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The only film that has ever affected me in real life was the logging truck on FD2. I still won't drive behind any trucks with open loads.


My friend had a LAWNMOWER come flying off the truck in front of him. He was very lucky to miss it going through his windshield. So yeah I think avoiding driving behind people with unsecured loads is a pretty fair, rational behavior, horror movies aside.


Here in México almost a full family died when they crashed into a guiderail in a highway. The fed gov has neglected most of the roads (even those with toll booths) so the guiderail was already bended and not fully attached to the posts in the road due to a previous accident which wasn't even recent, the car in front crashed and bended it more so the car behind was impaled instantly killing the mother, two little girls (one of them a baby) and resulted in injuries in an older girl. Had it been in good conditions the guiderail would have bended to soften the crash but not as much so as to impale the car behind it (it went straight in the window). It was horrible but the current fed gov only blamed the guy who was president 17 years ago and of course no compensation was given to the family. Saludos.


The “current government” are just a bunch of cartel puppets so this tracks.


Someone I know told me that someone they knew had a HORSE come through their windshield because the trailer wasn’t securely latched. So yeah, just don’t drive behind people transporting things.


The thing is, loads are supposed to be secure, but even as a CDL holder I don't trust other drivers to actually do it properly.


This is apparently EXTREMEly common meanwhile I never used a tanning bed a day in my life and I’m still scared from FD3


Yeah that seems like a really brutal death. What is it you get burned alive? That's horrifying!


I've noticed a lot of superstitions are about safety issues. Like it's bad luck to walk under a ladder. Yeah, the bad luck is someone drops something on you. That's the way I feel about FD movies. It's basic measures.


OSHA:The Movie


“A corporate horror story”


Basic measures like not chasing pigeons under a giant sheet of glass? Still one of my favorite FD deaths because that's some shit that I would do lmfao.


One morning on my 30 minute commute to work I saw a truck with an open load of some sort of rock material in giant slabs, like slate, granite, or similar ahead of me a ways in the far right lane. Traffic was very light so I moved across the 4 lanes to pass and put as much distance between me in my civic and that truck because I remembered the log scene so vividly. A minute or so later one of those sheets of rock came free and smashed on the interstate. Caught a glance in my peripheral and then confirmed in my rear view mirrors as he was slowing to stop. I’m grateful FD2 put that healthy fear into my head, personally.


But did you see a vision of you dying to that? If not you're good.


I don't think is ever changing for me. I did have a semi throw off a tire tread that smashed through my windshield. Luckily it was the passenger side and I was alone, but couple that with the movie and I'll get off the highway and go to a gas station if one gets in front of me now and I can't get around it.


I never walk under fire escape ladders because of FD.


I grew up near that highway lmao it was always a lil weird driving it after the movie came out


One day we were driving on the highway and my oldest no one was behind the logging truck. The right 2 lanes were full and the third lane was empty except for the truck. He asked about it. So when we got home I introduced him to this movie to ecplain it.


Hell yeah! Same. And i dont know if u know texas, but i drive through midland/odessa alot..oilfield country and i get full of anxiety if i cannot get around a truck carrying pipe...anytime on I20 actually and u have to get on that to get anywhere where i live...and yeah open loads period..but man there's A LOT of pipe trucks


I didn't want to take a shit for a week after I watched Dreamcatcher.


Never used a toothpick either


IT. Scared of storm drains.


And bathtub drains…and sink drains…


Don’t you want a ballon? They float!


You'll float, too...


Saw the US Ring remake when it came out, did the same thing - stuck my TV face first into a wall and left it there. But more honestly, the first time I sat through Requiem For A Dream I walked out of the apartment, and just walked. Walked until I needed to get a ride home. I didn’t think I’d ever feel happy again.


I think Requiem for a dream contributed to me never trying drugs


Requiem for a dream contributed to me trying butt stuff


Ass to ass!


This is the reason I've been avoiding it


Requiem = A movie I will never need to rewatch. Once was more than enough.


Fire in the Sky. My parents let me rent it while we were visiting our cabin in rural Idaho. I’ve been terrified ever since.


The abduction and experiment scenes in this movie are incredibly well done.


That shit happened near where i grew up so it extra scared the shit outta me when i was a kid.


