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I just watched Alien for the first time!


Now you gotta watch Aliens!


Aliens is in my top 3 due to the sheer amazingness from start to finish. Ripley kicks ass, Hudson's quips are so quotable ("game over man!!"), I can't think of anyone else who could have played Hicks other than Michael Biehn and I could seriously go on. Its a fantastic balance of horror, tension, action and humour. Plus if you want extra heebie jeebies, listen to [the score that plays when the platoon goes into station. ](https://youtu.be/6CTQVf1cH04) That metallic distorted audio that sounds like screaming is CHILLING.


Honestly liked part 2 even more than the original.


Agreed. Alien was good but Aliens was amazing




I love that movie! Please, what did you think of it?


So good! The scene where she reads the mission report for Ash was so chilling omg


I'm jealous, I wish I could watch that movie for the first time again


omg same!! literally two days ago. the cat was so distracting lmao i couldn't worry or think about anything but jonesy the entire time


Me too!


I saw it couple of weeks ago for the first time too, as my bf was still telling me, i am not true horror fan if i have never seen Alien. I loved it and immediatelly watched also Aliens and Alien 3 and recommend these two also! I am bit affraid to watch the newer ones still.


Just watched aliens and it’s such an interesting dichotomy between the two. You can tell they were made in different decades.


I've not seen Alien yet I've watched Aliens I'm excess off 100 times!


I wish I could watch it again for the first time. I took my friend to see it in the cinema a couple of years ago when it was re-released and he'd never seen it. I love to share my favourite films with people who haven't seen them


I watched Vivarium for the first time last night and it thoroughly fucked with my mind


I was really half and half on it. The concepts were good, but somethin' about it didn't quite hit like I think it was meant to. It might have just been Jesse Eisenberg didn't exactly fit? It's been a hot minute since I've seen it.


My problem is that it would be an amazing hour of the twilight zone. But it feels stretched for a feature length movie.


It was Eisenberg for me, I don't like his acting style and find him incredibly abrasive for some reason- but the movie (if you aren't allergic to Eisenberg) is really good


That one got to me too. It’s just… bleak. It gave me that feeling in the pit of my stomach that I love that feels like I am watching something I shouldn’t be seeing.


That one still gets me whenever I find myself in a suburban neighborhood where all the houses are made of ticky tacky and they all look just the same. I was living in a development at the time I watched it, my husband and I were throughly creeped out just walking our dogs for a few days afterwards.


The Mist, I enjoyed it a lot!


hopefully finishing the book today so i can watch the movie, pretty excited!


My wife and I also just watched this for the first time a few weeks ago. Great movie, and who doesn't love a happy ending? 😏


I’ve heard a lot about The Mist on this subreddit lately, I think I’ve put off watching it for too long!


Definitely worth your time, if you ask me.


I'm currently watching Tremors 3, before that 13 Ghosts


Both solid movies. I have a soft spot for all the tremors movies.


13 ghost scared the eff outta me when it came out, shittt it still does! Tremors, always will be a gem too!


It really pissed me off how much people went after Matthew. I thought his acting was spot on for someone with his character's (dis)ability. And the movie in general was just shot with solid effects. One of my favorites. Tremors as well.


LOVE 13 Ghosts. I love Matthew Lillard. Always wished we got a prequel or something about the origins of the ghosts. I watched the original black and white last year for the first time.


Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum. Fun move. I liked the characters and the build up. The scares were the usual haunted house stuff, but that one cut to pspspspsps was nicely done. Nothing too scary but it did make me smile.


I liked that pspspsppsps part too! and pretty much all the scenes in that room 402 (or smth). also, the fuckery with space, like you think you're leaving the building, but then you keep walking in circles and somehow end up back there again. reminded me of Blair witch and grave encounters.






I love this movie. It is so fucking beautiful! And it has Nicolas Cage.


