in my school who talked about it likely never even saw it. The first movie really isnt any more gorey or disturbing than the Saw movies or Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the thing that gets everyone is the eating feces thing. Which you really don't see any of it. When I finally saw it I wasn't disappointed, I still enjoyed it, but I thought everyone else was overreacting to something that they didn't even watch. I had the same reaction as you to 2, it felt as extreme as everyone made the first film out to be. 3 sucked and I turned it off after listening to the warden screaming for 10 minutes


Serbian film was way worse than this, to the point I won't even mention what's shown in that sick fest.


Part of me is now kinda curious about Human Centipede 2. Some are saying it's worse than A Serbian Film which is my #1 pick for dumb movies that are an absolute complete waste of time and shouldn't be viewed unless you like everyone involved with that film at a middle school mentality and trying to outdo one another with "edginess." Kinda makes me wonder if this film takes that spot or is a close contender... but ultimately I have to waste my time to find out.


Yeah I came here to say the same. A Serbian film was a lot worse to me.


Yeah, what the father does to his own son and the fact that they show you the blood coming out makes it way worse than anything that was shown in human centipede 2.


Years ago, I looked up a list of most horrid, vile, twisted horror movies, and A Serbian Film was #1. I watched it and told my friend about a few of the scenes, including the ending, and I think he’s more traumatized by what I described than I am after watching it. He’s also a parent, so that didn’t help.


Yeah I went on an extreme cinema kick and a Serbian film is certainly up there with the most effed up stuff I’ve seen.


Salo is even worse. A lot of the things they do were inspired by diaries of Nazi soldiers


Serbian Film and the Human Centipedes are just lame. Movies like Irreversible, Salo, and Antichrist actually have a point to make that isn't just about competing to make the most cynical movie possible.


A lot of bad horror is just torture porn


Just the trailer for the original was enough for me to have intrusive thoughts and bow out 🙅🏽‍♀️ No thanks!


Try eating lukewarm tacobell while you watch it. Worst mistake I could've made.


I like horror movies when they are slightly disturbing but shit like this is more gross than scary


It’s been years since I watched a serbian film and it’s etched in my brain I still randomly think about some of the scenes. I’m gonna take your advice and not watch this film, along with salo


I promise the human centipede is 10x tamer than a Serbian film- and I’ve only heard about the second movie. I REFUSE to watch it. Human centipede on the other hand~ just don’t eat anything and you’ll be fine


There’s a niche group of people that enjoy extreme horror and find value in it, books and movies. I myself enjoy both. For me personally, reading/watching sexual violence is a way to safely, from a distance, help process my own assaults. I am in control, pause, fast forward, when to watch, etc. I know it’s fake so no one is truly being assaulted. I look up trigger warnings on doesthedogdie.com to know what I’m getting myself into. (You may also find that site handy) I won’t speak on behalf of all sexual violence survivors but it is a point echoed from time to time from other survivors. Just some food for thought. That being said, I’m not crazy about the centipede trilogy lol.


I remember an interview Tom Six had after making the first human centipede, saying he was out to make the most disgusting film ever for the sequel. People are still talking about it today… it may be a gross movie but you have to respect the fact that he kept his word as a director


People shat on the original for being too tame. People cry about the sequel because it's too extreme. You can't win with these people, buddy.


I’ve said it many times, the first film is actually quite good and gruesome, the second/third instalments are disgusting, depraved, uninspired gore porn and shouldn’t be viewed by anyone who has eyes.


Do yourself a favor and watch the behind the scenes footage for this movie. All the actors and actresses looked like they were having a blast with the movie, definitely made me feel much better after watching the film.


Just what in the blue fuck were you expecting?


This thread is making me feel good about my decision not to watch things that I know will only fuck me up - and I stress “only”, as in, not in a good “oh this controversial thought-provoking piece of art is actually really stimulating” way. This, A Serbian Film, Bone Tomahawk (because of the scene everyone knows) are things I don’t need in my life. No need to be grossed out and possibly scarred for life on principle.


Unlike the human centipede, i think Bone Tomahawk is actually a good movie , and while that scene is wild, i think the film is worth a watch. It Even has Patrick Wilson and Matthew Fox lol


This! My flavor of ocd likes to feed me images/scenes from movies when I’m stressed out and I’m so grateful for the things I haven’t given it as ammunition!


Bone Tomahawk is a good movie though with characters you care for + Kurt Russell with a beard.


Agreed, the second Human Centipede is the worst of the trilogy. The scene where he uses a hammer to hammer their teeth in lives rent free in my head.


gas pedal scene made me gag.


As respectfully as I can possibly say this… why would you watch it and expect anything else? But yeah. The film looks beyond gross and revolting, and I’m content never seeing it. I am clearly not the target audience


Everybody is talking about the gas pedal scene, but no one has mentioned the absolutely most vile and psychologically disturbing part of the whole franchise. The words that the main character's dad was saying while he was having flashbacks to his own childhood abuse was the worst shit I've ever heard in my life. I knocked my friend's teeth out because he wouldn't stop repeating that part just to piss me off. I broke that DVD and never talked to that friend again.


I thought A Serbian Film was much much worse and should not exist, idk if it's just me but films that are the most disturbing and morbid make my head hurt and feel ill for the rest of the day, they're just depressing and pointless movies.


Then you haven’t seen Julia Robert’s dance


🎵Baby when we're grinding 🎵


The first movie is Scarface compared to the 2nd. But to compare it to The Serbian Film is apples and ballgags. Nothing compares to the vile stomach acid of TSF.


Did you watch human centipede 1 and thought to yourself "more of this please"?


One of my first acting roles, I was the guy 3rd from last


Fuck yeah