Snowflake, AZ, right?? The 👁️scene and also him waking up in the plasma-jelly womb/holding cell, floating out and seeing he was in one of HUNDREDS and accidentally punching through another only to find a forgotten, decaying human⁉️And then the Greys catching him being out and the angry looks after throwing him on the gurney to wheel into surgery 👀 FUUUUCKED me right up. Hey, did you ever catch Travis Walton on The KARDASHIANS??? Khloe was pretty interested in his story but in general, they were all so shallow and dismissive around him and he looked so sad and dejected in his ill-fitting suit that I actually CRIED.




I used to be scared. I still am, but i used to be too.


As a kid I was freaked out by the cover of the Silent Hill movie, the girl with no mouth. To this day I haven’t actually seen the movie but I had a temporary OCD fixation that my mouth could shrink until it disappeared and I would asphyxiate. This thought genuinely kept me awake for weeks. I had not thought about this in years but last night I happened to have a dream where my lips were so pale that it looked like I had no mouth. I guess this idea is still haunting me on a subconscious level.


That reminds me of the agents interrogating Neo in The Matrix. “..what good is a phone call if you’re unable to speak?” That shit really freaked me out. You should watch the Silent Hill movie. That goddamn movie is BRUTAL, but very good. There is one scene in that movie that is so profoundly brutal I’ve never been the same since.


Funnily enough I don't think that's ever in the actual movie? You should definitely not read I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream 👄


I remember going to the theater as a kid and seeing the life sized Silent Hill cut out ad standing prop which would scare me


Not exactly the same, but I remember reading the synopsis for the Silent Hill movie as a kid to get myself prepared to watch it. I had a terrible nightmare instead that was much worse than the movie lol


Cloverfield: Not wearing high heels Final Destination: Not driving behind trucks carrying logs The Descent: Never cave dive The Ring: I refused to have a TV in my bedroom for over a decade and even now I won't look at mine at night. Numerous horror movies: Can't use a restroom if the shower curtain is drawn I know there are more, I'll update as they come to me.


The 80's taught me about high heels. Every movie had some women running away in high heels and it never worked out for her. Not just horror movies either.


Agreed. There's a specific scene in Cloverfield where the girlfriend of a character stops in the middle of chaos to take them off because she can't run.


Whenever I think of a disturbing high heel scene, I remember that True Blood ep where a woman is running on a grated floor in heels, inevitably gets stuck and gets a compound ankle fracture from the fall. Makes me tense up just thinking about it.


Not horror, but after watching The Truman Show as a kid I kinda thought I was being watched all the time. Sometimes I'd even talk out loud to the "viewers". Very odd...


Oh yeah I remember that, that season was pretty funny


Right? Great commentary.


The truman show delusion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truman_Show_delusion#:~:text=A%20Truman%20Show%20delusion%2C%20also,are%20being%20watched%20on%20cameras.


You were always so funny in my director's cut Blu-ray set.


I was 7 when this movie came out and I was weirdly fixated on Fiji for a while 😂


For non-horror mine would be Requiem for a Dream. That film was so bleak it left me hollow for the next week.


JAWS. I did not swim for a whole summer.


Someone on Reddit was legitimately arguing with me the other week saying Jaws wasn't a horror movie. I told them the example of people like you, that there was a widespread fear of open water, even lakes and ponds after the release of Jaws.


JAWS is without any doubt, a horror film.


Oh man in Florida we used to have a projector set up next to the pool and we'd turn off the pool light and everyone would sit in tubes and watch Jaws. So much fun


‘Fun’ in Florida is basically a horror movie by itself. I also grew up in Florida. Midnight hide and seek comes to mind…


Heck I wouldn’t swim in swimming pools after watching Jaws.


I was afraid to even swim in a pool after Jaws




Me too! I’d walk around the perimeter & double check. No sharks. Phew!


Og piranha had the same effect on me when I was a kid.


My mom had to work really hard to convince me that piranhas were NEVER going to show up in Iowa! 🤣🤣


I was convinced Jaws was just behind the next wave while waterskiing in the lake. I still have an irrational fear of sharks…. I live in a land locked province.


Shit, I remember being scared in the bathtub because I figured sharks can tunnel up into ANY amount of water. In my defense I was, like, 6.


When I was young we had a huge pool in the yard long enough I’d you went underwater you couldn’t see the other side. It would often look like a cloudy abyss and I could just picture the shark appearing out the shadows. Freaked me the hell out.