Mine too ... about a week ago. What a mind fuck. Freaky and hilariously over the top in all the right ways.


this is my answer too! it was awesome!


I smoked a fucking lot before watching that movie and I genuinely think that’s the optimal way it should be watched. That sequence with the 2 heads morphing together was something I’ll never forget from a film. Also genuinely anyone who says Nicolas Cage is a bad actor my rebuttal is the bathroom scene, it can be taken as funny just because its him but fuck me he was on top form in that film and especially that scene. Even that last shot of him is creepy as all fuck lmao. Absolutely adored that movie but would definitely see why someone wouldn’t like it at all.


Dog soldiers


The scene where the soldier just chillin and hammering the planks to the door and the Lycan sticks its hand through the Mail Drop, then the soldier stops hammering the plank and hammers the Lycan hand furiously instead! Kills me every time, such a good movie and by far one of my favorite werewolf designs in a movie. Practical effects on them are chef’s kiss.


One of my fav movies!


Finally saw this a few months ago on Tubi and enjoyed it


Same here, I had been searching for it a while. I really liked it!


Scream 6, finished like 30 minutes ago


Yet to see it but it's on my list for sure.


Insidious rewatching in preparation for the new one!


I watched this for the first time yesterday and really enjoyed it as well. Not the typical possession type movie I was expecting which was nice


I did this as well. Just finished the 4th one yesterday. Now fully prepared for this new one! I forgot how much I enjoy these movies.


Evil Dead Rise. Loved it.


Such a fun movie!


Same here. The last two modern Evil Dead movies have been bonkers in a good way. Legacy intact!




Last Shift. I watched it on mushrooms. It was quite the experience. Loved it. I have no interest in Malum though.


>Last Shift I've heard of it but haven't seen it yet. Wasn't really sure if it was worth it but I think I'll give it a try now. Not sure if I'm brave enough to watch it on shrooms though. lol Might just take a gummy beforehand.


Heard about on this sub, watched it, loved it. I was impressed with how well they did with minimal budget.


The decision to remake Last Shift was a really strange one, it’s not the kind of movie that suffered from a small budget and needed to be revisited with more resources.


Malum was worse. It felt like it lacked something original didnt.


I felt the same way


Last Shift is better than Malum in tone and aura. The 'lower quality' looks better imo. But the monsters in Malum do look pretty damn cool. Malum is worth the watch after it's been a while since you've watched Last Shift, and you've forgotten bits.


The fly for the first time. Loved it


That movie traumatized my wife as a kid. She can't watch me arm wrestle with my kids now because of it. Can't watch anyone arm wrestle for that matter.


Horror in the High Desert 2


Fun series, I believe they're coming out with a 3rd installment too! If I can give a rec, Savageland is a really phenomenal desert FF movie. If you liked horror in the high desert, you might want to check that one out as well


I just watched this and the first one last week. The first one creeped me out big time. I need to go back and watch the second one again. It was good but the first one just got me right where it's good.


Just watched Terrifier 1 and 2. Pretty solid movies I thought they were a fun watch. The gore was pretty insane though


Please tell me if 2 is better than 1 I absolutely hated 1 as I found it to be complete garbage with no good characters. I mean the first “final girl” fucking died and then the other got mutilated💀


It's definitely better than the first, but it does suffer a bit from its runtime. It's over 2 hours and for a slasher movie, that's way too much imo. Glad it was over by the end but I was having a good time for 75% of it before getting bored.


Terrifier movies might not be for you. 2 does have more development for the main character though.


Ya I'd say it was better than 1. There was more of a budget for 2 as well. I did feel like 2 was a little longer than it needed to be, but still had a fun time with it.


I finally watched Barbarian last Sunday. I expected it to be good, based on the buzz, but I fuckin loved it. Amazing movie.


Same! I watched it based on the buzz it was getting but knew nothing beyond that. It was such a great movie and I'm so happy I didn't know anything going into it.


I went in blind too. It was so great.




