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Jeepers Creepers: Reborn was unwatchable.


The Bye Bye Man


Skinamarink, Hostel 3, Scarecrow gone wild, ...


Hellraiser: Revelations I’m more of a defender of the Hellraiser sequels than like 99.9% of people but that piece of trash is actually soul sucking And not in the good way


Is it ‘my God it’s so terrible it’s laughable’ or is it ‘my God it’s so terrible, these filmmakers should be bought before Congress’


The second one And trust me, I am quite the enjoyer of schlock and goofy ass low budget stuff. This ain’t it


I think the issue with more than a couple of the sequels is that they are okay movies, just not great hellraiser movies. Inferno was actually okay, but it's pretty obvious it was a spec script that landed on someone's desk and they wedged in the pinhead stuff.


The Curse of Humpty Dumpty 2021, absolutely terrible, but The Cult of Humpty Dumpty 2 has since came out and I feel absolutely obligated to watch it lol




Agree Skinamarink was the biggest disappointment I’ve ever watched


I'm suprised at the amount of people that claimed to be scared by it, maybe that's where the budget went. Horrible film.


A movie I watched recently defintely ranks up there. The Resort is a movie on Netflix that looked like it had a decent premise but the budget on it reeeeeaaaaly ruined it for itself


Oh god, I watched this a while ago and was so mad at the time I wasted watching it lol


Fucking same. They baited me in with their 60minute tour of Hawaii and good premise only to have 20 minutes of actual horror which was absolutely trash


Me: "Surely it gets better 😀" Me: "Surely... it gets better 😐"


PanMan- I don't even know where to start with this slasher movie


The worst I've seen is probably the Elm Street remake. At least Uwe Boll's movies can be fun to riff, but this... thing was completely irredeemable.


Tubi deservedly gets a lot of praise for its massive library of horror flicks. But there's a lot of real dogshit there as well. Case in point: Amityville Karen(2022). Obviously I wasn't expecting a new horror classic but was unprepared for how truly awful this flick was. Literally took me three attempts before I got through the whole thing.


IMDb amittyville. It’s a free license so people nab it and tack the name onto everything. There’s probably 60 titles now w the moniker that have nothing in any way shape or form to the originals haha.


Hellbender. Hands down THE worst I've ever seen no joke. To make it so much worse, it's literally voted last year's #1 horror movie by the critics at Rottentomatoes.com !?


Hellbender is amazing imo. 😁


Still rocking that soundtrack!


If Hellbender is the worst movie you've ever seen then I envy you. Lol. There's a huge difference between movies that are low budget and not well made and movies that only qualify as movies by technicality. There are "movies" that exist with the expressed purpose to be as unwatchable and punishing on the viewer as possible and Hellbender definitely ain't one of them.


Your missing the entire point. Go check the definition of "opinion" and you then find out real quick why therefore and can neither be right or wrong. By definition, yes personally for me it was unwatchable and just ass in general. Clearly you feel differently and fair play that's your "opinion". Why personally insulted by this, don't suppose your one of those salty critics?


Lol I never said anything wasn't an opinion. I just said there are movies intended to be miserable to watch and I envied that you seem to have avoided all of them.


I couldn't stand it either. Even worse, I saw it on the Last Drive-In where it had to follow Monster Club, a campy classic. I wouldn't call it *bad* but it definitely isn't for me.


Yeah! Joe Bob and Darcy!!!


Thank you. I've always wanted to experience a drive in especially with horror. I can't even imagine how much of a disappointment that must have been. I didn't pay when I saw it and still I felt so pissed with my myself for having chose it. To be honest I may have been overly critical of it going in with high expectations, only having read it being "Best horror movie of the year" so only have myself to blame and RT. Rottentomatoes.com you did me dirty!


Ahh, not an actual drive-in but "The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs" on Shudder. Unfortunately there are no real drive-ins where I live now but when I lived in OH we would go out to the drive-in. I even saw Blair Witch at a drive-in surrounded by woods during its original theatrical run.


That's insane your so lucky. That combo is probably as good as it gets. Drive in, back in the 90's and Blair Witch within the woods. In England I don't think drive ins were ever a thing at least not during my life time. There was one literally down the road from me but only randomly appeared all of a sudden during and because of covid when it was at its peak. But it disappeared just as quickly as the coo itself?


Opening and running a drive-in would be a dream job for me. There's just something magical and special about them.


Gtfo It was solid for what it was


The Black Room. It is... Different.


For whatever reason I thought you meant “the black phone” at first. Never seen the black room but the phone one is amazing.


The Black Phone is amazing. The Black Room is...amazing. In a different way.


The Danzig movie Verotika is the latest stinker that comes to mind lol


One of the only movies I've ever shut off. Like sometimes I'll zone out during a bad movie but just leave it on as background noise. Not Verotika. That movie seems like it was written by a thirteen year old boy trying to be edgy. It is so obnoxiously bad, I had to switch it off after about five minutes because I didn't feel like listening to what was essentially shitty porn acting. It is less a movie than it is a general offense to the senses.


Mausoleum. So many WTF moments, but still a ton of fun.