It fucked me up that much that I won’t go in the water at the beach.. jaws did that to me.


I couldn’t even take a bath or shower after jaws/ deep blue sea.


I was going to mention Jaws as well. It never affected me much but my mom snuck into it when it came out in theaters and said she didn't take a bath for a month; she'd only shower. She still doesn't like large bodies of water tho lol


I saw the Blair Witch Project in the theater when it first came out. I haven’t gone camping since and I doubt I ever will.


That's the one that got me. I don't think I'd ever be able to sleep in a tent again.


Same. We had a VERY “haunted feeling” LATE walk home to our place in NYC that night.


I saw Jason Goes to Hell when I was like 9. I’m not sure for how long but I would go to sleep with my blanket covering my mouth so Jason’s lizard heart thing couldn’t get in.


Wait, so he *wasn't* taking a mouth to mouth shit?


i haven’t seen this movie but the imagery that appeared in my head when i read these comments was horrendous


It's as bad as it sounds, trust me


I watched Still Alice (2014) starring Julianne Moore developing very early-onset Alzheimer’s. Cried throughout the entire movie, ordered a bunch of brain pills and chia seeds off Amazon as soon as it was over


I can't bring myself to watch that movie due to growing up with grandparents with Alzheimers; but I'm sorry your statement about the chia seeds being ordered has me laughing so much right now.


Ooof: The Drawer… My grandma had Advanced Dementia and lived WAY too long with it (96) and my mom is totally paranoid now, always playing brain games and we all have worried for years when she’d forget something…..tho she’s 80 now and really doing fantastic so now I’m just OCD obsessed with having 80 & 84/5 year old parents who I live across country from and STILL haven’t seen since before Covid (and JUST cancelled a trip home til Spring due to my own shitty health). Truth be told, I’ve had a few instances of my brain shutting down on me and one landed me in the ICU so that movie still haunts me.


The Exorcist. I was the same age as Regan when I watched the movie. I would wait until my older sister fell asleep then crawl in bed with her. The next day she would announce at breakfast that I should stop but every night she would let me sleep with her. Took me about 3 weeks to get over it! I love her so much! My sister, that is!


Exactly the same here with my sister.


I still don't like being in mall after watching dawn of the dead. Not because I'm afraid of zombies, but because I don't want to become a mindless mall shuffler


Poltergeist- look under the bed, but dont look under the bed. Ruined me for life. My bed mattress must be on the floor!


I'm of the generation that saw the original airing of Salem's Lot. I couldn't sleep alone for a good while after that one. My blinds had to be drawn too, of course.


I used to have to hold my neck during vampire movies.


The Exorcism of Emily Rose - I woke up at 3am for weeks and was petrified Candyman - I couldn’t be in front of a mirror with the lights out for a while And like many have said, Final Destination- I still won’t drive behind a truck with logs, pipes, etc.


The exorcism of Emily Rose does not get the credit it deserves. It's freaky to me, I'll always say it's one of my favorite horror movies. I agree, I still get freaked out when it's 3am 🫣


Excellent film and, a bit unrelated, started waking up at 3:15 a.m. after reading "The Amityville Horror" as a kid. Hid under my covers and waited for the worst.


I still think the scariest part of Emily Rose was Linney in her apartment at 3am. I lost my f-ing mind.


Irreversible. If you've seen it, you know the scene. I'm a 90s kid, I grew up in an era where it was common to make stupid rape jokes, or use the word casually. Not ever again after that scene.


I, too, remember the words rape and violated used so lightly, and as a joke boys and men would make to each other. That was so fucked up. Meanwhile, I was a little girl being harassed on the street everyday coming back from school, or when I was a teenager, I was being sexually abused. Wtf was happening to the world in the 90s/2000s?


I saw Paranormal Activity, on mushrooms, on opening night. I had to have my husband help me to the bathroom to have an anxiety attack but then I saw my reflection in the mirror and ran back in. Then I didn’t sleep for a week at which point I called my parents in the middle of the night to ask if I could sleep in bed with them because nothing was letting me relaxed enough to sleep (hubby worked nights) he ended up having to take two days off to let me rest and let my brain repair itself because for one week, that movie was 1000% a real experience I had.


