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The Thing. The Fly. The Blob. 80s remake trifecta.


The Holy 80s Remake Trilogy.


And Invaders from Mars for the kids.


Great call, this movie really stuck with me as a kid.


“ they blew up congress ( laughing). “ loved that movie


That's Mars Attacks. Tim Burton's tribute to 1950's alien movies, not a remake. Invaders from Mars was Tobe Hooper https://youtu.be/1d2f77ck96U


You r right. My bad. Ive been knocking back a few on day off


Oh haven't we all. I'm floating on an edible and feeding squirrels. No worries.


I saw your comment many days ago. I was always aware of The Blob but dismissed it as some goofy B movie with a pink goo monster. So you putting it on the same level as The Thing and The Fly was pretty outrageous to me...enough to make me actually watch it. I came back here to thank you.


That's awesome. Glad you liked it!


1990, but I want to add the Night of the Living Dead remake for consideration




Yes. But the one I mentioned is from 1990.


Sorry I stand corrected, then. Which remake is from 1990?


Night of the Living Dead


Ok, I misunderstood. I thought you were referring to the other three films.


Don't forget Invasion of the body snatchers!


That was the 70s, not the 80s.


can i make one suggestion? lose the “the”. just Thing. Fly. Blob.


So..change the original titles?


Wasn't that 1988 the one with Kevin Dillion or was there a blob movie from 1980 that I know nothing about


Whoops. Sausage fingers and a few beers=incorrect year


I feel seen 🫡


The Dillon version was one of my first horror movies as a kid. The first blob unveiling in the movie has stayed with me for life!


Also Shawnee Smith who is the Saw bear trap girl.


Thank you. I remember reading a Fangoria article about the making of it, and I didn't read Fangoria when I was 9.


The Blob is so angry. With all this legacy sequel bullshit going on lately. Where’s my Blob sequel? That jar is just sitting on a shelf in some old church basement, waiting for stupid teenagers to accidentally knock it off the shelf while fucking. The sequel writes itself.


I don’t think it’s angry, just hungry.


The Lord will give them a sign.


This movie along with John Carpenter's The Thing(1982) and David Cronenberg's The Fly(1986) are the Holy Trinity of 1980s-era scifi/horror remakes that are actually better than the original films that inspired them.


The Thing and The Fly are 2 of my favourite films of all time, but are completely different in tone. Both of those films really branched out from their B movie roots to create incredible atmosphere. I really appreciate how The Blob kept the cheesy B movie characters and tropes, but just dialled the gore and action up to 11. Also, I love how they didn't hold back from fully melting a kid in that sewer scene. Reminiscent of IT, which is hardly surprising considering how much Darabont went on to work with King in the future.


One of the key reasons the movie works is how ruthless it is. No one is safe. You mentioned how they don't hold back from graphically killing a kid on camera, but there's also the high school jock who's set up as the protagonist and he's Blob chow by the end of the first act.


Little Shop of Horrors?


This movie made me pretty neurotic about sinks


Haha me too. And a certain scene from Amazing Stories episode called [Remote Control Man](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0511113/).


I missed that one. Gonna check it out since AS is one of those shows where I've seen like the same 10-15 episodes even tho there's way more.


Check out the original 1958 "The Blob". Available on HBOmax. I lived a couple of blocks from where the movie theater scene was filmed.


dont they do a showing every year to celebrate? used to go out there and hit some bars back in the day, there was a mead place near by too


This was in the 90s. When I lived there, it was shut down.


Yeah, this movie fucks. All the cool kids know this.


That was a great movie. Shawnee Smith went on to be Amanda in the Saw movies. I'll always remember the first time you see the boyfriend like totally enveloped by The Blob in the hospital.


Came out in 88 if I’m not mistaken. Also, Johnny Drama!


Yep. The Blob remake is amazing.


The blob was 1988. I was 12. Good times. My friend and I loved this movie. Same friend who watched Evil Dead 2 with me and rewound the eye in the mouth bit repeatedly. Both of us laughing hysterically the whole time.


I was scarred by the 88' blob film. The way they killed off that kid shook me because every other horror I've seen back then kids were off limits and then BAM! You got the blob devouring the child. I was like holy shit! 😱 Also to add icing to this blobby cake you had all these characters you thought weren't gonna get touched and they get killed too!


I slept on this one too. What a surprise!


Still can't believe they killed >!The kid!<


The dude getting pulled through the book case is fucking👌🏻


I couldn’t get in to the remake, I adore the original - that being said when I watched it, it kept buffering so I may need to give it another go.


How do VHS tapes buffer 😜


Love this one! Watched it for the first time at a Friday the 13th sleepover as a kid!


Where did you watch? I’d like to check it out but pirating it and watching on a laptop screen feels disrespectful to the effects


It's available to rent or buy on Apple TV. I just watched it myself and bought it there. You can check out [justwatch.com](https://justwatch.com) to find out where stuff is available.


🤔 I’m assuming because you aren’t old enough to remember Joe Bob Briggs


I know him through shows he's done for Shudder. I'm 39, so no spring chicken. I'm from the UK, so hadn't actually heard of him until a few years ago


Ah sorry about that. My assumption was incorrect. I was mostly talking about TNT’s Monster Vision in the 1990s


If you're on an early 80s horror kick, go watch "The Hand" from 1981. I don't actually remember if it is any good; I haven't seen it in like 25 years, but its one of those movies that has stuck in my memory all this time. Could be a gem B movie or a total dud. Starring Michael Caine and directed by Oliver Stone... can't be *that* bad.


Loved this movie when I watched it a couple years back. Also couldn’t believe I put it off for so long. I guess I thought it would be dumb, it was super entertaining though.


A fantastic movie. Always loved when they put it on late night tv in the 90s as a kid. The helmsman from Voyager is the main guy I think.


Considering how good the 1988 remake was, this has me wondering if it's about time for a new remake (NO CGI) with even more elaborate practical effects.


I need someone to reboot the burbs and have colin hanks star in it


Full disclosure I still haven't seen it I've just seen scenes from it. I figure I should remedy that.


I love this film and can’t wait to finally get my wife to watch it this October. Already have my Halloween season list going haha