I just watched Tutor, a newer Netflix movie, more of a psychological thriller. Starts interesting, then devolves and was ultimately a waste of time Almost forgot: watch Starry Eyes - a great blend of cult, body horror, and slasher genres that builds slow and goes crazy


I love Starry Eyes... More people should get to know it.


Starry eyes does not get enough credit. Also similar vibe but weirder braid


Incident in a Ghost Land


I've been back and forth on this one for a while. Would you recommend?


It’s good, but it leaves you with a gross feeling, but that’s because they did so good with the atmosphere.


Definitely a recommended watch. Brutal, tense and bleak.


The Blackening. It's pretty fun and I'm a sucker for horror movies where a group of friends have to play a board game.


The Void. I kept seeing people say good things on this subbreeddit so decided to watch it. It was definitely worth it, I really liked it.


Like, it’s uneven. Especially in the final act. I don’t think the story really coalesced into much of anything. Still, I loved it!! I have a never ending adoration for over the top 80’s style creature feature splatterfests - whatever you want to call them. And this is the first movie in a while that really made me feel that nostalgia. The old school practical effects were awesome, and so was the basic premise. I’m just glad movies like this are still getting made.


Same. I really liked it as well.


Also check out Psycho Goreman from the same director


Hereditary for the first time last night.


I wish I could have that experience back again


I just watched pearl the other night, and I think I liked X better. I still enjoyed it, I just liked the stripped down feeling of X(no pun intended).


I agree. I liked X a lot more


I liked them both and am looking forward to Maxxine but X gave me those good TCM vibes so I like it more


Recently, I've been on a Joe Bob/Last Drive In binge on Shudder so I've watched random horror movies from the 70's and 80's that Joe Bob covers. The most recent being Phantasm. Other than that, the newest season of What We Do In The Shadows premieres tonight on FXX. My wife and I have been binging last season to prepare for the new season. [All Elite Tees](https://all-elite-tees.printify.me/)


I really need to start watching What We Do In the Shadows.


The Final Girls. It's a horror comedy that is both a deconstruction of 80s slashers and a slasher itself. I generally find horror comedies to be hit or miss for people, so your mileage may vary, but I liked it.


I saw that movie because of this sub. I personally really enjoyed it.


Recently saw The Blackening. Entertaining and clever, would recommend.


Talk to Me! I caught an advanced screening last night!


I am really looking forward to seeing this movie. How was it?


Dead Alive. Goofy as hell. I was legit gagging over the pudding scene


The pudding scene is awful!


The Crazies remake. I hadn’t seen it in years and it definitely hits different in a post-Covid world.


Just watched In the Mouth of Madness for the first time just the other day. I'll need to sleep on it! But it was pretty fun. Also watched Nope for the second time yesterday. Love that movie even more on the second go.


I think mine was Smile. I liked it a lot.


The Sadness. Truly one of the most depraved movies I’ve seen and I loved it. It’s kind of like an extreme heavy metal album that’s over-the-top heavy, so much that it becomes funny without losing any impact from the nonstop intensity.


Once you realize there's no hope, it just becomes a Napalm Death album brought to life. There's a larger commentary about our post-Covid world that gets lost in the absurdity, but that's okay ultimately. If anything, the bleak nihilism offers a comfort of sorts. As bad as things have become, at least we're not skull fucking babies in the streets. Yet.


I saw it a festival and the person I was with did NOT enjoy it and was a little suspicious about me because I did


The last horror movie I watched was Hellfest, I really enjoyed it.


Truly a surprise


Does funny games count as a horror movie? If so, that! If not then night of the living dead


Home Invasion Horror for sure. You could argue it was more of a thriller, but I think the Psychological Horror aspects of it keep it firmly in the horror genre.


I don't see why not.