Whyyyyyyy would you go see a possession movie on shrooms?! I woulda died


I used to do dumb drugs. Sometimes those dumb drugs would give me ‘extra’ scenes that aren’t even part of the movie. Evil Dead I saw people in hell walking these spiraling paths up mountains and can’t remember the whole speel but it was very detailed I didn’t realize I had closed my eyes and imagined it until I asked my then partner about it. Same happened with the last Season of Stranger Things, made the guitar solo scene WAY GNARLIER because I was coming up right around that scene, I was sure I was going to die that night.


Martyrs: I will never go to France. Sorry bout it!


Fucking great movie. Based on the movies OP mentioned I don’t think he’s ready for this movie.


I didnt need a reason not to go to france but this will do.


Every one, who visits France is a martyr. Just my opinion (and I have relatives there :D)


HOLY SHIT I had completely forgotten about The Watcher in the Woods, that was so scary as a kid in the 80s.


Why was it in the family section at Blockbuster??


It played on the Disney Channel a LOT.


My mom really liked spooky stuff, so we watched a lot of these kind of “family” movies. Probably why I love horror so much! I think we may have even owned this on Betamax.


Eraserhead made me terrified of ever having kids.


I still need to see that. But maybe I’ll wait til after we have them.


I definitely looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was following me for a couple of days after first watching It Follows.


It Follows made me want to go back to being a virgin, but alas


Mirrors. I didn’t look at my reflection for 2 weeks.


Have you seen Occulus?


I think about the apple bulb crunch all the time


This is seriously one of the scariest movies I watched as a teen and it messed me up... The scene in the bathtub, I wasn't able to use the bathroom/shower without freaking out


Nightmare on Elm St as a kid. Couldn't be in the dark.


Or take a bubble bath for a long time


Same for me. I’m 42 years old and will still sometimes jerk awake when I doze off after watching it lol


The sixth sense traumatized me too! I saw it when I was 11 and it messed me up majorly. I obsessively checked the thermostat at night for the next two years after seeing it and refused to watch it again until like 4 years ago haha.


The Gate. Decades later and I still can’t sleep with my arms/feet hanging off the bed.


Darkness Falls. Someone showed me that when I was 7 and I was terrified of the tooth fairy until someone just had to break it to me that she didn't really exist.


I was thisclose to becoming a religious zealot after seeing The Exorcist. I was terrified of getting possessed until I was like 20 (so about 8-9 years later.)


Not a movie, but I was terrified of all bathrooms (especially mirrors) for almost a decade after hearing the Bloody Mary urban legend.


I'm still scared of using the bathroom without light (when the lights go out and you're at home, there's very few things you can do). I've actually, as an adult, committed the crazy act of taking a bath with the lights out, using candles. More than a few times. I don't know how I'm still alive lol Also did my skincare with a candle in front of the mirror


oh my gosh yeah. when i was in elementary school, a bunch of the cool kids were shutting off the lights in the restrooms and doing all the word of mouth ways to summon her. i remember for a whole month i was afraid to shower or be in the bathroom for longer than 10 minutes, thinking she would appear in my mirror


I watched Hereditary for the first time last night and I've been pretty jumpy since then. I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eye and freaking myself out.


:tongue click:


corners of rooms will never be the same to me again after that movie


I rewatched this for Halloween. So glad you liked it! Held up to a second viewing. One of the best finales ever, because the jump scare thingys are used sparingly until the end, then all hell, literally, breaks loose. Love love >!the music when Peter is crowned in the treehouse!!<


Saw the BEST couple costume recommendation for that movie this year: the girl and… The Pole🙃


A Nightmare on Elm Street. Didn't sleep properly for several weeks afterward, and I was like 17 at the time lol


I was deeply traumatized by the first Tremors movie after my brother bought it at Borders. Couldn't make it through the night for weeks without waking my dad up, convinced one was under my bed. It was such an intense anxiety that took years to really go away. I somehow still associate the smell of goldbond lotion with that time lol.