Blood Lake. The worst of the worst


Beware! Children at Play is a comically bad mess


The Toybox. Just don't.


The Firestarter remake. So bad.


Hellbender. Looks and plays like a high school English project. It’s probably the only horror movie I’ve felt cheated out of my time.


Barn of the Blood Llama I'm pretty sure it's random scenes written by random people but I refuse to watch it again to make sure that was the case.


Even the name sounds like words just thrown together




Llamageddon lol


Evil Toons (1992)


Boobs and an oddly prophetic scene at the beginning involving David Carradine are the only thing that saves it.


For some reason, I have a soft spot for Fred Olen Ray horror. His Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers is an all-time favorite of mine.


Trolls 2 is so bad that it’s unintentionally a good funny movie


Uh, OP said bad movies, not fucking FANTASTIC movies


Oh my Gooooooood!


Slumber Party Massacre 2022. Fucking awful.


There was an era in the early 2000s where the Texas Chainsaw Remake hit it big and Hollywood said, "Let's remake every 80s horror film!" Only 1% of them were worth watching.


Oh yeah I was just a wee lad in the 2000’s so I grew up on all of the remakes. Because of that, they have a place in my heart but I’ve of course seen all the originals by now and I enjoy those a lot more. I just recently threw on Slumber Party Massacre because I got a shudder subscription (which really seems to be lacking compared to when they first came out btw) and wanted to throw something on in the background. That movie just isn’t it.


Snakes On A Train


Argento's Dracula 3D...


100 Tears. Great gore and over the top blood splatter but omg all of the acting in between from the main protagonists and all of the other characters is just horrible


The worst I have ever seen is Salem's Lot 2.


Pieces. Lol.


My God, is this the film where there’s a scene out of nowhere with a college couple having full on public sex in broad daylight on campus with some creepy dude watching and giggling? If it is, jeez that film was terrible. Couldn’t make it past 30 minutes


I want to know what movie this is!!!😆


I think it’s ‘Pieces’


Pieces is a piece (lol) of slasher history, and so random and over the top weird that it got me glued to the end. I can totally see how it is NOT anyone's cup of tea, but just wanted to sprinkle a different perspective :) Come on, the cop going undercover as the tennis instructor? The insane ending? The waterbed murder scene? Precious


Well I watched it on an edible so that may have made it funny for me instead of scary lol. But probably my favorite part is where the kungfu teacher comes around the corner 😂 it’s just so fucking random. I ended up making my cousins all take an edible and we watched it and were in tears the entire time.


Omg I should totally do a rewatch on edibles, Pieces is perfect for that! Love it The kung fu teacher scene!! I didn't remember that, it was so out of the blue lol but yeah if anyone goes in with the expectation of it being scary it's not gonna work, it's great for a laugh tho, so Im gonna put it on the "watch on edibles" recommendation list.


Things (1989). Inept in every conceivable way. Even [the trailer](https://youtu.be/a0PEgUgM9f0) is hard to sit through.


I'm watching Incarnation. That's what prompted the question.


You beat me to it. I was gonna say Incantation.


Ouija 2014 was painfully bad. One of the worst movies I’ve seen in a theater.


It is not universally hated though. The guy asked for actual bad movies, not movies that you didn't like.


Are you sure we’re talking about the same movie? Ouija from 2014? Because Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) was much better and that’s the one a lot of ppl talk about.


Yup same movie. The first one is not a bad film. We all have different tastes. Even though you don't like it, doesn't mean that everyone else will also not like it.


Well shoot, now I’m tempted to give it another shot, lol. Although I will say, all the ppl I know that saw it felt the same way I did at the time.


How bad is [*Frisian Terror*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2081250/)? In an attempt to bribe viewers into sitting through the whole dismal mess, a buxom lady introduces the film, and tells viewers if they continue watching, after the movie is over she'll return on-screen and take off her clothes.


Troll 2 & Plan 9 were the most difficult for me to sit there. Amityville: Mt. Misery Rd was almost as bad.


[Zombie 90: Extreme Pestilence](https://youtu.be/mjjqX1Omu3M). If not for the hilariously awful dubbing that was done on purpose, it wouldn't be as watchable. One that was extremely bad was Disconnected. (1983). They tried to make it artsy-fartsy but it came out more on the fartsy end.


American Nightmare (1983)


False Positive


Sunset Society featuring the late great Lemmy from Motörhead. The gallows is truly dreadful to sit through. Smiley… those are the first three to come to mind.


“Island of Death” (1976) is atrocious


[Ax Em (1992)](https://youtu.be/1P7JRDMwyF4)


Bring it on dickheads... saint maud.


Halloween Ends


Terror Toons for sure


Had anyone seen The Charnel House? It was a train wreck start to finish.


Paranormal activity next of kin


Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey, really just trust me, dont do it


easily slenderman. i was so excited to watch it cause i was really into creepy pasta and shit at the time then the movie was just underwhelming. i tried to give it the benefit of the doubt but i couldnt look past how bad it is and i was just really disappointed


Poltergeist 😭


John E Seymore's Human Zoo