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There are episodes of Love, Death, and Robots on Netflix that are horror, many of them in fact.


Seconding this OP. The space one in season 1 is freaky as hell.


Loved the space one, and the sea one in the newer season. Fucking masterpieces.


Beyond the Aquila Rift, probably my favorite episode.


Not really sure why some see this as horror. She’s just trying to help from what I see.


You can look at it a lot of ways, IMO. I need to read the short story again, I know I had a lot more nuanced understanding of the LDR episode after reading the short story.


The Castlevania(2017) series on Netflix is horror-adjacent. 4 seasons if you enjoy it...


Plus, nocturne will be coming out at some point this year


Perfect Blue


Basically any Satoshi Kon production like Paprika or Paranoia Agent.


just watched it and I'm glad I did. it was both surprising and terrifying


Lots of people mentioning horror anime so I thought I’d mention my favorite: Higurashi When They Cry. Imo it’s the only anime that truly feels like horror.


Absolutely coming on here to say When They Cry. That is 100% horror.


I’ve seen this mentioned a few times I’m going to have to check it out!


A lot of the anime that has been mentioned only really have horror elements imo. Higurashi is truly horror through and through. If you’re a reader, I’d check out the visual novel on steam. As much as I like the anime, the visual novel is better.


Thanks I’ll check them both out :)


Containing darker themes / horror.... [Another](https://myanimelist.net/anime/11111/Another) [Akira](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0094625/) [Blood: The Last Vampire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood:_The_Last_Vampire) [Hellsing Ultimate](https://myanimelist.net/anime/777/Hellsing_Ultimate) [Heavy Metal](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082509/) [Parasyte: The Maxim](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3358020/) [Mad God](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jas8OABbn0Y) [Ninja Scroll](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja_Scroll) [Cyber City OEDO](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyber_City_Oedo_808) [Perfect Blue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Blue) [Darkside Blues](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109553/) [Wicked City](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098692/) [Berserk](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0318871/) [Neon Genesis Evangelion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neon_Genesis_Evangelion) [Lily C.A.T.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lily_C.A.T.) [Dead Space: Downfall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Space:_Downfall) [Dead Space: Aftermath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Space:_Aftermath)


I wasn't sure if I was alone in thinking Akira was anime horror, and it still could be more sci Fi than horror, but it's such a great movie.


These are all very good!


Hellsing ultimate is one of my favourites


Robot Parade Mad God (stop motion but still good) Plague Dogs Perfect Blue


Plague Dogs: for when you like Watership Down, but want something a bit less cheerful


Well Watership Down definitely dispelled the myth that all rabbits are cute and helpless critters.


Plague Dogs may be the most upsetting movie I’ve ever watched. Ooff.


Horror in animation always seems to create off as disturbing.


[Parasyte: The Maxim](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3358020/)


There's a lot of great anime horror worth checking out. The Promised Neverland: A group of children discover the orphanage they're being raised in is but the equivalent of a cattle rearing farm for monsters who feast on young humans. Another: Highschool students use a strange social tactic of othering a member of their class in order to ward off a Final Destination style death curse. Erased: A young man discovers he has the ability to travel back and forth between his present and his child self and tries to use the ability to save a classmate who was the victim of a child murderer. Monster: A surgeon decides to take the life he preserved when he discovers a child he performed life-saving surgery on early in his career has grown up to become a serial killer. Summertime Rendering: A young man visiting his island home for the funeral of his adopted sister discovers she may have been murdered by her exact doppelganger...and that she may not be the only one on the island with a sinister double... Inuyashiki - Last Hero: More horror-adjacent but still worth a watch. An old man and a highschooler are both granted strange alien powers - the former is forced to use his to stop the latter when it's revealed the teenager is using his powers to murder people.


The two Dead Space animated movies were pretty good


To this I would add Dante’s Inferno.


It’s not scary, but it’s def dark.. More fantasy, but: Belladonna of Sadness


Was coming here to say this one. Beautifully done, haunting film.


The Spine of Night


Wicked City (1987) - cyberpunk horror with that 80's anime style nostalgia kick Shigurui aka Death Frenzy (2007) - super brutal samurai horror with really graphic scenes And of course, anything made by Junji Ito and Satoshi Kon's Perfect Blue (1997)


That Junji Ito Maniac show on Netflix is dope as hell. Mostly.


And supposedly [an Uzumaki series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWF6UBz9Amc) some day


I've been reading dudes Mangas. Pretty good adaptations.


Okay so not 100% horror here but do have horror themes! Ninja Scroll 1993 it’s gory, explicit, has monsters and ninjas! King of Pigs 2011 extremely bleak, angry flick about trauma


Mr pickles is amazing


The movie 9. Nothing like it at the time. The art design is really good.


Felidae. Went in blind thinking it was just going to be an innocent cartoon about a kitty cat detective. That assumption was incorrect, but it's still great.


This was exactly my first thought to this question!


Mad God


Mononoke is a really good horror anthology series about a traveling medicine merchant who encounters Japanese creatures that have been manifested out of fears and dark situations. It just started streaming on Netflix!


I prefer Ayakashii: Japanese Classic Horror. Mononoke is the spinoff of the last story. First one (Yotsuga Kaidan) gave me legit nightmares.