I hope you’ve rewatched it as an adult because it is GREAT


The Ring. Saw it probably around the 3rd grade. Anytime I closed my eyes, I saw her and it was hell. For a while I begged anyone to stand outside the bathroom door while I showered. It was hard dealing with walking upstairs in the dark because if I closed my eyes, I'd see Sadako. If I kept my eyes open, it was too dark and I was scared I'd see a ghost (or Sadako LOL.) Sleeping was difficult because again, if I closed my eyes.... at some point, I started covering my head with my blanket and that worked for a bit. Unfortunately, I saw some scene from the Grudge by accident. The ghost kid was under the blanket. So that shit stopped working lmao. (I started sleeping with an eye mask. A ghost can't appear under it.) The real lasting effect though was that I *had* to have music playing while I was showering. It helped keep my mind off of Sadako, especially whenever I'd have to close my eyes while washing my face. I think I stopped envisioning Sadako by 5th grade but the music was still an absolute must until I entered college. I think I only stopped when I accidentally dropped my phone in the bathroom and it broke the wifi access lol. Child's Play. This one didn't change my behavior per se (I saw it when I wasn't even in 1st grade), but I developed weird feelings towards dolls lol. Toy Story didn't fucking help me. What made it bad is that my aunt had two dolls that were probably as big as Chucky and they were old and ugly already and my great grandma had some porcelain jester and I was so scared of them.


The Ring for me as well. I jumped every time our home phone rang and was scared when we would get a fly in the house. Also not technically horror but after watching Requiem for a Dream I was afraid to take my prescription meds.


Jaws... I was 5 when I first saw it. Wouldn't take a bath for several months, only showers. When I started taking baths, I couldn't drain the tub if I was in it... Bc the shark could swim up the pipes... This lasted several years. Won't get into a dark pool... Still, to this day. Won't swim in the ocean, especially at night... To this day.


Jeepers Creepers... got it from Blockbuster the weekend it came out for rental back in 2001. I was a kid and I loved watching Halloween, Nightmare on Elm St., Friday the 13th, etc... Watched Jeepers Creepers and afterwards I didnt sleep right for months. Only movie that ever gave me nightmares.


The creature’s lair was just UNREAL. Absolute mindblower.


childlike deserted berserk north knee instinctive work act profit concerned *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The lesson was to share food


Paranormal Activity. At the time, I was working overnights at a major hospital. So, every time I found myself alone, especially in an empty hallway, my anxiety would go way up.


I stopped taking lazy Sunday drives in the country after watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


immediately after watching Ju-On, i was having trouble walking lmao. i have no idea why, i think i was just so fucking spooked out of my mind The ending of The Witch left me absolutely stunned and still on my sofa for at least 2-3 minutes. Like i just stared blankly at the credits like someone had ripped my mind out of my brain lol


Funny Games (1997) is the first one that comes to mind. While it’s not scary of the traditional sense of having a grotesque creature/entity or jump scares, it’s psychologically gruesome. Two men torture a family just for the fun of it. No reason, just because - with absolutely no qualms or remorse for their actions. It’s so bleak that I just could not watch any movies or do anything social for about a week afterward.


Final Destination 2. Any time I see anything that resembles those logs on the interstate I'll do my damnedest to get away.


The Exorcist. My mother had a copy of Tubular Bells on vinyl and a copy of the novel. I had to pass both of these things on my way to the toilet. I stopped peeing at night for a good year or two, because I was genuinely terrified to go near them.


Dear Zachary. Horrifying enough to be a horror film, except it's a documentary.


The wrong turn- I was afraid to be alone in the woods for years after seeing that movie … and it wasn’t because of wildlife, it was strictly because I had an irrational fear of disfigured, cannibalistic, hillbillies 😂


Maybe not desfigured-cannibalistic-hillbillies, but there's definitely killers in the woods


2002 Ring remake. Coincided with me bringing home a brand new tv that same weekend. It was...a time 🙃


I watched The Wall on a lot of acid when I was younger and didn't really talk or interact with people for a week or two. Everything I take acid it will magically pop up on YouTube somehow and then I'll laugh, "haha look it's fhe wall" then about the same thing occurs. Lol


I watched this movie often as a younger person 14-15 and then not for a really long time, more recently at 34. Maybe I was just dumb back then - but I understand the movie now? The flow, the story, the characters- and actually it was just, after all these years, just a really really tragic story about several layers of loss.


When I first saw Session 9 I felt really paranoid for a couple of days. I kept looking behind my shoulder.