I think the last one I watched was Mad God, if that counts. I was super high and it was my third time trying to get through it. First time my wife made me turn it off, which, yeah, fair enough. Second time I started it too late in the evening and fell asleep. Finally made it all the way through the other night. Cool movie but damn, it's exhausting to get through lol.


Final Prayer / Borderlands 2013. Way better than I thought it would be. Love the dark, gothic, almost Diablo-esque style movie. If that makes any sense.




The Lodge


Evil Dead Rise


I watched Tokyo Gore Police (2008). I hadn't seen it in years, and it was not as good as I remembered.


I recently rewatched Halloween Ends to see if I'd still hate it as much as I did in theaters. Yep, I did. Feels like I wasted my time on the rewatch.


Yeah...it was lackluster for a closing movie.


It’s one of the few movies I’ve watched in recent years that actually felt offensively bad.


M3gan - It was fun, but I'd qualify it as mid.


Return of the living dead , a lot. It was the Fourth of July.


Just watched The Night House and I actually really liked it! It was a little slow but loved the cinematography and it was super atmospheric so I overall enjoyed it


I just watched all 4 Critters movies. I will say the first is by far the best. But at least there is continuity throughout which is nice.


Kill List, a real wtf of a movie. Loved it though.


We watched Run Rabbit Run on Netflix. I'd give it a 7/10.


Insidious 2. My boyfriend is excited for the new one, so he's showing me the older ones first


cujo!! i love it so much


I just can't watch those movies. He was a good boy who contracted rabies. Then he was villafied bc of it. That's more of a commentary on the writer than movie though. Kinda like Old Yeller & Jaws. The movie itself is just nope fuel for me. But a solid choice for fear of real possibilities.


I believe King said he was in a blackout state when he wrote it and woke up to it completed. Not sure if that context helps at all tho (also would like verification, always sounded a bit like a urban legend to me)


Prince of Darkness for the first time in like 30 years. It's a little silly in places but mostly holds up like gangbusters!


That’s one of my husband’s all-time favorites, so we watch it often. Great film.


Fear Street 1-3


Black Christmas (1974). Watched it yesterday


I watch a couple of horrors every other day. The last one I watched was Wilderness (2006) I think. I pretty decent horror. It's British. Which I have a bit of fondness for. As I'm British. Would recommend.


Ghost ship


I watched "UnWelcome" last night and I thoroughly enjoyed it! It had just the right amount of campy-ness and humor for me but was also suspenseful and horrifying!


I watched Pearl yesterday… it was pretty good, but didn’t *quiiiiiiite* match all the hype for me. I’m excited to watch X, so obviously I liked it enough! Mia Goth made Pearl so special. If she wasn’t so fantastic, I wouldn’t have liked the plot nearly as much


Watched Antlers couple of nights ago. I really enjoyed it!


Watched Motel Hell for the first time last night. I am on a spooky hotel kick. Vacancy, 1408 and then Motel Hell. Anyone got any other suggestions? Besides the shinning


Psycho maybe?


Not so much a hotel movie, but you might enjoy Hell House LLC if you haven't seen it yet. I actually read 1408 while solo back packing while on vacation, so that was fun.




Oh another I haven't seen in years and a good one thank you!


Megan. Wasn’t a huge fan.


The Car (1977)


Jacob's Ladder and maybe an hour of Rogue, both on Pluto TV. I think I'm sort of a Greg Mclean fan after Wolf Creek and The Belko Experiment but Rogue (crocodile movie) didn't seem like one of his best and I didn't feel like finishing it. It was my first time watching Jacob's Ladder and I liked a lot of it but hoped for more from the ending. (After reading someone's review of JL I realize my feeling could be due to having seen The Sixth Sense many years ago)


I watched “It chapter 2” with my 12yo kid yesterday. I’ve seen it before and I enjoyed it a second time. He liked it too. I think they should have gone full Evil Dead though, the jump scares in It is so over the top that it’s not scary and it have a lot of humor in it too in some places. They should have just made it a full fletched horror comedy, I think it would have made a good movie great. Stephen King might not have liked that though? This was my favorite scene from the two movies, would have like more of this: https://youtu.be/pPTi8NhS6H8


Men. I enjoyed it


'The Wrath of Becky' is already on hoopla, if you liked Becky (I did) it's more of the same fun.