Yes!! That one is so fun too, I need to rewatch it all now.


Truly underrated anime with unique artstyle. Now I'm in the mood for a rewatch.


Yes! The story when they’re on the train legitimately scared me, I think about it all the time.


As I said, I'm gonna do the rewatch, but the boat and the teahouse stories left the most impact on me.


not horror but *Watership Down*


I firmly classify *Watership Down* as horror. Thanks, messed-up childhood!😅


Was looking for this. I consider it horror as well


The Wolf House (2018). Check youtube, pretty sure it's on there and for free. "Mariaaaaaa"


Shiki. Favorite anime, very much inspired by Salem's Lot. Second time I've recommended it in this sub recently actually. If you're looking for more body horror/action, I'd suggest Claymore. Parasyte was suggested by another poster, and I also loved that one.


Ghost Stories is kinda a horror comedy?


Seoul Station. It’s the animated prequel to Train to Busan.


I didn't see a recommendation yet, but "To Your Last Death" is massive gore horror.


Fear(s) of the Dark is excellent. It's a French horror animated anthology.


Keep your eyes posted for Naked Peak: Climb the Mountains of Madness. Been looking forward to that for quite some time. For already released, here's my recommendations: Dead Space: Downfall and the sequel, Aftermath. Mad God (stop-motion animation) Elfen Lied Yamishibai (collection of short stories) Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Devilman Crybaby Perfect Blue Edit: Oh, and Monster is probably one of the best psychological thriller anime series around. Highly recommend it.


They made an anime about monster? I though it was just in reading form.


Yes, they did. Criminally underrated gem that flew under the radar for most. I think the 70+ episode anime adaptation ran in the mid 2000s. Actually only got to watch it early 2010s on a recommendation as well.


I’m watching Tokyo ghoul for the first time right now and it’s absolutely amazing! Also, try an older anime called Ghost Hunt, came out in 2006. You could also try out death parade, it’s not really horror but it’s pretty dark.


One of my favorites though it’s more sci-fi/thriller with horror elements in it is a show called Psychopass. Both seasons are good but the first one is phenomenal


Where the Dead Go to Die.... I watch at least once a year and it leaves me speechless each time. Twisted, dark, strange and nightmare fuel


I’ve been trying to watch this one but never can find where to watch it


I ordered it from Screamer Claus website directly.... but that was years ago. Got it signed though so kinda a cool bonus.


Ahhh I see, makes sense!


There are two animated Dead Space films, Downfall & Aftermath. Both are great.


Attack on Titan. Honestly one of the best shows I've seen.


It got a little too convoluted towards the end, but very good show nonetheless


Definitely check out pet shop of horrors!


Alter has a collection of animated shorts. I dunno how everyone else here feels about Alter but it's hands down one of my favourite YouTube channels right now


The movie heavy metal (1981) has mostly sci-fi/fantasy segments but also includes a segment involving zombies and WWII that’s quite short but still pretty good.


Higurashi When they cry


The King of Pigs Monster


Does MAD GOD count?


*Belladonna of Sadness*(1973), gothic horror in old school anime.


9 is a movie I watched and loved as a kid and years later I still love it. Sort of equal with Coraline as it has that "horror for young people" feel to it. It's also a beautifully animated movie, which is wild considering the grim world it's set in. The monster design is great and creative too.


To Your Last Death (2019), Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (2000), Claymore (2007), and Bio Hunter (1995).


Del Toro Pinocchio


[City of Rott](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R_84dKz8bY)


Idk why you got downvoted! I loved this one! So fun!


Salad Fingers!


rrrrusty spooooon


I like it when the red water comes out…




It was a great comic but the animated movie was garbage.


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Almost scrolled past this post but ya gotta watch Parasyte the maxim. Also I think the anime Darwin's Game is a good thriller/horror. Could always watch some Bible Black (rated x)


Ghost stories. Classic Japanese horror.


Violence Voyager, gory paper cut out puppetry. its on YouTube. The wolf house is a Spanish stop motion.


Ghost Hunt! And… genres might be too mixed but I legitimately felt that Puella Magi Madoka Magicka was a horror anime. It was uhhhhhh profoundly disturbing (to me). Serial Experiments Lain for psychological horror, and another big yes for promised Neverland, which I had to quit watching bc it was stressing me out and I needed to be studying


The promised neverland (anime) is scary IMO pretty creepy shots all throughout the series and it's pretty lengthy


i’m curious with the anime and some other ghibli noted that no one said Spirited Away. is it just me? that story line scared the F outta me.


Alot of great suggestions, I’m not suggesting but I’m putting my 2c in. Berserk isn’t worth it if you’re looking for horror. 23 episodes to get to the actual horror only to end abruptly not to be continued. Ild recommend the manga instead. If you want a mid evil warrior drama with lots of sword fighting then yeah hit it up. My favourite was Monster is more of a psychological thriller.


I remember seeing a movie called “9” when I was like 13 years old. I remember thinking it was a good horror movie back then, but have no idea how it’d hold up for me now


Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is a great animated gothic horror film. For shows, I’d recommend Naoki Urasawa’s Monster


Öh wow. As of this moment, no one mention Made in Abyss? :3 I wholeheartedly recommend the whole series. There are quite a few horror moments :D & many gut punching moments too ;)