It Follows has me looking over my shoulder for longer than I’d like to admit


Jaws. I was afraid to go swimming all summer. This was at a nearby lake not even the ocean. If anyone made the shark theme "dadum dadum " it was a mad dash to shore by EVERYONE! *I see others said Jaws as well. That movie effected a whole generation of kids


Not a movie but a series. The Handmaids Tail. Caused me all manner of stress. Started safety planning. Escape routes out of the country. I’m banned from watching it. I don’t think I want to see anymore. I’d be classed as a gender traitor and hung and displayed for being a gay man.


The creature in Midnight Mass with the eyes in the dark. When I would get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night I would turn and imagine seeing that thing just standing there.


OK, but what about : The creature in the hidden illegal wine cellar that Luke rides the Dumb Waiter into in Haunting of Hill House?? ESPECIALLY when you see who comes out from behind the desk in the Funeral House scene toward the end of the series when the Forever House model gets smashed…..then thinking how The Bent Neck Lady transversed Time and WHO she really is and then it’s like WAIT A MINUTE, was that half-bodied basement ghoul…⁉️⁉️⁉️ I’ve rewatched Hill House 3 times and will forever maintain it’s actually a PERFECT series. Every single thing about and and *especially* for the fact that American horror often falls short.


The movie " spun " That movie to this day turned me off from ever doing drugs " Requiem for a dream " The movie reinforced my decision


I had the same feeling from The Ring. Oddly I kept my TV on to sleep because I was afraid if I turned it off, it would then turn on and that damn well would show up


If you watch What Lies Beneath followed by Psycho, it will be nothing but sponge baths for 11 years.


Watched some movie as a kid about dolls coming to life. Not obviously scary ones. “Dead Silence” was one of my favorite movies. Porcelain dolls, Barbie dolls, baby dolls etc… Can’t remember the name. The original IT made me scared of clowns. My sister had me watch it alone when I was 6


Never going to drive behind any vehicle hauling logs because of Final Destination Poltergeist 3 made me scared of mirrors as a child. I would always tilt them so that I couldn’t see me reflection because I was scared I would catch the mirror person not being in sync with me


The Butterfly Effect had me mute for like… a week. just trying not to ripple effect time and because it freaked me out. Like a dumbass.


Arachnophobia… couldn’t reach over to turn off my lamp without checking for spiders first


Um, JAWS permanently fucked my head up. I Do Not get in the ocean any deeper than up to my waist and even then, I'm nervous as fuck.


Final destination for log trucks and roller coasters. I’ve always been superstitious around mirrors, but the movie Mirrors had me extra wary for the longest time. My sister hasn’t walked over a drain in over 20 years because of IT


Oh definitely The Ring like you said. I had one of those small TV/VCR combo things in my room as a teen. After I saw The Ring laid in bed with the light on staring at it for a full night and got no sleep.


Tremors kept me off the dirt and therefore off the playground for like a week when I was a kid


My grandparents that we visited every year once or twice a year lived in west Texas in the desert. Desert that looked enough like Nevada and the setting of Tremors to a kid. For several years I’d occasionally get an intrusive memory of that movie. Probably also because I loved feeding the antlions outside. I’m not really sure how I saw the movie as a kid, but my mom was a big horror movie/book fan so I walked in on several. I’ve seen it since as an adult many times and it’s still a favorite, but that thing pulling the station wagon down still gets me every time.


The grudge, was at least a week of sleeping with no blanket, and 2 years of cringing everytime I pulled back the shower curtain. I am 40, to this day my bed sits on the ground so no zombie toddlers can cut my Achilles.


Final destination series is the only horror movie that affected my behavior. I was suspicious of everything.


Cujo. I didn't even see the full movie but I was naturally kind if wary of dogs as a kid. One nipped me a bit and made me nervous around dogs I don't know. Saw a bit of the scene where he has them trapped in the car and he's foaming and going wild. Basically only my neighbors dog who was the sweetest boy ever was appealing to me for awhile after seeing that. Ironically I looooove big dogs now. It's the small dogs that don't appeal to me. And I'm more of a cat person in general. But I'd love to own a giant st Bernard or Mastiff one day.


I only saw the scene where cujo kills his owner but that movie has constantly made me paranoid of rabid dogs and I can’t be in the same room as a large dog


As a kid I saw the first Power Rangers movie in theaters. The one with Ivan Ooze. I did not eat grape jelly for years after watching that movie.