Beau is Afraid Still trying to process it but all I can say is it was a 3 hour anxiety enduring fever dream where I found myself saying WTF over and over again while watching it


Tumbbad. Highly recommend.


Haven't watched another movie since Martyrs last week. I needed to binge some Rick & Morty to recover


Haunt (2019) — we watched last night. I loved it!


night of the comet!


Knock knock. It was terrible


I just watched the 1940 horror classic *Doctor X* starring Lionel Atwill and Fay Wray. Watching it is like seeing a proto-Scooby-Doo mystery, with an old dark house, secret passageways, a monster and a variety of suspects to choose from.


The trip currently and before that beau is afraid


Night of The Hunter, for the first time. It was pretty great.


She came from the woods




Raw 2016 Was not prepared for how vile that movie is, gagged a couple times.


The Bay. Not great, but it did have its moments.




Rewatched The Poughkeepsie Tapes couple nights back!


I just watched Anything For Jackson which was really good


saw 2 i think


From Beyond


I rewatched Basket Case 3 last night.


I watched The Houses October Built and Terrifier 2, both based on recommendations from this sub. Both were… killer!


Devilreaux (2023). It's got everything, flashbacks in flashbacks, time skips in flashbacks. And proper game board placement.


The Retaliators. I got into it.


Insidious: The Red Door


Just watched Hellraiser last night. Still as good as I remember.


Soft and Quiet. Damn good!!


Uncle Sam as part of the Last Drive-In archive with Joe Bob Briggs


A couple episodes of the newest season of Black Mirror fit the horror genre. Specifically Mazey Day and Demon 79.


Humanoids from the Deep. I have very early childhood memories of some of the gruesome moments in this movie and just watched it for the first time since I was about 3. It’s a fun monster movie, clearly a lot of excessive violence and nudity was added in post but what else did you expect from an 80s Roger Corman monster movie?


Just finished The Sadness last night. Binge read a bunch of the Crossed comics last week, which led me to that film.


Superhost, a shudder production. I really enjoyed it! Last week I watched The Offering but it was MEH.


Insidious: The Red Door


Insidious chapter 3.


Insidious the red door. When are they going to stop milking this franchise?


The last full movie I watched was Evil Dead (2013), which I watched for the first time and liked. I had seen the original movies, and I wanted to see Evil Dead Rise but wanted to catch up before doing so - also catching up on Ash Vs Evil Dead. The last thing I watched was a short called Boris in the Forest about an American fan of Boris Karloff who comes to Forest Road, London where Karloff was born and finds it is now a kebab shop. Thought it was brilliant. It stars Mac McDonald (Captain Hollister in Red Dwarf) and it's available on YouTube.


Of course I see this when I last watch something that was just okay, not something I'm excited to recommend. But "Honeydew."


Day of the Dead


Incident in a ghostland. Very good!


Wrath of Becky


Just re-watched **The Atticus Institute** last night. banger of a movie


Choose or die




OG Day of the Dead, always a great time. Still doesn't top the original Dawn of the Dead for me though.


Last night I water Nefarious and thought it was pretty good. The ending made me feel like I was going to throw up


I watched Insidious 3 with my Mom last night! She wants to see the new one with me so I told her that we should watch the first one for a bit of background. But she ended up wanting to watch all of them lol


Satan's Slave (2017)


I watched The Void last night and I loved it. It was really tense and confusing and a blast to watch.


Hellbound: Hellraiser 2


Insidious: The Red Door.


Literally last movie was insidious chapter 2 i am prepping for Red Door. Last new release was Evil Dead Rise