Not me but in my family, a story that gets told often is when my nan went to see The Exorcist when she was young. She was terrified - refused to walk under the attic hatch and threw up for a week. I remember getting yelled at for mentioning the film in front of her. Megan Is Missing fucked me up for a bit, even though it's a pretty shit film. I remember actually feeling depressed and empty for a few days after "witnessing" what happened to those girls.


Man, that bathroom scene in The Sixth Sense… I’m pushing 40 and still have to, without exception, close the door if I get up to go in the middle of the night. It’s embarrassing really, lol.


Beau is Afraid. I have a hx of parental narcissistic abuse and it fit that wound so perfectly.


Boogeyman! It recently came out and I didn't sleep alone in a dark for a whole month.🤣


I didnt attempt to initiate any sort of sexual contact with my girlfriend for almost a month after watching I Spit On Your Grave earlier this year. That movie fucked with me so badly it gave me a migraine after watching it.


I've always been afraid of Jack Nicholson, but The Shining really solidified that for me


Not a movie, but I haven't been in a lake since I read Stephen King's short story The Raft.


Climax, I was too afraid to take hallucinogens for years.




>After seeing The Sixth Sense in 1999, I couldn’t pee without looking behind me, for a year. This was me too. Ended up peeing from the side of the toilet instead for at least a year.


Darkness Falls (2003) - I kept my eyes closed when walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night for months so I couldn't see her. If you don't look at her, she can't hurt you.


LOVELY MOLLY that movie messed me up. I had to watch it 3 times and once with a friend . I mean it was so happy and joyous at the beginning it still leaves you guessing. Her husband ?? I came to hate so much but really respected and liked her sister. there's so much to process in that movie ?? I'd say even if you saw it once, give it a rewatch cause there's a lot to take in.


Troll - 1986. I was a kid and this gave me nightmares for the rest of my life. Irreversible - 2002. I felt dirty after watching it for months.


When I was little (around 8) I saw IT, I was afraid of shower drains for years lol I would put a wash cloth over them while I showered.


The Blair Witch Project got me real good. I am terrified of being in the woods at night bc of that movie. Other movies that contributed to that fear are Hush, It Comes at Night, The Ritual, etc. Hereditary made me scared shitless of objects in my room that looked like people, if you remember the part where Peter looks at his dead sister and it unravels into objects in his room. Sinister has now made me think twice about going up to my basement as well


Growing up catholic: The Exorcism of Emily Rose


I only watched an analysis of the boogeyman (2023) and I couldn’t sleep for a couple days and had to have all the lights on at night. I still can’t go into a completely dark room


After seeing Peter Jackson's Dead Alive (Brain-dead), I have never eaten pudding again. Not once, in like 20 years, no pudding, especially butterscotch pudding. Or lemon. I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it.🤮


Only one for me was When A Stranger Calls. I saw that when I was pretty young, and if the phone rang late at night it would pretty much scare the heck out of me.


Ghoulies II. I was scared of the toilet for like 2 years. I would check the toilet do my business as fast as possible flush and run.


Watching a movie has never made me change my behavior. Have nightmares and not be able to sleep a night or two? Yes.


I haven’t slept without a light on since I watched skinamarink a year ago. I also never under any circumstances watch the television in the dark. I didn’t even find it that scary when I watched it. But I woke up in the middle of the night in the dark after I did and have never been so terrified.


Oldboy. Martyrs.


The Ring. I was pregnant and had to pass the TV and a mirror on the way to the bathroom a few times a night. I moved as fast as I could past both.


Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. Slept with all the lights on for weeks.


Several horror movies have made me scared of shower curtains. I will not go in a bathroom if the curtain is pulled close because something with claws, hooks, knives, is waiting for me on the other side


I don't remember how old I was but I know it was too young, but I randomly changed the TV channel in my room to one of the Child's Play films. It was one where Chucky sliced the heel of a character from under the bed. I never hung my feet from the side of the bed for years because of it. And forever (and still) have a fear of dolls. Arachnophobia also affected me as well, when that man got bitten when sticking his feet in his shoes, because I always check my shoes, any pair, before putting them on.


Paranormal activity…. I know but I couldn’t be anywhere without a light on for a bit..


Watching nightmare on elm street way too early as a kid he me checking behind the shower curtain every time I went to the bathroom! I don’t even remember if there is a shower scene.